
We the Women Movement

National Network

4 "Krali Marko" Str.

+359 73 88 50 49
+359 73 83 16 32
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information

"We the Women" Movement does not have permanent staff, but works with over 300 volunteers along with its 22 founding members. The organization has over 16 000 EUR annual funds from projects, donations and economic activity. "We the Women" Movement concentrates on charitable events and small projects, as well as assistance to actions initiated by other NGO and International Initiatives for Cooperation in particular.

Mission and Objectives

Protection of democracy and humanism, protection of the rights of children, women and families. It supports and promotes the realization of women in the economic and social life, strives to teach and affirm Bulgarian heritage and traditions, assists the social adaptation of women in post-pension age, actively promotes protection of environment and organizes public events for strengthening traditional values.

Main Projects / Activities

"We the Women" Movement organizes a number of charitable events, such as assistance for a "Protected Housing" for mentally disadvantaged young people, a charitable event for restoration of a church, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Zdravka Chimeva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Zdravka Chimeva
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Bogdana Tampurtsova

Yambol Choir School "Professor Georgi Dimitrov" Society

National Network

8 John Aranassov str., 8600 Yambol

+359 46 66 15 52
+359 46 66 33 98
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 899583056
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 878892088
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Structure Yambol Choir School “Prof. G. Dimitrov” is a Public/Private Non-Profit Society between Yambol Municipality and two Non-Governmental Organizations – Choir School “Prof. G. Dimitrov” Society and Scientific Technical Union – Yambol. The number of the staff employed is four. The partners unite their efforts to promote the local cultural heritage, musical, singing art and the musical culture of Yambol and the region, but also to present them on the national and international level. The society realizes information and consulting work, in relation with development of the musical education and the creative abilities of the children and adults from Yambol, promote the creative activity and the creative product realization in Bulgaria and abroad. 2. Budgetary resources € 15 000 3. Sources of funding The society fee by the Yambol Municipality, Educational fees from children and adults, funding by the projects 4. Modalities of action Initiatives: Children’s Song Festival – Yambol 2003, 2010; Organizing, and participation in the Choir Music Festival Days –“100 anniversary of professor Georgi Dimitrov birth” –Yambol; A presentation concert – performance „Bulgarian tunes – traditions and modern times”, together with Troupe for national songs and dances „Tundzha”; International Thracian Choir Festival - 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Participations in Choir festivals in Bulgaria and abroad. Participation in Bulgarian and International projects. 5. Main partners: The Bulgarian Ministry of Culture, The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry, The Yambol Municipality, Territory Organization of Scientific Technical Union – Yambol, The Bulgarian Choir Union, The Bulgarian Choir Conductors’ Society, foundations, sponsors and etc.
Mission and Objectives

To support people in their self realization;
To facilitate the culture communication and cooperation between people
To preserve Bulgarian cultural and spiritual values and traditions
To support humanitarian, social and artistic activities
To popularize the creative abilities of the Bulgarian singers and their performing art.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in projects as partners:
- “Buchlesung in Thuringen” – Erfurt, Germany
- „4 choirs – 4 cultures” – Lublin, Poland
- "Arts and parks" - Samothrace, Greece
Participation in projects and programmes to the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and Bulgarian Goreign Ministry

Contact (1) Full Name
Vessela Kotelnikova
Head of the organisation
Vessela Kotelnikova

Youth and Civil initiatives in the Rose Valley

National Network

71 General Kartsov St.
4300 Karlovo


00359 335 93300
00359 335 93300
Mobile Phone
00359 898742757
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are a non-profit making, non-governmental organisation with two full time employees and more than 100 volunteers for our local and international projects and initiatives. We have our budget formulated mainly by membership fees and project development. We are partnering with two local authorities in the area who are our members and support all our projects. We are mainly working with the "Youth in Action" programme, "Europe for Citizens", COE's European Youth Foundation programmes as well as with many national and foreign donors such as Open Society Institute, Peace Corps, Bulgarian Fund for Women etc. We are hosting and sending youngsters for international youth exchanges and training courses and seminars on various important topics such as intercultural dialogue, citizenship, gender equality and human rights.
Mission and Objectives

We aim at raising young people’ s awareness of the aching problems of our world, integration of socially disadvantaged and disabled people, fostering cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, mainstreaming gender equality and human rights in youth work

Main Projects / Activities

We organise various awareness raising campaigns, local and international events, seminars, conferences, surveys, polling citizens’ opinion on different issues, hosting and taking part in intercultural youth exchanges.We are an accredited sending and hosting organisation for the European voluntary Service and we also have a Peace Corps volunteer helping our organisation implement its goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tsvetina Zaharlieva
Head of the organisation
Tsvetina Zaharlieva- Exacutive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Katya Stoynova

Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley and experts and municipal councilors from Karlovo on exchange of experience in Italy

Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley and experts and municipal councilors from Karlovo on exchange of experience in Italy

In the period 17-21 July, 2024, representatives of the Municipality of Karlovo, Municipal Council-Karlovo and Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley took part in a workshop in the Municipality of Gradara, Italy.


The meeting is part of the "Erasmus+" partner project of Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley. The COSTAS project aims to exchange experience on the following topics - social inclusion of elderly and vulnerable groups, the cultural calendars of the municipalities, as an opportunity to engage and improve the social life of young people and elderly residents of the municipalities and sharing eco actions and projects of the municipalities and partner organisations.


After the Bulgarian organisation hosted the project partners on the topic of social inclusion in the month of May during the Rose Festival in Karlovo, in Italy Bulgarian representatives presented the rich cultural calendar of the Municipality of Karlovo, sharing how young and old people from all settlements are involved in the various events and holidays.


The participants of the meeting received training on preservation and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage and got ideas from the hosts and partners from Poland. Learning and seeing is to be shared with local cultural and tourism experts to diversify the cultural calendar and youth activities for the benefit of the local community.


The international participants from Bulgaria and Poland were welcomed by the mayor of Gradara, the deputy regional governor of Pesaro - Capital of Italian culture, municipal and regional councilors for youth, culture and tourism.


The small town-municipality of Gradara, with only 4,800 inhabitants, is famous for one of the best-preserved medieval castles of the Malatesta lords of Rimini and the story of Paolo and Francesca, immortalised in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.


The meeting was during the Medieval Festival in Gradara with a re-enactment of the attack on the castle, a medieval wedding, an open-air concert in the castle with Italian film songs, medieval dances, archery, which literally takes the participants back to the Middle Ages along with the thousands of tourists who visit daily the castle.


The project is implemented in partnership with the Municipality of Gradara, Italy and the Athena Association from Poland, who are the coordinators of the project.

Youth Forum 2001 - Razgrad

National Network

Razgrad 7200
Osvobozhdenie 34, PoBox 237

Razgrad 7200

0359 84 661694
0359 84 661694
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0359 898 552688
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
YOUTH FORUM 2001 is a non-profit legal entity. The Association was registered on December 10, 1998, and re-registered on June 21, 2001. The main document of our organization is the Statute. The General Assembly is the high priority authority in our organization. It elects the Managing Board and Board of Trustees. The Assembly consists of 17 people, which elects the five members of the Managing Board and three members of the Board of Trustees. Their mandate is for 3 years. Members of the board can’t be relatives. The Managing Board is responsible for the policy and fundraising. The Board of Trustees monitors the finances and the policy. We have a youth section that has its own managing structures (Youth Council – 5 members). 32 Volunteers are members of this youth section. The Youth Council prepares an internal self-evaluation at least 3 times a year. The criteria of the personal contribution to the organization are a part of the Rules and Regulations in the Youth Section. The youth worker is responsible for the work of the youth section. We are cooperating with the Association of the Youth Organizations - Razgrad, NGOs Center – Razgrad, Women Support Center in the Village of Strazhets, District Court, Regional Court, Regional inspectorate of the Ministry of Education and Science, Regional Police Department, Social Assistance Directorate.
Mission and Objectives

OUR MISSION as a structured youth forum is to improve the social role of young people in Razgrad.
OUR VISION is to achieve equality for all social and ethnic groups by providing young people with opportunities for participating actively according to their interests in a motivating and positive atmosphere.
OUR GOAL is to ensure advocacy and realization of human rights and to promote tolerance, understanding, and opportunities of building the capacity of the civic sector through trainings and exchange of ideas and information.

Main Projects / Activities

“Youth forum 2001” is an ambitious organization which enables you to have your own personality, different from others. “Youth forum 2001” will help you to realize your ambitions and meet key figures.
Our organization is a voluntary association of young people with a positive purpose. We are very enthusiastic and ambitious young people, united by the idea of positive and continuous development of our generation. We wish to socialize with the surrounding world and to actively take part in the social processes.
Foreign Aid Ratings assigns BB rating to Youth Forum 2001 (November 2003), a community-based youth organization building social capital. Our organization has been selected to be part a of pilot project with only three more NGOs from India, Ghana and Bosnia and Herzegovina. www.foreignaid.com/ratings2/YouthForum2001/
On March 9, 2004, we got License #0004 for a children’s social service called “Daily Center for Youth Lawbreakers”, issued by the State Agency for Child Protection of the Council of Ministries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stoyanka Nedelcheva, Co-ordinator
Head of the organisation
Aneta tsankova Tsoneva, Chairperson of the Managing Board

Youth the future

National Network

zk. Ljulin, bl. 321, vh. G, ; optional: 2, Angel Kanchev str.,

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Bodies of the Association are General Meeting, which acts as the supreme body of the Association and the Managing Board, which acts as the managing body of the Association. The managing board consists of 8 people - experts in different fields - legal, psychological, environmental, accountancy, sports, youth activities, labour market and rights and international relations, working on a volunteer basis, not directly hired on a contract, and a technical assistant hired. The budgetary resources are coming from the membership fee and for funding of our ideas and goals we look for different opportunities through the EU funds. Our organisation is a year old and so far we have completed one project, funded by the European Youth Foundation - "Unions' youth facing the changes in the society" gathering 4 Balkan countries young union leaders to discuss and elaborate on the post crisis effect on the young people. Our partners are various national NGO's, the Youth networks of the Trade Unions of EU, the National youth forum. All of the members of the Managing Board are having strong Union background and thus our main partner is the Youth network of Confederation of labour "Podkrepa".
Mission and Objectives

Article. 4 The Association is to follow the below listed objectives:
1. to strengthen and develop the spiritual and civil values in the area of education, culture, science, technology and sports - though the active participation of the young people;
2. to build capacity for knowledge and skills – aiming at the implementation of innovations and is to to address current issues solutions - through the participation of the young people;
3. to promote social integration and personal progress of the young people by promoting active and creative interaction between them as well as encouraging their active involvement into civil society;
4. to stimulate the development of youth initiatives in the aspects of civil society, culture, education, science, technology, sports, ecology, etc.;
5. to work for socio-cultural and economic development of the country, in a partnership with the local government administration, public authorities, private sector, non-government organisations and representatives of all interested party communities;
6. to work for the establishment of partnerships and partnership networks at local, national and international level of cooperation in the implementation of joint activities and projects;
7. to help ensuring the necessary exchange of information for optimal cooperation between youth, organizations and institutions to be provided;
8. to assist the socially disadvantaged youth, disabled, minority groups representatives and others, who are in need of extra care and inclusion;
9. to protect human and civil rights and interests of young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Article. 7 (1) The scope of activities of the Association is as defined bellow:
1. development and strengthening of moral values, civil society, culture, education, science, technology, ecology, tourism and sport;
2. implementation of activities to increase the capacity of the population and in particular – of the young people at local, regional and national level through training, consultations, seminars, lectures, discussions and provided expert assistance;
3. development and implementation of projects aimed at mobilizing resources to address youth issues throughout the country and ensuring their social integration;
4. supporting the social integration and personal development of young people and representatives of disadvantaged groups, including - supporting the sustainable development of rural regions;
5. systematic work with organizations and communities for social development of young people, minorities, women and others, including - for disadvantaged people groups;
6. conducting policies for the protection of human rights, equality, decent labour and combating various forms of discrimination;
7. development and enrichment of cultural life and leisure services to the young people;
8. fundraising, collecting donations and providing sponsorship for the implementation of projects to third parties that help achieving the objectives of the Association;
9. promoting social awareness and civil consciousness of young people to solve their specific problems, including through increasing their capacity for absorption of EU structural funds;
10. any other activity that contributes to the objectives of the Association and are not prohibited by law - including business-related non-core activities and contributing to the objectives - revenue provided by the latter to be used only in order to achieve the objectives of the Association.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our strong interconnection with the Youth network of CL Podkrepa and our almost 1000 volunteers, 700 of them aged between 15-29, we can strongly contribute to the spreading of the ideas and goals of ALF and guarantee commitment and involvment in the activities of the national network. Using our expertise in the fields of our experts ALF national network could have a strong benefit having us as members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have plenty of contacts and partnerships across Europe, but what we would like to explore is to create and develop sustainable relations with other parts of the world and especially the Mediterranian countries. With the latest developments there - the Arab spring, and the latest events in our country - the over -a month -long mass protests on the streets of almost all the cities, that lead to the fall of the Government, we are whitnessing the same processes arround the Mediterranian, despite the cultural, religious and political differences. We would like to explore the realities the youth of those countries are facing, to share experience, best pracices, to learn about the differences of our cultures and the more and more similarities we are having, driven by the globalisation processes. We would like to establish sustainable relations for cultural and educational exchanges, that both sides of the Mediterranean will benefit.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivanka Neykova
Head of the organisation
Ms Ivanka Neykova
Contact (2) Full Name
Stoyan Panchev

Youth theatre MT``Alternativa``– Gorna Oriahovitza, Bulgaria

National Network

Nikola Petrov 39;Youth theatre MT``Alternativa``
5100 Gorna Oriahovitsa

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Youth theatre “Alternativa” – Gorna Oriahovitza is a society of theatre-minded people and partisans of the culture. The activity of the theatre is connected with rationalization of the spare time of the people in Gorna Oriahovitza through the different theatre formations. In its activity the theatre uses classical theatre, ultraviolet and theatre of shadows, spectacles for children and intermedias, street theatre and stills. The youth group is the most urging section, because it develops the initiative of the young people in the town and the municipality and helps them. Since 2000 Youth theatre “Alternativa” works with “Youth” program, the World bank and the European Youth Fondation – Strasburg. After all exchanges that were made the theatre did gain an experience in its work and started helping its partners not only in the theatral activity but also with the ability to fulfit youth contacts. Since a few months the volunteer Alecsander Deiv is working with the theatre. Other visits of volunteers are planned, too.
Mission and Objectives

The work with international programs makes the possibilities for international contacts and information for the European society much higher. This way the main aims of the group are real facts – to build a connection between the professional and amateur sphere of personal appearance’ through realization of the spare time and to help with information, through communication, free exchanges of ideas and information, with activity and an example for better understanding of “other’s “ way of life.

Main Projects / Activities

The youth theatre " Alternative " is a volunteer youth formation for education in the area of the theatre and aims through the theatre to distribute positive aesthetic perceptions as well to direct the public opinion to important worldly problems.The theatre aims though acting and theatrical art to express the youth opinion on global questions such as pollution , drug abuse , violence , ect. The work with international programs makes the possibilities for international contacts and information for the European society much higher

Contact (1) Full Name
Simeon Hristov
Head of the organisation
Simeon Hristov

Youth Tolerance Association

National Network

Nickola Petrov 39
Gorna Orjahovitza 5100

00359 887 729061
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The original concept consists of building a bridge between the amateur and professional sphere of the development of the personality”. The focus falls on full communication via diversity of points of view and the unification of the difference. All the known values are combined in an innovatory view into the future. Initiators work together, to add their value to develop cultural, information and

Mission and Objectives

To raise better understanding to different ways, styles and views of living, trough providing information, communication, exchange of different. To stimulate cultural, information and educational values among the citizens and to support their participation in solving problems. Integration in and acceptance of system of European culture. Formation of active citizenship To work on a program to stimulate citizens of town for active and creative spending of their leisure time. Provocation in a permanent social debate on questions of the individual potential, self-realization and support of the personality, group building and work. Organizing of discussions, seminars, conferences, trainings and cultural meetings and other. Work with national agencies and non-governmental national and international organizations in order to raise the modern status of culture and education. Popularizing experience and basic priority-activities of related European societies and organizations. Spreading current information about and from the European Union and charity initiatives. Encourage, support and organize charity initiatives It actively works for volunteer service

Main Projects / Activities

EURODESK – project which introduces European organization – Youth network of European organizations with its center in Brussels. Keep up the spirit – socialization of children with less opportunities and their participation in theatre group YT “Alternative”. Keep up the spirit II – continuing of socialization of children with less opportunities trough experience. Friends forever – introduction in the knowledge of EU, its law and values on the level: leader – student. To build a bridge – Youth exchange with theatre group from Germany. Jump in the EU – fears and expectations – educational seminar in Warsaw (Poland). I the search of identity – training in Czech Krumlov – Czech republic. Good will for the volunteer – setting up of the volunteer’s club. Human rights of XXI century - seminar in Krakow (Poland). Personal development with theatre – sending a volunteer in Swedish theatre organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Violeta Panova
Head of the organisation
Violeta Panova
Contact (2) Full Name
Rumina Trifonova