

National Network

06270 MAMAK/Ankara

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Education : Trainings about the education about languages and the other business educations. Also , implementing congresses and symposiums via govermental ministries.

Mission and Objectives

-Integration of the refugees into Turkey via linguistic and social support

Main Projects / Activities

- Teaching Turkish - Teaching English - Business Education - Young Entrepreneurship Workshops

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can create inclusive and big framerate projects and we can implement them all for the benefit of the refugees in Turkey.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Need pushing and partnerships about the cooperation in human rights field.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Wahiba Chaker
Job Title
General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Engin Karaman
Job Title (2)
Assistant of the Coordinator
Name of Organisation


National Network

Karagöz Sanat Evi
Cumhuriyet Cad. No.78


00 90 266 312 65 61
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 33 6 08 07 16 28
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure : Institution Culturelle. Equipe : 5 à 20 personnes selon le projet. Budget privé selon les nombres de concert que nous organisons en Europe. Un budget variable du 30. 000 à 100 000 Euros, Source : programmation. Actions : Concerts, création, organisation. Partenaires : Les festivals, théâtres, centres culturels.
Mission and Objectives

Recherches des groupes de musique en Turquie. Envoyer les grands talents de la musique turque aux programmes des festivals, théâtres et de Centres Culturels des pays de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée. La création des réseaux des musiciens et des groupes tsiganes en Turquie et dans les Balkans. Création d’une base de donné sur les musiciens tsiganes. Résidences d’artistes pour les créations, Organisation des Masters Class. Organisation des festivals.

Main Projects / Activities

Envoyer les grands talents de la musique turque aux programmes des festivals, théâtres et de Centres Culturels des pays de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name



La Fondation du Secteur Associatif de Turquie (TUSEV) a été créé en 1993 par les principales organisations de la société civile turque et compte désormais un réseau de plus de 100 associations et fondations qui partagent une vision du renforcement de l'infrastructure juridique, fiscale et des actions du secteur associatif en Turquie. Parmi les principaux objectifs de TUSEV il y a la réforme des lois sur les organisations à but non lucratif, la recherche sur la société civile et la philanthropie, la promotion de l'engagement social et de la justice sociale, la facilitation de partenariats inter-secteurs et internationaux.

Un consortium regroupant la Fondation du Secteur Associatif de Turquie (TUSEV), Système et Production (S&G), l'Institut de Développement et l’Association de la société civile (ACSDI)  est en charge de la coordination et de la mobilisation du réseau turc de la FAL.

Conscient de la dimension et de la diversité de la Fondation Anna Lindh, le Consortium de TUSEV, S&G et ACSDI en tant que Chef de file de la FAL en Turquie est déterminé à établir une coopération étroite avec d'autres Chefs de file de la région euro-méditerranéenne afin d'utiliser le potentiel élevé de la Fondation. La connexion des réseaux se traduira par des réalisations à plus grande échelle ainsi qu’une plus large visibilité. Par conséquent, il permettra d'élargir les programmes des organisations et multiplier les actions de la FAL.

En outre, le Consortium de TUSEV, S&G et ACSDI en tant que Chef de file de la FAL en Turquie a l'intention de renforcer la communication au sein du réseau en améliorant son système de communication électronique et en actualisant la base de données des membres du réseau turc.

TUVAL Tanitim Reklam Danismanlik Ltd.

National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We are a small consultation company. There are 3 experienced staff, one is Industrial Engineer, one has university degree on Islamic religion science, one is responsible for project development. Our turnover in 2009 is around 300.000 USD. There is also advertisement department that function separately.
Mission and Objectives

I have been worked for National Science Foundation before I established my company. Now I am dealing with consulting on grants for SME's R&D and development activities. I have been worked for an EU project called " SME Business Development- Lot 2". I am giving one day lessons for national grants.
We are aiming at to continue consulting projects and give more education nationwide.

Main Projects / Activities

We basically focus on SME's to utilize them national grants so that they can develop and produce new products. In my ecosystem there IP offices, Industrial designers, other specialized consultants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mustafa SERT

Uçan Süpürge Kadın İletişim ve Araştırma Derneği - Flying Broom

National Network

Büyükelçi Sok. 20/4 Kavaklıdere
06700 Ankara/

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
lying Broom is a women’s organization working for the improvement of democracy and civil society. Flying Broom aims to enhance gender equality consciousness, provide information and training to empower women, and contribute to the development of efficient policies for solving women’s problems stemming from inequality.   O ur main objectives are to contribute to the advancement of the women’s movement, to assure gender equality, to develop new possibilities of communication and cooperation, and to create common fields of action among women’s organizations. Flying Broom, which has been working continuously since 1996 in line with these aims and objectives, is improving and strengthening its national and international networks year after year, consequently monitoring closely and evaluating Turkey's as well as global women’s agenda.   The organization effectively utalizes the media and all means of communication for increasing women’s visibility and creating sensitivity and awareness pertaining to gender equality within the society. Additionally, Flying Broom is working for the internalization of women’s rights and the streamlining of these rights in all decisions and implementations.
Mission and Objectives

he Vision of Flying Broom
Flying Broom aims at contributing to the overall gender equality in Turkey and the institutionalization of gender equality. Within this framework, Flying Broom:
• Tries to implement the gender equality norms and principles formulated at the Beijing Conference and other international conventions in every aspect of life.
• Supports newly established women’s organizations, believing that the empowerment of women’s organizations is the first step towards the empowerment of women.
The Mission of Flying Broom
Flying Broom primarily works in three main areas to achieve its aims:
• Networking
• Communication
• Capacity building / Empowerment

Main Projects / Activities

i) Awareness on Child Brides in Turkey: We have been working on this issue since 2006.
Child Brides and forced marriages are now on the agenda of policy-makers and other NGOs. We have published an information kit consisting of booklets on the Child Brides issue (legislative, social, media etc.) We established a national platform for the prevention of Child Marriages for effective lobbying. Two short-films, one Documentary and a number of spots were prepared. As a result,we now work with one of the biggest social responsibility foundations in Turkey for social projects. We are implementing a pilot project to create an effective mechanism pertaining to child brides to prevent these incidents.
ii)  International Flying Broom Women Films Festival:
Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival has been organized every year since 1998 with the goal of using the narrative of cinema to raise public awareness about gender issues. Flying Broom Film Festival is Turkey’s first women's film festival.Since2003the International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI) awards one of the films screened in the 'Each Has a Different Color' section of the festival program. Flying Broom International Women's Film Festival is the only women's festival in the world to grant the FIPRESCI award. The festival is a platform for women directors, movie makers all over the world who emphasize gender quality and dwell on women's issues. We held different workshops and talks with our guests and provide a dialogue opportunity not only with people from the industry but also with the audience. This year around 650 films applied for screening. We showed more than 100 films. As women of the Flying Broom we are proud of being able to organize this festival with very limited staff and resources. Being a women’s festival organized by a women’s NGO, we always face difficulty in finding sponsors and logistical support for the festival.
iii) My Madam Curie Project 
Flying Broom Women's Communication and Research Association has launched a project for primary school students. A model study supported by European Union Central Finance and Contracts Unit and Ministry of National Education is being carried in schools picked by Ankara Provincial Directorate for National Education in the city's Pursaklar district.
"My Madame Curie" Project aims to steer young girls towards an education in the direction of their talents and dreams for when they are to make their career choices, instead of them succumbing to gender role influences. The members of Flying Broom state that women can work not merely as teachers, nurses, lawyers, but also in the fields of science and technology, and that in order for this to happen, obstacles of male dominance have to disappear.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since its foundation in 1996 Flying Broom is working towards the strengthening of the women’s movement in Turkey through communication, networking and research. One of the most important objectives of Flying Broom has been  to enhance the dialog between women’s organizations.Over the last twenty years, the number of women’s organisations has increased and the communication among them has become an important issue. We would like to expand our previous experiences with other CSO's in Turkey. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALP Network since it is widely accepted that networks of CSOs can be more effective than individual and İsolated organizations. For example networks may expand the individual capacities of organizations by providing increased social capital and building synergy among disconnected CSOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ekin Keskin
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Halime Guner
Contact (2) Full Name
Selen Dogan
Job Title (2)

Uluslararası Yardımlaşma ve Entegrasyon Derneği (TIAFI) Team International Assistance for Integration

National Network

Güney Mahallesi, 1140 sokak no. 71
35180 Konak/

90 537 279 89 92
Telephone (other)
90 544 830 8417
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
TIAFI is staffed by Anne O'Rorke, the founder and director and by Heather Üner, the assistant director. In our information and protection services, we have two full time staff members who work to serve the needs of the refugees and vulnerable members of the local community. We have staff who work in our Turkish language club, homework support club and in our play for a day safe space area for young children. Our kitchen workshop is also staffed by individuals who work to prepare and serve food for our food-insecure clientele. Additonally, we have two consultant phycial therapists who work with children and their families who have been injured in the war. We are supported by our Financial Officer and many dedicated volunteers. Our annual operating budget is around 130,000 Euros per year. Our primary sources of funding are grants and money awarded for projects and initiatives, as well as, private donations. These funds are obtained by writing project propsals for open and closed calls and contracting with the donating party.  Our main activities include projects, seminars, and information and protection services.  We partner with UNHCR, GIZ, the German Embassy, Yasar University, Izmir Bar Association, Die Drei Muskeitiers, Sivil Toplum Destek Vakfi, and Avicenna.
Mission and Objectives

TIAFI, which stands for Team International Assistance for Integration, is an organisation working to directly benefit the most vulnerable members of the community, most typically women and children Syrian refugees who have fled from war. Often the people they support have disabilities and resulting injuries from war. 
Their vital work touches the lives of those carrying trauma and the lasting effects of war, helping them ease their burdens and integrate successfully into society. TIAFI focuses on promoting social cohesion through special programming benefiting all members of the community. 

Main Projects / Activities

TIAFI works to improve relationships between the Turkish and Syrians through their inclusive food program at their community center. Syrian women cook over 120 hot meals a day for local Turkish families who are struggling financially. TIAFI is also home to a playgroup where Turkish and Syrian children come to play and learn together in a safe environment. 
TIAFI offers Turkish language practice to Syrian women and to Turkish women learning to overcome illiteracy. Women can also take part in career placement programs where they learn to produce high quality purses, backpacks, and t-shirts. Additionally, women make earrings and embroidered cloth, which they then sell to local merchants. 
One of their most vital programs is the Information Point, which is staffed by Syrian refugees. Through this, they receive hundreds of calls and walk-ins every day, from both Syrians and the Turkish, for various reasons. Typically, queries answered are usually those asking for help with booking doctors’ appointments, securing national identity cards, enrolling children in school and finding employment. TIAFI partners with the Izmir Bar Association and together, they offer free legal support to Turks and Syrians alike. Currently, TIAFI is expanding these services to an innovative online, multimedia digital platform to help our clientele who struggle with illiteracy and the extra challenges to their safety this vulnerability causes.
TIAFI also has a team of consultant physical therapists who care for children that have suffered physical injury from war or disease. They fit children with new prosthetic legs so that they can move, walk and play. They involve parents and carers in this process, to allow them to continue this therapeutic work at home, giving children the best chance at recovery and rehabilitation. 
TIAFI is also introducting a new nutrion program where Syrians and Turks together learn to prepare food that will heal their bodies and protect their families, participate in support groups and informational seminars. Through cooking and learning together, sharing and supporting, Syrian women and Turkish nationals are breaking downs walls of false ideas and prejudices to truly become neighbors.
TIAFI holds monthly seminars, often in conjuction with the local municipality, for its clientele. 
All of TIAFI's activities are free of charge. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

TIAFI is an on the ground, at your fingertips source of aid for thousands upon thousands of struggling refugees and vulnerable members for the host community. As such, we are the first receivers of vital information which can help inform policy making, migration management and steps towards mitigating the challenges of the changing face of nationality in Turkey. 
We gather data every month and report to our local network, sharing with the municipality, regional stakeholders and the United Nation. This information can be a part of a larger conversation. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation works to promote cross cultural understanding in order to make resilient societies that thrive and this is our goal, too. We have much to learn from the members of the ALF network and would be excited by the opportunity to help share information especially in the context of a westward moving migration scheme. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Heather Nicolaus
Job Title
Assistant Director
Head of the organisation
Anne O'Rorke
Contact (2) Full Name
Anne O'Rorke
Job Title (2)

Undisabled Health Workers Union

National Network

Cevizlidere Mh. Ceyhun Atuf Kansu Cd. No: 143/9 Çankaya/ANKARA
06520 Çankaya /

0 541 336 68 93
Telephone (other)
0533 495 89 83
Mobile Phone
0506 815 84 84
Mobile Phone (other)
0533 495 89 83
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Undisabled Health Workers Union carries out activities to make the problems that disabled individuals encountered in working life and to make disabled individuals more visible. The main aim of this union is to defend the rights of people with disabilities. In this context, the union provides several trainings such as advocacy for persons with disabilities. Organized throughout the country, the union desires to overcome the prejudices and reservations against disabled individuals by collaborating with many stakeholders and non-governmental organizations. This union continues its activities with project finances donated by international organizations and domestic donations and membership fees

Mission and Objectives

Making constitutional and legal regulations that will ensure that disabled public employees, especially their members, receive wages worthy of human dignity,
It demands to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy their rights in line with the spirit of fundamental rights and freedoms, and to put into practice the practices and rules that will pave the way for second-class decisions of this right,
For the disabled working in the public sector; that they can work in dignity, peace and happiness; ensuring a free, fair, participatory, planning and quality working environment,
To end contract personnel legislation and practices that do not overlap with the concept of job security and public service.

Main Projects / Activities

Advocacy training (Rights-based advocacy training)
Awareness raising and advocacy training on the legal rights of persons with disabilities
Online Psychological Therapy: Union members performing therapy with expert psychologists through online channels
Carrying out sports activities in cooperation with federations
Cultural and social activities (trips, picnics, etc.)
Legal support and consultancy

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to cooperate with non-governmental organizations in our country and to raise awareness about disabled individuals. In addition, we desire to support many non-governmental organizations in terms of capacity building and personal support. Our primary goal is to support and strengthen organizations that operate for disabled individuals. We assume that effective collaboration and governance make the use of resources more efficient.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We do not want our activities to be limited only with our country. We want to experience activities for disabled individuals abroad and to establish the International Disability Federation. In addition, we believe that the formations we will work with abroad will complete our development. We want to be a member of AFL to ensure that AFL's work and principles are in line with our corporate culture. We adopt the idea that new collaborations will positively affect the awareness of disadvantaged individuals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kenan Önalan
Job Title
President/Minister Advisor
Head of the organisation
Kenan Önalan
Contact (2) Full Name
Dursun Ali Dalgıç
Job Title (2)
Vice President/Government Official

United Cities and Local Governments Middle East West Asia

National Network

Yerebatan Caddesi No.2 Sultanahmet
34110 Istanbul/

0090 212 511 10 10
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia (UCLG-MEWA) is one of the nine Regional Sections of UCLG and functions from its headquarters in Istanbul. Our organization performs its activities and initiatives through 20 countries and has almost 140 members. We aim at representing our members in international organizations such as United Nations, and enabling our members to develop and implement new projects. UCLG-MEWA has an annual budget of 2 million Euro, mainly funded by membership fees. Our staff is composed of 20 persons.  In partnership with our members and bilateral and multilateral organizations such as UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO or UN-Habitat, we develop project to strenghten local governments in the MEWA region. We are active through concrete projects, exchanges and seminars.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of UCLG-MEWA, in parallel to the UCLG World Organization is: To be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local governments, and within the wider international community.
To achieve this mission, UCLG-MEWA shall pursue the following objectives:
a. To promote strong and effective democratic local self-government throughout the region;
b. To promote unity and cooperation amongst members;
c. To ensure the effective political representation of local government to the international community, in particular the United Nations and its agencies;
d. To be the regional and worldwide source of key information and intelligence regarding local government;
e. To be the regional and worldwide source of learning, exchange and capacity-building, supporting the establishment and strengthening of free and autonomous local governments and their national associations;
f. To promote economic, social, cultural, vocational and environmental development and service to the population based on the principles of good governance, sustainability and social inclusion;
g. To promote race and gender equality, and to combat all forms of discrimination that are illegal with regard to international law, and/or illegitimate in relation to the values and policies of the organization;
h. To be a strong democratic organization, reflecting in its composition and functioning the diversity of the local spheres of governance;
i. To promote decentralized cooperation and international cooperation between local governments and their associations;
j. To promote twinning and partnerships as a means for mutual learning and friendship between peoples;
k. To develop policies, programmes and initiatives within the framework of the World Organization’s mission, values and objectives, which imply seeking appropriate means to implement them, within the internal rules of the organization.

Main Projects / Activities

UCLG-MEWA is involved in differents projects related to the 7 following topics: 
- Urban and territorial governance;
- Urban financing;
- Strategic urban planning and land management,
- Inclusive cities and territories (poverty reduction and inequalities, slum upgrading, gender, accessibility and migration, etc);
- Cities as engines of economic development;
- Sustainable environment;
- Culture and sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adrien LICHA
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mehmet DUMAN Secretary General