mine action

National Network

شارع محطة الزلازل
حي العجارمة
مرسي مطروح

Telephone (other)
لا يوجد
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Protection of the environment and vulnerable populations of children, women, the handicapped, isolation and the elderly from the effects of wars and armed conflicts regardless of religion, language, gender or gender

Mission and Objectives

- The Objective
- Providing health, psychological and social care for mine survivors and their families, including the provision of compensatory devices, their follow-up and maintenance for survivors free of charge.
- Providing and supporting mine risk awareness programs and conducting activities to draw the attention of the world, locally and internationally, to the extent of the damage caused by the presence of mines in Egypt.
- Providing all services, technical assistance and financing necessary to cultivate lands owned by mine survivors.
- Helping mine survivors to obtain the necessary funding, technical advice and technological support to implement small and medium productive and development projects.
- Provide adequate job opportunities in the public and private sectors and investment companies for mine survivors and their families.
- Participating in the development work and activities in Matrouh with all parties for the benefit of mine survivors and their families.
- Participating with all concerned authorities in preparing studies related to the effects resulting from the presence of explosive waste
- Cooperating with all civil society organizations and concerned authorities and ministries for the benefit, service and assistance of mine survivors and their families
- Claiming the rights of victims and injured persons from local and international bodies

Main Projects / Activities

Projects sustainable development in areas of conflict and armed conflict
Mine risk education programs
Mine survivor assistance programs
Helping the families of mine victims
Identifying areas contaminated with mines and war remnants
Technical and non-technical survey in conflict areas
Master's degree in mine action management
PhD in international standards quality management in mine action for humanity
Environmental management activities to protect and preserve it
Modify the behavior of individuals and groups in line with environmental standards

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Human development consultant
Head of the organisation
ahmed amer