
Book cover

The relationship of the European Union with the Mediterranean region

Despite its many contradictions and its historical, cultural, religious, and fault lines arising from different economic and social development, the Mediterranean region can be considered a unified region. On the one hand, the internal processes, the conflicts of today, as...

Tilos Cultural Foundation

National Network

1092 Kinizsi street 28

office: 361 476 8491
office: 361 476 8492
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
36 30 4250577
Mobile Phone (other)
36 20 3693117
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Radio Tilos is the first not for profit community radio in Hungary. Budget for 2008: 100,000 Euro Source: Contribution of listeners: 50,000 EURO, State funding: 50,000 Euro One World Project: This is a multidimensional endeavor, to celebrate world cultures throughout 2008 by the use of multi channels: 1. A monthly thematic day, focusing on one of the regions of the world (Africa, Asia, India, Middle East, etc.) Round table discussions on the economic, political and cultural aspects.. 2. Tilos Radio World Party Series, which features live concerts and dance music and visuals from the region concerned. 3. Summer: From jul7 9 to 14 the project goes outdoor to the city of Devavanya. The 1 week festival features: live musical concerts and dance shows, an Open University (Human Rights, Globalization, Climate Change, etc. ) partners interKulti.net intercultural portal, the municipality of the city of Devavanya and the Devavanya International Drum Festival association.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of Tilos Radio is to foster creativity and intercultural dialogue, and to strengthen the civil consciousness. It aims at providing a forum of debate for its listeners, since non censored interactivity lies at the heart of the concept of the Radio. Variety, multiculturalism, critique, social commitment and independence are all our slogans

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation was established in 1991, and it has a board of trustees elected by the members of the radio. Members include about 250 Dj's, reporters, journalists, artists, NGO's, etc. The radio broadcasts on FM 90, but also via streaming or archive on the internet.
Tilos Radio broadcasts 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Programs vary from musical shows (including a host of world music and folk music shows) to talk shows in the morning, to round table discussions in the afternoons (including a program in Chinese, Serbian, English, German, Hindu, etc..)

Contact (1) Full Name
dr. Amir Abdi (Foundation trustee, head of one world project)
Head of the organisation
Gabor Csabai alias Papo
Contact (2) Full Name
Gabor Zsarnai (one world project program coordinator)

Trafo House of Contemporary Arts

National Network

Liliom u.41

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

employed: 21 people, budget yearly: 228 million HUF, Sources of funding: government, applications, ticket income. Modalities of action: projects, performances. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: NKA, Temps d' Images

Mission and Objectives

There is a tradition reaching back decades in Western Europe of erecting artistic centers and institutions in empty industrial buildings. The Trafó House of Contemporary Arts opened its doors in 1998 as the first of this kind in Hungary. Trafó is an institution, a building, a place, a medium, an intellectual adventure, a risk and a possibility. It is a house that belongs to the contemporary arts; a place where life speaks about dance, theater, visual arts, literature and music; a theater, which has no company, and where the viewer is equal with the created opportunity.Trafó is a place where emotion is allowed more space than usual alongside abstraction, a place through which we can look out into the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Trafó's programs pay particular attention to a variety of genres as well as to the demands of quality and internationality. The location for performance art programs is the Performing Hall. The branch of contemporary art least established in the Hungarian tradition is contemporary dance. In this area our most important tasks are to show aesthetic variety and differing dance languages. In addition to this we give special attention, from the perspective of the most recent dance history, to inviting significant works, companies, and performances. The only criteria in the selection of Hungarian and international programs, other than technical limitations, is quality. Budapest is a city with a great theatrical tradition. There are roughly 20 theatrical houses, the majority are repertory theaters, and a number of small studio theaters. The Trafó theatrical events are developed with this in mind. In arranging programs, the emphasis is primarily on going beyond the language of classical theater to renew it, to use the theater space and its assets in a refreshing way, to present performances with visuality in the foreground. Music is also represented in our program on a monthly basis; we arrange 1-2 monthly concerts and some festivals, special program-series each year, suchs as our contemporary music festival called Making New Waves or the Indian Classical Music concert-series, where we present the most important masters of traditional Indian music. At Trafó we often add unspecified genres and interdisciplinary programs to our overall repetiore in addition to staging literary-inspired programs and film or multimedia events. Current trends and phenomena in progressive contemporary arts are shown in the Trafó Gallery.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The goal is to widen our international relations. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Gyorgy Szabo
Head of the organisation
Beata Barda
Contact (2) Full Name
Beata Barda

Tűzraktér Independent Cultural Center –Art Sector Foundation

National Network

Art Sector Foundation- H-1087-Budapest, Százados út 3-13

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The T?zraktér Independent Cultural Center’s background foundation is called Art Sector Foundation. In the inner staff is working 6 people. In the bigger staff there is 4 more people working. We have some voluntaries. The members of the T?zraktér group mostly are doing voluntary job. Our budget is based on the tendering operation, the cultural supports .The enormous Art factory is a meeting point of various types of cultural events, workshops, short and long art projects with a lot of partners, as civil organizations, theaters, embassies, art centers, etc. dramatic performances, exhibitions and even more. We have opened exhibitions, concerts and theatre shows every day, and we constantly try to keep them free for the public. The T?zraktár also contains a bar & garden open from 5pm-3am.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to give place artists to work, to give possibilities for creating new and alternative special art. We support young artists in every type of art, we make art workshops for children. We make festivals, and in the summer period we have different cultural programs every day, which are free or almost free for the people.
We invite artist from different countries every year, for concerts, literal performances, exhibitions or workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

T?zraktér has one of the biggest gallery part of Budapest, which gives place for exhibitions from different part of the world. It has a concert hall, with lot of concerts. Usually 5-10 theater group or dance group are working in the same period.
We give ateliers for artist- it is also free or almost free, as the studios for musicians. Artist create their own parts. We make workshops for artist, for children, for anyone who is interested in art. We support high level art, but that means for us that professionals and alternatives can be next to each other.
We support the artist with big media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simor Ágnes
Contact (2) Full Name
Balla Zoltán

Uccu Roma Informal Educational Foundation

National Network

Gyöngyház utca 8. 2/1

+ 36 20 241 8800
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Board: 8 members,  Chief Executive Director: 1member Program Director: 1 member Financial Assistant: 1 member Regional Coordinator: 4 members 
Educational Team: 25 members(volunteers) Budgetary resources available: national and international sources Modalities of action: concrete projects Main partner: ELTE   University  Department of Social Psychology Budapest, Hungary

Mission and Objectives

UCCU Foundation believes that real learning can only happen through dialogue, experience and active participation. Our goal is to spread the message on the importance of mutual respect of people and the dialogue between cultures, to reduce the existing misconceptions and prejudices regarding Roma in our society. Our goal is to live in a more open and accepting world. Lack of acceptance often derives from the lack of information. In Hungary most anti-Roma people do not really know those they reject. To stop this notion, UCCU provides an opportunity for primary and secondary school children to meet and engage in discussion with Roma youth.  Along with sensitization in primary and secondary schools, UCCU Foundation serves an important role in community building and training of young Roma leaders. The organization places a big emphasis on training young Roma, developing their skills and knowledge, not only those necessary to carry out the educational activities, and activities in connection with the moderator role. The Foundation is operating in the entire country. Alongside the Budapest team, we have volunteer hubs is Pecs, Miskolc and Ózd. 

Main Projects / Activities

The main activity of UCCU foundation is delivering tolerance education sessions in public schools lead by our young Roma volunteers. The impacts of our educational activities (strengthening of debate culture, critical thinking, more tolerant attitudes and behavior, a more open and tolerant way of thinking) have been researched and found to be effective by school teachers and students. We offer these well-established informal education modules mostly in primary and secondary schools, but are open to invitations to other all kinds of events with a similar theme. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Szilvia Kissné Szénási
Head of the organisation
Szilvia Kissné Szénási
Contact (2) Full Name
Judit Ignácz

University of Pécs Faculty of sciences Institute of Geography

National Network

7624 PECS
Ifjúság útja 6.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Centre of researches with 12 researchers 2500 Euros Annual income of the fees of the scientific cooperation formations with the University of Orleans and Tours “Spaces Périmetropolitain . Non-governmental organization.
Mission and Objectives

Research of the Balkan area's complex system and structure and the East of Mediterranean in a geographic view , discovering differences in the geopolitics, in the cultural geography , in the economy and in the demography

Main Projects / Activities

Current research projects :
The problems of security in East-Mediterranean .
Processes of integration of the Mediterranean (Cyprus, Malta, Turkey) Efforts of European integration in the states of Balcan. Risks of security in border zones of Hungary south.
Transborder cooperation .
Regional policies in Balcan

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Norbert PAP
Head of the organisation
M. Norbert PAP (directeur)
Contact (2) Full Name

University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, Hungary

National Network

H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6. - Hungary

+36 72 525 255
+36 72 501 558
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
University of Pécs is the largest and one of the most prominent institutions in Hungary with ten different faculties and thirty thousand students. The Faculty of Humanities is set up of two related disciplines: humanities and social sciences. Our trainings provide both contemporary academic knowledge and skills; they also add to the reflective and critical thinking of the students and to the development of social, communicative and technical abilities. Some unique training programmes offered at our Faculty include Hungarian as a foreign language, Croatian and German as an ethnic minority programme, Roma (Gipsy) studies, Roman provincial archaeology, theatrical studies and several specialist programmes that emphasize the international aspects of the liberal arts, such as European studies, American studies, English studies, Francophone studies, Russian translation and interpretation, Polish cultural studies.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to provide trainings that meet the requirements of the 21st century: flexibility and quality.
The academic mission of the Faculty, for all students and teachers, promotes international education and respect the values of other cultures in Europe and all around the world. We offer, through international partnerships a wide range of opportunity for students and teachers to study and research abroad.
Every year about 90 to 100 humanities students pursue their studies at various universities in Europe under the Erasmus programme. In terms of the number of outgoing students, our Faculty is the first one among the faculties of the University of Pécs.

Main Projects / Activities

Deepening our already existing relations and creating new ones we plan to provide facilities to our teachers and students to participate in research projects, part-time, semester-long and summer university scholarships on the field of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Together with our Euromed partners we are proposing to create research and double-, joint-degree programmes. As the first step of that we created a research – educational cooperation with one of our Turkish partner (Istanbul University) on the field of Archaeology.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Teodóra Dobai (Coordinator)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ferenc Fischer (Dean)

Upcoming New Tools for Storytelling and for Prevention of Gender Violence

Presentation of the tools

ALF Hungary member Anthropolis showcased two of their tools in the framework of EU CERV/DECIDES project that is concerned with the prevention of gender violence. 

In June, Anthropolis showed their portuguespartner, Approximar the benefits of the usage of digital storytelling, and in July, Approximar shared the tools to address gender stereotypes in schools and to create action plans to inspire young people to take action. 

These tools will be part of a handbook on the website of Anthropolis in the coming few months.

Learn more here:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anthropolis.hu

Website: http://anthropolis.hu/english/

V4 Music Foundation

National Network

Orsó utca 27. FE. 2

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The V4 Music Foundation is a non-profit organization led by American-Hungarian violinist Miranda Liu, Concertmaster of the Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra. It manages classical music and educational projects throughout Europe, with a focus on promoting Hungarian and Central European cultural traditions. The budgetary resources available in a year may vary depending on the funding received. The foundation receives its funding through grants, governmental support, and sometimes ticket sales and course fees. These financial resources enable them to carry out various activities, including concerts, festivals, and educational programs. Their modalities of action encompass organizing events such as the New Millennium International Chamber Music Festival and Academy, as well as collaborations with local venues, concert halls, artists, cultural institutes, and non-profit organizations in Hungary and abroad. These partnerships enhance their ability to fulfill their mission.

Mission and Objectives

The V4 Music Foundation's primary goal is to spread Hungarian and European high-level culture and provide high-quality music education to students of all ages and nationalities. Through their unique collaboration, the organization aims to deepen cultural connections between the countries of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic) and represents a beautiful example of European sentiment and collaboration among different EU nations. They recognize the challenges faced by many music students, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds, who lack equal opportunities for quality music education. To address this issue, the foundation welcomes students of any age, gender, nationality, and background to participate in its educational programs, offering equal opportunities to learn and grow artistically.
Furthermore, the V4 Music Foundation is dedicated to making high culture and classical music accessible to everyone. They aspire to create a compassionate society that values open society and democratic principles. In addition to their cultural mission, the foundation is committed to education and plans to partner with local music conservatories and universities to share their rich cultural heritage and teach the next generation of musicians how to be successful. This commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a sense of inclusivity and social imagination underscores their dedication to both cultural enrichment and the broader ideals of an open, democratic, and harmonious society.

Main Projects / Activities

The V4 Music Foundation is renowned for its contribution to the New Millennium International Chamber Music Festival and Academy (NMICMF), founded in 2019. The NMICMF serves as a dynamic international community that gathers musicians from Hungary and an array of countries, including Spain, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Portugal, Romania, England, Bulgaria, Austria, the Czech Republic, and others. This diverse ensemble of artists fosters cultural exchange and collaboration, embodying the foundation's commitment to promoting diversity and strengthening artistic ties. Held annually in the heart of Budapest, typically at the end of August or beginning of September, the festival has garnered considerable attention from both the Hungarian and international press, appearing in printed publications, on radio, and television broadcasts. The NMICMF actively engages over 80 students from more than 25 different countries, offering a platform for talented young musicians to develop artistically and facilitating cross-cultural connections. One of the festival and academy's core objectives is to unite not only different countries but also different branches of art, opening doors to future artistic collaborations among musicians and artists from various backgrounds. Furthermore, the NMICMF extends its global reach through collaborations with international partners; in 2023 alone, it organized events in Spain and Bulgaria in association with "Edition Vilagarcía" and "Edition Ruse," respectively.

In addition to the NMICMF, the V4 Music Foundation oversees various activities, including those of the V4 String Quartet, the Central European String Quartet, and numerous concert series and classical music projects not only in Hungary but also in other EU countries. Among these initiatives, the Central European String Quartet's International Composition Competition stands out, highlighting the foundation's dedication to promoting contemporary classical music. With a focus on nurturing talent and facilitating artistic collaboration, the V4 Music Foundation plays a vital role in fostering cultural exchange and artistic growth on both national and international scales.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The V4 Music Foundation aims to contribute to the network by promoting diversity, gender equality, environmental consciousness, and inclusivity in the cultural and educational fields. They are open to collaborating with other foundations and companies to add cultural value to projects. Their commitment to inclusivity and their experience in organizing international events make them valuable potential partners for the ALF Network. By joining the network, they hope to engage in new international collaborations and become part of the global community supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation, aligning with shared objectives to promote intercultural dialogue and cooperation in the arts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The V4 Music Foundation is eager to become a part of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, the ALF Network's objectives closely align with those of our foundation. Both organizations share a commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue, promoting diversity, and strengthening collaboration among different countries and cultures. This alignment makes us believe that our involvement in the ALF Network would be mutually beneficial and highly synergistic.
Additionally, being a part of the ALF Network opens up new opportunities for international collaborations and engagement with a global community of like-minded organizations and individuals. We recognize that cultural exchange and understanding are vital components of a harmonious world, and the ALF Network provides an ideal platform to facilitate such exchanges. Through this network, we hope to expand our reach, share our experiences, and contribute to the broader mission of promoting cultural diversity and cooperation on an international scale. In essence, joining the ALF Network is a strategic move to amplify the impact of our cultural and educational initiatives and to be part of a collective effort to promote peace, dialogue, and cultural exchange worldwide.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miranda Liu
Job Title
Founder, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Head of the organisation
Miranda Liu

Vázsonykő – Cultural Dialogue through Community Archaeology

excavation nagyvázsony

"Historia est magistra vitae” – history as life’s teacher is the ancient saying that floated before our eyes when we, the Fekete Sereg Youth Association (ALF Hungary member) came up with the Vázsonykő project. Nagyvázsony, Hungary,  is a little Europe: Germans, Hungarians, Slavs, Roma and Jewish people have lived together for centuries, and there is a tradition of cultural dialogue in the village.

The above mentioned intercultural dialogue and international history was the basis of our project. Despite the small size of the village, we wanted to bring international programs and dialogue to Nagyvázsony. The project consists of two parts: at its center there is an excavation conducted according to the principles of community archaeology, in addition to local history, historical presentations and guided tours. In addition to Hungarian, most of the guided tours and presentations are also available in English, and even in Italian or French if required.

The guided tours take place in nature, next to local monuments, and in addition to Hungarian history, European history is also presented, and the tours also explore topics and challenges that are pertinent nowadays. For example, from an environmental point of view, such topics include, for example, the creation of a new forest planted in place of a previously exterminated one, the effectiveness of contemporary epidemiological measures, or the responses to the war traumas.

The most popular event of the project is the archaeological excavation. The excavation is conducted according to the principles of community archaeology, which means that volunteers carry out the excavation tasks under the guidance of professional archaeologists. In 2022, 30 volunteers from 16 countries took part in the excavation, where the official language was English.

The main aim of the excavation is to learn about the history of the village, as well as to find the remains of the „Charlemagne of Nagyvázsony”, Pál Kinizsi, who was not only a general, but a patron of culture as well. In 2022 the Volunteer Center Foundation awarded the Vázsonykő project as the Best volunteer program of the year.

During the local history tours and excavation, foreigners, especially young people from abroad, participate in addition to the locals, and many exciting cultural dialogues and debates take place during the events. These small events show how a small unity of Europe looks like between the youngsters. The Vázsonykő project wants to be a bridge. A bridge between past and present, a bridge between cultures, furthermore, a bridge between Europe and Hungary. We believe that history is life’s teacher, and it’s never too late to learn from it – especially at the European level.

Learn more about the project here: https://fekete-sereg.hu/en/vazsonyko-cultural-dialogue-through-community-archaeology/