
Private Company

Gozoor Cultural Development

- Private Company, the number of staff 10 & 1 partner. - 90,000 EP. - Self-financing. - Documentary (Republic of Egypt), Egyptian Fashion School, TV Show,organizing four workshops about international cultural heritage under the title ' Getting acquainted with different...
Non-Governmental Organization

Hawaa Future Development

• The Board structure: the society board composed of 7 members (4 women and 3 men). • The general assembly composed of 60members (27 males and 33 females). • The beneficiaries of the society activities: Females (73 %) - Males...
Non-Governmental Organization

Hemaiaa Centre for Supporting the defenders for human rights

يتكون مركز حمايه من رئيس مجلس اداره واربعة اعضاء مجلس اداره ومدير تنفيذى وعدد 3 باحثين و سكرتاريه ومحاسب المركز منظمة عضو بالمركز العربي الاوربي لحقوق الانسان والقانون الدولي .بالنرويج والذى هو ايضآ عضو بمؤسسة اناليندا وكذلك المركز هو عضو...
Non-Governmental Organization

Human Rights Association for Community Development in Assuit

- Structure of the organization: 1- Chairman 2- Executive Director 3- Coordinator 4- Accountant 5- Executive Secretary 6- Translator 7- Helper - Number of staff employed: 6 employees - Budgetary resources available in a year: 1- Membership Subscriptions 2- Donations...

Identity Crisis 101

Whether born Egyptian and raised abroad or raised in Egypt to bi-cultural parents, ‘halfies’ find themselves constantly afloat between two worlds.

Non-Governmental Organization

Intercultural Youth Dialogue Association (IYDA)

-IYDA consists of a board of directors that has 7 members, they are elected to serve in the association for 3 consecutive years, the method of selecting the board based on the general assembly that is held annually and is...
Non-Governmental Organization

International Development Support & Consulting

International Development Support & Consulting (IDSC) is a registered development consultancy (number 24851) based in Cairo. Established on 28/5/2007, IDSC has provided creative solutions to developmental challenges in the field of health, economic development, gender, women rights, child labor and...
Non-Governmental Organization

Jesuits and Brothers Association for Development

The Jesuits’ and Brothers’ Association for Development (JBA) works in the field to empower the poor and underprivileged in rural and urban areas. The Association also takes interest in qualifying the staff in order to help them build creative capabilities...