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Natalia Ribas-Mateos

Researcher at Universitat autonoma de Barcelona. Ribas-Mateos has previously been affiliated with Universidad de A Coruña. Furhtermore, she has been a Marie Curie Fellow at the Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie Aix-en Provence in France and at the Centre for Migration...

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Paul Gillespie

Columnist and leader writer for The Irish Times and a Senior Research Fellow adjunct in the School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin. Gillespie is also an active member of the EuroMed Media Network, a group of journalists...


Perspectives on youth, issue 2

The theme of this issue of Perspectives on youth is “Connections and disconnections”. Our authors have contributed articles on migration, employment mobility, new familial relations, the Internet and new media, young people’s social and political engagement, their connections with their...


Perspectives on youth, issue 4

Volume 3 of the series focuses on “Healthy Europe”, not just in the narrow sense, but in the broader sense of what it is like to be young in a Europe faced with conflict and austerity, and what it feels...


Preparing our youth for an inclusive and sustainable world

Reinforcing global competence is vital for individuals to thrive in a rapidly changing world and for societies to progress without leaving anyone behind. Against a context in which we all have much to gain from growing openness and connectivity, and...


Refugee cinema and the representation of the Mediterranean

Films about refugees have been embraced by accented cinema. Indeed, exilic filmmakers continue to test the boundaries of cinema, and specifically its strong bonds with nation and land. But not all exiles are refugees. This article offers that for Arab...