

National Network


36 32 353692
Telephone (other)
36 32 353 048
36 32 353 048
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
36 30 206 6859
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
we are a secondary vocational school , with 560 students among it 120 adult students and 45 teachers. we are public , so our budget comes from government. we are very active in Comenius, Gruntvig and Leonardo projects, form 1999. We have lot of partners, mainly schools from EU, our main interest and main profile is environmental protection education in different levels.
Mission and Objectives

Our school was founded in 1949 as a centre of cool mining education. But nowadays it is 1 of the most problematic part of Hungary. The unemployment rate is 18 %. Our main challenge to find the best motivation for our students, and give them extra knowledge about Eu and job hunting and active citizenship.
We think the ALF can help us to collect more information’s about democracy an tolerance among countries and peoples.

Main Projects / Activities

We are working in network of EU countries / DIEP / Diversity and identity of European peoples from 2004.
we have some projects about environmental protection also.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Fekete Sereg Youth Association

National Network

Petofi u. 2.

+ 36 88 264 464
+ 36 88 264 464
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 30 423 97 37
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Fekete Sereg Youth Association is a nongovernmental organization. We have 2 employed. We collaborate with municipalities, foundations, other regional, national and international organizations, cooperates with experts and people supporting the young. We also have good relationship with Mobilitás Hungarian NA budgetary 40.000euros/year. EuroMed youth exchange: Fair Play (2005); EuroMed Contact Makinf Seminar: Sport again racism (2005); EuroMed Training Courses: Coming back to our senses! (2005); Let’s find EuroMed Rhythm! (2006); We hosted the first Mediterranean volunteer (from Tunisia) in Hungary for one year.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to give the youth of the village possibilities to spend their free time by doing useful activities, to support bottom up initiatives of the young living in the village. Our mission is also to give the same possibilities to our youth as other young have in the European Union. We collaborate with municipalities, foundations, other regional, national and international organizations, cooperates with experts and people supporting the young. We also have good relationship with Mobilitás Hungarian NA.

Main Projects / Activities

The Fekete Sereg Youth Association was founded in 1997 and is mainly composed by young aged between 13 and 30, living in Nagyvázsony (1800 inhabitants) and in the Vázsony-valley in Hungary. The association’s duty is to represent the interest of the young living in the village at regional, national and international level. Our village is situate in rurale area. The target groups in our association are diverse: we have students, unemployed, minorities (gypsies), disadvantages and handicaps people etc. We developed local TV channel is our village. As a bottom up initiative, a media program was launched in 2001. We have been publishing a youth newsletter appearing 8 times a year in 600 examples since 7 years. Our members launched a regular television program the Sereg-szemle in the local TV network. We also edit a teletext.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kandiko Rita
Head of the organisation
Kandiko Rita

Ferenc Miszlivetz

Director, iASK, full professor, University of Pannonia Kőszeg Campus Ferenc Miszlivetz is the founder and director of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK), a Jean Monnet professor and full professor at the University of Pannonia. He is a scientific...


Ferenc Miszlivetz

Ferenc Miszlivetz est le fondateur et directeur de l'Institut d'études avancées de Kőszeg (iASK), professeur Jean Monnet et professeur à l'Université de Pannonie. Il est conseiller scientifique au Centre des sciences sociales, à Institut de science politique et à l'Académie...

Foundation for Museums and Visitors (Muzeumok es Latogatok Alapitvany)

National Network

1038 Budapest, Ujliget setany 2/B.

36 1 240 6092
Mobile Phone
36 30 280 7265
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation is run by a 5-member board. The head of the Board is currently the managing director as well. It was funded by 3 Founders who still make sure the Foundation's operation meets legal requirements. There is also a Monitoring Committee which monitors financial matters if income is over 5 million HUF. Budgetary resources are not regular and on the average level they only reach 3million HUF. The sources of funding are mainly grants by governmental or international organizations as well as income on some of the events organized. We participate in European projects as well as organize national conferences, workshops and seminars. Provide educational services for museums, organize local, national or international projects. Participate in some research and operate a small library for professionals. Our main partners are museums, especially the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism which provides our office as well. We also cooperate for governmental and non-governmental organizations, universities, schools etc.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission: Improving the relationship between museums/heritage sites and their visitors as well as making museums more popular among visitors. We also support museums /heritage sites in becoming more sustainable by strengthening their community relations and becoming socially more sensitive and active.
Our objectives: organizing conferences, workshops and seminars on topics that help museums enhance their visitor relations;
organizing museum education activities;
producing books that help museum professionals in engaging their visitors better;
participating in intercultural/international exchanges, projects;
participating in research on the above-mentioned topics;
operating a library for museum professionals.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently we participate in EU-funded project titled Community Exhibitions as Tools for Adults' Individual Development. Last year we had a project on making museums more accessible for disabled people as well as different groups of the community. We also participated in other EU funded projects titled Museums as Places for Intercultural Dialogue (2007-2009) and Museum Literacy: Less educated visitors in museums (2008-2010). We have organized workshops and focus discussions as part of a project supported by the EEA Grant, this project was titled Museums' greater social involvement.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our results and learnings that we experienced and aquired during our work in the project titled as MAP for ID (Museums as Places for Intercultural Dialogues) collated in the attached Handbook (see below).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to extend the scope of our work from the exclusively European region to Euro-Meditarrenean region. We would also like to meet and cooperate with new organizations in the area of intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miszne Korenchy Aniko
Head of the organisation
Miszne Korenchy Aniko
Contact (2) Full Name
Bardosne Gardon Kornelia

Foundation of Subjective Values

National Network

Alagut utca 1.

+36 70 253 0685
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

This foundation is a small but very effective one. At the foundation there three staff member at all. Usually our yearly budget is around 60-80 000 Euros from EU and national funds.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is act against racism with campaigns and education.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main task is the anti-racist movement in Hungary, we organise events and educational projects for youth and professionals as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marcell Lőrincz
Head of the organisation
Marcell Lőrincz

Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest

National Network

Liszt Ferenc tér 8.


+36 1 462 4648
Telephone (other)
+36 1 462 4644
+36 1 462 4644
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
State university, led by the president. State funding.
Mission and Objectives

It was the tradition left by its founders and professors that formed the mission of the Liszt Academy. The Liszt Academy is striving to train creative and performing artists, teachers, who are in possession of values laying in universal and national culture, especially in music. Having received an exceptionally demanding training, students of the Liszt Academy graduate from the institution as real masters of their profession, who are ready to start their musical career as creative and performing artists, musicologists, church musicians or music teachers. Aside from developing the students artistically, training at the Liszt Academy is focusing on the teaching profession as well. The Liszt Academy not only provides students with a universal cultural education, but also lays emphasis on courses in pedagogy, psychology and methodology, therefore, graduates of the institution are ready to pass on their knowledge to future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Music Education

Contact (1) Full Name
Borbála Dornbach
Head of the organisation
President András Batta
Contact (2) Full Name
Beáta Furka

Future of Europe Association

National Network


+36 20 369 3888
Telephone (other)
+36 20 401 5811
Mobile Phone
+36 20 3693888
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

1. Structure of the organization: General assembly (membership + presidium: 7 member (President: Berei, Andrea; Co-president: Dr. Kriston-Vizi, József)

Number of staff: employed: 4; volunteers: 100

2. budgetary resources in 2019: 48355000HUF

3. sources of funding: support of local government; grants (national/international); contribution of association members and supporters + contribution-in-kind

4. modalities of action: main actions:

1991- : 15 Future of Europe Meeting;

Erasmus+ projects

Creative Europe projects

5. main partners:

Partnership: EMJ vzw Neerpelt, Belgium

CSEMADOK Galanta, Slovakia,

HÍD Association Sibiu, Romania,

Tekirdag, Turkey,

FRG Perugia, Italy

Mission and Objectives

To promote the mutual convergence of the peoples of the world, with special emphasis on Europe, as well as the cooperation of people, nations and individual human groups in the spirit of tolerance and total freedom from discrimination. To assist in understanding and familiarisation of the culture of national and ethnic minorities and in the realisation of attempts to strengthen their minority life on the national, local governmental and social level; To protect democratic values and to promote their realisation; in connection to this to protect human and citizen's rights, to protect child and youth interests and to represent their interests;

Main Projects / Activities

- Developing intercultural understanding between young citizens of different countries through organising

a) ‘The Future of Europe’ Children- and Youth Meeting in Kecskemét

b) exchange programmes

c) study visits, seminars

- Solidarity projects: collecting donation, gifts-in-kind and fundraising at local level for communities in less developed Eastern European countries

- Inclusion projects: Educational and financial support for children and young people with less opportunities to integrate them into peer groups and youth exchanges on equal base

- Civil Society Development at local, national and European level:

- Active participation in community political and cultural life

Contact (1) Full Name
Gyurgyik Henriett
Head of the organisation
Berei Andrea
creativity toolbox

Handbook about crisis management

The aim of this manual is to help local communities prepare for potential crises, building on the experience of COVID 19 pandemics. It contains theoretical and practical knowledge on active citizenship and community participation, and presents lessons learned from the...

Haver Informal Jewish Educational Public Benefit Foundation

National Network

Holló u.1, 2nd floor, 34., 1075 Budapest

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+36 30 2225559
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The people involved with the Haver Foundation are creating together a unique model and example of commitment, innovation, responsibility, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness. Voluntarism is a key element of the Foundation’s work, where board members (8) and educators (40) are working together and thus contribute to achieve the vision, mission and goals of the organization. With one paid employee – the foundation CEO – is working in partnership with a big number of civil society organizations: Centropa, Open Society Institute, Kurt Lewin Foundation, Marom, Limmud Hungary, Golem Theatre, Mobilitas, the Association For Ethnical and Religious Minorities Rights in Hungary, ELTE University, more that 150 high schools – all are partners with us, and the we continue to develop relations and partnerships with other organizations. We operate and work based on an annual budget of 50,000 to 70,000 Euro (basic operation and activities, and projects). Grants and individual donors are the main financial resources.
Mission and Objectives

Haver Informal Jewish Educational Public Benefit Foundation mission is to foster Hungarian-Jewish dialog, eradicate Antisemitism and spread tolerance through informal education. The foundation fulfills its mission through educational activities, seminars, publications, exhibitions, and exchange programs targeted at Hungarian and Jewish youth and leaders.

Main Projects / Activities

We reach five thousand high school students, university students and educators yearly, and provide them a wide range of educational activities and programs.
The educational sessions and activities, which includes subject-specific modules on Shoa, anti-Semitism and Jewish identity forms, is designed in the spirit of anti-prejudice and diversity education: to facilitate dialogue and sharing of experiences in the area of religion and culture; to recognize, respect and understand religious, cultural and identity diversity; to confront prejudice and discrimination and to develop individual skills and institutional strategies for creating inclusive inter-cultural environments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mircea Cernov - Foundation CEO
Head of the organisation
Eszter Lányi - Foundation Board President