


Les objectifs du réseau lituanien de la FAL, qui regroupe 45 organisations issues de la société civile, sont les suivants : 

  • Renforcer les capacités de mise en réseau, la confiance et la coopération entre les membres par le biais d’une implication, d’une participation et d’un soutien institutionnel accrus de la part des membres et en leur faveur ;
  • Devenir une plateforme institutionnellement reconnue pour celles et ceux qui souhaitent construire une coopération avec des partenaires situés dans le bassin méditerranéen ;
  • Œuvrer pour une société ouverte et tolérante reposant sur les principes de la démocratie.

Dans le cadre des initiatives de la FAL, le réseau a pu être intégré à des projets internationaux menés avec des partenaires égyptiens, jordaniens, tunisiens, marocains, portugais, italiens, irlandais, grecs, danois, lettons ou encore tchèques.

L’ONG Youth Centre Babilonas est à la tête du réseau lituanien de la FAL depuis 2021. Rolanda Sliazene-West en est par ailleurs la coordinatrice depuis 2017 (réélue en 2021).

Les membres du réseau lituanien de la FAL ont représenté la Lituanie au Forum de la FAL à Barcelone et à Malte, à la Conférence Kimiyya des femmes à Naples, au Forum EuroMed des femmes pour le dialogue en Jordanie en 2019, ainsi qu’à la Formation des formateurs (ToT) de la FAL à Chypre en 2019.

Parmi les priorités du réseau figurent la recherche de solutions face aux différentes problématiques qui touchent la société civile, les opportunités de financement pour les organisations membres, ainsi que la communication et la coopération à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du réseau lituanien de la FAL.


Loftas Fest

National Network

Kauno str. 30A-1

+370 650 93 081
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
It s an innovative cultural organization that runs activities in the venue called Arts Factory LOFTAS in Vilnius, Lithuania. Capacity: 1000 persons (standing). LOFTAS hosts up to 160 different cultural events a year, mainly alternative pop music concerts. Others are design fairs, creative industries conference, music competitions, music and audiovisual arts festivals. It is non-governmental private organization, open to international collaboration. Main source of funding during a year is organizations own income. Other sources are private sponsorships. Arts Factory LOFTAS employes up to 30 full-time workers for events production, communication, projects development, lights and sound engineerig, design etc. Arts Factory LOFTAS is in a long-term partnership with Lithuanian national TV and radio channel LRT. 
Mission and Objectives

To raise cultural life in Lithuania and internationally by encouraging alternative pop music, electro/base, jazz music bands, audiovisual artists, especially youngsters, and to educate society about significance of creative and cultural industries. 
Main objectives:

To find and promote next best thing in alternative pop, electro, base, jazz music, as well as in audiovisual arts.

To educate communitys and societys taste for music and arts by giving a high quality product and servise localy and internationally.

To promote creative industries and to raise local and international collaboration in this field.

Main Projects / Activities

Main annual projects:
“Loftas Fest” (since 2012) - the only urban festival in Lithuania, which connects art, music, workshops, exhibitions and a lot of creative people. Attendance – over 6000 unique visitors.
“What’s next?” (since 2013) - a unique international two-days conference of creative industries where culture, technologies and business meet in one event.
Concerts - up to 40 individual concerts anually.Kelis , Xzibit, Hot Chip, Nicolas Jaar, Ellie Goulding , The Editors, Moderat, Jazzanova, Crystal Fighters and many others already performed on LOFTAS stage.
Summer terrace – a place for live and electronic music performances, day activities, movies, workshops, games, kids zone. Embodied LOFTAS vision of fulfilled urban lifestyle.
Christmas factory  LOFTAS - Cristmas market with a unique concept - Last Minute Market, involving christmas Tree Town,  Pop-up cafe, creative workshops, Kids zone and live music concerts.
Young bands competition (since 2014) - a project, focused on fresh music incommers in purpose of pushing young peoples musical careers.
Professionals from music industry evaluate, consult and teach young musicians basics of self marketing, public relations, positioning in market.
Insanitus - a closed spase festival of light, sound and interdisciplinary arts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Arts factory LOFTAS is skilled  and experienced to be a No 1 advisor in contemporary alternative pop music of not only Baltic countries, but eastern European countries and Russia. It could be a know how to share with colleagues from more distant areas, such as Mediteranian countries. LOFTAS is open to consult as well as to take part in network activities organisation processes. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Arts factory LOFTAS is an open organisation which values international collaboration. This year the organization is activelly looking for international contacts for partnership development. In 2015 it is a strong objective to increase international connections and develop international partnerships. Therefore international network would do a favour to reach potential partners and future stakeholders as well as to be seen as open for international collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zivile Diavara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Živilė Diavara

Malteser Lithuania (Order of Malta Relief Organisation in Lithuania)

National Network

Gedimino ave. 56b

+370 (5) 249 73 04
+370 (5) 249 74 63
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Order of Malta Relief Organisation in Lithuania (Maltos ordino pagalbos tarnyba) was established in 1991. At present, 28 MOPT groups operate in our country. Order of Malta Relief Organisation has 35 permanent employees and more than 900 volunteers.  
Mission and Objectives

Malteser mission in Lithuania, as well as around the world, is strictly humanitarian, impartial, and mostly voluntary.
The goal of the MOPT is to carry out social and charitable support activities to help the neediest citizens of Lithuania. More than 100 different social projects were implemented in Lithuania over 20 years.

Main Projects / Activities

◦ Social centers provide food, clothing and nursing measures (26 locations);
◦ Help of poor lonely old people (food and home care);
◦ Organization of Social Day care centers (8) for children from disadvantaged families;
◦ Organization of youth social activities (26 young Maltese groups);
◦ Courses of First aid and social care for volunteers (4 regions);
◦ Fundraising campaigns (campaign “Maltese soup” and charity concert on TV).
The Maltese are involving volunteers in charity campaigns and need of care projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Malteser Lithuania is part of internation olrganisation of Order of Malta working worldwide. Network and experiance are what we can contribute.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expend network. Implement few projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eitvydas Bingelis
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Secretary General Eitvydas Bingelis

Managing stressful situations and relationships through humour and laughter

Training: A modern clown: vulnerable and capable of saving the world

On the February the 19th, 2024 ALF Lithuanian network had an Annual meeting and Capacity building program for network members. We were learning: 

  • meanings of Body language;
  • emotions, reactions;
  • What does it mean to be perfect?
  • Fear as a power to move;
  • Relations: ME and US;
  • Life as a game;
  • Meaning of laugh and dealing with the stress through it, etc

The day was meaningful and very impressive.

Mardi Grass Celebration in Lithuania - Fiesta of Masks, Joy and Light

Traditional celebration in Lithuania

Every year, the entire Samogitia celebrates Mardi Grass on the 46th day before Easter. It is also known as the Shrove Tuesday, which always falls on this day of the week. But this time this celebration will be held on Sunday, 11th of February in the Samogitian village museum, and you are invited to participate in it.

Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania

National Network

Gedimino ave. 51
11203 Vilnius

+370 5 249 7028
Telephone (other)
+370 5 249 7023
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

 Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania is the budgetary,  main research library open to the public, also operating as a parliamentary library. The National Library functions:     a state universal repository of Lithuanian, Lituanica and foreign documents;     the national archival fund of published documents;     the national bibliography centre;     the centre for statistical accounting of documents published in Lithuania;     the centre of assigning and registration of international standard numbers;     the information centre for social sciences and humanities, politics, economy and culture;     the national coordinating centre for research and methodological activities in library science;     the centre of the Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System (LIBIS);     a deposit library of the European Union, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the national library is to ensure satisfacion of the Lithaunian knowledge society's needs for documentary and digital information. Objectives: Accumulation and preservation of Lithuanian publications issued in Lithuania and abroad, carrying out of the bibliographic control of documents, development of the National Archival Fund of Published Documents.     Accumulation and storage of other documents, both printed and in other forms, which are valuable for the national culture.     Providing services for Lithuanian and foreign citizens, institutions and organizations.     Compilation and publishing of the national bibliography, the bibliographical indexes, compilation of union catalogues and databases.     Provisions of statistics on documents published in Lithuania and assignment of international standard numbers to them (ISSN, ISBN, ISMN).     Performing of the functions of the National Digitization Centre and creation of the Virtual Electronic Heritage System (VEPS).      Preservation, restoration and microfilming of library holdings and valuable collections.     Research in library science, bibliography and book science,     Organization of exhibitions, literary evenings and other cultural events, promotion of Lithuanian culture and science abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

International and national projects : Libraries for Innovation; The European Library; Investment project “Development of Virtual Electronic Heritage System”; nvestment project “Development of Interactive Electronic Services for Ordering and Receiving of Editions and Publications at Public Libraries”;Libraries for Information Access for Elder People

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute as the coordinators for the Lithuanian institutions with similar activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to cooperate with organizations engaged in activities which meet the information needs of today's societies

Contact (1) Full Name
Giedre Cistoviene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Director general prof. dr. Renaldas Gudauskas
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Media literacy and information technologies: challenges and solutions in the 21st century

Associative image

On March 2nd, 2023, an international scientific conference titd Media Literacy and Information Technologies: Challenges and Solutions in the 21st Century was held in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

The conference was organised by Vytautas Magnus University together with the Lithuanian Democratic Education Colle, a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation's Lithuanian Network. The goal of the event was to examine the challenges and opportunities posed by media literacy and information technology for modern society and education.

During the conference, a presentation of the Anna Lindh Foundation took place in the working groups, as well as a meeting with Media Literacy project partners from the UK, Denmark, Sweden, and the presentation of the Anna Lindh Foundation at the European Commission's representative office in Vilnius.

Meet The Buyer

This year, we will focus more on strengthening the capabilities of social businesses in the areas of sales and commercial relations with business partners. In order to contribute to the development of the B2B (business to business) social procurement market, we aim to bring traditional business companies (buyers) closer to social businesses (suppliers). Meet the buyer events are a great way to do this.

ALF LT network member Social business  association invites you to get to know the impressive partners of this project (who can also become your partners 😊) with more detailed information https://buysocialeuropeb2b.eu/en (in English), and follow our news, because this year we will invite you to such events 👉 www.lisva. org


Menų agentūra Artscape

National Network

Bazilijonų g. 6

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Menų agentūra ARTSCAPE (Arts Agency ARTSCAPE) is a non-profit cultural organization based in Vilnius, Lithuania, working as a production, distribution and management support company locally and internationally.  
Mission and Objectives

We are most interested in engaging arts into other sectors and provoking social innovation by integrating arts into social and educational fields. We support and produce various artists from different fields, execute international projects and initiate crossings between arts and education and social issues. We aim to raise society awareness with regards to socio-political issues by means of artistic projects.Our focus since 2015 has been work on refugee/ migrant integration issues using art as a tool.

Main Projects / Activities

ARTSCAPE operates in the following fields:
- Theatre, contemporary dance, visual arts (productions, exhibitions, conferences etc.)
- Non-formal education and mentoring for emerging artists and young art managers (seminars, workshops, masterclasses, long-term courses etc.)
- Educational and social projects with refugees and minors from social risk groups (summer camps, workshops, visits, volunteer training etc.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ARTSCAPE is one of very few artistic organizations in Lithuania involved in the refugee cause. We initiate projects and fundraise for them as well as act as a mediator and a coordinator in setting up the projects and involving partners, so our interest is to widen our partner network and join local initiatives in a field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to widen our  network of partners, for joining the refugee-oriented projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aistė Ulubey
Head of the organisation
Aistė Ulubey


National Network

Piktupenai Liepu 8
99241 Piktupenai Lithuania

+370 381 20500
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Meritokratas is a company based by principles of meritocracy, we drive culture and technological transformation through collaboration and communication from within the organizations. We believe that technology is here and can be used to spread democracy and liberalize media.

Mission and Objectives

Drive organizational change through digital transformation

Main Projects / Activities

Facilitating hybrid learning, empowering companies to communicate more openly and create trust based culture. Producing and directing live and hybrid events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With my media and technology knowledge i can help create habit of collaboration through communicating Network values and project's throughout community and social networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to be part of positive change. I want to contribute my knowledge for the sake of the better world for our children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Audrius Martinkus
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Audrius Martinkus