
United Network of Young Peacebuilders

National Network

Laan van Meerdervoort 70
2517 AN The Hague

+31 (0)70 364 7799
+31 (0)70 362 2633
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY Peacebuilders) is a global network of young people and youth organisations active in the field of peacebuilding. Our main areas of action are networking, training, empowerment for action/support to youth projects, campaigning and advocacy, and practical research on the role of youth in peacebuilding. UNOY Peacebuilders is a non-political, non-religious, non-governmental organisation that welcomes youth peace initiatives/ organisations and young peacebuilders regardless of gender, ethnicity, social class, religion, or any other distinction. The main sources of funding are Oxfam Novib, European Youth Foundation, Youth in Action as well as Dutch Foundations. The projects range from training seminars, toolkits, conferences etc.

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: Youth committed to building together a world in which peace, justice, solidarity, human dignity and respect for nature prevail. Mission Statement: To link up young people’s initiatives for peace in a global network of young peacebuilders, to help empower their capacities and to help increase the effectiveness of their actions.

Main Projects / Activities

Core activities Capacity Building * Enhancing the ability of youth and youth organisations to engage in peacebuilding efforts on local, regional and/or global level. * Promoting and sharing of knowledge and experiences within the UNOY network and members. Advocacy and Campaigning * Promoting partnerships of young people with decision-taking and policy-making agents. * Campaigning for a Culture of Peace and promoting the UN International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010. Supporting activities Networking * Developing and strengthening global and regional networks of young peacebuilders. * Fostering communication and sharing of experiences thorough face-to-face meetings and online tools. Sharing of information * Providing access to relevant information for members and young people. * Providing information about inspiring examples, good practices, training, exchange and funding opportunities, up-dates on activities and developments in the field of youth work and peacebuilding. Advice and support through a pool of resource persons * Upon request, resource persons advice and assist members and the secretariat in the implementation of projects Research * Researching the role of youth in peacebuilding and related areas. * Collecting and evaluating data and selecting best practices of youth work in peacebuilding. Fundraising * Supporting possible activities and the running of the office in The Hague. Administrative support * Supporting the work of the network through data-base maintenance. The members of UNOY Peacebuilders are active in one or more of the below fields: * Conflict Transformation * Peace Education * Traditional Methods/ Culture and Religion * Young Women Building Peace * Youth Advocacy * Child Related Issues * Human Rights * Others (HIV/Aids, Child Soldiers, Small Arms, et cetera)

Contact (1) Full Name
Lillian Solheim
Head of the organisation
Wout Visser
Contact (2) Full Name
Menno Ettema

Universal Esperanto Association - Commission for Middle East and North Africa

National Network

Nieuwe Binnenweg, 176NL- RotterdamNederland

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- UEA is a Non Governmental Organization, in relation with Unesco and UN. It employs 10 people. The Commission for Middle East and North Africa is a specialized branch of UEA, consisting of people from Europe and Arab speaking countries. - for the Commission: 5 to 10 thousand euro per year. - donation by Esperanto speaking people. - Courses of the international language Esperanto by internet or in presence, workshops, congresses.
Mission and Objectives

To teach the international language Esperanto and to use it as a tool for bringing toghether peoples from Europe and the countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

- An internet course in Arabic, www.lernu.net - Congresses. See about the last in Amman: http://www.arabujo.afriko.org/mk/aligxintoj.php?l=eo

Contact (1) Full Name
Renato Corsetti, Via del Castello, 1 IT-00036 Palestrina, Italy
Head of the organisation
President of the Commission - Marie Helène Dessart

Urban Cosmopolitans

National Network

Silodam 365, 1013 AW Amsterdam

Mobile Phone
0031 (0) 6-242 30 821
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Urban Cosmopolitans is an independent NGO founded in 2009 and based in Amsterdam. Mrs. Nurnaz Deniz, initiator and chairwoman, has long standing experience both in the field of the arts and culture and cultural diversity. Urban Cosmopolitans is in the midst of negotiations with several funds, governmental institutions, cultural oganizations, the head of Antwerp Book Capital 2010, the head of Istanbul Cultural Capital 2010 and several professional individuals, whome all have already committed themselves to the main project which is called 'Exchange for a Cosmopolitan Future'.
Mission and Objectives

Urban Cosmopolitans has made a concept for the development of a transnational and multidisciplinary platform for the arts, the main goal of which is to stimulate artistic excellence through long-term structural exchange for the occasion of 2010 (Istanbul Cultural Capital of Europe) extending into and beyond 2012 (for the 400 years of trade relations between Turkey and the Netherlands).
Urban Cosmopolitans is the culture of artists who are rooted in the European city, where they have grown up together as migrant children from elsewhere and contributed to the city's diversity. But they are also connected to places and cultures further away. For them, moving to and forth between their two cultures is often also a movement between Europe and non-Europe or rather Europe as a wider, globalized continent. Our current focus is on Istanbul, Amsterdam and Antwerp and is meant to explore two of such connections between urban cosmopolitans in Europe and a particular city of origin: the link between Amsterdam and Antwerp on the one hand an istanbul on the other; and also the link between Amsterdam and Antwerp as two major European cities of migration.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is called 'Exchange for a Cosmopolitan Future', which aims to initiate and develop a structural and long term transnational and multidisciplinary artistic platform. Our point of departure is a widely shared need to both document and record, visualize and theorize the diverse cultures of the contemporary European city that have come about as a result of major flows og migration since the 1960s. In major cities of Europe such as in Amsterdam and Antwerp, Berlin and hamburg, Brussels and rotterdam, Paris and Lyon, postcolonial migration together with migration of workers have generated a new transnational culture that distinguishes itself by its multiple identities.
This project is divided into three sub-projects: Arts and Locality; Arts and Memory and an Underground Cafe for Theory. These three projects together envisage an interdisciplinary exhibition, events in the performing and visual arts and fashion, literary residencies, as well as an Underground Cafe for Cultural Theory and Urbanism. These will be developed through intensive collaboration between artists and professionals from the cities of Istanbul, Antwerp and Amsterdam.
The exhibition, performances, art and the Underground Cafe generated first in Istanbul in 2010 will travel back to Antwerp and Amsterdam with a deepened understanding and expression of urban cosmopolitan identity. As in Istanbul this return to Europe entails a cross-fertilization of artists and their audiences from both centre and periphery: exhibitions and performances in parts of the cities outside the cultural infrastructure, but also on established stages. An explicit aim of the project is not just to explore new forms of artistic expression, but also the reach out to new audiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Nurnaz Deniz (Artistic Director)
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Nurnaz Deniz

Vereniging Vriendenkring SEKEM

National Network

Drebbelstraat 195

0031 (0) 70 3062640
Telephone (other)
0031 (0) 26 4431544
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Union with a board of seven voluntary members. No staff. 2. About € 4.000 from subscriptions and an average of € 10.000 from funding. 3. Members of the Union, NCO’s, Banks, Foundations. 4. Concrete projects on the SEKEM establishment in Egypt. 5. The Egyptian Society for Cultural Development and Verein zur Förderung der kulturellen Entwicklung in Ägypten e.V.
Mission and Objectives

To support the social and cultural initiatives at SEKEM by publishing and funding in Holland. We are enthusiast about SEKEM’s sustainable approach of comprehensive social, economic and cultural development, which illustrates how mankind can find its way back to fundamentals, in balance with nature, via a technology which serves rather than exploits.

Main Projects / Activities

Mother and child care in 13 Villages near Belbeis; Camomile-children; Support for the Eurythmy-academy; Support for retarded children;

Contact (1) Full Name
Hendrik Jan Bakker
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Dr Corien Hoek
Contact (2) Full Name
Bert de Graaff
Job Title (2)

Vibrations for the Heart Music Therapy

National Network

Oude Waal
1011ca Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
My name is Niall Mc Guigan. I am a music therapist and musician. I have been combining music, storytelling and voice work with mindfullness and spirituality in workshops and concerts based at bringing people together beyond their personal ideologies towards a more compassionate and human perspective. As a music therapist I work mainoy with special needs clients such as Autsim, Dementia, Brain Injury and Mental health.
Mission and Objectives

To help bring individuals into a perspective of wholeness through awareness practices such as mindfullness and music.
When there is a perspective of wholeness  and contentment in oneself then we are truley ready to bring change into the world.

Main Projects / Activities

I have been touring extensively throughout Europe with my workshop Discovering stillness through music & self-inquiry.
"Discovering stillness through music & self-enquiry". This is an experiential music concert which offers participants the opportunity to recognize our natural state,  a state of "being" and authenticity through music, dialogue, and group voice work.​
The interactive nature of the concert and introspective focus unlocks our ability to observe and question the psychological mind using awareness and the natural curiosity of self-discovery.​
Music is an incredible tool which helps us to access a deeper connection with the heart as it is through the heart that we deepen our sense of "being". Through this connection, self-inquiry can begin to uncover our true nature, the heart of reality and an ever-present stillness within.
As a music therapist I will soon have my research paper "A hueristic enquiry into the development of therapuetic presence as a student music therapist" published in the peer-reviewed music therapy magizine Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a volunteer for events or possible entertaiment for events or workshops as a musician with a message that is in line with your mission statement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I would like to be involved in a project that is influncial in bringing people together. Music is a fundamental part of this and I believe that I also have something to bring as an ethomusicologiist and music therapist.

Contact (1) Full Name
Niall Mc Guigan
Job Title
Music Therapist & Musician
Head of the organisation
Niall Mc Guigan

Waag Society

National Network

Nieuwmarkt 4

+31 (0)20 557 98 98
+31 (0)20 557 98 80
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
Waag Society is non profit foundation. There is around 50 peoplpe working amounting to 42 fte. The yearly budget is 3.1 miljon euro which is financed by both public and private partners. Most inportant public funding (30% of budget) comes from the arts budgets of the Ministy of Cultural Affairs and the city of Amsterdam. Private partners, amongst others, are the RaboBank, Culturural Heritage institutions, KPN etc.etc. Waag Society is a projectorganisation that realises thirty projects a year. Centered around innovation in digital technology it concentrates on the societal domains Arts&Culture, Healthcare, Education and the Public Domain. Many project have been awarded for their groundbreaking impact. They are all dissiminated through the website.
Mission and Objectives

Waag Society develops creative technology for social innovation. The foundation researches, develops concepts, pilots and prototypes and acts as an intermediate between the arts, science and the media. Waag Society cooperates with cultural, public and private parties.
Waag Society is housed in two historic monuments in Amsterdam, de Waag and Pakhuis de Zwijger.
Waag Society was founded in 1996 by Caroline Nevejan and Marleen Stikker. Stikker initiated the Digital City, the first internet community in The Netherlands. It has developed into a interdisciplinary medialab, where besides research and development there is room for experiment with new technology, art and culture. Waag Society divides its activities in five social domains: Healthcare, Culture, Society (public domain), Education and Sustainability.
Waag Society is one of the founders of Creative Commons Netherlands, the altenative licensing system that enables authors, artists, scientists and teachers to handle their copyright in a flexible way.
Waag Society has a strong focus to to let user groups participate in internet, new media and technology that otherwise have limited access. Examples are The Storytable, a multimedia table for elderly people to share stories and BoardMessenger, a tool for mentally impaired people to communicate.
In 2003, Waag Products was established to market the ideas and concepts developed by Waag Society. In 2006, the new cultural hotspot Pakhuis de Zwijger was opened, a renovated warehouse in the former Amsterdam Dock area that houses Media Guild, an incubator for creative start-ups, the Creative Learning Lab and Waag Society's Fablab. Many of the projects of Waag Society found national and internal acclaim and were awarded over the years.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of Waag Society are centred around four domains: Education, Healthcare, Society and Culture. In 2008, the domain Sustainability was added.
Beside the domains, we have the focus areas of our technological expertise called Ateliers:
* Atelier Locative
* Atelier Collaborative
* Atelier Sensitive
* Atelier Narrative
Atelier Locative: how does an enriched relation between humans and location lead to new forms of interaction?
Atelier Collaborative: how to let people co-operate, create and participate in interactive, cultural productions?
Atelier Sensitive: how to design sensitive, tactile environments and objects, that can realize an intelligent interaction?
Atelier Narrative: how to tell stories and what is the role of technology.
There are two other support activities that operate for whole organisation:
* Creative Research (also comprises Usability Research) and
* Communication
Each Atelier has a manager responsible for the research within the atelier. They carry the relevant knowledge and expertise and will develop new challenges and projects within their Atelier.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bart Tunnissen
Head of the organisation
Marleen Stikker
Contact (2) Full Name
Frank Kresin

War Trauma Foundation

National Network

Nienoord 5, 1112 XE

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
WTF is member in the Arq Psychotrauma Expert group, that consists of a group of 8 organisations in the field of psychotrauma. WTF is co-chair of the Reference group of the Interagency Standing COmmittee on Mental Health and Psychosocial SUpport in Emergencies. We have 5 staff, 4 volunteers and a cadre of appr. 10 international consultants/trainers. Our main partners are WHO, World Vision Interatnional, IOM, University of Essex and several NGOs and academic instituions in conflict countries. Average annual turn-over ranges from €700,000-1 mjo
Mission and Objectives

War Trauma Foundation (WTF) is a Netherlands based NGO (1997) dedicated to ‘the realization of hope, peace of mind, and the full potential of individuals and communities impacted by individual and collective trauma in low and middle income countries’..
WTF is partner in Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group, consisting of eight Dutch organisations in the field of psychological trauma. We work together with (I)NGOs, academic institutions and civil society organisations in post-conflict regions and strengthen the psychosocial skills and knowledge of staff of humanitarian agencies through training and supervision.
We aim to develop and disseminate innovative knowledge in MHPSS, best practices and lessons learned in order to enable the development and implementation of good quality MHPSS programmes through local civil society organisations.
As an active member of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC ) Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), we promote the IASC MHPSS guidelines in all of our programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Developing IASC MHPSS / Psychological first Aid capacities in (I)NGOS Sri Lanka/ South Asia;
Developing in country MHPSS capacity in Sudan (with Ahfad university, WHO)
Enhancing reslience of children and women in Northern Caucasus (with 4 local NGOs)
Disseminating knowledge and best practices through 'Intervention, the International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict’, as well as practical manuals for psychosocial programs and approaches in specific contexts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our own networks to academics and (I)NGOs; knowledge and experience in how to restore social cohesion

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We work in very complex conflict settings and would like interface with other areas of expertise such as peace building, economic development, lobby and advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Marieke Schouten
Head of the organisation
Marieke Schouten
Contact (2) Full Name
Leslie Snider

Wavemakers United

National Network

Fluwelen Burgwal 58
2611ax Delft

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Wavemakers United foundation is working all around the world to build chapters, provide education and build capacity on water and sustainability

Mission and Objectives

Wavemakers United is a community of students, young professionals, and athletes with a passion for water. As a youth organization we focus on local challenges while having a global reach. Our aim is to contribute to the UN SDGs and involve as many youngsters as possible.

Main Projects / Activities

- Education - sports and sustainability - UN Water conferences - Global challenge ( UN2023GamechangerChallenge) - Innovation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a consortium of quadrupel helix in which Universities, private sector and NGOs collaborate and work with our Wavemaker community.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Muhammet Bilgic
Job Title
Education&chapter manager
Head of the organisation
Tilly Stroo

Wereldmuseum Rotterdam (World Arts Museum Rotterdam)

National Network

Willemskade 25
3016 DM Rotterdam

+31 10 2707 147
+31 10 2707 182
Mobile Phone
+31 6 18 99 53 52
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
For more information kindly visit our websitewww.wereldmuseum.nl
Mission and Objectives

The Wereldmuseum Rotterdam wants to contribute to an intercultural society based on mutual respect. To this end, the museum attempts to introduce as many people as possible to the worldwide cultural spectrum. The museum relates its knowledge of cultures of other continents to developments in Europe and the experience and perceptions of its visitors. The Wereldmuseum Rotterdam wishes to be a place for encounters and focuses on cultural exchanges, both in the past and now. The Wereldmuseum Rotterdam realizes its goals by working in cooperation with experts and institutions both within the country and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Charlotte Huygens is curator Arts and the Islamic World of the World Arts Museum Rotterdam and project curator of the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. She further works as an advisor and guest speaker at several universities and cultural institutions and performing educational and outreach programs. Her academic education includes Arabic Language and Literature, carried out at the State University of Leiden (NL) and a post-doc at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Cairo.

Head of the organisation
Ms Nel Schuijff

World Opera Lab

National Network

Hoofdweg 244-2

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
World Opera Lab is a small NGO based in Amsterdam-west, with a flexible staff. It has two staff members, and at the hight of production perdiod around 30 people are invloved in projects. The budget per year is around 100.000 coming from diverse funds, like the municiplaity, art foundations, and private funds. At the moment, we establish around 20 perfromances per year, one big open air intercultural opera in the centre of Amsterdam-west, one or two crirical theatre/debate pieces on issues in the Middle East, several pre-views and discussion in communitiy centres. Next to that we provide dutch classes to migrant women, and chorus classes. Research into forms of music-drama for outside Europe is an important part of our work, for example in Iran, in which we usually also exchange knowledge with local artsists on work-methods. The make our work sustainalbe in the future, we would like to work with partners in European cities with a similar dynamics as Amsterdam, and countries in the MENA region to do research into the heritage of migrant communities. Main current partmers are: municipality of Amsterdam-west, local social organizations, Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra, art funds, University of Amsterdam, De Balie debate centre, Citizen Artist Incubator. For specific projects we worked with local partners; for example Darpana perfromance group in Gujurat, The Banyan mental health clinic in Chennai, and theatre groups in Teheran.   
Mission and Objectives

World Opera Lab creates opera-performances that reflect the diversity of European society today. It aims to create opera that transcends cultures and borders. An intercultural form of opera could function as a tool for dialogue between cultures, and celebrate diversity. As a foundation for this work, artistic director Miranda Lakerveld studies traditional music drama in Mexico, Guatemala, India, Iran, Japan, the Tibetan community in exile, and music and rituals from the MENA-region. She is developing a unique work method based on her findings, through which artists from different traditions can have a dialogue. In the present year we aim to adress religious conflicts thorugh our work, about perspectives on veiling and beauty in 'Dance of the seven veils', and a new interreligious ceremony about sacrifice around the story of Abraham & Isaac/Ibrahim & Ishmael.   
Our goals are: 
• To explore new ways of working, and create new artistic forms to address social issues with opera, specifically those that result from migration and living in diaspora.
• To explore and apply traditional methods to support communities from rituals like Zar and music-drama’s like Ta’ziye, to opera. 
• To create a dialogue between artists, community-members, social institutions and academics.
• Find collaborating partners to exchange visions on opera in an intercultural context.
• To examine and test social applications of opera.
• To develop the work-method of intercultural opera in which heritage and oral traditions are equally important as the opera-repertoire.


Main Projects / Activities


Majnun & Leyla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u5VtovOCN8&app=desktop
The homecoming of Ulysses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-3pvV5JIRs
Future projects:
The sacrifice (Abraham and Isaac-Ibrahim & Ismael)/performances around Eid in September 2017
Dance of the seven veils/ Straus & Aftab Darvishi/ Municiplaity of Amsterdam-west/ December 2016
My heart drowns in blood/ Bach & Aftab Darvishi/ with the Middle East Report on Iran/ November 2016
Winterreise/Schubert-Massih Hutak/with the Middle East report on Afghanistan/ October 2016
Past projects:
Majnun & Leyla/ Arabic-Indian-Turkish-Persian traditional music/June 2016
Why Yemen matters/ Händel & traditional Yemeni music/ With The Middle East report/ Amsterdam/ april 2016
Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria/Monteverdi-Al Andalus/ Amsterdam/May 2015
Baarsjes Odyssey/Monteverdi-Al Andalus/Amsterdam/ December 2014
Dafne/ Chennai-India/ with the Banyan/ January 2014
Erda- The Earth/ Tsoupaki/ Dutch National Opera/ Amsterdam/ November 2013
Map of down below, an opera-installation/Monteverdi / with Kosmopolis The Hague 2011
Orfeo in India / Monteverdi /with Darpana performance group / India 2010
In angustiis..I & II / Lorca-Macmillan-Crumb / 2008
Krapp's Last Tape / Beckett-Bach-Stravinsky / with Nederlands Kamerorkest /2007
We provide Dutch classes to migrant women twice a week and organize activities, workshops and conversations in the community.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our knowhow on working with migrant communities in diffrent contexts and the importance of heritage. We specialize in working with interreligious symbols and stories.  
Over the last years we have built a knowhow and workmethods on how to fuse art-forms and heritage from different traditions. This approach seems fruitful in the places we have worked so far, providing a space for intercultural and interreligious dialogue.  
We are part of a growing a network of like-minded organizations, artists and funds, and take part in the dialogue around art, social impact and policymaking via this network. 
Research forms the basis of our work, and we love to be part of a larger movement that thinks about how to built communities through art in the future. 
Through our work with heritage we gain interesting insight in underlying dynamics in conflicts, which can be interesting to other stakeholders.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the Citizen Artist Incubator in Vienna several faculty-members suggested to connect to the Anna Lindh Foundation as a wonderful network. We want to be part of a larger network of organizations that create social and political impact. Now that our work has proved succesful locally, we would like to reach out to other organsiations and develop these ideas, and exchange methods in other contexts with simular social dynamics. 
We would like to connect to organsiations in the MENA region, for research purpuses, exchange of ideas, and possibly future collaborations.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Miranda Lakerveld
Job Title
artistic director
Head of the organisation
Miranda Lakerveld