
Sustaining Inclusive Growth Foundation

National Network

Blv. DESHMORET E KOMBIT , Kullat Binjake, Kulla 2, Kati 11, Ap.28, Tirana

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

- The organizational structure of the Sustaining Inclusive Growth (SIG) Foundation consists of: Board of Directors (3 persons), Executive Director (1 person), Administrative and Financial Department (2 persons), Projects Department (2 persons) and Department of Communication and Public Relations (1 person) - Annual revenues around 50.000 EUR -Source of Funding: National and International Donors -Modalities: researches, trainings, workshops, exchanges, capacity buildings, forums, preparing training manuals, monitoring - Main partners: central and local government bodies, local and regional NGOs, universities, business sector, media etc.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision is to help build a new development paradigm and better policies for sustaining inclusive growth. Our mission is to contribute towards an inclusive growth agenda, by becoming a real partner to all our policy stakeholders. Our objectives are to embrace Dynamic Governance, Exploitation of Economic Opportunities and Regional Integration within a single and coherent framework.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our main projects are: 1. The project ''Assessment of Needs and Recommendations Contributing to the Regional Economic Integration'', aimed to provide civil society, business and academic field with an expression platform, by assessing their needs and recommendations to have a greater impact on regional integration for socio-economic issues. The project is supported by the Agency for the Support of Civil Society in Albania. 2. The project ''Smart management of cultural tourism product for the exploitation of natural assets, sustainability and territorial attractiveness'', aimed to increase visibility, to improve infrastructure and workforce skills, and to develop and promoting tourism offer of the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park using innovative and informative digital tools including virtual reality tour and mobile App Platform. The project is supported by a grant of the Regional Cooperation Council, financed by the EU. 3. The project ''Activating and empowering young people to be part of local decision-making, through free speech and civic action'', aimed to empower young people to be promoters of change in local decision-making, through inclusion, activism and volunteering, to complement their priorities with a gender approach. The project is supported by LëvizAlbania, a project of Swiss Development Cooperation. 4. The project ''Roads of Religious, toward culture, nature and tradition on sustainable development'' aimed to contribute to the growth of the attraction of the Archaeological Park of Apollonia, promoting cultural, religious and historical heritage through innovative technology in order to preserve and develop it in an important tourist and cultural destination in the country and region. This project is supported by the Ministry of Culture in Albania. Main activities: - studies and researches; - advocacy and monitoring; - capacity building with youth, business sector, and government units; - development of digital tools to the tourism sector, natural and cultural assets; - voluntary work and youth - trainings, seminars, conference, workshops etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- SIG aims to serve as a focal point on issues related to regional integration policies, with the purpose of generating the data needed to formulate effective policies. - SIG provides research-based and pragmatic policy advice on this regard. - We can contribute towards building the necessary partnerships between government, business and civil society by organizing mutual working groups at local and international level, to address issues that businesses face. - Advice on the Digitalization Roadmaps: SIG offer strategic consulting services for the development of digital transformation programmes. - SIG propose consultancy on digitalisation of the public and private sectors, e-commerce, digital payment, digital hub activities and innovation, revenues, players, impact on the national economy, training and digital skills.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SIG Foundation appreciates the work and contribution given by the ALF in the field of intercultural dialogue, media outreach, peace, security etc. Sharing new experiences, ideas and approaches motivates us to become part of the ALF network as well as to build a joint cooperation and undertake joint initiatives.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Laura Saro
Contact (2) Full Name
Ornela Ismalaja
Job Title (2)
Coordinator/Financial Officer

Syri Blu

National Network

Rruga Barrikada Nr 69, Tirana
P.O.BOX 8188


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of organisation: NGO involving about 25 members, with an administrative staff about 5 people. Yearly Budget about 35,000 euro Sources of fund from diferent, Ministry of Tourism,Culture,Youth and Sports, diferent albanian municipalities, diferent foreign embassies in Tirana, sponsors from privat companies
Mission and Objectives

• promote cooperation in order to realise European cultural activities in Albania;
• promote cooperation in order to realise activities for the preservation of Albanian
cultural monuments, the landscape and the environment;
• develop relations among universities, particularly with regard to Albanians
studying in Italy and Europe;
• promote cultural tourism, promotion
• provide cultural, historical and environmental information about Albania and
European countries in printed and electronic form.
• cooperate in an institutional way , in the field of information in Network with its partners in Europe.
• implementation of the copyright in Albania

Main Projects / Activities

The main project is :International concert season KLASIK 2009-2010 is the 10 edition with participation of artists from Italy, Austria,Germany,Greece, France, Holland,Swtzerland,Israel,Croatia,Hungary, Romania, Czech,USA. During this edition We would like to invite Mediterranean countries such as Egypt,Turkey etc. The programme of KLASIK is open from music baroc to classic, to contemporary, to jazz, to tango, to ethnic music or dance theatre etc. It starts from October to the next may every year.
The second main project is European chamber choral festival of Albania . every year we develope it base on a theme or with a new topic: exemple We would like next year to invite chamber ensembel -choral representing different religious music = orthodox music, Muslim music, Bektashi music, Catholic music ( Gregorian), sefardit music etc. We would like to develop our festival to the main archeological cites
Our activity is develop also to other field such as Heritage, Youth & education, International cultural relations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Besim Petrela
Head of the organisation
Besim Petrela
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatlinda Subashi

Takimi i Rrjetit Kombëtar (National Network Meeting)

Agenda-Takimi Rrjetit.png

Instituti Shqiptar i Medias në rolin e Drejtuesit të Rrjetit Kombëtar Anna Lindh- Shqipëri ka kënaqësinë t’ju ftojë në takimin e parë të Rrjetit Kombëtar, në datën 22.01. 2021, pranë Libraria Tirana Times.

Ftesa është e hapur për të 50-të organizatat që janë anëtare të rrjetit ALF në Shqipëri. Për shkak të situatës pandemike, takimi vjetor kombëtar është planifikuar të organizohet në tri grupe, sipas orareve më poshtë:

Grupi 1 (15-17 anëtarë): 10:00-11:00

Grupi 2 (15-17 anëtarë): 12:00-13:00

Grupi 3 (15-17 anëtarë): 14:00-15:00

Takimi vjetor mbledh anëtarët e Rrjetit me synimin për:

- T’u njohur me Drejtuesin e Rrjetit dhe me anëtarët e tjerë (ekzistues & të rinjë). 

- Të përditësuar Rregulloren e Brendshme të Rrjetit (kriteret për anëtarësim, përjashtim, etj.)

- Të vlerësuar nevojat e Rrjetit për fuqizim kapacitetesh (1-2 aktivitete për ngritje kapacitetesh në vit).

- Të forcuar marrëdhëniet dhe bashkëpunimin mes organizatave anëtare të rrjetit.


Ju mirëpresim, 

Instituti Shqiptar i Medias

The Albanian Foundation for Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation of Disputes (AFCR)

National Network

Rruga “Him Kolli”, Pallati P.F.Trade
Kati I, Nr. 2-C


+355 4 2248 681
Telephone (other)
+355 4 2232 739
+355 4 2232 739
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Organizational structure: Board (5 members), Headquarters based in Tirana (run by Executive Director and a staff of 6 full time employees, and 4-5 additional temporarily hired staff), 10 Mediation Centers (each run by a coordinator and around 12-15 part-time mediators), and a network of mediators in 10 other cities. The budgetary resources available in a year range from Euro 200,000-250,000. Main donors: Danish and Norwegian Government, UNICEF-Albania, Soros Foundation, US Embassy and other embassies in Tirana, USAID, Vodafone-Albania Foundation, etc. Running projects: - Restorative Justice and Victim-offender mediation for juveniles, 2006-2009 - Court Annexed Mediation, 2008- February 2010 - Setting up and developing mediation and reconciliation networks in two northern districts, Sept 09-April 2010 Main collaborating partners: local: State institutions like: Ministry of Justice, School of Magistrates, the Police, the Judiciary, Probation Service, Education Directories and other civil society organizations; international: Norwegian Mediation Service, Southeastern Europe Mediation Forum, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Contribute to the democracy development in the Albanian society through the resolution and reconciliation of conflicts and disputes that may arise between individuals or social groups.
• Strengthening the mediation process and increasing the number of conflicts and disputes solved through the mediation alternative.
• Promotion of alternative dispute resolution in conflict resolution in civil and penal area.
• Promotion of restorative justice for juveniles and beyond.
• Public awareness, particularly school age groups with the culture of peace, tolerance and understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

- Advocacy and lobbing for the development and institutionalization of the mediation/ reconciliation approaches in conflict management and resolution.
- Introducing and promoting Restorative Justice (RJ) in Albania. In 2006-2009, AFCR has been part of the Juveniles Justice Reform that is underway in Albania, through implementing a project on Victim-Offender Mediation and RJ, whose main goal is providing diversion to juveniles in conflict with the law.
- Capacity building: In its long run AFCR has conducted numerous training workshops for various target groups in the area of peaceful conflict management and transformation.
- Mediation service provision to individuals and social groups. Yearly the AFCR mediators settle around 2000 conflicts and disputes of various types through mediation and reconciliation.
- Publicity and publications: AFCR counts on a long list of publications in the area of conflict management and resolution through alternative approaches and also training manuals in the respective area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasim Gjoka
Head of the organisation
Rasim Gjoka
Contact (2) Full Name
Merita Bala

The Durrës International Chamber Festival organizes the 19th edition in July, 2024

Chamber Music Festival

The city of Durrës welcomes the XIX edition of the International Chamber Music Festival!

The concerts will take place on July 3rd - 25th, in the "Saint Lucia" Cathedral, with instrumentalists from Albania, Austria, Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Serbia and Switzerland. The artistic director is Nevila Kalaja, a distinguished member of the ALF Albanian Network.

The purpose of this Festival is to ensure, on one hand, the recognition of different artistic cultures from different countries, through their participation in these events, and on the other hand, to encounter the Albanian culture with other foreign cultures through joint performances, while gathering Albanian artists working from all over the world. 

Year after year this activity has created its physiognomy and has already become welcomed by the public of Durrës, but it has also been recognized and appreciated by other artistic communities throughout Albania.

For more information on the festival programs, visit the Chamber Fest Durrës page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chamberfestdurres


#weareALF #AlbanianNetwork #InterculturalDialogue #ChamberMusic #EuroMed

The Good Psychology Social & Cultural Initiative

National Network

Rruga e Dibres, Tirana

Mobile Phone
+355 693020010
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Organization is in its very beginnings- The Founder (Meri Dishnica) is doing all the paper works regarding setting partnerships and projects collaborators. The Sources of funding are supposed to be banks, institutions, or other organizations.

Mission and Objectives

The world is going through great transformations. For one to follow its pace, he first needs to nourish his soul through culture and creativity. Psychologists and art therapists confirm that increased levels of cultural participation have positive effects on well-being and health. Creativity can produce a natural “high” or feeling of joy and contentment, but at the same time, it spurs innovation, life-long learning and creates prominent social capital.

Main Projects / Activities

The world is going through great transformations. For one to follow its pace, he first needs to nourish his soul through culture and creativity. The Good-Psychology is a social and cultural initiative that aims to exalt the role of culture and creativity as powerful assets for social & local development. Its activities include the creation, the development, the production and the preservation of goods and services which embody cultural, artistic, or any other social and creative expression.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since the keyword of our NGO is creativity- Our goal is to connect the dots between like-minded people and institutions (social or cultural) who worship the power of creativity, as the greatest asset of humanity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand "The Good Psychology " as an international social and cultural brand, that's why we will need the help and vision of your organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Meri Dishnica
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Meri Dishnica

The National Center of the Mediterranean Theatre

National Network

Rr. “Qemal Stafa”; Nr. 476

+355 42 227 403
Telephone (other)
+355 42 36 41 50
+355 42 227 403
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 69 20 20 578
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 69 20 20 149
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

1. The National Center of the Mediterranian Theatre, Tirana is Private non-profit foundation with a staff of 5 permanent employed persons, and 6 partners. 2. The budgetary resources available in a year goes nearly 72.000 Euro. 3. The sources of funding are: -Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports - Municipality of Saranda - ProCredit Bank -Prohelvetia - Coca Cola 4. The sucessful organisation of ninth editions of the International Theatre Festival ”Butrinti 2000”.; Different workshops for the Theatre issues; Seminars for the cultural heritage, etc. 5. Partners: Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, Butrinti Foundation; National Park of Butrinti; The International Institute of the Mediterranian Theatre Madrid, Spain; NETA (New European Theatre Action), The foreign Embassies etc. 6. A tour with all the artists from different countries in tourism and archaeology city, promoting the Albanian cultural values.”Butrinti 2000”.

Mission and Objectives

- Cultural integration of our country in the European cultures. - Direct contribution in developing the cultural tourism. - Confrontation of the composition with the contemporary theatre - Promoting the cultural tourism values of our country. - Exchanging different experiences in the theatre field and elsewhere. - Bring to attention of the international organizations engagement, concerning the development of the Albanian art, culture, tourism and archaeology - Showing the best traditional values of our country

Main Projects / Activities

1. The organisation of the International Theatre Festival ”Butrinti 2000”.; 2. Pictures exposition with young artists from different countries; 3. Concert with the traditional and the folk groups from Albania. 4. Participation in International festivals : Madrid Sud Festival; Bitef Festival,Belgrade; Artist’s spring Festival, Monpelie, France; Ohrid Summer Festival, MESS Festival Sarajevo; etc. The National Center of The Mediterranian Theatre, in collaboration with The Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports and the Municipality of Saranda, succeeded to create a new cultural institution with special values. From nine years and on this institution called The International Festival of Theatre “Butrinti 2000”, has presented its editions with much success. Many professional troupes, from different countries of World, England, Italy, France, Greece, USA, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine, Spain, Hungary, Netherland, Sweden, Macedonia, Kosovo, Switzerland, Germany, have participated in this event. It is organised in one of the magnificient places of Mediterranian, in the antique theatre of Butrint, Saranda, and is aprecciated from the participiants, the invited people from the inside and outside the country. It is also aprecciated from media, too, as an activity of europian parameters. In the magic scene of Butrint have had the chance to perform nearly 1950 artist from the participating countries. The shows has been attended by nearly 37.500 Albanian and foreign spectators. Being in the touristic season, there will be many foreign tourists. Already this event has taken the integration passport, opening so a precious view to all the Albanian artists, to be in contact with the contemporary world theatre, also providing a direct help in the promotion of the cultural tourism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

The Regional Environmental Center, Albania

National Network

Rr. Ismail Qemali, P.27, Ap.16

+355 4 2232928
Telephone (other)
+355 692038727
+355 4 2232928
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+355 692038727
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The multidisciplinary activities of REC Albania cover all aspects of technical assistance, including: •Public participation •NGO support •Local environmental action plans •Environmental education and information •Capacity building •Local initiatives REC Albania currently employs nine full-time members of staff and has an average annual turnover of EUR 1 million. Recent donors and partners of REC Albania include the European Union, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Soros Foundation, the World Bank and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN).
Mission and Objectives

REC Albania is an Albanian legal entity registered under the Law on Non-profit Organisations. As part of the REC country office network, REC Albania works to fulfill the REC's mission by supporting NGOs, environmental institutions at the national, regional and local levels, and various stakeholders in the field of the environment. It also promotes participatory processes and the exchange of information

Main Projects / Activities

Country office expertise
•Biodiversity and rural development
•Civil society support
•Climate change
•Environmental information
•Environmental assessment
•Health and environment
•Implementing the Aarhus Convention
•Law, enforcement and compliance
•Local initiatives

Contact (1) Full Name
Mihallaq Qirjo
Head of the organisation
Mihallaq Qirjo
Contact (2) Full Name
Genta Hoxha

Theatre of the oppressed "Together We Stand"

Theatre of the oppressed

The second activity that will be organized as part of the project "Mind the Language" is a Theatre of the Oppressed that will take place in Sfax, Tunisia on 22nd November 2021.

This awareness raising activity is being implemented by our Tunisian partner, WeYouth Organization who will gather a group of youngsters from their community to perform theater of the oppressed on sexist language in the media outlets against women.

Through this theater of the oppressed, the youngsters will generate their ideas and perform them to address the sexist language used in the media and to allow the audience to actively participate to change the scenario. The theater of the oppressed will be recorded as a short video and will be published in the You Tube channel of Albanian Media Institute / Instituti Shqiptar i Medias and social media channels of our partners, WeYouth Organization and AIFED

The project "Mind the Language" is supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation and co-funded by the European within the frame of Intercultural Cities and Learning Programme.

Tirana Art Lab – Qendër për Artin Bashkëkohor

National Network

Rr. Muhamet Gjollesha, P.64, Sh. 6 Ap. 54

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Tirana Art Lab – Center for Contemporary Art is one of Albania’s leading contemporary independent art institution. Founded as a non-profit organization, on the initiative of Adela Demetja in 2010, TAL aims at promoting emerging artists and contemporary art from Albania as well as from Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe.

Mission and Objectives

The center is process and research oriented. Through different events like, residencies, exhibitions, workshops, performances, lectures and talks, as well as publications, TAL has managed to create a space for emergent critical and reflecive thoughts. The center initiates and supports new productions by national and international artists, and projects critically engaged with artistic, cultural and social issues of transitional and contemporary societies. Throughout the years, TAL has grown into a contemporary art centre, engaged in a wide range of activities and collaborations with other art institutions, museums, and academic structures in Albania, the South Eastern Europe Region and the international landscape.

Main Projects / Activities

Exhibitions,Exchange projects, Artist in residency, Concerts, Workshops, Lectures, Publication.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by giving our expertise in the field of visual art and culture, by supporting issues relative the the network and promoting further the network in our country and to the broader international audience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested to get in contact and to have the possibility to collaborate with other members of the Network and to strengthen our collaboration with other Mediterranean institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adela Demetja
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adela Demetja