
The director of the City Library "Paisiy Hilendarski", Asenovgrad, on a work visit to Belgium

The director of the City Library "Paisiy Hilendarski", Asenovgrad, on a work visit to Belgium

We share with the audience the successive successes of the "Paisiy Hilendarski" City Library, Asdenovgrad, which are long-term members of the National Network Anna Lindh Bulgaria. Besides being very active at the local level and constantly offering various services to the community in Asenovgrad, the library also participates in many projects financed by various grants. We are now sharing information about their participation in the international project ADELE (Advancing Digital Empowerment of Libraries in Europe), which is financed under the Erasmus + program. The project is implemented by organizations from: Ireland, Italy, Belgium and Bulgaria. The aim of the project is to promote the use of digital technologies through the acquisition and development of digital competences in the field of non-formal education for adults. within the framework of the project, a working visit was held in Brussels, Belgium, which was also attended by the director of the City Library "P.Hilendarski", Asenovgrad - Milena Markovska. During the meeting, the participants had the pleasure of getting to know the work of the neighborhood library "Elsen Public Library", the host library - "Muntpunt Library", as well as the "Royal Library of Belgium", which preserves the literary heritage of Belgium.

To learn more about the ADELE project, click on the link: https://www.adele-project.eu/it/https://libasenovgrad.com/novini/


The Garden Association

National Network

Str. "Makedoniya" 38
6300 Haskovo

+359 0887 545 690
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
We aim to facilitate people's development as holistic and harmonious persons, as well to build sustainable communities. To achieve this, we try to improve and integrate various activities and roles through which individuals and groups operate in their lives.  We are active in fields like:  civil society, grassroots movement and democracy personal growth, community building and development of organizational culture nonformal education and lifelong learning psychology and psychotherapy, aimed at achieving sustainable psychological health science, technology, art and culture environment conservation and implementation of ecological principles in all fields of human activity sustainable economy, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship social realization of vulnerable social groups, marginalized communities, people at risk of social exclusion cooperation among citizens, organizations and institutions, intercultural cooperation
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to facilitate people's development as holistic and harmonious persons, as well to build sustainable communities. To achieve this, we try to improve and integrate various activities and roles through which individuals and groups operate in their lives.

Main Projects / Activities

Generally, we are engaged in various forms of nonformal education:
We run art classes in the Refugee camp in Harmanli, Bulgaria. 
We provide English classes for the refugees in the Refugee camp in Harmanli, Bulgaria. 
We organize free open cources in the Open School of Psychology (haskovo, Buglaria). 
We develop the local community in Chernichevo village, Eastern Rhodope mountains. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a small, but enthusiastic group of individuals with experience in intercultural communication.
We have organized different activities with refugees, students, and adults.
We have an experienced trainer in intercultural skills, Mr Georgi Stankov, who was trained in "LTS training and consulting", Bath Spa, UK. 
We have experience in online broadcasting, community organizing, grassroots activism, art and cultural activities, and we could contribute with our ideas and know-how. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are deeply devoted to the ideas of peace and collaboration between the peoples, groups and communitites around the world. We see the world as a field for communication, sharing and collaboration, and we have found that what ALF Network is doing perfectly matches our idea. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Lydia Kirilova Staikova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lydia Staikova
Contact (2) Full Name
Georgi Angelov Stankov
Job Title (2)

The Greener Bourgas Foundation

National Network

24 "Shejnovo" str.

+359 56 842291
Telephone (other)
+359 56 840543
+359 56 842291
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359 878 84 22 36
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 888 281854
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Foundation Greener Bourgas promotes and supports the environmental protection and nature conservation in the Bourgas region and in Bulgaria in general. It also promotes the principles of sustainable development.Governing body of the foundation is the Steering Committee (Board). The Steering Committee (Board) chooses among its members a chairman, secretary and treasurer. The Steering Committee (the Board) takes all decisions necessary for the good operation of the foundation.The Steering Committee appoints the director of the Foundation Greener Bourgas. The director creates the conditions for the optimal functioning of the Foundation to reach its objectives. The Management Team consists of ass.prof.Simeon Simeonov, Chairman and Venelin Todorov, director of the Foundation Greener Bourgas.The staf of 3 peoples and 15 voluntiars is caring out operational activities of the Foundation. English is the international working language of the Foundation. The foundation has experience in elaboration and implementation of environmental education programs at schools.We are working in field of energy efficiency, renewables, regional and rural development, transboundary coperations and EU Fund management.We have great experience in organization and implementation of public awareness campaigns directed towards different target groups of the society. About 90% of all income of the foundation has come from foreign, EU , UN or USA projects. Others from Bulgarian sources and donations. The budgetary resources for year is approximately 50-60 000 euro.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation Greener Bourgas promotes and supports the environmental protection and nature conservation in the Bourgas region and in Bulgaria in general. It also promotes the principles of sustainable development.
The general objectives of the foundation, as formulated in the Statute are:
- To promote environmental awareness with the public, the schools, the authorities and private companies;
- To support the authorities, the state and private companies at the implementation of the transition, in order they to work in compliance with the EU directives and norms;
- To carry out consulting activities for private companies and authorities in the field of general management, environmental management, environmental technology and environmental protection.

Main Projects / Activities

Green Youth Academy 2009-2010 carried by DS of USA Alumni Venelin Todorov;
“Innovative adult education for sustainable rural development” Project /2008-2010/ under Grundtvig Program /Lifelong learning/.
Greener Bourgas Foundation participates in an international consortium together with organizations from Lithuania, Italy, Romania, Slovenia and Belgium. The project is focused on providing training on sustainable rural practices for inhabitants from marginalized regions. Associated partner is Regional Agricultural Advisory Service - Burgas;
CSO Engagement in Ecological Economics Project 2008; The innovative practices for capacity building of civil society organizations Project /2008/
“The innovative practices for capacity building of civil society organizations” Project /2008/. The project is funded under the OP Administrative capacity. GBF is partner of the Union of Bulgarian Black sea Local authorities. In the framework of the project is organized training for CSO representatives through Internet based platform. Its aim is NGOs capacity building mainly in the regions of Varna, Burgas and Dobrich.
“Learn, See, Do” Project /2006 –2007/, funded by Joint Small Project Fund, PHARE Cross border Cooperation program Bulgaria-Turkey. Greener Bourgas Foundation is Bulgarian partner of Kirklareli Chamber of Agriculture.
“Regional waste management project for Burgas, Dobrich and Provadia Regions” /2005 – 2007/, funded by ISPA Program. Greener Bourgas Foundation is local partner of the international consortium. “Giant Farm” Project /2005 – 2006/, funded by the Joint Small Project Fund, PHARE Cross border Cooperation program Bulgaria-Turkey.
“Sustainable NGOs - reliable and capable partner” Project- Program for Institutional and Financial Capacity Building of NGOs in the Bulgarian Black Sea Region /2005 –2006/, funded by Small embassy project (MATRA/KAP).
“Development of regional development plan for South-east Planning region” /2005 – 2005/ Project, funded by the Bulgarian Ministry of regional development and public works. Greener Bourgas Foundation was part of the consortium developing the plan;
“Campaign for support of energy efficiency measures implementation in the construction of residential and public buildings in Burgas region” Project /2004 – 2005/, funded by Foundation EkoObshtnost under Energy Alternatives program;
“Sustainable building” Project /2004 – 2005/, funded by the Dutch Ministry of housing, spatial planning and the environment. This is a pilot project for Bulgaria and is implemented by the Greener Bourgas Foundation with the support of the Municipality of Burgas. It aims at transferring the Dutch experience in the field of sustainable building including sustainable technologies and materials.
“Environmental management of port areas ” /2003 – 2004/- Flanders-Bulgarian project funded by the Flanders community. Greener Bourgas Foundation organizes trainings for the project target groups-port authorities, ecological organizations, trade-union organizations, etc. about the role of NGOs in environmental management of port areas.03/2003 - 03/2004
"Promotion of Environmentally Sound Agricultural Practices in Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Zone", financed by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of UK.10/2002 - 06/2003 "Campaign "Helping people to participate" financed by the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe under the Program "Support Developing Strategies for Implementation of the Aarhus Convention in SEE NGO".
A JOINT PROGRAM FOR PREVENTION, REDUCTION AND CONTROL OF NUTRIENT POLLUTION FROM AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES/ October 2002 - October 2003/09/2002 - 06/2003 "Establishment of Partnership for Introduction of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in the Black Sea region" financed by the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe - Bulgaria. The project aims to establish multi-stakeholders partnership on local and regional level for introduction of sustainable agricultural practices.01/2002 "Strengthening Municipalities and Regional Capacity Project - Bulgaria", financed by the British Know-How Fund.
04/2001 - 12/2001"Partners for water protection and sustainable utilization ". Financed by the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe. DEVELOPMENT OF A HAZARDOUS MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ON THE TERRIRORY OF MUNICIPALITY OF BOURGAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EU STANDARDSThe main goal of this project is the implementation of an effective and active system for integrated management of the specific hazardous waste from humanitarian and veterinarian medicine on the territory of Bourgas Municipality, eliminated risks for environment and human health , in connection with the implementation of the health reform in Bulgaria and the performance of the requirements of existing local normative organization and the EU legislation standards.The Greener Bourgas Foundation organized the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Risk Assessment Activities for the Cold War Facilities and Environmental Legacies". More than 70 participants from all over the world were trained.
2000 - 2001 "Clean beaches, a first commitment for a sustainable tourism in Romanian and Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Areas "-under the Cooperative Environmental Project Grants of the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe.
2000-2001"Implementation of a new equipment for the waste treatment"-financed by the Dutch Environmental Ministry. The Greener Bourgas Foundation is the local partner and consultant for this project. 2000 -2001 "Co-generation and energy efficiency program for Toplofikatcia Bourgas"-financed by the Ecolinks Program of USAID.
"Urban indicators for sustainable development" within the framework of program "Global Urban Network" by the United Nations Commission on Human Settlements. The Foundation Greener Bourgas select, process and analyze the statistic information concerning the social, economic and environmental situation in Municipality of Bourgas.Extraction and Utilisation of Biogas at Bratovo landfill financed by the Ecolinks Program USAID, 1999-2001 Bulgarian-Dutch Environmental Project Greeer Bourgas - common environmental action program of the government and the Industry of the region of Bourgas, 1997-1999;
1999-2001 Bulgarian-Dutch Project Development of Waste Management Strategy for Port of Bourgas. The partners are: Ministry of Transport, Port of Bourgas, Municipality of Bourgas, IWACO -Rotterdam, DCMR-Rotterdam, Haskoning, ATM. The Foundation acted as a local consultant and coordinator of this project.
Within the framework of Project the Foundation organized an international seminar for Waste Management in Black Sea Ports.

Contact (1) Full Name
eng.ec.Vemelin Todorov MBA
Head of the organisation
Assistant Professor Simeon Simeonov

The Intellectual Legacy of Pancho Vladigerov Foundation

National Network

10 Yakubitsa str. 1164 Sofia , Bulgaria
1164 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359886 605 987
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 889616738
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The Intellectual Legacy of Pancho Vladigerov Foundation was established in the autumn of 2006 by Maestro’s grandchild, named after him - Pancho Vladigerov, Junior. He has followed his family tradition – he is a concert pianist and piano pedagogue. He lives and works in Berlin, Germany. He teaches piano at the Leo Kestenberg School of Music, Berlin. He directs master classes in piano in a number of countries in Europe as well as in Canada and Japan. He is a winner of prizes in prestigious piano competitions. He is a benefactor to the Pancho Vladigerov House Museum in Sofia. The founder of the foundation is composer’s grandson who carries his name - Pancho Vladigerov, Jr. He is also a chairman of the foundation. It is managed by a collective body – a Board of Trustees. Professor Vassil Kazandjiev is the honorary chairman of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees consists of 13 people including the chairman of the foundation and the honorary chairman of the Board. The members of the Board are as follows: Associate Professor Anda Bozhidarova Palieva, PhD, Bozhidar Nikolov Barov, Ilario Lyubenov Astinov, Yosif Borisov Radionov, Krassimir Tsvetanov Kyurkchiyski, Milcho Isakov Leviev, Nadya Ivanova Sotirova, Professor Stefan Stefanov Lazarov, PhD, Nedyalka Vassileva Barova, Svetlana Jacques Avdala, Orlin Emilov Dimitrov. The executive director is the only managing body. The executive director of the foundation is Angel Asenov Hristov. The foundation is funded by: Capital grant. Donations and bequests to the foundation. Sponsorship. Municipal and state subsidies. Protected and subsidised projects. Modalities of action To find and popularise materials evidencing the creative and performing art of Pancho Vladigerov and his students and followers. To organise concerts of established Bulgarian and foreign performers. To promote concert performances of young talents – pupils and students. To organise charity concerts. To provide scholarships and grants to talented pupils and students. To organise and hold conferences, discussions, round tables, and seminars on issues and problems concerning Bulgarian and world musicology and science of art. To supervise the protection and management of the copyright on Vladigerov’s works. To initiate research programmes, to provide expert advice and consultations. To conduct activities, establish contacts and partnership with similar governmental and non-governmental organisations. The foundation’s activities are based on its main aim and task to preserve, protect and popularise Pancho Vladigerov’s tangible and intangible heritage.
Mission and Objectives

The founder of the Pancho Vladigerov Foundation, Pancho Vladigerov, Jr., and the members of the Board of Trustees undertook as a major task to popularise the personality and creative work of the great Bulgarian composer, pianist and pedagogue Pancho Vladigerov and his legacy. In order to fulfil this noble mission, the foundation sets itself the following objectives:
To find and popularise materials evidencing the creative and performing art of Pancho Vladigerov and his students and followers.
To organise concerts of established Bulgarian and foreign performers.
To promote concert performances of young talents – pupils and students.
To organise charity concerts.
To provide scholarships and grants to talented pupils and students.
To organise and hold conferences, discussions, round tables, and seminars on issues and problems concerning Bulgarian and world musicology and science of art.
To supervise the protection and management of the copyright on Vladigerov’s works.
To initiate research programmes, to provide expert advice and consultations.
To conduct activities, establish contacts and partnership with similar governmental and non-governmental organisations.

Main Projects / Activities

Though recently established, the foundation has already taken part in organising:
St. Jordan’s Charity Concert for Children with Disabilities in partnership with the Psychological Research Centre and Radoi Ralin Foundation.
Master classes in piano directed by Pancho Vladigerov, Jr., at the House Museum in Sofia.
A course in project management.
Publication of a photo album (Photos from the Study) comprising one of the unique collections of the museum exposition.
Concerts of students from the Pancho Vladigerov State Academy of Music, meetings and discussions with American students.
Main project in partnership with Pancho Vladigerov Museum House Sofia Master classes; Concert-production of Junior Musical Schools’ students; General public and educational concerts; Promotions of CDs and books, conveying the magic of music; Temporary exhibitions; Musical events, celebrations and anniversaries; Chamber performances, etc. To mention only a few of the major museum activities in the last couple of years: “Europe in Vladigerv’s calendar” – completed first stage of producing a DVD; “Let’s Draw a Picture of Sounds”, musical and educational cycle for pre-school and elementary school children; Vladigerov’s photo album: Photos from his Study; Digitalization of basic documentary archive; Digitalization of basic musical archive; Chamber music performances, concert cycles; “Musical Journey” and “Look and Listen”, educational concert cycles; “Reinhardt - Vladigerov: Interaction and Projections” exhibition; New transcriptions of Vladigerov's works; “The Yakubitsa Street House”, a documentary, winner of the ‘Eight Muse’ Media Festival 2008 award for cultural news events and activities category; “110th Pancho Vladigerov anniversary and 40th Sofia Musical Weeks anniversary” concert; Documentation & art exhibition on “Jewish Presence in Bulgarian Music”, in partnership with “Shalom”, the Organizations of Jews in Bulgaria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angel Hristov
Head of the organisation
Pancho Aleksandrov Vladigerov - Jr
Contact (2) Full Name
Svetlana Avdala

The Little Prince of Hisarya

National Network

40A Ivan Vazov
4180 Hisarya

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation was established in November 2014. There are 5 members working for the foundation. We have already accomplished some projects: 1. Organizing a charity concert to raise funds to buy costumes for children from children's dance group at community center "Iskra" in Hisarya. The concert was orginised with the help of Foundation America for Bugaria and BCNL Bulgaria. 2. Organizing a charity photo exhibition "The Fountains of Hisarya" 3. Placing two houses for books - free libraries in the green parks of Hisarya.  
Mission and Objectives

The mission of "The Little Prince of Hisarya" is:
- to promote social awareness and responsibility of society, assisting children and young people to realize their dreams;
- to participate in creating a climate of goodwill and mutual society;
- stimulating public dialogue and citizen participation in solving local problems;
- to initiate cooperation between civil society, business, national and local authorities to improve the quality of life and opportunities for human development in the municipality and not only.

Main Projects / Activities

We would like to build a House of Arts in Hisarya where children and young people to fill their free time and develop their talents.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have many ideas and are ready to work seriously and responsibly in order to achieve good results.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It will be a great challenge and a pleasure for us to work for an international foundation and help many more people's dreams to come true.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nelly Gergevska
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Toolkit for Dialogators

This Toolkit addresses trained Dialogators and other adult education actors who are planning, preparing, implementing and evaluating dialogue activities. The toolkit has been created within ''Pro Dialogue –Combating hate speech and fake news through the inter-cultural dialogue of citizens" project...


Toolkit for Dialogators BG/EN

This Toolkit addresses trained Dialogators and other adult education actors who are planning, preparing, implementing and evaluating dialogue activities.

Trans Defi Association

National Network

10, Lule Burgas Str.
6517 Svilengrad

+359 989 303 114
Telephone (other)
+359 888 557 732
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information

TransDefi is a new organization registered as a non-profit according to the Bulgarian law by three experts having a very good background and experience in social activities and intercultural exchanges. It has a Managing board consisting of three persons and for now  it relies on the support of the volunteers. Envisaged sources of funding include participation in projects and now the association makes saerch for partners. The ngo will operate in close collaboration with Bulgarian municipalities and institutions of social services.

Mission and Objectives

The main objective is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through EFFECTIVE, HIGH QUALITY, AFFORDABLE, AVAILABLE AND ADAPTABLE social services, based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to Allow for mutual introductions and information exchange, to Provide an additional opportunity for building relationship, sharing of good practices, sharing of information, as well as inspiration and learning.

Main Projects / Activities

The first project realised is in the Municipal center for persons suffering mental dissorders in Plovdiv by the volunteers of the association providing special support through introduction and application of new methods in the therapy using new forms of relations and provoking good feelings.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Offering support from the experts of the association, working on initiatives and project proposals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Establishing strong contacts and working successfuly for achivement of the objectives of the association and the foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petar Gramatikoff
Job Title
Member of the Managing Board
Head of the organisation
Elena Shopova
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Shopova
Job Title (2)
Member of the Managing Board
نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

Translation Collider 1

Literary translations from most languages spoken on the Balkan peninsula into Arabic are next to absent, while classical or religious texts translated into the other direction, from Arabic, prevail. And even if the two regions share historical and cultural connections...

UNESCO Club Association

National Network

2,Han Kubrat str.

+359 38 620 248
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 889 346836
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
General Assembly is the supreme body of management Executive management board takes current solutions 14 members. Staff: 4 persons on full-time and 3 on part-time, 14 young volunteers about 20 000 Euros budget a year Budgetary resources - from projects, donation and own contribution from theatre performances Projects: 2002 -“The Golden Key of Peace and Understanding Is in Every Child’s Heart” financed by PHARE-Access Programme 2006 – “To Create a Blue Zone of Non-violence” , financed by State Agency for Youth and Sports 2008 – Establishing Youth Informational and Consultative Centre for Haskovo region, financed by State Agency for Youth and Sports 2008 -2009 “ I Know, I Can Is My Strength”, financed by ЕЕA UNESCO Club volunteers have taken part in youth exchange projects. UNESCO Club has participated in projects of other non-governmental organizations, as well as in the drawing up of the “Municipal Strategy for Child Protection”, the “Municipal Program for Development /2007-2013/” and the “Regional Strategy for Stable Development /2007-2013/”It has been a partner in the conduction of the campaigns for raising the electoral activity of the young people - “You Choose” - 2003 and “I am young and I vote” – 2005. UNESCO Club is a founder-member of International Association of Non-governmental Organizations from Trace Region and a member of Regional Community Council for People with Disabilities. UNESCO Club is member and participating in Anna Lindh "1001 actions"
Mission and Objectives

We are social and pedagogical workers, actors, journalists and psychologists that work together with our volunteers “To build the man of peace – citizen of 21 century”. UNESCO Club is working with and in favour of young people with special needs, from different social groups, students, children and their families for improving their social skills and increasing their civic activities. UNESCO Club is working in the field of non-formal education, culture, art and science in the towns of Haskovo region. UNESCO Club is Euro-desk point.

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing educational seminars for increasing the knowledge of young people in Human rights; democracy and good governance; prevention of violence, abusing and trafficking of children; providing information about youth activities and projects; organizing international youth exchanges; making charity theatre performances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Veneta Antonova
Head of the organisation
Kostadin Kalapov