
Telšiai Žemaitė Gymnasium

National Network

Šviesos g. 15
87123 Telšiai

(8-444) 78540
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Telšiai Žemaitė gymnasium has 34 teachers and 5 people in the administration sector. It is a public institution financed through state budget. It provides secondary education to pupils aged 15-19. 
Mission and Objectives

Telšiai Žemaitė Gymnasium is an institution with the characteristics of a good school, where a continuous community learning and empowering leadership guarantee the personalized education and development of each student and their personality.

Main Projects / Activities

Participated in the Comenius project (2004-2007), an ongoing school cooperation between Telšiai Žemaitė Gymnasium and Minsk Mazowiecki Gimnazijum Miejske Nr.3 (since 2006), a few international online projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be introduced with a varieties of practices, to join international projects, to enrich learning and teaching process

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasa Blaževičienė
Job Title
English teacher
Head of the organisation
Žydrūnas Želnys

TEMA - Transnational European Mediterranean Association for Cooperation

National Network

Bitininku 10-29

+370 600 277 00
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information
TEMA - Transnational European Mediterranean Association for Cooperation is first organisation in Lithuania which main aim is to promote cooperation between North and South of Mediterranean region.  Members of TEMA can be only organisations or institutions. Management bodies of the Association are the following: General Meeting of Members (hereinafter referred to as General Meeting); Collegial governing body is the Board; Sole executive body is Executive Director Organisation already comes as a partner for different local and international activities and projects. One of the main capacities of the TEMA are experts, they are comming from different fields such as: intercultural and interreligious dialogue, migration, formal and non-formal education, culture, youth, women empowerment.
Mission and Objectives

TEMA’s main mission is to promote intercultural dialogue and contribute to the visibility of the Barcelona Process through intellectual, cultural and civil society exchanges.
In order to implement its mission TEMA:

promote knowledge, recognition and mutual respect between religions and beliefs, cultures;

identify, develop and promote areas of cultural convergence between the Euro-Mediterranean countries and people, especially the one which promote tolerance and cultural understanding;

encourage initiatives which aims to promote a dialogue between religions and beliefs, ensures diversity and pluralism in the Euro-Mediterranean region;

promote the human dimension of the partnership as well as the consolidation of the rule of law and  basic freedoms;

promote integration and immigration projects or campaigns, create closer ties between different cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

By focusing on promotion of intercultural dialogue and strengthening cooperation on national and international levels TEMA: 

Cooperate with other organisations, institutions and networks on national and international level;

Promote civil societies activities through social networks;

By gathering experts from different sectors, provides consultations and recommendations;
By uniting different members, cooperating with different organisations and institutions, TEMA stands as strong regional partner for different sectors - governmental, CSO, business or MEDIA.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cooperation is one of the main key for developing future of CSO. By joying the network we  hope we could add some extra value on developing cooperation on national and international levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrius Bečys
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Andrius Bečys

The Center of Civic, Democracy and Law programs

National Network

Sv. Ignoto g. 5,

370 5 262 0124
370 5 2620124
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
370 685 29 635
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Structure of Organization The Center of Civic, Democracy and Law programs has such governing bodies – the General meeting of partners, the director. The General meeting of partners is the highest governing body which appoints the director, sets strategic goals, approves annual financial and activity reports. The director implements decisions of the General meeting of partners, organines daily activities of the Center. Human resources: currently the Center has 4 employees (director, financier and two volunteers). The Center has the team of competent experts, that help to implement the projects of the Center. Finances Annual turnover in 2008 - 105 000 Lt (apprx. 30 434 EUR) Planned annual turnover in 2009 - 500 000 Lt (apprx. 144 927 EUR). Financial resources in 2008 - 2009: The Support Center of Foreign Lithuanians, Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers , JSC “TOC consultations”, The Ministry of Science and Education, Konrad Adenauer foundation, European Commission. The main modalities of action: projects. Main partners involved: The Ministry of Science and Education, Konrad Adenauer foundation, European Commission. Also Lithuanian Center of Research of Genocide and Resistance, The Fund of Santalka, Lithuanian Movement „Sąjūdis“, The Forum of Lithuanian Parents.
Mission and Objectives

The Center of Civic, Democracy and Law programs has been established on 11th September, 2007. The goal of organization – to create and foster civic, democratic and legal state. The Center implements the projects that strenghtens civil society and fosters civil and political activeness, democratic traditions; social responsibility; volunteer activities; equal rights of men and women; social integration of women; respect and tolerance to other cultures; human rights defence.

Main Projects / Activities

Year 2008 The Center has implemented The Program of Brain Returning together with Foreign Lithuanians Support Center, also it carried a research of Interns opinions (in partnershio with Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers) (evaluation of post graduate internships‘ effectiveness). Organization has implemented the civil action „We are friends“ in 2008 (in partnership with 15 youth organizations). The goal of the project – to encourage young people and introduce them to people from other cultures, living in Lithuania. The objective of the action – to reduce antional and race-hatred, foster openess and respect to other cultures. Year 2009 Public institution “The Center of Civic, Democratic and Law Programs” is implementing the project „Young leader“ for free years already. It was carried in four Lithuanian municipalities during the first year, in eight – during 2008 and this year the project covers eleven municipalities. The project is dedicated to elder schoolchildren of Lithuanian municipalities such as Šalčininkai, Vilnius, Radviliškis, Šilalė, Kėdainiai, Kaunas, Alytus, Elektrėnai, Jonava, Tauragė and Švenčionys. The goal of this initiative is to educate youth leaders in the regions that are most inactive, as well as to encourage them to be more interested in taking part in civic activities and actualize themselves. The partners of the project: The Association of Lithuanian Elementary Schools, The Association of Gymnasiums of Lithuania, The Union of Lithuanian Pupils, The Parliament of Lithuanian Pupils, National association of youth affairs‘ coordinators, Lithuanian Center of Research of Genocide and Resistance, The Fund of Santalka, Lithuanian Movement „Sąjūdis“, The Forum of Lithuanian Parents. The project is financed by: The Ministry of Science and Education, Konrad Adenauer foundation, European Commission. The Center also implements the project „Civil Action“ (In partnership with Santalka foundation). The Civil action manual will be prepared on the basis of Citizen handbook that was published in Vancouver (Canada). The manual will be metant for communities of Lithuania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Skucaite
Head of the organisation
Diana Skucaite


National Network

Stiklių str. 6,8, Vilnius
01131 Vilnius

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Centre was established in 2006, its primary purpose is preservation and conservation of the traditional culture of ethnic minorities. Our goal is to raise Lithuanian minorities’ folklore performance level, to promote it in concerts and international events. Budget of Organisation  - €24,637 Source of financing - Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Lithuania Educational activities: It includes departments of Russian, Belarusian, Polish and Ukrainian folk, instrumental music, music theory and literature. School has more than 200 children from the city of Vilnius. There are three folk groups (Poles, Russians and Belarusians). One of them is a famous Russian folk ensemble in Vilnius, “Arinuška”, the winner of international and national competitions and festivals. Methodological activity: The centre constantly prepares international workshops. It organizes the annual international folk music and crafts summer courses “Tradition”, which gathers approximately 250 participants. It conducts courses for educators, students, schoolchildren, folk ensembles. We are consulting Lithuanian minority art groups and provide methodological support. We also organize selection of the groups to various representative events and ensemble certification. The scientific activity. We constantly record the folk heritage of ethnic minorities in Lithuania (Poles, Tartars, Karaites, Old Believers, Belarusians, Romas). We have created a Minority Folklore Archive. We systematize and analyze the acquired materials. We provide information and serve as experts on folklore and ethnography issues (by helping to use our library and video collections). Every year we organize round table discussions and conferences. Dissemination of the Traditional Culture of Ethnic Minorities: Since 2004 we organize the Annual International Folklore Festival “Pokrovskije kolokola”; Our folklore ensembles participate in all town festivals in Lithuania including “Skamba skamba kankliai”, “Baltica”, “Capital Days” and others. We also consult Vilnius city minority groups to prepare their celebrations and festivals; The organization of the Courtyard of Ethnic Minorities during the World Lithuanian Song Festival (2009); Presentation of Vilnius city minority folk ensembles abroad (concerts in Russia, Ukraine, Malta, Poland, Belarus, England, Germany, France); Popularization of the traditional culture of ethnic minorities in the media. Partners of Organisation: Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society, Vilnius City Municipality Lithuanian Council of Culture, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences The Vilnius Teachers’ House Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Lithuania Lithuanian Art Museum Cultural Association  “Xinglar” (Spain).
Mission and Objectives

Over the centuries Lithuania has developed solid traditions of interethnic tolerance and respect towards cultural diversity of ethnic minorities. The Folklore and Ethnography Centre of Ethnic Minorities in Lithuania (LTMFEC) is experienced in collaborating with ethnic communities and young people, which helped it promote interethnic tolerance, raise civic awareness and social activity through practicing one’s own native ethnic culture.
Our mission is to spread  Lithuanian experience  in  fostering of culture of ethnic minorities and education of tolerance to the young people in other countries;
To ensure different academic institutions of Lithuania and other countries cooperate while educating young people to actively participate in the processes of preservation of culture, strengthening the harmony of international relations and tolerance; 
To strengthen and expand cooperation of cultural institutions in Lithuania and other countries, introduce new patterns of expression of traditions by  national minorities

Main Projects / Activities

International ethno-music and folk crafts summer courses "Tradition"
International Folklore Festival "Pokrovskije kolokola"
International Program "Intercultural Dialogue"
International program "Christmas Festival"
For more information - www.arinuska.lt

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The projects completed by Centre have contributed to the cultural development processes, strengthening international cultural cooperation, spread  the authentic traditions of   Lithuanian national minorities, and revealed the diversity of  relations with the Lithuanian culture ; During the projects organised by Centre the best teachers from Lithuania and other countries have the opportunity  to learn about the unique ethnic music reconstruction, actualization and interpretation methodology. The co-participants and listeners of cooperation programme gain a long-term professional benefits.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Center is constantly looking for new partners in foreign countries in order to share experience in organizing the projects, as well as to gain new experiences, to acquaint the public of the various countries with Lithuanian multinational culture and its preservation and promotion. The Centre hopes for the support of the Fund in organizing this type of projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jekaterina Bieliauskiene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Irena Zacharova
Contact (2) Full Name
Julija Morozova
Job Title (2)

The Directorate of The State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles

National Network

Siltadarzio str. 2

+370 5 212 2662
Telephone (other)
+370 5 261 7064
+370 5 212 2499
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of organization : The Directorate of the State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles is a budget organization and consists of two depts: Cultural Reserve's maintenance and Cultural reserve's mangement. Number of Staff - 18 persons; Budgetary resources available in a year: resources for staff salaries and maintenace of the Cultural Reserve ( resources from Ministry of Culture of LT); Sources of funding: projects and programes resources; Modalities of action: projects:  Nordic baltic Mobility programme for public administration projects in 2011-;2013;  International conference: Historic greeney in Scandinavia and  Lithuania, 2012;  International conference heritge protection:challengies and management,2014 Main partners:   Scandinavian heritage protection institutions;   Vilnius university.   Vilnius art academy
Mission and Objectives

The State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles was founded to preserve historical, spiritual and cultural center of the state, the castles of Vilnius, their territory and also all cultural and natural values within it in order to carry out permanent scientific research.
The State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles is the heart of the city. It is the smallest state reserve in Lithuania. The Reserve was established in 1997 and covers an area of 57,5 hectare. The Directorate of the State Cultural Reserve was organized to coordinate its activities and management in 2004.
The mission and of The Directorate of the State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles - to save the historic Lithuanian state and the spiritual and cultural center - castle, castles territory and within it the cultural and natural values, to organize their ongoing research, proper management and use.The main objectives of The Directorate of The State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles is to preserve the historical, spiritual and Cultural centre of Lithuanian State - the Vilnius Castles, their territory and all cultural and natural values within it and to organize works related to maintenance, and regeneration.

Main Projects / Activities

 Nordic Baltic Mobility program for public administration. Historic greenery in Scandinavia and Lithuania, 2011  Nordic Baltic Mobility program for public administration . Cultural heritage in Scandinavia and Lithuania: knowledge and experience, 2012.  Nordic Baltic Mobility program for public administration. Application of cultural heritage objects to public use,2013

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 Organizing Conferences and workshops, common projects, exchanging the good practice;


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 To cooperate in joint projects, to exchange experience and knowledge, to learn more about other countries good practice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Antanina Jarukaitiene
Job Title
The Head of Cultural Reserve's maitenance dept
Head of the organisation
Ms. Audrone Kasperaviciene
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms.Angele Cepenaite
Job Title (2)
The senior specialist

The Educational Service Center of Raseiniai District

National Network

V.Grybo g. 33, Raseiniai
60117 Raseiniai

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The owner of organization - the Municipality of Raseiniai district.The organization is headed by a Director appointed in an open competition. Budgetary resources available in a year: aprox. 300 000 euro. Sources of funding: - special targeted grants from the state budget; - Municipal budget funds; - income from services rendered; - funds, organizations, other legal and natural persons donated or otherwise legally funds transferred, funds for specific purpose according to orders; - other legally acquired funds. Modalities of action: - provide information, expert and counseling assistance to parents (guardians, guardians) and schools and their teaching staff; - to provide psychological, social pedagogical, special pedagogical and educational information support for children from birth to compulsory education who do not attend pre-school groups, as well as people with special educational needs up to the age of 21, if educational assistance cannot be provided by school professionals due to lack of specialization; - to form a positive attitude of school communities and society towards special needs persons with educational needs, psychological, personality and educational problems and their education along with peers; - develop and implement prevention and other programs; - organize in-service training events; - mobilize young people to solve common problems and promote youth initiatives mutual understanding, international cooperation; - to promote young people 's self - expression, volunteering; - to help young people to reveal themselves in cultural and social space, to help them discover themselves in a modernizing society.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives:
- increase special educational needs, psychological, personality and communication developmental effectiveness of people with problems, psychological resilience, communication skills providing necessary information and advice to children, parents (guardians, carers),
- meet the competences and lifelong learning needs of a person's career,
- to increase the employment of persons aged 14-29 (hereinafter referred to as "young people") in activities, designed to enable young people to engage in personal, professional and social activities; and
develop and develop competencies (personal, social, professional, educational) under guidance the principles of open youth work.

Main Projects / Activities

10320,00 EUR EU-funded investment in state planning project "Creating a Safe Environment at School II" no. 09.2.2-ESFA-V-729-03-0001 Implementation of the activities "Provision of psychological help";
24144,00 EUR Erasmus + K1 project 'Capacity building of non-formal education in the consortium based on Italian experience')

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would share ALF Nerwork ideas in our region with particular emphasis on building more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, to fight growing mistrust and polarisation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to mobilize young people in Raseiniai district to solve common problems and promote youth initiatives mutual understanding, international cooperation. We think that ALF Network could help
to promote young people 's self - expression, to reveal themselves in cultural and social space, to help them discover themselves in a modernizing society, improve tolerance, leadership skills; make partnership with foreign organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Reda Kunickienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Manager Reda Kunickienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Silva Morkevičienė
Job Title (2)
Deputy manager

The Little Witch Theatre

National Network

S. Stanevičiaus st. 24, Vilnius, Lithuania

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Little Witch Theatre is professional theatre for children under 13 years old with one of the biggest repertoires in Lithuania. The Little Witch Theatre has administrative staff of 2 people and 20 artists (directors, actors, dancers, musicians, painters, composer). Budgetary recourses available in a year is around 30 000 EUR. Main sources of funding are Ministry of Culture of Lithuanian Republic and selffinancing. Modalities of action- theatre culture for children and youth through performances, seminars, projects, exhibitions, contests, shows, festivals and etc. Main partners of the Little Witch Theatre are Ministry of Culture of Lithuanian Republic, theatres from foreign countries such as Anemone (Denmark), IETM (International Network of Contemporary Performing Arts) and others.
Mission and Objectives

The Little Witch Theatre mission is to stage high quality different genres performances for children and in this way educate, entertain and enrich lives of young spectators. The Little Witch Theatre is a modern theatre for nowadays child. The Little Witch Theatre team- directors, actors, dancers, musicians, painters and composer- believes that future is in young men‘s hands. We seek to improve children‘s creativity through exceptional theatre experiences and to show alternative way of life. The Little Witch Theatre has few particular performances-games which promotes development of imagination and fantasy as children are involved in the creation of the performance process.
The Little Witch Theatre also believes in the importance of cultural dialogue. One of theatre‘s aims is to exchange ideas, human values and stimulate international collaboration.

Main Projects / Activities

Updating of proffessional theatre for children program. The Little Witch Theatre has initiated and is hosting this program already for five years. Part of the program are international professional theatres for children festival „Modern Theater for Nowadays Child“ and international theatres for children conference.
Festival „Future starts now“. Festival's purpose is to create every year tradition to initiate presentation of performances for children and introduce Lithuania and Europe with the most new directions of theatre for children.
Project „Theatre Opens the World for Children“. Aim of the project is make open performances and to present progressive artists who create for children every year. Winners of competition which is part of project are awarded with mirror chip nominations. The nominations are intended for nine forces, working together to create and cherish the theatre for children: dramaturges, artistic directors, stenographers, composers, actors, painters, critics, producers and ofcourse spectators.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lina Juodagalvytė
Head of the organisation
Rita Urbonavičiūtė
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita urbonavičiūtė

The new FILM - first ever documentary on the academic study of religion

Professor at Institute of Asian and transcultural studies of Vilnius University - ALF LT member organization

ALF LT network member Institute of Asian and transcultural studies of Vilnius University has shared:

A documentary on the freedom to study religions in Central and Eastern Europe was released on September 30, the first ever documentary on the academic study of religion. 🎥
The film involved 20 three-generation scholars from eight countries examining the question of whether we can freely study religions in Central and Eastern Europe today. Among the participants-interviewers - professor at Institute of Asian and transcultural studies of Vilnius University (ALF LT member) dr. Audrius Beinorius, 🗣
30 years after the era of scientific atheism and underground churches, this collection of portraits of life lessons intertwines personal stories with the history of science.

The video can be found at the following link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6IRpf_pBaY 
Director: Valerio Severino
Prepared according to CROSS project no. 101032467 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions MSCA v EUROPEAN COMMISSION.
Executive producer: Department of Andragogy and Cultural Anthropology, Department of Sociology, Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic).