
The Danish Agency for Culture

National Network

H.C. Andersens Boulevard 2
København V

+45 3373 33 73
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Lone Ravn
Job Title
Head of International Coordination
Head of the organisation
Anne Mette Rahbæk

The Danish Arts Agency

National Network

Kongens Nytorv 3
1050 Copenhagen K

+45 33 74 50 20
Telephone (other)
+45 33 74 49 04
+45 33 74 45 45
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Danish Arts Agency is an administrative unit under the Danish Ministry of Culture. It currently has ca. 60 employees with an annual budget of ca. 810 mio. DKK. Funding is obtained from the Ministry of Culture. The Agency consists of five centres: The Secretariat of the Chief Executive, The Literature Centre, The Music Centre, The Visual Arts Centre, and the Centre for Performing Arts. The Agency administers the financial support provided for artists and artistic activities by the Danish state, which is mainly granted by the Danish Arts Council and the Danish Arts Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

The Danish Arts Agency shall promote Danish art by:
- providing The Danish Arts Foundation and the Danish Arts Council with administrative services;
- coordinating and operating Denmark’s international cultural exchange;
- solving tasks within the cultural field for The Ministry of Culture

Main Projects / Activities

The Danish Arts Agency operates the international cultural exchange programmes of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and facilitates continuous cultural exchange between Denmark and foreign countries in the field of literature, music, performing arts and visual arts.
The Agency implements the international cultural policy of the two ministries, and is charged with preparing strategic plans, initiating cultural exchange programs and participating in foreign cultural events, state visits, etc. This involves all the main players in the two ministries, as well as coordination with the international activities of regional and local governments, tourist organisations, businesses, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Lone Ravn, Head of International Coordination
Head of the organisation
Mr. Poul Bache
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Brian Valbjørn Sørensen, Consultant, International Coordination

The Danish National Commission for UNESCO

National Network

Vester Voldgade 123, 4
1552 Copenhagen V

+45 3392 5216
Telephone (other)
+45 3392 5413
+45 3392 5492
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+45 2013 5215
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
1. The National Commission consists of the following bodies: The General Assembly, which meets at least four times a year, the Executive Committee, four Sub-Committees dealing with: Education, Science, Culture and Communication. The Secretariat employs four persons. 2. Approximately 0,3 mio. DKK for NC-activities in Denmark 3. The Danish Ministry of Education. 4. Seminars and hearings 5. Various partners
Mission and Objectives

The aims of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO are to • promote the work of UNESCO in Denmark, • advise the Danish Government on UNESCO questions, • advise the Danish Delegation to the General Conference of UNESCO and • act as an intermediary between UNESCO and Danish authorities, institutions and organisations within the areas of education, science, culture and communication. • The National Commission may also independently express its own views on UNESCO matters in public.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to promote the work of UNESCO in Denmark, the National Commission shall: 1) disseminate knowledge of and stimulate interest in UNESCO’s programme and work through its own information work and in co-operation with other involved organisations; 2) co-operate with Danish organisations within UNESCO’s areas of competence, with particular reference to mutual information and consultancy; 3) maintain a close co-operation with involved ministries and agencies, the Danish Permanent Delegation to UNESCO and the national commissions of other countries, including in particular those of the other Nordic countries; 4) make statements about UNESCO’s activities, including proposals received from UNESCO regarding the organisation’s programme and budget etc.; 5) provide information about UNESCO’s General Conference, Executive Board, international meetings and decisions of the National Commission; 6) take other initiatives to promote the purpose of the National Commission’s activities, including any initiatives necessary to implement various decisions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jens Dalsgaard
Head of the organisation
Jens Dalsgaard
Contact (2) Full Name
Susan Parwini
Job Title (2)
Fuldmægtig - Ministeriet for Børn, Undervisning og Ligestilling

The National Innovative Centre of general Education

National Network

Islevgård Allé 5, 2610

44 91 46 46
44 91 41 40
E-Mail (2)
Year of Establishment
General Information
1. Thirty Employees 2. Fourteen Million Danish Kr. 3. The Ministry of Education 4. Please consult the English version of our website. Look for instance at Newsletters 5. Again please look at the website- see samarbejdspartnere to find a list of our national and international partners
Contact (1) Full Name
Carsten Skjoldborg
Head of the organisation
Poul Erik Christoffersen
Contact (2) Full Name
Torben Ulrik Nissen

Transition World

National Network

Humlevænget 3
3250 Gilleleje

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Transition World is co-founded by a group of 7 people who individually represent or have access to large international networks: Bente Milton is an internationally acclaimed media producer. Nelson del Rio is founder of Prosperity of the Commons and advisor to the UN. Ervin Laszlo is founder of The Club of Budapest. Jens Krogh Petersen is partner at the Danish Law firm Lett. Edit Moltke Leth is master of psycology and organization. Lars Lundbye is expert in innovation and business development. Karen Blincoe is chairman of Chora Connection and founder of the International Centre for Innovation and Sustainability (ICIS)   Transition World has received DKK 500.000 in development funding from Gribskov Municipality and the budgetary resources the past year has been around 1,5 million DKK including investments made by the co-founders. Among the main partners involved in the organizations activities are: The Club of Budapest, Chora Connection, 17Goals  and The Goi Peace Foundation. 
Mission and Objectives

Transition world is a powerful new approach to dealing with the profound challenges we face today. It’s a platform that brings together international organizations, civil society groups, business enterprises, and public institutions ready to seize the opportunity for creating a real and sustainable transition towards a more humane, equitable, and flourishing world.
Our approach is to work on 3 different levels simultaneously in order to evoke:
1) Personal transformation – promoting a new worldview that recognizes our basic interconnectedness and interdependence and promotes the flourishing of life on planet Earth in all its magnificent forms.
2) Local transformation – developing successful small-scale, local sustainability projects and new, evolving technologies that can be made into successful mainstream initiatives.
3) Global transformation – catalysing strong and sustainable partnerships among people, communities, governments, NGO’s and businesses on a global scale.
Our collaborating partners are united in the realization that we need to connect, communicate, and collaborate – to share ideas and resources – if we are to be successful in co-creating viable long-term, workable solutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Transition World has in the past year produced one local and two international events -  including our launch event at Kronborg Castle in May last year. Highlights from the launch event can be screened on this link: http://transitionworld.org/videos/
The organization is presently involved in the development of several new educational initiatives in collaboration with national and international partners and we are planning a high profile international event in connection with the International Peace Day on 21 September 2016. (See the attached introduction) 
For more information please contact Bente Milton. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through organizing conferences, events and educational initiatives alligned with the vision and mission of The Anna Lindh Foundation. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because there seems to be a lot of synergy potential to explore. Especially in connection with the upcoming September event. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Bente Milton
Job Title
Co-founder and CEO
Head of the organisation
Bente Milton
Contact (2) Full Name
Nelson del Rio
Job Title (2)
Co-founder and Chairman of the board

Ung i Gladsaxe - UNiG

National Network

Telefonvej 8, 2860 Søborg, Danmark
2860 Gladsaxe

+45 29 28 75 57
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Ung i Gladsaxe is also known as “UNiG” which translated into English, means “Young in Gladsaxe Community”. It is a project run by the community of Gladsaxe and involves youngsters from the age of 13 to 29. In Gladsaxe we’ve got six youth clubs situated in various places throughout the community. In the youth clubs there are hired and educated pedagogues, whose purpose is to make activities with the youngsters, such as playing table tennis, football, board games etc. as well as making sure that the youngsters are socially in balance. The youth clubs secure, that all young people in the community can find a place to interact with other youngsters, or talk to an adult about what's going on in their lives. In UNiG, we have created something called UNiGTravel. In UNiGTravel, we seek to promote intercultural communication and SDGs with all the youngsters. By arranging international tours with Erasmus+ trainings.

Mission and Objectives

- Include youth from different backgrounds residing in Gladsaxe Municipality by offering Entertainment, music, art, social, activities
- We want to inspire youngsters to travel abroad and engage in Intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Ung i Gladsaxe works on the basis of a community-creating and participation-oriented approach, where the focus is on creating dynamic youth environments that are based on young people' interests and needs, provide a safe environment and motivate for active participation, commitment and responsibility. It is our ambition to be visible resource-persons for young peoplewhere they are - not only in existing youth clubs, but also in the local area and the city's spaces. Ung i Gladsaxe is supposed to build a bridge between young people in primary and lower secondary schools, youth educations, municipal support initiatives, associations and cultural life. Based on a basic pedagogical relationship work, we aim to work, with focus on not doing activities for young people, but to do activities with young people, as well as trying to enable them to self-organize activities and projects. “Ung til ung” is an example of a project, where youngsters works with solidarity. More specifically, the project focuses on youngsters in the local community, to be more visible for the whole city, by making events for everyone. Events for young people, elderly and people from all kind of cultures, as it is an intercultural group. These events include making and eating dinner together, going to the theatre, going to concerts etc. What are the skills and expertise of key staff/persons

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute in the events and discussions about youth inclusion, further, we can host some activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because UNiG and ALF has the same values and mission of promoting intercultural dialogue between youth. Additionally, making networking between organizations to work collaboratively will help us in having more impact.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Raed Nazmi Asad
Job Title
Project Manager, Ung i Gladsaxe - UNiG
Head of the organisation
Brian Brønd

Upstream Stories

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Upstream Stories is an NGO and non for profit organisation focused on promoting participatory media for intercultural dialogue and social inclusion. We are established by an experienced group of trainers and youth workers working internationally.  The main methodological basis for all our projects consists of two particiaptory media methods: digital storytelling and participatory photography.  We use both of the methods to work directly with our main target groups, which are people at risk of social exclusion and discrimination due to varius factors, such as migration background, disabilities, or limited access to education. We also promote participatory media methods by training multipliers (youth workers, educators, teachers).  Upstream Stories has 4 permanent board members and more than 10 facilitators who work as freelancers. All of our staff members and collaborators are based either in the EU or Eastern Partnership countries.  The everage yearly budget of Upstream Stories is 30.000 EUR, most of our activities are funded by the Erasmus+ program by the European commission.  As for partners, we work mainly with other culture or education oriented NGOs from across Europe and local authorities and public instititutions in the countries our activities take place. 
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Upstream Stories is to use participatory media to offer voice to underprivileged groups and individuals and by doing so to promote understanding and intercultural dialogue.
1.Empowering people at risk of exclusion through giving them opportunities to express themselves using means and methods of participatory media;
2. Providing events and workshops aiming at enhancing participants’ creativity, self-reflection, critical thinking and making their personal stories heard, as well as upgrading their IT and communication skills;
3. Promoting social inclusion and dialogue, especially across social and cultural differences;
4. Creating educational content and providing training for trainers aiming at promoting participatory media as a way for empowerment.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects and activities:
- Local and international workshops based on participatory media (mainly digital storytelling and participatory photography) addressed to people at risk of exclusion (migrants, refugees, homeless, people living in deprived areas, people with disabilities and others);
- Facilitators’ workshops aiming at equipping civil society activists with the aforementioned methods;
- Development of educational curricula and publications promoting participatory media;
- Board meeting once a month;
All the activities implemented by Upstream Stories are based on money from the donors and do not require entry fee from participants in order to provide inclusion for people with limited financial resources.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe our expertise in the participatory media and working with vulnerable social groups could be a valuable countribution to the Network in Denmark.  We have regular calls for Danish participants to join both local and international workshops on digital storytelling and participatory photography - taking part in these activities could be beneficial for the Network members. By cooperating with us, they could gain access to all the educational materials and resources on particiaptory media methods we have developed. In the future we could also organize a trainign or seminar on the methods we use that would be exclusively addressed to the local Network members. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network to gain valuable professional connections for future projects, both in Denmark and abroad. We see the variety of the Netowrk members as a great chance for us to gain new resources, exchange experiences, and therefore increase our professional capacities as an NGO. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Signe Sander
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Signe Sander
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarzyna Kowalska
Job Title (2)

Vitus Bering Teatret (Vitus Bering Teatret)

National Network

Forhåbningsholms Allé 11A, 1.th
Frederiksberg C

+ 45 40 84 12 40
+45 33 24 63 75
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Sejer Andersen (skuespiller, direktør)
Job Title
Actor and director
Head of the organisation
Sejer Andersen

Voice by Voice

National Network

Søndre Fasanvej 67, 4.
2000 Frederiksberg

+45 30690147
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+45 30690147
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
Voice by Voice is a grassroots organization, non-profit, non-religious, non-political, led by a team of 6 persons (1 Danish, 1 German, 2 Israelis, 2 Palestinians). The structure is not yet formalized legally. So far no funds. Our aim and project is to video interview people about personal experiences in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, presented on our website. In relation to this: workshops in Israel and Palestine. The following organization have expressed partnership (in the process of being documented): Holy Land Trust, Bethlehem. So far all is built from voluntary work, no employees. We hope to be able to employ a part time daily leader in 2014, and to pay a small salary for the production of each video clip.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to contribute to transparency in the conflict in Israel and Palestine, by holding a space for personal experiences of the conflict. Much of the available information on the conflict is about dramatic events, solutions and politics, whereas we aim to provide personal information. From this information, we trust that understanding and a sense of community will emerge, and from that common solutions towards sustainable peace in the region. To support the persons telling their story, and our whole work in the project, we use Nonviolent Communication. Our aim is to add video to video and hold the space for more and more voices, until enough understanding and community is generated.

Main Projects / Activities

Our team of 6 persons make video interviews with people who are influenced by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. An interview usually takes 2 hours. It can be people who have contacted us through our website or have otherwise heard about the project, or it can be people that WE ask to share a personal experience related to the conflict. The interview is edited to a 5 min.s video clip and published on our website. In this way a forum for sharing personal consequences of the conflict system is held, for stories to inspire stories, especially in the non-blaming way they are told with Nonviolent Communication. On the website, people can comment on the videos. So far we have 13 video clips on our site, the 14th is on the way. A further prospect is to have the website and all video clips subtitled in English, Arabic and Hebrew, to ensure equal language access to the material (so far all is in English only). http://voice-by-voice.org. Please see attached budget for planned activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have been uncertain about where to apply for membership. We want to stay both-sided in the conflict, so we don't want to only join a network in either Israel or Palestine. Since it seems we can't choose both, we have chosen Denmark. We are aware that our field of work is not directly in Denmark (although the conflict is worldwide), only when it comes to addressing Danish interest in peace building, human rights and democratic development in the Middle East and playing a leading role in that, but also a Danish interest in mere cultural exchange. NB: We have asked the ALF office (by email) what network to apply to, but have received no answer yet.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network to get access to inspiration, partnership and funding. We reckon that there might very well be similar projects and activities and we want to get to the synergy of sharing ideas. Voice by Voice is a new project and organization and we have much to learn in building our organization and project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter Ulrik Jensen
Head of the organisation
Peter Ulrik Jensen

Women's Voices & Food for Thought: Food as a bridge to generate change

Dr. Abdel's inspirational talk at Food for Thought

On the occasion of International Women's Day, on March 8th 2022 14:00-17:00 CET, Crossing Borders, as part of their work as Head of Danish ALF Network, will host a Food for Thought session dedicated to Women's Voices.

The event will take place at Studenterhuset (Købmagergade 52, Copenhagen) and will count on the presence of different pioneering women from the EuroMed region such as singer and spoken word artist Pearl Cutten, drum performer Simona Abdallah, TEDx speaker Nora Al Bitar, artist and spoken word poet Sarah Diallo, and ALF Danish Network’s focal point Alba Navas. While the voices of these women are heard, One Bowl community kitchen and Syrian chef Zaki Abbara will cook a delicious meal that all attendees will share.

Food for Thought is a series of events that enable people to be inspired by each other's life experiences through storytelling in a stimulating and inclusive environment, while enjoying multicultural dinners. These events have proven their power to bring people together and create room for conversation across cultures and points of view. As part of the series, previous sessions have taken place in February and early March focusing on migration and on genuine youth inclusion in their societies’ development.