
نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

Cours d'histoire pour la citoyenneté interculturelle dans la région Euro-Med.

L'apprentissage de l'histoire ne contribue pas suffisamment à l'acquisition de compétences de citoyenneté interculturelle. Au contraire, les stéréotypes sur les différences culturelles, traditionnelles et religieuses ont faussé les perceptions du monde arabe et musulman. Sur la base de ces observations...

Creative Çukurcuma

National Network

Çukurcuma Neighborhood
34450 Istanbul/

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
General Information
Creative Çukurcuma is a non-profit art initiative based in Istanbul, Turkey. It was founded by Naz Cuguoğlu and Mine Kaplangı in March, 2015. Its main methods for funding are self-funding and local and international grant applications. Therefore, its budgetary resources available in a year changes from year to year. Initiative works with partners such art centers, project-based spaces, art galleries and all other kinds of collaborative creative working spaces both in the neighborhood (such as BLOK art space, maumau art residency, REM art space, PRIZMA, etc.) as well as out the neighborhood (such as COOP Gallery, Nashville and bi’bak, Berlin, etc.), thanks to its constantly growing local and international network. Its main modalities of action are periodical seminars, exhibitions, talks and performances and regular announcements about projects taking place in and out the Çukurcuma neighborhood.
Mission and Objectives

Founded in response to a need for building a platform generating progressive dialogues and discussions on contemporary art, it aims to rebuild the nearly-forgotten ‘neighbor’ experience among the new generation through forming collaborations locally and internationally.
It focuses on providing its members and networks with an opportunity to learn about each other’s ongoing projects, exhibitions and activities, also to collaborate and expand their horizons. Initiative is a cumulative announcement board open to everyone as one of its main principles is to ‘connect’ individuals and communities.
Through exhibitions, performances, and community projects, Creative Çukurcuma aims to provide a gathering place for conversations and exchanges of ideas open to everyone. As a local art initiative, it seeks to find a greater understanding of the community in the neighborhood and their surroundings with the use of creative and performing arts.

Main Projects / Activities

First activity of the initiative was to bring all creative partners in the neighborhood together to create a sense of community through dinners, meetings and get-togethers. Later, “Long Thursday” event took place to make all partner spaces open until late at night so that the working audience can enjoy the creative atmosphere in the neighborhood as well. By the ending performance by ÇATI Contemporary Dance Artists’ Association at an abandoned garage in our neighbourhood, it mainly aimed to suggest a new understanding of art spaces and introduce the initiative to the audience.
At the first event of ‘’Window Talks’’ (as the local neighborhood members still enjoy to talk to each other from their windows), initiative invited three different performance artists to talk about the weak situation of performance art in Turkey and what could be done in the future to make this discipline stronger and broader.
Organizing “Neighbor” exhibition in the small markets of the neighborhood (antique shop, the meatball restaurant and small market), initiative aimed to create a sense of belonging and conversation between the locals and the artists. As part of Urban Series Symposium organized by the Hungarian Cultural Centre and founded on the basis of neighbourhood concept, show included works by three Turkish artists (Cansu Çakar, Gözde İlkin and Can Sungu) and not visible from the outside, the installations invited visitors in; allowing for a simultaneous discovery of art, space and neighborhood.
“Reading Group” project initiated by Creative Çukurcuma aimed to bring participants working in the art field together to form a community to read, discuss and collaborate with each other. And “Plugin Walks” organized as part of Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair’s new media section “Plugin”, focused on reaching to a wider audience to discover the art works and build a conversation about them.
Initiative will have a screening by Culture of Resistance Documentaries about Western Sahara by Lara Lee (the founder of the Cultures of Resistance Network) as part of its aim to advance public awareness about issues of social and economic justice and will produce shows and seminars in collaboration with bi’bak (Berlin) and COOP Gallery (Nashville) in near future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As our main aim is to build a platform for dialogue for creative spaces and civil society, being part of Anna Lindh Foundation will be great for us. As the new-generation member of this community, we do believe that we can make contributions through bringing a new fresh perspective, reminding about the nearly-forgotten neighbor relations and bringing our new-generation local and international partners into the conversations. We find it very efficient that Anna Lindh brings the members of the network together from time to time so that we can talk, learn and grow all in one.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF network will help us to improve our initiative and personal careers as culture managers in many different ways. Along with wide AFL network, we can share our experiences with other initiatives and learn from them at the same time. Through attending seminars and meetings, we can become part of a bigger community with different partnership opportunities and possible future collaborations locally and internationally. We are sure that we will increase our knowledge and skills about methods for cultural managers. Also, as we are a non-profit art initiative, being part of such community will be very helpful in terms of grant applications to support our activities and projects financially.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naz Cuguoğlu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Naz Cuguoğlu & Mine Kaplangı
Contact (2) Full Name
Mine Kaplangı
Job Title (2)

Çukurova University Migration and Development Research Center

National Network

Çukurova Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Sarıçam
01330 Adana/

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Migration and Development Research Center at Çukurova University (MIGCU) was founded in March 2019 and it aims to foster social inclusion through education, research and collaboration. As a centre, MIGCU is legally a part of Çukurova University which was established as a public university in 1973. As of today, the university consists of 18 Faculties, 4 Schools, 12 Vocational Schools, 1 State Conservatory, 4 Institutes and 37 Research Centers. A total of 2.250 academic personnel are employed at CU for the education and training of a total of 55.433 students, consisting of over 48 thousand undergraduate and associate degree students and more than 7.000 MA/MS and PhD students. There are five academic board members and more than 20 affiliated researchers. All are employed by Çukurova University. The main sources of funding are coming from external funds through projects, such as EU Horizon Programme, Erasmus+, TÜBİTAK etc. The centre partnered with ASAM, ICMPD, Border Crossings, vhsAalen and others through various activities and projects.

Mission and Objectives

The centre serves for Çukurova region and the cosmopolitan city of Adana, which is multi-ethnic and diverse, and also hosts more than 250.000 migrants from all around the world, including refugees from Syria, making up 12% of the city’s population. So, the centre plays a prominent role in generating and disseminating knowledge in the region. In addition to their scholarly scientific work, researchers of MIGCU design and conducts projects on social impact, social impact measurement,
sustainability, community engagement, curriculum development and capacity building, partnering with local authorities, civil society and community-led organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

The "Regional Development-Sensitive Harmonization Strategy and Action Planning Framework" Research within the scope of the SUMMIT project supported by ICMPD, of which the General Directorate of Migration Management is a partner, started on February 8, 2021 and ended on November 22, 2021. The Topological Atlas project uses digital technologies and participatory methods to create visual counter-geographies at border sites, focusing on marginalized communities often ignored by traditional geopolitical inquiry. Led by İlke Şanlıer Yüksel and funded by EU Horizon 2020, the project aims to provide a fresh perspective on contemporary borderscapes. The X-European project, funded by Erasmus+ KA2 Action, aims to explore the potential of Third Space methods for social inclusion and intercultural dialogue in the context of rising populism and exclusive nationalisms in Europe. The project involves four partner organizations developing specific Third Space activities, which will be evaluated and shared in staff training workshops with the aim of improving educational practices and promoting a counter-narrative to populism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MIGCU's focus on fostering social inclusion through education, research, and collaboration aligns well with the goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation, which promotes intercultural dialogue and exchange in the Euro-Mediterranean region. As MIGCU is located in Adana, a cosmopolitan city with a significant migrant population, it could serve as a valuable partner for the Anna Lindh Network in Turkey by sharing their expertise and knowledge on social impact, community engagement, and capacity building. MIGCU's researchers could also collaborate with local authorities, civil society organizations, and community-led groups to develop joint projects and initiatives that promote intercultural understanding and social inclusion. By working together, MIGCU and the Anna Lindh Network could make a meaningful contribution to promoting dialogue and cooperation between cultures and communities in Turkey and the wider region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network could offer opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations who are committed to promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The network could provide access to resources, expertise, and funding opportunities to support initiatives and projects that advance the goals of the foundation. Additionally, being a member of the ALF Network could enhance an organization's visibility and credibility in the field of intercultural dialogue and help to build a broader network of contacts and partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. İlke Şanlıer Yüksel
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. İlke Şanlıer Yüksel


National Network

Tom Tom Mahallesi Yeniçarşı Cad
No:28 Beyoğlu, İstanbul-TURKEY


+90 212 444 0 495
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
About Culture City Foundation http://www.kulturkentivakfi.org/
Mission and Objectives

Globalization has some social and psyhcological effects on societies at the present day in the world. People are affected competitition due to globalization process and they find some ways to harmonize to the society.
Urbanization is one of important method to harmonize to the society for people. Cohabitation is a one of uniqe solidarity model in providing existence of people under global competition. There is no doubt that if the issue is providing existence in global world, urbanization has some advantages and disadvantages on societies. It is not possible to look only optimistic perspective to urbanization issue. At this time; we can say that if a city can not manage effectively, it will start to create many problems to the society.
At the present day localization has also been getting much more importancy day by day for cities. Actulaly we can define it as glocalization (local perspectives together with global values). People should come together (living at cities) to compete under global competition. These issues resulted with urbanization.
Each city has its own vision, culture, sociology and phsychology and people who are living in a cities reflect these items in a city. In this concept, we see a reality that actually ‘Competition Between Cities’ has vital role on global world. At this point two important concepts getting much more importancy:
1- People and time
2- City and places
Providing succesful city management, authorities need to care about these issues. In this perspective; Culture City Foundation established in 2009 as a non-govenmental organization in Istanbul. The objective of the Foundation is organizing and supporting projects in providing much more liveable cities for people.

Main Projects / Activities

Some Projects that we organize and support:
1- Beyoglu Bouquiniste (Second-hand Bookstore) Festival
2- Intercultural Art Dialogues
3- International Golden Hands Festival
4- Brand Cities Academy Graduate (MA) Program (together with Istanbul Aydın University and Beyoglu Municipality)
5- Istanbul Baghdad Intercultural Dialogues and Businessmen Platform
6- Turkey – US Intercultural Dialogues Platform
7- PROJECT FOR AVOIDENCE OF VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN (in cooperation with BvL Foundation and Beyoğlu Municipality)

Contact (1) Full Name
نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

Cultures Différentes – Valeurs communes

Dans un monde où les gens de toutes cultures et confessions se mélangent de plus en plus, la conscience interculturelle est une compétence de plus en plus nécessaire. Sur la base de ces observations, « Cultures différentes - Valeurs communes...

Culturim Agency : Arts and cultures

National Network

تيارت - نواكشوط

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information
Culturim is the first mauritanian agency specialized in arts and culture..
Mission and Objectives

- Building a cohesive society where dialogue culture , art and diversity are development tools.
- Bringing together the cultures that are constituting the mauritanian society.
- Enhancing dialogue culture and mutual understanding all over the world.

Main Projects / Activities

- Nouakchott from the other angle (Gallery)
- The monologue (series of reports)
- Exhibitions
- conferences and forums.
- reports and investugations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- We are focusing on creating a harmony in the society by using art, culture and diversity. 
- Diversity is a value that we are working on as contribution in the development process. 
- democracy, development and cultural are the main pillards of culturim. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Lemin RAJEL
Job Title (2)

CUMA Contemporary Utopia Management Association

National Network

Mazharpasa Sok. No:4/8 Basiktas

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
a non for profit organization established by two founding partners Esra A. Aysun and Ece Pazarbasi. Annual membership fees; individual investments of the founding partners; consultancy fees, structural and project based. -initiating interdisciplinary cultural activities at urban and rural areas in Turkey that plays a key role in the process of democratic transition of contemporary arts in society. -introducing its collaborators to networks, supporting and sharing their artistic production processes. -acting as a contact point for the contemporary multi-disciplinary artists as well as cultural organizations from the South East Europe and the Balkans. -developing training workshops and seminars about the culture sector focusing on contemporary art. -supplying mentoring for local cultural institutions both for their self-evaluation, as well as for local and international funding bodies by its assessment, evaluation and audit expertise. *Current main partners are artist initiations BAS, PIST and the Balkan Express Network of IETM.
Mission and Objectives

CUMA is a non-profit contemporary art organization, aiming to activate urban and rural communities by creating contemporary art projects and acting as a mentor for art organizations and initiatives. CUMA is based in Istanbul, Turkey.
CUMA’s aim is to break monotonous cycles of urban and rural daily life via interdisciplinary contemporary art happenings. Its endeavor is to disrupt the chronically discriminatory, monopolist attitudes, and the status quo of our time. In order to fulfill its goal, it is also CUMA’s aspiration to form creative bridges between thought and reality for organizations and initiatives with creative ideas to realize their international and local collaborative utopias.
With its collaborators from a wide spectrum, CUMA also acts as a mediator amongst them, creating dynamic networks and gathering place.

Main Projects / Activities

*exhibition curated by Ece Pazarbasi May 14 - July 12, 2009 at Maison Folie de Lille Moulins, Lille, France
*organization of Midi Midi on Istanbul July 2-5 2009 at Maison Folie de Lille Moulins, Lille, France
*Meeting Point Gulpinar, the mobile village project, an international gathering around art and creativity, first edition of which took place in 2007, will take place again in August 2009 at Gulpinar, Canakkale, Turkey. (http://www.meetingpoint2007.blogspot.com/)
*One Night Stand, a mini artist book fair by BAS - artist -run space initiated by Banu Cennetoglu in Istanbul, Turkey during the International Istanbul Biennial in September 2009.
*An international artist residency program in collaboration with PIST, an alternative project space and an independent project run by Didem Ozbek and Osman Bozkurt in Istanbul, Turkey.
*Initiation of the Balkan Express Project Office in Istanbul, Turkey in collaboration with Bunker Productions and IETM.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esra A. Aysun
Head of the organisation
Esra A. Aysun & Ece Pazarbasi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ece Pazarbasi

Cumhuriyet Ortaokulu (Secondary School)

National Network

Kartaltepe Mh. Alpullu Sk. No: 5
34144 Istanbul/İstanbul

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Our school is a public secondary school for grades 5th to 8th. There are 743 students, 45 teachers, 3 administrators, and 6 other staff. We have a total of 26 classrooms. We also have a section for students with cognitive disabilities, which currently serves 10 students. Although the school is situated in a central neighborhood, some of the students are taken from the suburbs of the city by school buses, which can cause a gap between the local residents and our students. As a result, some of our students may feel disconnected and unhappy, leading to high levels of absenteeism, with more than 20 students frequently absent. These students may feel like they belong to a lower class of society and that there is an invisible barrier between social classes. This can make it difficult to motivate students when teaching subjects like foreign languages. Many of the students and their parents have never been abroad and may feel hopeless about the possibility of doing so in the future. As a result, some may drop out of school, get married early, or turn to illegal means of making money, ignoring the importance of education in the labor market.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Cumhuriyet Secondary school is to provide a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that empowers students in grades 5th to 8th to achieve academic excellence and personal growth. We are committed to fostering a sense of belonging and community while promoting cultural diversity and understanding among our student body. Objectives: Academic Excellence: Striving for academic excellence is a primary objective. We aim to provide high-quality education that equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their academic advancement and future success. Inclusivity: Creating an inclusive environment is fundamental to our objectives. We are dedicated to embracing diversity, ensuring that every student feels valued and supported, regardless of their background, abilities, or socio-economic status. Cultural Exchange: We recognize the importance of cultural exchange in preparing students for a globalized world. Our objective is to facilitate opportunities for students to engage in cross-cultural experiences, fostering mutual respect and understanding. Community Engagement: We are committed to active involvement within our local community. By participating in extracurricular activities, social events, and volunteer initiatives, we aim to strengthen community ties and instill a sense of social responsibility among our students. Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities: Tackling the perceived invisible barriers between social classes is a crucial objective. We strive to create an environment that diminishes these barriers, ensuring equal opportunities for all students and addressing challenges that may contribute to absenteeism. Preventing Early Disengagement: To counteract the risk factors leading to early disengagement, we work towards motivating students through engaging educational programs, fostering a sense of hope and ambition for their future. International Exposure: We aim to broaden students' perspectives by providing opportunities for international experiences. This includes participation in Erasmus+ projects and other initiatives that expose students to diverse cultures and global issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Cumhuriyet Secondary School is dedicated to providing a diverse and enriching educational experience through a range of impactful projects and activities. Some of the main initiatives include: Erasmus+ Projects: The school actively participates in Erasmus+ projects, fostering international collaboration and cultural exchange. These projects, involving multiple countries, aim to broaden students' horizons and enhance their global awareness.Over the past 8 years, we have participated in various international projects under EU programs. To date, we have completed five KA212 Erasmus+ school partnership projects. Currently, we are involved in another project that involves 8 countries. Through these projects,we have taken part in 3 ICT courses which have allowed us to improve our technological skills. Two of our projects have been recognized as "good practice" projects. E-Twinning Club: The E-Twinning Club, coordinated by the English teacher, serves as a hub for conducting Erasmus+ projects. This club engages students in meaningful international collaborations, promoting cultural understanding and creating opportunities for global interactions. Extracurricular Clubs: Our school offers a variety of extracurricular clubs, catering to diverse interests such as arts, culture, STEM, literature, and more. These clubs provide students with platforms to explore their passions, develop new skills, and build a sense of community. Social Events: The school organizes and participates in various social events throughout the academic year. Celebrations, festivals, and community gatherings foster a sense of belonging, school spirit, and inclusivity among students, teachers, and parents. Community Service and Volunteering: Emphasizing social responsibility, the school actively encourages students to engage in community service and volunteering. Participating in charity events and social inclusion initiatives instills empathy and a commitment to making a positive impact on the broader community. The school places a strong emphasis on career and education guidance programs. Workshops, seminars, and guest lectures are organized to help students explore future possibilities and understand the importance of education in the labor market.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Experience Sharing: We aim to share collective insights and best practices gained from coordinating the E-Twinning Club and participating in Erasmus+ projects. This includes effective strategies for project implementation, engaging students, and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Promotion of International Collaboration: As a team, we actively promote the benefits of international collaboration within the educational community. We encourage other schools and educators to join the network, emphasizing the positive impact it can have on students, teachers, and the overall learning environment. Training and Capacity Building: Our team is committed to offering training sessions or workshops to educators interested in participating in international projects. We share knowledge on project management, integrating technology into teaching, and leveraging the opportunities provided by the network. Project Development and Coordination: Collaborating with educators and schools within the network, we aim to develop new Erasmus+ projects or enhance existing ones. We contribute ideas, coordinate project activities, and facilitate effective communication and collaboration among participating institutions. Recognition of Good Practices: As a collective effort, we share the successes and recognized good practices of our projects within the E-Twinning Club with the network. This includes presenting at conferences, contributing articles to educational publications, or conducting webinars to highlight the positive outcomes of international collaborations. Mentorship and Support: Our team is dedicated to offering mentorship to educators who are new to international projects or the network. We collectively provide guidance on navigating the complexities of project planning, implementation, and evaluation, fostering a supportive environment for those entering the realm of global education. Advocacy for Inclusive Education: Together, we advocate for inclusive education and social inclusion within the network. We share experiences in addressing absenteeism and socio-economic disparities, promoting strategies that have proven effective in creating a more inclusive learning environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aspire to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network with the shared goal of fostering dialogue, inclusivity, and cultural exchange within the global educational community. Our intention is to contribute to and benefit from a network that champions the values of understanding and collaboration among diverse cultures and societies. By becoming part of the ALF Network, we envision establishing collaborative projects with like-minded institutions, educators, and organizations. Our objective is to work together on initiatives that promote cultural exchange, address global challenges through education, and amplify the impact of our collective efforts. We recognize the power of joint projects in building bridges between cultures, fostering empathy, and preparing students for a more interconnected world. Being a member of the ALF Network aligns seamlessly with our commitment to international collaboration, evident in our active involvement in Erasmus+ projects. We believe that participating in this network will open doors to valuable opportunities for knowledge exchange, capacity building, and collaborative endeavors. Through mutual projects, we anticipate creating meaningful contributions to the foundation's objectives and, in turn, benefiting from the wealth of experiences and perspectives offered by the diverse community within the network. In essence, our interest in joining the ALF Network stems from a shared vision of promoting intercultural understanding and leveraging collaborative projects as a means to positively impact education on a global scale. We look forward to the prospect of working hand in hand with the ALF Network to create projects that inspire dialogue, inclusivity, and cross-cultural learning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serkan Erdoğan
Job Title
English Teacher
Head of the organisation
Serkan Erdoğan
Contact (2) Full Name
Vedia Ayhan
Job Title (2)
English Teacher


National Network

Güzeltepe mah. Abidin Daver sok. No:7/9 Çankaya / Ankara/ Turkey
06680 Çankaya /

+90 532 254 60 95
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Daktilo1984 has 3 full-time employees and has a core academic team of 10 people who are also the board members of the association. Within 2021, our approved projects were 146.800 euros in total and some of them still continue in 2022. The sources of funding were the European Climate Foundation, European Endowment for Democracy, and Frederic Naumann Foundation in Turkey. Daktilo1984 positions itself as a strictly non-partisan outlet but in close communication with all the influential political actors. Daktilo1984 Association has a media outlet that broadcasts regularly and publishes videos and podcasts on a wide range of subjects such as politics, international diplomacy, literature, art, and history. While running our media outlet we are trying to increase the number of women commentators so we are paying more to them in comparison to their male counterparts. In addition, Daktilo1984 offers tailor-fit consultancy for political parties within the framework of the European Green Deal Adaptation of Turkey.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to bring experts from academia, media, and business together and to pro­vide a platform for public intellectuals by using all of our resources in order to deliver a civil and reasonable debate. We envision a liberated Turkey where freedom of thought and freedom of speech is re­stored, and individual rights are protected, which will lead to Turkey being a respectable contributor to e international community.

Main Projects / Activities

- Daktilo1984 Media Outlet published broadcasts, videos and podcasts. - Daktilo1984’s evergreen podcast content “Political Science for Everyone” is on the top 5 list of Apple Podcasts for a long time and the general podcast channel of Daktilo1984 is again on the top 10. - Daktilo1984 offers tailor-fit consultancy for political parties within the framework of the European Green Deal Adaptation of Turkey. - Daktilo1984 publishes political party evaluation reports on a regular basis. - The core academic team of Daktilo1984 runs research projects on politics, economy, international relations, and sociology. We aim to encourage these people to produce more collaborative and individual research on mentioned topics.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

There are many academicians on the managerial and editorial board of Daktilo1984. In parallel to our mission, we aim to conduct research in several fields including politics, economics, and international relations with our highly experienced and competent academic establishment. You can see the resumes of these people attached. We believe that the experienced academic establishment of Daktilo1984 will be an asset to the ALF network as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Daktilo1984 is a platform that has been established by academics and we believe that academic knowledge and experience is too valuable to be encapsulated solely inside universities, thus the intellectuals of Turkey need to find creative ways to deliver the academic knowledge and make it more appealing and easy to consume in order to tear down the walls of formal education and reach to people. One of our main aims is to strengthen our academic aspect in parallel with our media presence to reach more people. In order to strengthen our academic aspect, we want to join the ALF network and see the ways to develop our team and make them more productive.

Contact (1) Full Name
Derya Özkaynak Suer
Job Title
Administrative Affairs and Projects Director
Head of the organisation
Burak Bilgehan Özpek
Contact (2) Full Name
İbrahim Enes Özkan
Job Title (2)
General Coordinator

Daktilo1984 Association

National Network

Güzeltepe mah. Abidin Daver sok. No:7/9 Çankaya / Ankara/ Turkey
06680 Çankaya /

0090 5362887643
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Research
General Information

Daktilo1984 has 3 full-time employees and has a core academic team of 10 people who are also the board members of the association. Within 2021, our approved projects budgeted 146.800 euros in total, and some of them still continue in 2022. The sources of funding were the European Climate Foundation, European Endowment for Democracy, and Frederic Naumann Foundation in Turkey. Daktilo1984 positions itself as a strictly non-partisan outlet but in close communication with all the influential political actors. Daktilo1984 Association has a media outlet that broadcasts regularly and publishes videos and podcasts on a wide range of subjects such as politics, international diplomacy, literature, art, and history. While running our media outlet we are trying to increase the number of women commentators so we are paying more to them in comparison to their male counterparts. In addition, Daktilo1984 offers tailor-fit consultancy for political parties within the framework of the European Green Deal Adaptation of Turkey.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to bring experts from academia, media, and business together and to pro­vide a platform for public intellectuals by using all of our resources in order to deliver a civil and reasonable debate. We envision a liberated Turkey where freedom of thought and freedom of speech is re­stored, and individual rights are protected, which will lead to Turkey being a respectable contributor to e international community.

Main Projects / Activities

- Daktilo1984 Media Outlet published broadcasts, videos, articles, and podcasts. - Daktilo1984’s evergreen podcast content “Political Science for Everyone” is on the top 5 list of Apple Podcasts for a long time and the general podcast channel of Daktilo1984 is again on the top 10. - Daktilo1984 offers tailor-fit consultancy for political parties within the framework of the European Green Deal Adaptation of Turkey. - Daktilo1984 publishes political party evaluation reports on a regular basis. - The core academic team of Daktilo1984 runs research projects on politics, economy, international relations, and sociology. We aim to encourage these people to produce more collaborative and individual research on mentioned topics.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

There are many academics on the managerial and editorial board of Daktilo1984. In parallel to our mission, we aim to conduct research in several fields including politics, economics, and international relations with our highly experienced and competent academic establishment. You can see the resumes of these people attached. We believe that the experienced academic establishment of Daktilo1984 will be an asset to the ALF network as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Daktilo1984 is a platform that has been established by academics and we believe that academic knowledge and experience is too valuable to be encapsulated solely inside universities, thus the intellectuals of Turkey need to find creative ways to deliver the academic knowledge and make it more appealing and easy to consume in order to tear down the walls of formal education and reach to people. One of our main aims is to strengthen our academic aspect in parallel with our media presence to reach more people. In order to strengthen our academic aspect, we want to join the ALF network and see the ways to develop our team and make them more productive.

Contact (1) Full Name
Derya Özkaynak Suer
Job Title
Administrative Affairs and Projects Director
Head of the organisation
Burak Bilgehan Özpek
Contact (2) Full Name
İbrahim Enes Özkan
Job Title (2)
General Coordinator