
Šiaulių rajono savivaldybės viešoji biblioteka

National Network

Aušros alėja 21

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Others
General Information
Siauliai District Municipality Public Library (Šiaulių rajono svivaldybės viešoji biblioteka) is a budgetary institution owned by the Siauliai district municipality, which has legal personality, classification code 111105174, address: Vilniausg. 263, LT-76337 Siauliai. The rights and obligations of Siauliai district implements the municipal council. The library is a public legal person, registered in Lithuania's Registry, has a seal with the name and bank account of the Republic of Lithuania. The library is the beneficiary, acting in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Library is headed by a Director appointed and dismissed by the Municipal Council of the Republic of Lithuania Labour Code and other legal acts. Library has 53 employees. Main partners are Siauliai district municipality and Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. Biggest projects, in which participated: Libraries for innovation, Libraries for innovation 2.
Mission and Objectives

With library activities contribute to the information and knowledge society.

Collect, process, store and disseminate documented knowledge, ideas, promote continuous learning, knowledge renewal;

Install Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System (LIBIS) and provide free internet access library branches;

Effectively promote the role of the library and to represent its interests;

Maintain a high level of professional competence of the librarian, promote motivation activities.

Organize optimal access to library services for all District social groups;

Participate in a variety of library development programs, projects related to Library activity;

Organize and carry out cultural and educational events;

Libraries organize staff training, and other training and competency development activities;

Develop rural society and its members to open up world of information and knowledge.

Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promote the intercultural dialogue across Europe, find new partners, friends.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Find new partners, friends.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ingrida Klupšaitė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ingrida Klupšaitė

Šiuolaikinės Intelektualios Klounados Teatras / Contemporary Intellectual Clown Theatre.

National Network

Vinciūniškių sodų 17 g. 13
10241 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The main person in the organisation is a theater direcor Žilvinas Beniušis. Actors of the theater are freelance actors. Main source of funding is Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Mission and Objectives

The Contemporary Intellectual Clown Theatre is a creative house that unites clowning genre performances, humor education and comedy creators. Having worked together and separately for several years in Lithuanian theaters, deepened their knowledge in clowning and theater schools, and presented their works at international theater and circus festivals, Žilvinas Beniušis and Severina Špakovska join forces and open a new page in the history of Lithuanian clowning. The aim of the theater is to create high-quality humorous content on the stages of Lithuanian theaters and in social networks, using the genre of modern clowning, its classic routines, physical comedy and interactive acting without the fourth wall, when the audience feels that the actors are acting that way only because this audience, for example, sitting in the 5th row, the 14th place is in the hall. "Modern clowning is characterized by the fact that the classic bright clown make-up and bright costumes are abandoned, and the clown becomes the main hero from the joker. According to the philosophy and history of clowning, a clown can contain being and non-being, essence and nothingness, constantly remaining authentic and at the same time open to complete changeability. Since the myth of the hero in the theater is often abandoned or even declared dead these days, we offer a new modern hero - the clown." - says director Žilvinas Beniushis, co-founder of the theater. "Our goal is to constantly create professional theater and circus content, educate about theater with the help of humor, and use our work to spread light that uplifts the viewer and inspires him to love his life. We hope that the "roof" of our theater will be able to connect more and more artists creating in this genre." - says the co-founder of the theater, producer Severina Špakovska "Contemporary Intellectual Clown theater" creates for both adults and children, spreading the philosophy of humor not only on stage, but also where it is least expected. S.I.K.T. talks about serious things while preserving their depth and importance, and at the same time reminding us of the sometimes forgotten lightness and laughter.

Main Projects / Activities

Theater, Contemporary Clowning, Education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our knowledge about contemporary clowning, culture of humor in a form of a performance, educational programme or a workshop.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be a part of an intercultural, socially responsable organisation while working towards these goals together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Žilvinas Beniušis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Žilvinas Beniušis

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences

National Network

Nemuno street 2
91208 Klaipėda

+370 46397077
Telephone (other)
+370 46 397385
+370 46 397077
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

SMK has a wide range of professionals and experts. SMK has two branches - one is in the capital of Lithuania, the other - in the port of Lithuania - Klaipėda. Our community gathers more then 2000 students 150 staff. We have more then 80 active partners all over the world and we are involving them in various activities and also joining their activities as well. The main funds for our organization comes from tuition fees paid by students for their studies. Also other funds come from services provided for society, business sector. SMK implements a number of various projects financed by EU or local funds. More information about our organization can be found in internet - www.smk.lt

Mission and Objectives

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences in Lithuania is offering high-quality education in the Lithuanian and English languages, which is enjoyed by 2,000 students. Established in 1994, the SMK educates leaders who will accept responsibility and make positive contributions to an increasingly interdependent and multicultural world. Through variety of study programmes at our university we are fulfilling our key mission - to prepare future leaders that would be responsible global citizens. Mission: To create conditions for the individuals to gain contemporary skills in science and technology spheres that would correspond to a high level of education; To cumulate and spread scientific knowledge and nurture a multisided individual.; To escalate applied and scientific activities in the region, consult local authorities and business companies; To create the conditions for lifelong learning by providing qualification raise trainings; To nurture education and culture-receptive society, form humanistic approach, raise civil awareness and elevate values of open and democratic society.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of SMK first of all are higher education level studies where we seek to prepare future leaders that would be responsible global citizens. SMK is the best rated private higher education institution in Lithuania (Ratings of higher education institution in Lithuania, 2011) and offers 14 market-oriented study programmes acknowledged by European higher education institutions. Also SMK is implementing various activities, such as education and training, consulting services, scientific research, project management, counseling and professional orientation, activity related to information technologies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SMK would be able to be responsible for organizing various meetings, activities, informing society about various issues related with Network activities, implementing projects. We are ready for work and we seek to give as much as we will have in order to live in a better world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SMK is constantly implementing activities related with the main purpose of ALF Network. Through various projects implementation, international events, exchanges, camps and seminars with other cultures, tolerance building activities SMK has gathered rich experience and it would be great to be able to share this experience with others. Also new cooperation possibilities, new partners would allow to broaden the activities while implementing non-formal education, help society to become more tolerant and civil. We believe that cooperating together we can achieve better results then working alone.

Contact (1) Full Name
Reda Mikalauskaitė
Head of the organisation
Director Gabija Skučaitė
Contact (2) Full Name
Gabija Skučaitė

Studio TVIP

National Network

Buivydiškių g. 6-114

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: CEO, accountant, manager, hired workers for projects. Partners: public cultural institutions, private companies, TV companies, theaters, universities, municipal. Sources of funding: private investors. Budgetary resources available in a year: approximately 15000 EUR. Main partners: Lithuanian Folk Culture Center, Ltd."United Baltic projects", Ltd. "EKT", International Cultural Programme Centre.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Develop public cultural knowledge and broaden cultural boundaries.
Objectives: Promote full and active dialogue between artists and the public. reduce the distance between the audience and the artists reveal new cultural opportunities, cooperate and exchange values with foreign countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects: 9 documentary films from the series Living Tradition, 2007-2012. in cooperation with LLKC and JSC "United Baltic projects". Lithuanian Song Festival movie "This is my house" filming and coordination in 2014. Performance "White Christmas Dreams" staging in Vilnius College of Arts Faculty in 2014. "LT Identity" Awards for promoting the name of Lithuania in the world. Directing and organizing in Lithuanian Institute for 4 events - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
Other activities: Making and producing documentary films, staging public events, event organization, concept development, script writing, conference moderation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We plan to create a documentary about cultural diversity and cooperation in the Mediterranean region. With your fund's help it will be easier to find partners and cooperate with them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daiva BIlinskienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daiva Bilinskienė


National Network

Kalvariju str. 57A-212,
09317 Vilnius

+370 656 89866
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Subtilu-Z is a chamber ensemble from Vilnius. It consists of four unique members and is distinguished by its peculiar music style and unconventional performances. The ensemble was the first one to try an unusual combination – two accordions (Povilas Velikis, Dmitrijs Mihailovs), percussion (Vytautas Švažas) and Lithuanian national woodwind instrument tenor birbynė (reedpipe).
Mission and Objectives

Whether it be a jazz standard, Argentine tango or painfully familiar classics - since Subtilu-Z arrange their music themselves, they always manage to surprise their audience with unconventional presentations and sounds. Another surprise factor is a crossover musical style in which members of Subtilu-Z feel like fish in the water. At first glance hardly compatible, but masterful and tasteful fusion of jazz, ethnic melodies and academic music is one of the trademarks of Subtilu-Z ensemble.
Each concert of Subtilu-Z is a synonym for excellent music, good mood and impeccable style.

Main Projects / Activities

2007 Republican competition of accordion music, category of ensembles - II place;
2008 XVIII International competition of accordion music „Citta di Lanciano“ (Italy), category of ensembles - I place;
2009 One of the most prestigious international competitions of accordion music „Citta di Castelfidardo“ (Italy), category of ensembles – III place;
2011 I International competition of accordion music „Vilnius 2011“, category of ensembles - I place.
Every year we participate in the international festivals held in Vilnius and Palanga;
2007 and 2009 The international festival of accordion music in Daugavpils (Latvia);
2009 The international festival of street theater in Klaipeda;
2009 and 2011 The international festival of accordion music in Koszalin (Poland);
2013 The internation festival of accordion music in Limbazi (Latvia).
2010 "Days of capital" ("Sostinės dienos");
2011 and 2012 "The Big Parade of Musicians" ("Didysis muzikų paradas");
2011 and 2012 "Christopher festival" ("Kristupo festivalis");
2012 Festival in Gargždai "Spring note";
2013 IV International Instrumental Music Festival RIDO–2013.
2012 – Concert tour in Norway
In 2009 have organized concert tour from 20 performances during which time played different cities of Lithuania;
In 2011 have organized concert tour from 16 performances during which time played different cities of Lithuania;
In 2011 Educational project Learning From Each Other of folk music orchestra and Subtilu-Z of Vilnius Balys Dvarionas School of Music
2010 and 2011 "To live it is impossible to die" ("Gyventi negalima mirti");
2011 Inspired by the Dreams Come True campaign ("Išsipildymo akcijos įkvėpti").
In 2010 the president of Lithuanian Republic Dalia Gribauskaite "Subtilu-Z" it is awarded by the thankful reading and writing for the brought III place from the international competition of accordion music "Citta di Castelfidardo" (Italy).
In 2011, Subtilu-Z has become a winner of the "Golden Disk 2011 – Audience Sympathies".
In general educational and music schools actively we carry out the program of music education for children.
We organize charitable concerts in children's homes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Justė Tankevičiūtė
Head of the organisation
Povilas Velikis

Taurages Jovaru Pagrindine mokykla

National Network

Laisves 19
72305 Taurage

+370 446 72563
Telephone (other)
+370 446 72564
Mobile Phone
+370 685 51473
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Jovaru basic  school of Taurage is one of the schools in the district, which is located near the Russian-Lithuanian border. Because of  its geographical and geopolitical location the school specifies on safety of human development and citizenship development programs. There are 64 employees lead by the head teacher in this institution, which is funded from the municipality budget, but also supported by different funds and private sponsors. Budgetary resources available in a year make approximately 180.000 EUR. The school cooperates with different municipalities, local communities, focuses on partnership with other educational institutions of Lithuania and other countries.
Mission and Objectives

Main Aims of our School are:
1. To develop qualified educational programs and to adapt them  for the students with different needs.
2. By developing and promoting  active citizenship programs to raise active and responsible society,

Main Projects / Activities

The institution is focusing on developing projects based on two main aims  - active citizenship and development of educational processes. It promotes and establishes friendly relations with other schools locally and internationally.
In its past it has implemented School Improvement Program Plus "General education schools UPGRADING", Action "Darom" ; Participated as a partner in projects "Protect the environment and recycling waste" in "Week Without Bullying"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network as we are interested to make future projects with the countries form Mediterraian countries. That type of projets could to help get better understanding among people from different counties regardless of their educational, religious, historical experience. Our focus groups are young people

Contact (1) Full Name
Vitalija Jancauskiene
Job Title
Deputy Director of the Econimic Affairs
Head of the organisation
Algimantas Kaminskis

Tautinis aviacijos sporto žaidynių komitetas

National Network

Motorų g. 8
02190 Vilnius

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
"Tautinis aviacijos sporto žaidynių komitetas" (TASZK) - is nonpolitical, non-profit organisation established 2003. Structure of organisation is developed in the way that it could assure democratic principles, processes and social responsibility of each member of organisation. Board assures coordination and workflow through the year, members - openness, visibility and topicality of organisation. Organisation unites more than 60 members of different age, gender and religions. In order to assure topicality of TASZK, every year board organises open consultations with the members which later creates core for out next year activities, plans, projects and partnerships. Activities of TASZK are mainly supported by local authorities, local and international foundations, contributions from members. Annual budget of organisation is around 20-30 thousand euro To promote our aims TASZK cooperates with various partners such as different civil society organisations, sport institutions and organisations, local authorities. In international level TASZK seeks partnership with organisations who are interested in developing aviation sport programs with/for youth.
Mission and Objectives

Main aim of TASZK is by the help of aviation sport activities to promote active citizenship for children and youth. Seeking our aims TASZK promotes innovative methods for involving creative youth into researching, developing and prototyping modern aviation constructions and constructing modern aviation enginery; by cooperating with other civil society organisations TASZK develops common youth programs designed for children and youth empowerment; by cooperating with educational institutions, develops intersectional programs which could help to overcome problem of youth unemployment and or inactive youth. 
We believe that in order to reach creative and active society, we have to start from the most active groups of our society - children and youth. We see aviation crafting and aviation sports as a perfect method which empowers young people with knowledge of new technologies, provides with benefits of outdoor activities and recreation, and forms skills of planning, responsibility and self-confidence.

Main Projects / Activities

TASZK organised more than 30 different national/international level activities, projects and actions. Projects we are most proud of are “Annual summer schools for young aviators “Wings of Lithuania”, long term project - recreated and active "Air Scouts" movement established in1939 in cooperation with "Lithuanian Scouting" and other short term youth education programs which are organised through the scouting method.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are open for different cooperation and believe that question of our contribution will be answered by the needs of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of the main motivations for us to join the ALF network is to find local and international partners from both shores of the Mediterranean who would like to cooperate in order to promote youth interest in aviation sports activities, combined with advantages of scouting outdoor life and to infuse youth creativity into construction of aviation enginery.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vytautas Kašėta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vytautas Kašėta


Creative activities in the Camp for the children with artists from Ireland

This July was very busy for ALF LT network member TEATRIUKAS arranging artistic camps for the children from Lithuanian surborbs. This time they had artists not only from Lithuania, but from Ireland as well (long term partnership). Children were creating a Mosaic, filming a movie and joing different other activities where they could express themselves and create together.

Telsiai "Atzalynas" Primary school

National Network

P. Cvirkos 2

+370 8 444 70222
+370 8 444 70222
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Telsiai „ Atzalynas „ basic school seeks that the education of students would be modern, it is interested in educational innovations ,  open for cociety, seeks to form an attractive image of school, to foster a unique culture of it.  The school initiates and develops the co-operation with the social partners, at the district, national and international level. School teams implement such country’s projects together with the social partners which affect the change of school: "Improvement of primary education ", "Self-learning model’s organization  (SLMO), as non-traditional education (learning) form through the development of innovative solutions-oriented" implementation in schools of the North-West region of Lithuania  , " Innovative learning programming in Utena municipality  developing  social partnership.” It   motivates to participate in the projects that there  are seen significant changes that help to implement qualitative and modern education. There is formed  favorable  school administration and the entire community approach to the self-education of  personality.  Particular attention is paid to the creativity and development of practical skills and problem-solving skills  of initial classes of primary school. The acquired competence in primary grades is the basis for better results in  higher ones. The activities of this project will seek to involve children with special needs, because it increases their motivation to learn, self-confidence, help to gain a range of social skills, will provide an opportunity to co-operate with European countries, to know their cultures  and improve English linguistic competence, to increase motivation to learn English and achieve better learning results. Teachers will have the opportunity to improve their educational and intercultural competencies, develop the capacity to apply methods that foster the creativity of students. Particularly “ field classes” give good results. The advantage of our school is that the school is located in a beautiful place close to lake” Mastis “.Next to it there is  the ethnic culture museum "Alka" and Samogitia Country Life Museum and the school has all the capabilities to organize educational activities, outdoor classes’ activities in these environments. The criteria of success to participate in the  project is the fact that teachers have the motivation to work innovatively ,  creatively to organize the learning process, to exchange experiences, seek to improve the skills of co-operation and teamwork ,evaluate  the quality of their work.  
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to establish and develop partnerships and share the best practices with European  schools.

Main Projects / Activities

We participated in the Comenius project in 2008, "Travelling around the Europe by the means of children’s imagination".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because our school goal is to establish and develop partnerships and share the best practices with European  schools.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jadvyga Dapsiene
Job Title
Deputy head master for education
Head of the organisation
Vytautas Vaitkus