
Monitoring Report on Hate Speech in Albania

Monitoring Report on Hate Speech in Albania (2022)

This annual report depicts the situation of hateful and discriminative discourse in the Albanian media environment. The report is based on the media monitoring conducted from January 2021 – April 2022. The unit of monitoring has been the incidents that...

Moving Culture

National Network

Rruga Qemal Stafa

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The organizational structure of Moving Culture is overseen by a board of directors and is run by the executive director, a project coordinator, project assistant and finance assistant. Currently there is a staff of six persons employed by the organization.     The budgetary resources available in a year are 20,000 Euro. Our main funding partners are the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Albania, Open Society Foundation, Municipality of Tirana, EU offices, Embassies and other foundations, educational institutions and businesses.  Our main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Tourism, SOROS Foundation, EDS Foundation, European Cultural Center, European University of Tirana, Sanberg Institute, Tirana Art Academy etc.  

Mission and Objectives

Moving Culture is an independent, non-governmental, and non-profit organization. It was established in November 1999 with the purpose to enhance and promote the creativity and alternative ideas in communication, all art disciplines, various forms of contemporary culture and media. It also aims to contribute in the creation and improvement of cultural and artistic policies in Albania. Moving Culture’s implementing strategy has been to organize a large number of artistic events like concerts, workshops, exhibitions, theaters and symposiums, often with an interdisciplinary scope, while giving concrete examples on fundraising processes, bringing together the institutional sphere with the private sector. In addition Moving Culture monitors and evaluates in quantity and quality cultural promotions in all media vehicles.   

Main Projects / Activities

Employment of youth: Youth employment remains a severe issue for Albania. Although the country has experienced yearly economic growth, its youth unemployment rate has been constant. Youth has the highest unemployment and long-term unemployment rates in all population groups and national average. There is a gap of connectivity between labor supply force and labor demand force. Young women are especially prone to lower labor force participation and inactivity due to their assigned roles as primary care-providers within the household and the absence of policies in support of reconciling work and family responsibilities. The vast majority of youth are in unpaid family labor or have informal jobs. Moving Culture organizes and promotes events and informational career fairs in order to bring together employers and youth. Gender Equality: In recent years Albania has improved upon the status of women and gender equality issues, however women continue to be under-represented at all levels of society in a strongly male dominated culture. Moving Culture aims to improve the participation of women in decision-making, increase women empowerment and eradicate violence particularly in the family realm. It is imperative to promote gender equality as a necessary instrument for the achievement of social cohesion, and economic growth. To this regard, Moving Culture has organized, promoted, supported and monitored gender equality events to realize the full potential of women in the workplace, family, and community. Environmental issues: Moving Culture has successfully integrated environmental issues, with ecotourism, culture and nature based events. Moving Culture has increased public awareness and participation in protecting the environment, developing sustainable-tourism, while preserving high quality standards, creativity and independent thinking, as crucial ingredients for the establishment of an environment friendly civil society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Moving Culture's experience and activities cover a wide range of disciplines. Our multidisciplnary expertise and our willingnes to promote arts, culture, education and gender equality makes us an important voice in the civil society of Albania. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in expanding our networking partners in an effort to advance our mission and continue to contribute and advance cultural and artistic policies, spread knowledge on media and information, train and build capacities, find new ways to advancing marginalized groups economic position in the society and explore alternative ways to better use and manage resources such as eco-tourism, crafting and education. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ardian Mullahi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ardian Mehilli


National Network

Rr. Skënderbej/3 Hyrja 1, Godina 1017, apartamenti 7

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Youth Center "Perspektiva" highest decision maker is the Board of the organization, which appoints the Executive Director, whom is in charge of leading the organization. Perspektiva is an organization who works project based, due to lack of sustainable funding in order to support a full time staff. Although currently there are 6 people who are engaged on a project based approach throughout the year. Main sources of funding are Council of Europe, European Commission or sub-granting schemes in Albania from bigger organizations. For more formation please check our organization CV where you may find all our projects.

Mission and Objectives

Youth Center Perspektiva is an NGO based in Durres, Albania and focusing on the youth empowerment & human rights via artistic and educational activities.

We organize activities with and for young people in Albania and in the Western Balkans to raise awareness about human rights, promote intercultural dialogue, peer-to-peer education and empower youth to be active and responsible members of the community.
Target group: Children and young people until the age of 30 with the specific focus on those coming from vulnerable groups (young people with disabilities, youth from impoverished and rural areas, Roma youth, etc.).


To raise awareness about human rights and ways how to utilize them among young people and other members of the community
To develop youth participation and citizenship online and offline
To assist and support youth and children in challenging life conditions and those coming from vulnerable groups (young people with disabilities, youth from impoverished and rural areas, Roma youth, etc.)
To mobilize, train and network youth activists for human rights in Albania
To organize and conduct research on various aspects of human rights with the specific focus of their connection to young people in Albania

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are:

Formal and non-formal educational activities on various aspects of human rights of human rights and youth policies
Artistic activities promoting the values of human rights and youth culture via street art, music, visual arts, etc.
Cooperation with governmental bodies, international organizations and civil society actors in order to promote and improve the effectiveness of activities tackling youth in Albania
Research activities in the field of human rights and youth policies in Albania
Activities, promoting peer-to-peer initiatives among young people in Albania and in the region.

Current ongoing projects are: We make Democracy, Be My Voice: Say NO to Discrimination, Be My Voice: Equal Rights, Youth Media Literacy LAB 2020

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can help share the work Anna Lindh Foundation does in Albania, and not only, amongst our partners and networks and can promote the joining to the Foundation for other organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that ALF Network offers a unique opportunity to expand our network of organization and partners on international level as well as learn and share best practices amongst each other

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Luis Bekteshi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Luis Bekteshi

Mr. Resul Resulaj

National Network

Resul Resulaj, 1O/2, Loni Ligori St.

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Studying social trends in Albanian society.

Mission and Objectives

Promoting youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Trainings, activities etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Because I have a lot of potential doing so.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is a prestigious organization.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Resul Resulaj
Job Title
Coordinator of Projects
Head of the organisation
Institute of Social Studies and Humanities


National Network

Lagjia 4, Rr.Enver Zazani, Banesë e ulët

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

MuZEH Lab was created in 2021 by two women with expertise in museology and heritage from Albania,
Dorina Xheraj-Subashi, CEO, and Inesa Sulaj, with the aim of activating culture and using other disciplines
such as museology and heritage as catalysts for providing dialogue with communities, to engage young people
towards multiple forms of culture and heritage. According to our status, we are a non-profit organization that
organizes activities for the good and interest of the public, the development and activation of young people and
the community with culture, and the use of the discipline of museology and cultural heritage as a form of
mediation, advocacy, promotion and interaction as links of the development and education of the society. Its
strategy focuses on the use of museum discipline and cultural heritage, with the belief that through them, civic
culture and, further, society grows and develops, is educated, activated, transformed, and grows. Beyond the
boundaries of getting closer with the society with different aspects of culture, the connection and civic
activation and dialogue from experienced and personal experiences are intended, within which are included
other sectors such as cultural heritage, archeology, arts, cultural tourism, creativity, documentation, protection,
preservation, digitization, and education. The center aims to advocate of museum institutions and museum
professionals and their involvement in discussions and their experiences with the museum itself, visitors, and the
public in activities and educational activities, seminars, discussions, and other performances. On the other hand,
the aim is to re-use arts and crafts as accompanying elements of life and re-activate them through educational,
didactic, and performance activities.

The strategy of the organization:
Creation of a new layer of community to engage citizens through culture and to use the field of museology and
objects as the meaning of understanding the evolution and challenges of society, as well advocating for museums,
in order to contribute to the well-being of citizens.

Mission and Objectives

Objectives of the organization:
To frame favorable conditions for the development of a creative, energic community and youngs having the
sense of belonging and pursuing an active civil position.

Aims of the organization:
To develop the creative potentials of youth and raise experience with heritage
To support youth and communities’ initiatives in educational, heritage, fields
To create conditions for active involvement, and dialogue of young people both in social, and cultural life
of the society
Encouragement and advocating for museum staff in the active life of heritage
Encouragement of youth and elders in active ways of dialogue through cultural phenomena
To develop international cooperation, to cooperate with foreign youth organizations from whom
youth, museum professionals, and artists may benefit from cultural diversity engagement,
Cooperate with museum professionals, cultural practitioners in cultural exchanges, artists in residence,
for mutual exhibitions, cultural trips, publications, and research.

Main Projects / Activities

Instagram: MuZEH Lab
Facebook: MuZEH Lab
Linkedin: MuZEH Lab

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organization, we are quite new working in Albania and the Balkans but both of the founders of MuZEH Lab have a long experience in heritage and museology. We are looking forward to collaborating with other nonprofit organizations part of the network and sharing our experiences and building programs for our community in Albania. In addition, MuZEH Lab is an organizational member of the most important network in the museum field in the Balkans the Balkan Museum Network, and also a supporter of the Charter community, both have helped us to understand how to collaborate and engage in such networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network because we can build connections with other organizations. It's such a great network for sharing ideas and valuable information with other members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorina Xheraj Subashi
Job Title
Founder and Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dorina Xheraj Subashi
Contact (2) Full Name
Inesa Sulaj
Job Title (2)
Co- Founder

National Association Education for Life

National Network

BLV Zogu i Pare, Nd 53, H 3, Ap 39, Tirane, PO Box 2435

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

National Association Education for Life – “Shoqata Kombëtare Edukim për Jetën”/SHKEJ, is an Albanian NGO created on the 18th of February of 2003. It is registered as a legal entity near The Court of Tirana. SHKEJ was created by a group of youngsters, inspired to be near people in need. It operates as an Albanian NGO promoting Human Rights and Social Integration of human beings based on International Conventions and National legislation. SHKEJ, to fulfill the vision that ‘’every human being is well prepared to face life challenges and achieve a balance in everything they do’’, takes action towards societies and vulnerable groups promoting rights, facilitating social integration, and taking part in developing their future by offering different services, building capacities by making educative activities and advocacy.

Mission and Objectives

To achieve SHKEJ’s goal, the work approach is based on The Model of Community Centre with its vision ‘’ to support and build capacities for a developed community for families, lobby the culture of caring about children’s welfare, and offer available access for services in the territory. Community Centre promotes the education of vulnerable groups and aims to reduce poverty in marginalized communities, increases capacities for youngsters to create the perspective of a better future, and empowers families so they can take better care and protection for their children. The Community Centre offers preventive services to support Children's Protection by preventing and reducing the exploitation possibilities and their labor.

Main Projects / Activities

Sustainable Development of Multi-Functional Service Models for Community Empowerment. Equal access to digital skills and online safety for the most vulnerable children and young people in Albania. Strong Service Providers Acting Together during Covid-19 for Children and Youth in the harder to reach areas (Strong4Children&Youth). Education, and Economic Empowerment for sustainable development in the community. Promoting Recovery and Resilience in the framework of Human Rights education and Prevention of Human Trafficking amid Covid-19 outbreak among affected Communities in the sub-urban areas in the Municipality of Tirana

Contact (1) Full Name
Erion Prendi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Erion Prendi

National Center for Environment, Tourism and Sustainable Development (NCETSD),

National Network

Rruga Milan Shuflaj, Pall, 2, Ap.10, Tirane,

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

National Center for Environment, Tourism and Sustainable Development (NCETSD),  is a nonprofit NGO working in the field of Environment, Tourism and sustainable development of the economy of Albania. We work towards an economically winning combination of tourism and environment with the idea that a beautiful environment will attract tourism which in turn will stimulate the local economy as well as safe guard the environment

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to encourage sustainable development and provide a better livelihood for rural communities in Albania through the implementation of an economically winning combination of tourism and environment.

More in details: Support innovation in all dimensions of sustainable development; Establish a more integrated approach for communities mostly in rural areas; Promote Protected Areas in line with conservation measures and recommendations;

Main Projects / Activities

In its daily work, NCETSD is focused in the following activities: - Successfully implement projects in the field of environment, tourism, and social-economy in cooperation with responsible stakeholders; - Provide consultancy and assistance for the study of management plans of protected areas, forests, water resources, flora and fauna, waste streams etc. - Investigate alternative methods to minimize the negative impact on the environment and society. - Provide assistance and consultancies on preparation of the national, regional or local action plans for environment, nature protection and sustainable development of economy; - Promote protection of natural, cultural and environmental heritage; Investigate alternative methodologies to minimize the negative impact of tourism in environment and society. - Prepare environmental, socio-economic and technical studies related to environment and sustainable development in different sectors as nature protection, biodiversity, transport, industry, energy, agriculture, tourism etc. - Campaign against environment degradation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NCETSD is willing to contribute in every approach possible in order to achieve best results in the nature conservation, environment protection, and overall sustainable development of the community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NCETSD is devoted in fulfilling its fields of expertise in the best way given, by always supporting their community. Collaboration with ALF network is seen as one of the most outstanding ways of this commitment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Avni Mara
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Avni Mara
Contact (2) Full Name
Ornela Balla
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

National Chamber of Mediation

National Network

Ministry of Justice, Bulevardi Zogu I, Tirane, ALBANIA
Rr Don Bosko, Pallatet Hawai , kulla 2 kati 9 Tirane, ALBANIA

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information
In compliance with the requirements of the mediation law, the Albanian National Chamber of Mediators (NCM) was established as a public legal entity on July 7, 2013, with the support of the Albanian Ministry of Justice and USAID
Mission and Objectives

The Chamber operates independently of the state, with the mission to support the profession of mediators as well as the functioning and  strengthening of the mediation process as an effective extrajudicial alternative for solving disputes in less time and cost based on the free will of the parties.
The Chamber has now established the legal framework on the basis of which it operates, as does its membership. In addition to the Statute, this includes, among others, the Mediators’ Code of Ethics and the Manual of Mediation Service Fees and Tariffs. The Chamber has also approved standard mediation agreements and mediators have been provided with personalized stamps produced by the Ministry of Interior in adherence to current legislation.
Since the establishment of the NCM, according to the Mediators’ Registry maintained by the Ministry of Justice, the mediators’ number has doubled. The Chamber is now represented in the Mediators’ Licensing Commission. On April 4 - 6, 2014, it successfully organized the fi rst initial training on mediation, in accordance with its legal obligation to provide mandatory initial training to those who want to become mediators.

Main Projects / Activities

We also appreciate the planned intervention by the European Union in this fi eld. All-around cooperation is key for consolidating the mediators’ profession in Albania, and for offering parties dispute resolution services through mediation, a win-win alternative for all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will contribute in the network, in all forms of informations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs Drita AVDYLI
Contact (2) Full Name
Alketa ELEZI
Job Title (2)
General Secretar

National Institute for Migration and Integration of Immigrants

National Network

Ibrahim Kodra Street,Pallati Kristof 1022,Tirana,Albania

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

.Structure of Organization: Assembly (11 members) Board of Directors( 5 members) Executive Director Staff ( 3-4 people according to project) .Sources of funding Local Businesses AMSHC (National Agency for the Support of Civil Society) US Embassy in Albania .Main Partners Albanian Life Quality Union Albanian Center For Community Development Albanian Group for Human Rights Albanian Ministry of Education .Modalities of action Legal/human rights education for responsible citizenship Acknowledgment of Human rights as a weapon to fight corruption Youth and Migration .Budgetary resources available 2009 45000 Euro 2010 55000 Euro 2011 60000 Euro

Mission and Objectives

-Promoting social participation of rural migrants in urban societies/contexts through practicing human rights concepts -Reintegration of returning Albanian Immigrants …into Albanian Society -Emphasizing the positive role of migration/immigration in plural societies -Challenging stereotypes and violation related to migration in post communist societies -Promoting a culture of diversity and intercultural citizenship by teaching Human Rights -Influence the public policies related to migration -Free Human Rights Legal Clinic for women

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects/Activities: Since its establishment the Institute has been an active actor in promoting Legal/human rights education for responsible citizenship.Through its first run project the Institute provided trainings for children and youth in public school in two rural areas in human rights/legal related issues. Acknowledgment of Human rights as a weapon to fight corruption;With the funding support of Albanian Agency for the support of the Civil Society and the partnership of the Ministry of Health the Institute run a 6 month project.The project intended to increase the awareness of citizens in the their constitutional rights to get free of charge services in hospitals,public schools and other public institutions and the sanctions to be taken if the bribe was offered to public officials Youth and Migration This project aimed to accommodate in schools the children coming in urban areas to rural areas through organizing different extra curricular activities to help their socialization with other children in schools Also,Institute has been involved in a joint project with Tirana Legal Aid Clinic to provide free mobile legal/human rights advice for ROMA people

Contact (1) Full Name
Margarita Kola
Head of the organisation
Margarita Kola