
Ea Arnoldi

National Network

Skt. Hans Gade 26A, 4TV
2200 Copenhagen N

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Competent cultural anthropologist, skilled project manager and experienced fundraiser. Driven to work for intercultural understanding and universal human rights. Specialties: - Applied anthropology. - Co-creation. - Qualitative hands-on work and collaborative training. Causes: - Human rights. - Civil society organizations. - Integration. - Conflict Resolution.
Mission and Objectives

Eager to contribute to non-governmental organizations and institutional development, to expand my teaching skills and to contribute to a better understanding of the Middle Eastern region.
- Create insight and change.
- Bridging diversity for a new 'we'.
- Co-designing services and society.

Main Projects / Activities

Contributing to W4SG Denmark, while personally developing a mentor network for marginalized youngsters in Denmark and conducting research on subjects in the interplay of scandinavia and the middle east.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through my skills as a researcher and entrepreneur, in addition to my personal engagement and energi committed to the causes of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To work with likeminded in a more focused manner and to participate in a network committed to knowledge, discussions and intercultural meetings.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ea Arnoldi
Job Title
Cant.Scient. Anth.
Head of the organisation
Ea Arnoldi


Analysing Includate communities

INCLUDATE (Educating for Inclusion) is an initiative developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme.

The purpose of INCLUDATE is to actively support inclusion and diversity. The project's objectives and outcomes are specifically geared towards fostering the inclusion of individuals facing greater challenges, particularly migrants who experience intersectional marginalization due to a combination of ethnic discrimination and socio-economic disadvantages.

The project recognizes the necessity for capacity building to empower migrant associations to actively participate in inclusion and diversity strategies. This encompasses all stages from initiation and needs assessment to action planning and coalition building, ensuring effective implementation. Effective communication and collaboration among local municipalities, migrant residents, and migrant associations demand intercultural competencies and methods tailored to the target group, both from public policy-making bodies and migrant associations.

One of the project outcomes is the Includate E-book called “INCLUDATE COMMUNITIES: Local needs for inclusion & diversity” – The ebook shows the result of the Community Mapping, Community Reporting, and Conversations of Change activities implemented in the 5 local areas of INCLUDATE (Budapest, Gdynia, Palermo, Berlin and Copenhagen). The aim of this process and the book is to map and analyze the structure of local communities, the role of migrant groups within the local society, and the specific needs, capacities, expectations, and challenges these groups face when living in the local areas. The ebook is an interactive tool: videos, visual elements, and interactive maps will be embedded into it; it will receive the ISBN number of the German National Library.

Crossing Borders, Head of the Danish network of the ALF is a member of the consortium and an implementing partner.

Read more about Includate and explore the E-book here: https://www.includateproject.eu/activities-results/ 

Empowering Marginalized Youth through Storytelling: The CONTINUE Project’s Case Study

The power of Storytelling

In a significant milestone for the CONTINUE project, Crossing Borders, ALF Denmark Head of Network, has unveiled the much anticipated case study handbook. CONTINUE will support young people suffering from social exclusion to tackle the specific challenges of post-COVID times in terms of staying connected and integrated into European communities. For youth on the margins of society, COVID emergency raised multiple complications such as:increase of their financial, material and health related vulnerabilities; loss of their existing connections to the institutions, social care system, job opportunities & decrease of their chances of social integration; lack of some basic skills and capacities in digital communication cutting them from their social, educational and economic connections.

CONTINUE intends to: understand the main difficulties of marginalised youth during COVID-19 and their vision about the main challenges of post-COVID times. · create a digital framework for supporting a smooth transfer from offline to online exchanges between young people, youth organisations and governance structures· foster capacity building for young people to deliver local social actions, enhance dialogue between stakeholders, policy makers and youth and improve relevant policy. CONTINUE will directly involve young people with migrant and other marginal backgrounds to enhance the interaction between individuals, their communities and the pan-European levels.

The main outcomes will be:

1.Community Reporting insights and curated results presenting the problems of young people from their perspective

2. Local and pan European participatory and co-design events for discussing needs, local actions, policy recommendations

3. Local social actions implemented by the youth

4. Pan-European policy recommendations

5. CONTINUE online platform will be created for sharing tools, exchanges and learningCONTINUE will be realised by a Consortium working with marginal youth groups, experienced in youth education, community-based activities and co-created policy recommendations.


READ MORE HERE: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/624723-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA3-EU-YTH-TOG 

Estonian Network visit Denmark

Estonia Network visit Denmark

The Danish Anna Lindh Network was glad to host colleagues from the ALF Network in Estonia. Composed of  4 persons representing 4 network members of ALF Estonia, the colleagues visited Copenhagen on 13-16 September 2023.

The purpose of the visit was to share experience and good practice. The preparation for this visit took place online through three online meetings according to the wishes of the Estonian colleagues as to the Danish members they would like to meet. On that basis, we implemented the following programme:

On 14 September in the morning, the guests visited and had exchange with Jambatan’s (Bridge in Malay) leader Amir Amir Szainorin. Amir shared with them about Jambatan’s annual festival Stateless Mind. Stateless Mind is an interdisciplinary artist platform founded by the association Jambatan. The first Festival was held in Copenhagen in 2019 and has since become an annual event with a growing interest and larger participation from both artists and audiences. The guests were very happy to visit Jambatan and hear about its work.

In the evening, the gusts joined the Food for Thought storytelling event with Nobel Laurate Morten Meldal who talked about his journey in chemistry studies and research to winning the Nobel Prize. His message was that Chemistry is everything and thus we could use it to tackle many of the current global challenges the world is facing. The event was attended by some 70 people from over 40 countries. It was spiced up with dinner prepared by Syrian immigrant women. The following day, the Estonian guests shared that they left the event feeling happy and optimistic.

The following day on 15 September, we had two items on the program. The first took place in the worming at Crossing Borders during which the partners shared information about their respective organisations and their works. Then we had Jakob Erle from the International Academy for Education and Democracy. Jakob shared about the history and activities of the academy and its link with UNESCO and work on the UN Global Goals as well as his experience as nonformal educator and former director of the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute in Cairo.

In the afternoon, the group headed to Pen International office in Copenhagen. The Estonian colleagues were welcomed by the Pen Denmark leader Mille Rode. After a round of presentations of the members, Mille told us about the work they do to support writers to carry out their important work. According to her, the work to protect and support writers has become more urgent in tandem with the shrinking of freedom of expression across the world including Denmark.  

The program of the day concluded with a visit to Fristaden Christiania, a former military base turned community and commune at the heart of Copenhagen.

Ethnic Debate Forum/ Jewish Muslim Platform

National Network

Nyelandsvey 53
2000 Frederiksberg

0045 38881977
oo45 388881977
Mobile Phone
0045 40 15 47 71
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information
EDF is an organisation which was established in 1992 to work with the rights of ethnic and religious minorities in Denmark. It has evolved in to a strong defender of human rights, for inter-cultural living, co-operation between Jewish and Muslim communities and working to enhance integration process of minorities in Denmark. EDF has also co-partnership with various NGOs in EU who are involved in projects. It has a democratic structure with a board of decision makers, treasurer, many volunteers and helpers. Since we are working both in Denmark and in EU, our financial sources are; lectures and consultation fee seminars arrangements contribution by articles in the media sale of books and other publications project contributions donations membership fee Income varies from year to year and is between forty to fifty thousands kroners
Mission and Objectives

Ethnic Debate Forum is one of the most active organisations in Denmark working against racism and discrimination, socio-cultural work and media analysis. It is working to co-ordinate and strengthen anti racist work in Denmark. Members differ, ethnically, nationally, politically, religiously and professionally. They come from different parts of the world and are dedicated to the cause of harmonious relations between different groups. ?
Ethnic Debate Forum does lobby work, with the parliament, political parties, and grassroots anti racist organisations and solidarity NGOs. It gives out reports, distributes useful information, and holds conferences, seminars and debates on issues affecting the society. It takes part in media discussions and works very closely with similar ethnic minority and solidarity organisations in Denmark and abroad. It sends out teams of lecturers to schools, colleges and other institutions of learning.

Main Projects / Activities

Ethnic Debate Forum has established a good working relationship with different anti-discriminatory organisations in U.K, Germany, France, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Sweden and Portugal. For the past many years, Ethnic Debate Forum has been highly appreciated for its lecture contributions and provision of factual data at various international conferences. It is also in partnership with many inter-faith and inter-cultural projects, in Denmark, EU and internationally, for example, in Israel, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Cyprus.
Media diversity – 1999 – 2005 - Holland
INTI project – Pesero Municipality – 2005 – 2007 - Italy
Intercultural work – Friendship Village – 2005 - Israel
Citizenship – 2005 - 2007– Cyprus
NILE - Adult education – 2006-2008 - Germany
Inter-faith training – – 2006-2008 - CEJI Belgium
Islamophobia-Anti-Semitism – 2008 – Belgium
Jewish uslim Co-operation Platform- 2006 -
European Network Against Racism - 2001 -
Alter Ego – UNIK – 2008 - Belgium

Contact (1) Full Name
Bashy Quraishy
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Nadim Nielsen

European Civil Resource Center Denmark

National Network

Gottrupvej 92
9690 Fjerritslev

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The European Civil Resource Center Denmark is an independent resource center for European questions aiming at and functioning based on “partnerships” as instruments for establishment of trust and self-confidence within the citizens; that will help with the solving of concrete problems; that will educate, connect organizations with similar activities and serve as an “information portal”. The European Civil Resource Center is an independent virtual and real center for citizens and NGOs that presents information and expert reports on European issues with stress on the “Europe for citizens” program and help with the building of partnerships for joint realization of campaigns of common interest.
Mission and Objectives

The European Civil Resource Center Denmark is an independent resource center for European questions aiming at and functioning based on “partnerships” as instruments for establishment of trust and self-confidence within the citizens; that will help with the solving of concrete problems; that will educate, connect organizations with similar activities and serve as an “information portal”. The European Civil Resource Center Denmark is an independent virtual and real center for citizens and NGOs that presents information and expert reports on European issues with stress on the “Europe for Citizens” Programme and helps with the building of partnerships for joint realization of campaigns of common interest.
Supports the development of a civil sphere by stimulating the dialogue in the society for finding mutual solutions of important problems;
Helps the citizens to use the instruments for civil participation on European level and overcome the information deficit;
Helps the citizens and NGOs to effectively participate in the processes of policy-making and application of their own rights as European citizens by addressing the information deficit and building partnerships on local and European level.
The center motivates and supports civil participation in European issues, builds a capacity (skills and knowledge) in that direction, and works for the improvement of the conditions for civil participation in the country and on European level through the methods and techniques of the “Europe for Citizens” Programme and other related programs and initiatives:
Supports the development of the civil sphere by stimulating dialogue in the society for finding mutual solutions of important problems;
Helps the citizens to use the instruments for civil participation on European level and overcomes the information deficit;
Helps the citizens and NGOs to effectively participate in the processes of policy-making and application of their own rights as European citizens by addressing the information deficit and building partnerships on local and European level.
The goal of the center is to foster the development of an environment that will stimulate the increase of civil participation on national and European level by increasing the civil organizations’ capacities and establishing effective civil society infrastructures. The specific aim of the center is to create Civil Resource Center networks that will gradually develop into a common European Civil Resource Center. They will have the characteristics of a civil resource center on European matters, assisting the processes of civil capacity building for effective participation in the European policy-making processes.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects of ECRC DK a related to developing european projects, based on intercultural exchanges, intercultural dialogue and communication, promotion of human rights and promotion of quality standards in education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

First, we want to develop several national campaigns / projects, related to human rights and related to intercultural dialogue. Trough developing this campaigns / projects within the network, we consider it will increase the level of awareness related to human rights and intercultural dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network because we share the same vision related to human rights, related to the importance of intercultural dialogue and intercultural communication and we want to be part of a process and structure that is already developed in order to strenghten our vision and mission and in order to develop our organisation in the field of intercultural communication and human rights promotion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gheorghe Petrus
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Gheorghe Petrus


National Network

Blågårdsplads 5
2200 København N

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

En non-profit organisation etableret i 2018, I Finjan synes vi, at vi ser hinanden for lidt og ved for lidt om hinanden på tværs af kulturer. Nogle af de kulturer, som mange af os er novicer i, er de mellemøstlige, og det er ærgerligt, for de har så meget at byde på. Derfor arrangerer Finjan begivenheder, der omhandler mellemøstlig kultur, herunder litteratur, kunst, film, musik, mad og filosofi. Se hvilke events vi afholder, og læs mere om os på vores hjemmeside www.finjan.dk."

Mission and Objectives

Create a diverse and engaging cultural café experience for every person that steps into our space. Finjans mission er at fremme forståelse og forbindelse mellem mennesker, uanset deres baggrund – og specielt mellem mennesker med vestlig og mellemøstlig baggrund. Vi ønsker at skabe en platform hvor alle kan dele deres oplevelser og erfaringer, positive som negative, og deres kreativitet med et engageret publikum.

Main Projects / Activities

Finjan plans to continue and expand its Kulturcafe activities, also reaching out to communities outside Copenhagen. As a main rule, activities is taking place once a week every Monday, and will include: - Screenings of films/documentaries (Syrian Doc Days) www.syriandocdays.dk - Thematic panel/discussions - Communal dinner events - Bazaar events - Exhibition - Literature - Open mic - Music - Poetry

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Finjan Kulturcafé is excited to contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation in various ways. We will be more than happy to share our practices from our work over the past 5/6 years. We're more than happy to host ALF events at our café in Blaagaarden, organizing engaging workshops and panel discussions. We're also keen on actively participating in ALF's programs, attending events, conferences, and training sessions. This will allows us to gain new insights, connect with other organizations and contribute to discussions on intercultural dialogue. Collaborating on research projects. We will be happy to participate in any online forums, connect with fellow members and explore partnership opportunities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Finjan Kulturcafé is thrilled to be/come part of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF). We strongly believe in the power of dialogue, inclusiveness and cultural exchange, which align perfectly with ALF's mission. By joining (ALF), we'll hopefully have the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations, tap into their resources and broaden our network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agob Yacoub
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Agob Yacoub
Contact (2) Full Name
Assem Swaid
Job Title (2)

Folkekirkens Nødhjælp - Danchurch Aid

National Network

Nørregade 15, København K
Copenhagen K

+45 33 18 78 67
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
DCA’s head quarters is placed in Copenhagen with 3 smaller national offices. DCA has 12 regional offices abroad in Latin-America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The tasks of these offices are related to programme support, organizational assessment, partnership relations, liaisons with donors and networks and programme development. A broad network of more than 100,000 regular contributors enables DCA to respond rapidly to assist people in need. DCA has an established network of popular support and recognition, including nearly 4,000 volunteers, 120 second-hand shops and around 20,000 persons who assist in the annual door-to-door Parish collection campaign. DCA has a long-term framework agreement with Danida, a framework partnership agreement with the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) of the European Commission, and has implemented numerous contracts with the EuropeAid Co-operation Office and several UN agencies. Our implementing partners are CBOs and local NGOs in the more than 40 countries we support worldwide.
Mission and Objectives

Established in 1922, DanChurchAid (DCA) is today one of the major Danish humanitarian non governmental organisations (NGO), working with local partners, international networks, churches and non-religious civil organisations to assist the poorest of the poor. DanChurchAid's work abroad is focused on the poorest population groups in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Central America, and Central Asia & Eastern Europe. Aid is given regardless of race, creed, political or religious affiliation. DanChurchAid is a faith-based and ecumenical, non-missionary organisation rooted in the Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church. DanChurchAid carries out its work with the objective: To help and be advocates of oppressed, neglected and marginalised groups in poor countries and to strengthen their possibilities of a life in dignity.

Main Projects / Activities

DanChurchAid's international work is always based on an ongoing dialogue with local partners. DCA's international work is focused on five programme types, all linked to DanChurchAid's concept of diakonia and development principles. These five programmes are; the Right to food; Political space; HIV and AIDS; Humanitarian Assistance; and Humanitarian Mine Action. Furthermore we work with two cross-cutting policies of Gender equality and rights based focus. Advocacy is part and parcel of DanChurchAid's emergency and development aid. Sustainable development will not be achieved through aid alone. DanChurchAid is alert to the importance of overcoming the structural barriers obstructing the rights of poor, marginalised and oppressed population groups. DanChurchAid campaigns to make sure that the rich part of the world acknowledges its responsibility for a better distribution of wealth at the global level. The advocacy initiatives consist of lobby activities, media action, popular mobilisation, and alliance-building.

Contact (1) Full Name
Uffe Gjerding
Job Title
Global Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Birgitte Qvist-Sørensen

GAME Denmark

National Network

Enghavevej 82 D
København SV

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Simon Prahm
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Simon Prahm


National Network

Glentevej 70b
2400 Copenhagen

0045 52613714
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
GivRum is a non profit organisation with currently 8 staff (2 directors, 2 full time staff, 2 part time staff and 2 interns). Initial funding for the company came from RealDania, but now funding is on a project to project basis from a mixture of local authorities and private developers seeking to engage them in a project. The City Link project is funded annual between a mixture of public grants and private investment. GivRum is divided into three focus areas: Think Space, City Link and Use Space, all of which promote different aspects of user-driven urban development.  
Mission and Objectives

GivRum is a not-for-profit organization that works to promote user-driven urban development by engaging citizens in building their own city. Our goal is to empower citizens through knowledge sharing, cultural collaboration and community building. Each of our projects is oriented towards helping emerging creative communities to become catalysts for positive, sustainable and democratic city development.
GivRum is divided into three focus areas: Activating empty buildings and city space; conferences and festivals and research and consultancy- all of which promote different aspects of user-driven urban development because we envision a city where citizens' control how the city develops, all of GivRum's projects are made in co-creation with the users.
What Is User-Driven Urban Development?
User-driven urban development means that citizens both control how the city develops and are active participants in the development process. GivRum helps to facilitate user-driven urban development in a way that bring about tangible results, be it a new community space, an opportunity for cultural exchange, or filling an abandoned building with new users.
The changing nature of cities has left behind many disused buildings, fragmented
neighborhoods and a lack of creative vitality. Givl-Tum sees this as an opportunity to bring
people together in building the type of city they want to live in. We connect people and projects across cities (such as with City Link) and help to fill old buildings with new uses (for example, our Use Space project ‘PB/43’), among many other endeavors. Please read on for examples of specific projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Visit www.givrum.nu for our complete catalogue of our work
Method 1: Activating Empty Buildings and City Space
Empty buildings are an ideal opportunity to experiment with urban development. Here you can create a breeding ground for good communities through temporary activities. GivRum activates unused city space through a focus on community buidling. We invite the
various stakeholders of a city area to develop and create their own activities, helping to define the development of an urban space or building. Our aproach starts by mapping the resources present in a given area and trying to engage the stakeholders them in a co-creative process, where we jointly examine the needs and aspirations for the area. We act as a professional mediator, initiating these activities and enabling a smooth process. After a period of time we leave the urban space or building we have been working with, enabling the users who have taken responsibility for the site to take over.
Our ambition is to make vacant buildings widely available for alternative projects in urban
spaces. We believe that this may help to buildings and urban spaces being developed into
open and inspiring environments for people with good projects.
Key project examples:
From 2006 -1 2010, a 2,000 m2 former paint factory lay empty on Prags Boulevard 43 on the island of Amager, Copenhagen. The factory had once been home to Sadolin, but lay empty after production moved to Sweden following takeover by Akzo Nobel. The site, consisting of four empty buildings had now become an unnecessary expense for the owner with property taxes, supervision and maintenance costs taking time, money and attention. GivRum wanted to demonstrate that the old premises could create value for the owner of the buildings and at the same time enable culture to flourish in and around the city‘s empty and unused spaces.
The factory resumed its production in the summer of 2010, after GivRum contacted the owner and secured permission to have free access to the buildings for a 2-year period. This time it was not, however, lacquer and paint that was fabricated on the old industrial area. instead, it was producing and creating everything from motorcycles to skis and furniture, hosting circus performances and growning organic vegetables -—- all as a tribute to art, knowledge and ideas, which would benefit the local area and the city as a whole.
GivRum started to invite artists and creatives who were in need of space to use the building.
The buildings were filled up in less than half a year over 30 different leases - studios, galleries, offices, urban gardens, venues and record labels to name a few. There were over 100 daily users. This resulted in a user-driven community, working continuously over a two-year period who were entrusted with responsibility for the operation of the site. By the end of 2012 (GivRum formally handed over the site to users, after negotiating a new three-year contract with the owners. GivRum initiated a self-organised and self-financed working community that could maintain this site, contributed towrds the Copenhagen strategy for a creative and diverse city and help to create cheap and flexible leases centrally in Copenhagen.
After a five year programme of various activities, Frags Boulevard 43 cemented itself as a key player in Copenhagens cultural scene. The building was recently sold to an American
investment firm to be used as storage, however the cultural community that was established here are undeterred and have since moved to a new site in the north of Copenhagen where they remain a resilient community.
Method 2: Conferences and Festivals
Givlium creates a focus for specific issues in urban development by gathering a network of
professionals to share projects and inspirations through conference and festival formats at
various scales. The aim is to promote and elevate knowledge on bottom up and grassroots
driven projects within a professional format, which may help to kick start a development
through meetings and networks. The conferences and festival formats help to break down
boundaries between municipal, private and local actors.
Key project examples:
Think Space
Think Space is the branch of Givrum.nu dedicated to fostering and disseminating information and ideas. This is done primarily through our annual Think Space conference, as well as through smaller workshops and seminars that are held throughout the year. These events, like our planning projects, are predominantly user-driven, and the topics reflect the interests and desire of our participants.
Our annual conference explores topics related to user-driven urban development. Each year focuses on one or more themes that are relevant to contemporary planning issues. The conference is also designed to highlight the urban areas where it is held, both by partnering with local organizations and by drawing people and resources to the area.
2011 Conference - Located at PB43 Copenhagen
2012 Conference - Located at Energy Center Voldparken Flusum
2013 Conference - Located in Malmo, Ddense and Aalborg
2014 Conference - Located in Frederiksberg and Nykobing Falster
City Link Festival
Through City Link, GivRum creates avenues for cultural collaboration between cities. Dur
mission is to promote international collaboration and combine the cultural environments of
various cities beyond institutional frameworks. City Link is a growing network of project
makers, artists, activists, officials, creative entrepreneurs and engaged citizens with ideas that can link cities.
Ambitious new urban development means that many cities are experiencing rapid urban
change. This entails the risk that innovative and cultural projects in the city will disappear if the needs of the citizens are not supported. City Link has responded by finding new ways to work with culture across national borders, providing ways for different groups to learn from each other.
City Link Festival Hamburg September 2014
City Link Festival Edinburgh September 2015
City Link ”Reimagining the City” Mini-Festival Copenhagen October 2015
City Link Festival lstanbul planned for later in 2016
Method 3: Research and Consultancy
GivRum is constantly working towards the democratisation of cities. We collaborate with many organisations to provide advice, analysis, research and theoretical knowledge within the field of urban development and social innovation. Our approach always begins with the inclusion of local actors and resources, working from a bottom~up perspective. From this we can begin to define the key issues for an area, and draw up long~term plans to mobilise projects and create new potential for it‘s buildings and urban spaces. See our website www.givrum.nu for more details.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Though initiated in Denmark, GivRum is moving towards more and more international
collaborations. In particular with the City Link project we are looking to connect with wider
cultural networks. ln 2016 the City Link project will connect Copenhagen and lstanbul, to
provide a platform for collaboration, discussion and networking across cultures. With this
project, and future City Link projects, we aim to create a better dialogue between these
cultures, change perceptions and create stronger relations both between the City Link cities, but also within them - helping local citizens to find sustainable and creative ways of making democratic changes their local urban environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network will help us to connect with other like-minded individuals both within
Denmark and beyond, to invite them as participants or collaborators within our projects and grow our City Link community. Through City Link we aim to connect people across cultures, across sectors and across disciplines, and the diversity of the ALF network therefore appeals and matches with the project objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carol Hayes
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Jesper Koefoed Melson
Contact (2) Full Name
Sara Melson
Job Title (2)
Project Manager