
Leaders of Tomorrow conducts the Arts of Debate Training


The Jordanian member Leaders of Tomorrow, under their “Diwanieh” program, have been conducting the Arts of Debate training over the past few weeks, to train a group of young men and women on debate skills, with the support of the French embassy in Jordan.

The training was concluded on the 14th of June with a debate tournament to give the trainees a platform to practice and implement the learnt skills.

Since its establishment in 2012, ‘’Diwanieh’’ has sought to create a critical society that is capable of dialogue and respect, through establishing free spaces for debate and dialogue in which participants from different backgrounds can join to freely discuss political, economic, and social topics, and so that discussions move away from elite political spaces to participation for all citizens.

Check their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Diwanieh

Ma'an Culture Forum

National Network

Ma'an - City Center

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the Organization  ( head , vice manager , Cashier , Secretary and members ) Budgetary 900JD partner : 1- Ministry of Culture  Ministry of Education Local community      
Mission and Objectives

Social and cultural goals
1- Dissemination of cultural and social awareness among individuals through lectures, seminars, poetry evenings and cultural courses
2- We do not have any political goals, regional or sectarian
3- Cultural exchange visits within and outside the Kingdom
4-Issuing bulletins serve the objectives of the forum
5-Talent development and training
6-Cultural exhibitions preparation

Main Projects / Activities

1-talent box
2-Poetry workshops
3-Concerts heritage

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- Because yours foundation can support our goals 

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamza Abdallah Khalaf Krishan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
haroon AlKhatab

Madaba for Supporting Development

National Network

Madaba - King Abdaleh Street
Madaba - AlMamuneh -
Madaba 17110

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

At the beginning of 2006, a group of Jordanian youth from governorate of Madaba –located 35 km south of the capital, Amman, regarded as one of the poorest areas, predominantly rural and tribal and includes various ethnic and religious differences that contribute to social tensions sometimes- initiated to set up the foundation without being under lights or waiting for rewards but to satisfy their values of generosity.
We are working with new vision on developing local communities in order to perceive the outputs of age and interact with them throughout new methodologies, so that society institutions can perform a role in development and peace-making processes side by side with the private sector institutions, as well as applying the effective decentralization and democracy, in terms of participation, transparency and rule of the law, and to perform friendly-surrounded projects away from extremism and fanaticism.
As a response to that, Madaba for Supporting Development fulfils several programs and activities that contribute to reduce physical and forced violence occurred among different groups of society, especially school and university students, through programs and trainings on disputes resolutions and communication skills between conflicting parties, it also develops new programs and prepares documents to prevent applying forced violence, and then to reduce revenge phenomenon and killing for honor, to work on issuing new law to restrict having and selling arms in Jordan and it also invites the Jordanian government to sign the international arms conventions.

So MSD participated in creating Arab network of non- violence co-founded by civil society organizations in the Arab world, sent students to study non-violent stream at the university of non-violence in Beirut, participated in all training opportunities concerning with disputes resolutions with international and Arabic organizations, the foundation also is an active member in the international network for reducing small arms abuse and cooperates with Jordanian government to create the plans and to implement programs for reducing violence among schools students and it is the only party found the boards of tolerance and non-violence at schools since 2004 that watch verbal and physical violence among students.

Mission and Objectives

Madaba for Supporting Development motivates youth people and serves society, strengthens individuals abilities and skills and creates the partnerships in Middle East and world to prevent conflicts and reduce disputes of different types, consequently having a better future for the coming generations, preventing disputes to be occurred among unlike religious followers and confirm applying international and local human rights and small arms conventions throughout the following assumptions:

The right to live in peace:
Madaba for Supporting Development settles the principle of living peacefully for humanity and enjoying a safe physical, religious and psychological life away from all violence manners, whether physical or psychological.
This was achieved through a variety of courses, workshops and conferences that it holds at schools, communities and universities for students, Woman , teachers and activists from civil society organizations on violence alternatives to provide a safe environment and security for all.
These programs can be managed through:
1- Schools of education:
Schools provide the fertile ground for violence among students, Madaba for Supporting Development creates the different plans and programs concerned with reducing violence among students since 2006 up to date and have a focus on training the violent students the strategies of reducing violence, its alternatives into schools and mechanisms to move away through different skills that the foundation staff train on, as well as the foundation cooperates with instruction and administrative bodies to put a training programs to educate them about disputes resolutions skills and classroom direction through programs related with (physical violence alternatives at schools).
2- Civil society institutions:
Madaba for Supporting Development works coordinately with local civil society institutions, universities and schools to study violence reasons among students and youth people in general, the mechanism of reduction taking into consideration its alternatives and social Customs and traditions influence to restrict its diffusion, whether armed violence or another, foundation also trained the youth aged of (18-25) for -those activists from all over the kingdom especially marginalized areas that pass through the poverty and unemployment- to decrease violence effects .

3- Government and parliament:
Madaba for Supporting Development is actively involved with governmental agencies such as Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, public security and the parliament to study the legislations and legal procedures adopted by the government to reduce violence phenomenon among the various society groups, especially the forced violence which was on rise during the last few years. Madaba for Supporting Development –through advocacy campaigns cooperated with civil society institutions and universities – successfully urged the government to reconsider the law of arms and ammunition of 1952, it also submitted a proposal for setting up a new law discussed these days by technicians, it urged the Jordanian government to sign the international convention for reducing arms abuse which has been called for by the World Campaign, as the arms use in Jordan related with tribal dimensions referring back to those inherited traditions of having the arms.
Madaba for Supporting Development believes that the just and everlasting peace can be achieved only by applying the principles of justice and equality of rights and applying the just international law too, it also sustains all of the activities and trainings that contribute to create a generation believes in just peace away from terrorism and extremism. Next generations have the right to live freely and peacefully, so foundation encourages those works contribute to create the opportunities to the youth worldwide to visit each other in order to break the barriers and to be acquainted with the customs and traditions that promote love and peace spirit including being free of fears from the other.
These will com through educating youth about human security, human rights and sustainable human development.

Main Projects / Activities

• To promote youth participation in volunteering inside NGOs. (Non governmental organizations)
• To hold awareness courses in the field of woman and child rights and reduce abusing them
• To promote youth participation in reducing bad customs in the society
• To promote the spirit of citizenship and put the plans and programs to reduce violence among youth people.
• To promote the democracy and dialogue among youth people in Jordan and worldwide.
• To spread the spirit of love and peace and being away of extremism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization MSD has good relations with civil society in the south and the Middle Badeah , through our projects that we implement on the topics of peace, peaceful coexistence, and rejection of violence in all its forms specially the gun violence .
This work makes us look to build our capabilities further on the issues of peacebuilding and interfaith coexistence, especially since our city Madaba is considered an grate example of Christian-Muslim coexistence.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

first thing we looking to build our capacity with your Network in the interfaith coexistence . and we work with youth in Madaba and Middle Badeah about peace and non-violence .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Fraij Alzenat
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Ali Al-Zenat
Contact (2) Full Name
Sokina alqaisi
Job Title (2)

Madanat Consultancy

National Network

Arar Street #142

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Madanat Consultancy draws on more than a decade-long experience in the analysis, research and development of the media and communication as we keep eyes on variances taking place in Jordan and other Levant countries. We specialize in media development, research and analysis; professional reporting; delivering periodical current affairs’ reviews on the social, political and economic scenery in Jordan; content analysis to the media and religious speech; analysis of public opinion trends (elite and grassroots); establishing media projects (radio and TV stations, educational multimedia labs, news websites). 
Mission and Objectives

To strengthen community media especially among women, the youth and minorities; create awareness on the sociopolitical milieu in Jordan so as to help relief agencies cope with the increasing number of refugees; help  local churches in Jordan acquire due legal status and interact with society, especially the very "other". 

Main Projects / Activities

Philip Madanat is a researcher and political activist. He received his education in administrative sciences, economics, languages and sociology of media in Jordan, the West Bank, Japan and Spain. A doctorate candidate, his thesis investigates the impact of Friday sermons on public opinion in Jordan, with focus on new media coverage. He currently serves as the rapporteur for the Jordanian Committee to Support the Syrian People. Philip  helped establish several Arab media outlets, and ran media development projects with IREX, SIDA and OSI; conducted research on media accountability in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon with the Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, project “Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe and the Arab World” (MediaAcT); currently a consultant for ‘Advocacy and Support for Community Radio in the Arab Region’ funded by SIDA and implemented by the Amman-based Community Media Network. His current undertaking is madanatconsultancy.com, specialized in media training, research and development, conducting research on the Islamic movements in Levant and Arabian Gulf countries for state entities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Help variant political, religious and social movements interact through understanding the underpinning values, ethos and modus operandi that govern the work of relevant communities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from and add to ALF's experience in the region through its wide network of civil society organizations; to incorporate my experience as an activist who managed to bring together diverse political and religious groups in the region with work that came to fruition in several aspects (relief, human rights, running negotiations in conflict zones, human rights empowerment, media empowerment).

Contact (1) Full Name
Philip Odeh madanat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Philip Madanat

Mafraq center for traning and rehablition

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Target Population The center serves individuals with mild-to-moderate mental retardation, physical disabilities, speech and hearing disabilities, and autism from six years to sixteen years old. The center also provides support for the families of children with disabilities Center Employees The Mafraq Center for Training and Rehabilitation employs 19 individuals trained in Special Education including: Center Director Financial Director Social Worker Autism Specialist Art therapy instructor Four Special Education classroom teachers Physical Therapist Speech Therapist Two on-site nurses Peace Corps volunteer Bus driver Four center-support staff members Establishment of the Center The Mafraq Center for Training and Rehabilitation was established in 1972 to promote the integration of persons with disabilities into the Mafraq community. Since its founding, the center has focused on fostering independence and confidence in individuals with disabilities. Institution Position Period Nature of Work Jordanian National Forum for Women Member and volunteer 6 MONTHS Increase women's awareness of their rights through meetings and identify the problems faced by women and try to resolve them KOICA organization a local partner to Korean volunteer ONE AND A HALF YEARS Support of volunteer programs in the development of the local community to solve problems through their presence in the community The German organization AGIF Coordinator of computer courses 4 YEARS Nominate women from the local community to develop their skills in computer use and thus facilitate their access to work - women's empowerment. Peace Corps organization A local partner to an American volunteer 2 YEARS Support of volunteer programs in the development of the local community to solve problems through their presence in the community Ministry of Social Development Researcher 2 YEARS Conducted research regarding the state of persons with disabilities in Jordan. Assessed programs for persons with special needs, researched problems in the special education sector, and advised on solutions.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of the Center
The Mafraq Center strives to cultivaete daily-life skills of persons with disabilities in order for them to increase independence, to successfully integrate into society, and to generalize skills learned to life outside the center. The center works towards these goals by providing comprehensive and ability-appropriate services to children with special needs and support to families of children with disabilities. Coordinating with the Ministry of Social Development and private foundations, the center strives to empower persons with disabilities and raise awareness about disabilities within the larger community.
Center Objectives
To implement appropriate Special Education services, including academic instruction and behavior modification. To train for independence in activities of daily life, including hygiene, self-care, and eating appropriately. To provide specialized therapy targeting student needs, including speech and physical therapy. To promote the integration of persons with disabilities in the community, focusing on the ability of each student to contribute meaningfully to the larger society. To introduce students to recreational and sport activities through day-trips and organized events.

Main Projects / Activities

Center Activities
The Mafraq Center for Training and Rehabilitation consists of four full-time classrooms for children with mild-to-moderate mental retardation, an on-site autism program and a daily art-therapy program. Additionally, the center provides outpatient occupational therapy services to children with physical disabilities. Specific center activities and amenities include:* Academic training for individuals with mild-to-moderate mental retardation including: object awareness, language, math, social studies, science, art, music, drama, independence and self-care.* Autism program including behavior modification principles, sensory integration, and applied behavioral analysis.* Art therapy program to develop vocational skills of teens with disabilities* Physical therapy program for children with physical disabilities* Bi-weekly Community Based Rehabilitation sessions with JAICA (offsite in Manshia and Alhumraa)* Field-trips and outings of cultural and academic importance, focusing on integration of students in the community.* Daily snack provided to all students by the center.* Daily transportation to and from the center.
CBR Program
The CBR team at the Mafraq Center for Training and Rehabilitation is responsible for the implementation of Community Based Rehabilitation (physical therapy) in Mafraq and Mansheeya, which lies about 30 km from Mafraq’s city center.
The CBR team sees clients in the center daily (14 clients per week) and visits Manshia twice weekly to provide in-home physical therapy services (20 cases per week).
The CBR team is made up of a professionally trained Physical Therapist and two nurse-practitioners.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through my position at my center, I was able to gain the respect and trust of many women in my community. Many times when a woman I know faces a problem in their home, they consult me for help and advice. Women see that I am strong and want me to help them be strong as well. Sometimes women who are beaten by their husbands and brothers have come to me for advice, and I tell them that they should stand up for themselves and speak to the police, even if it is difficult. being beaten her husband directing you to speak with the police.
I have the ability to influence the community I live in. I am already creating a network of women who stand for feminist leadership, women empowerment, and gender equality, and after attending the conference I could even better bring change to my society. academic programming for students with disabilities. From my position as a director of a Special Education center I have the opportunity to work with a wide range of people from various classes in Jordan. I have more complete knowledge of the problems, concerns, and abilities of people within my local community than someone who lives and deals only in the capital Amman would have. I am also a forward thinking woman in my society. I think that people who are otherwise uneducated about the ability of Arab women to create change within the society would benefit from seeing how motivated and independent that I am. I think that I have the ability to bring change to my community and to Jordan, and think I could inspire people to see that their own societies have the potential for change and growth as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I know that I have the strength of character that make me an activist and feminist leader, but I want to expand my knowledge further so that I can help think of solutions to problems in my country. It is one thing to know that a problem exists, but another to be able to work towards solving it. I am very aware that there needs to be more equality between men and women in Jordan. Women need to be better represented in the government. Women must have access to top jobs usually held my men. Women must be more independent so that they can take care of themselves. Honor killings need to stop. These are things that I want to work towards in Jordan, but I need a place to start, and I’m hoping that this program will be that place. I want to learn tools and strategies that will contribute to the development of women’s rights in Asia, and with those tools I think I can bring about a lot of change

Contact (1) Full Name
Safaa Alamoush
Head of the organisation
Safaa Alamoush
Contact (2) Full Name
Nadya Harahsha

Mahasen al Emam

Founder and Director of the Arab Women Media Centre (AWMC) in Amman, Jordan. al Emam is a media specialist and expert on women issues in the Middle East, with extensive experience as a journalist and chief editor working at various...


Mahasen al Emam

Fondatrice et directrice de l’Arab Women Media Center (AWMC) à Amman, Jordanie. Mahasen Al Emam est spécialiste des médias et experte des questions féminines au Moyen-Orient, avec une vaste expérience en tant que journaliste et rédactrice en chef travaillant dans...

Maisoon Al Amarneh

National Network

wasfi al atal street

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
00962 777694747
Mobile Phone (other)
00962 799144450
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Others
General Information

The recently registered Youthful Mindset Organization, now established as a non-profit entity, has emerged from my independent consulting work with various organizations and companies. This initiative is a culmination of my dedication to youth development, combining my experiences and insights gained from collaborating with diverse entities.

As the founder, I am committed to supporting the organization by providing all necessary services through my consulting company. This strategic approach ensures efficiency and streamlined operations, optimizing the impact of our programs. Furthermore, the Youthful Mindset Organization is proud to announce its partnership with USAID and the EU program, receiving crucial support that will empower us to implement transformative projects and initiatives for the benefit of the youth we aim to serve. Together, we strive to create a positive and lasting impact on the next generation.

Mission and Objectives

The Youthful Mindset Organization is dedicated to empowering and inspiring young individuals to reach their full potential, fostering a positive and resilient mindset. Committed to addressing the urgent challenges of our time, our mission includes creating a supportive environment that equips youth with essential life skills, educational opportunities, the confidence to contribute meaningfully to their communities, promoting awareness and action on climate change, and fostering literacy.


Holistic Development: Promote the holistic development of young individuals by providing programs that focus on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Education and Skills Training: Facilitate access to quality education and skills training, ensuring that youth are equipped with the knowledge and capabilities necessary for personal and professional success.

Inclusivity and Diversity: Embrace diversity and inclusivity, creating spaces that celebrate differences and promote understanding among youth from various backgrounds and communities.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Establish and nurture partnerships with schools, community centers, local businesses, and international organizations to enhance the impact and reach of our initiatives.

Innovative Initiatives: Implement innovative projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarship programs, and literacy initiatives that encourage creativity, critical thinking, and leadership among the youth.

Resilience Building: Develop resilience-building programs that empower youth to navigate challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties, fostering a mindset of adaptability and perseverance.

Climate Change Awareness and Action: Advocate for climate change awareness and action by integrating environmental education, sustainable practices, and community initiatives that address the impacts of climate change.

Literacy Programs: Implement comprehensive literacy programs, encompassing financial literacy, legal literacy, digital literacy, climate literacy, and media literacy. These initiatives go beyond traditional reading and writing, equipping youth with essential skills for navigating the complexities of the modern world, including understanding financial systems, legal processes, digital technologies, climate-related issues, and media influences. This multifaceted approach ensures that youth are not only literate in the traditional sense but are also adept at critically engaging with diverse aspects of contemporary society.

Global Citizenship: Instill a sense of global citizenship by promoting awareness of global issues, encouraging civic engagement, and nurturing a commitment to positive social change.

Sustainable Impact: Strive for sustainable impact by creating initiatives that have a lasting effect on the lives of youth, their families, and the broader community, while also contributing to environmental sustainability.

The Youthful Mindset Organization aims to be a catalyst for positive transformation, unlocking the full potential of the next generation, fostering literacy in its broadest sense, and actively addressing the challenges posed by climate change for a sustainable future.

Main Projects / Activities

Educational Empowerment Programs:

Scholarship Initiative (YMO-SI): YMO-SI provides financial assistance to academically talented but economically disadvantaged youth, enabling them to pursue higher education and vocational training.

Youth Tutoring and Mentorship (YMO-YTM): YMO-YTM pairs experienced mentors from various fields with youth seeking guidance, fostering personal and professional development.

Skills Development Initiatives:

Skills Workshops (YMO-SW): YMO-SW organizes monthly workshops covering leadership, communication, and practical skills relevant to the job market.

Youth Apprenticeship Program (YMO-YAP): In collaboration with local businesses, YMO-YAP offers apprenticeships to youth, providing hands-on experience and enhancing employability.

Community Outreach and Engagement:

Diversity Celebration Fair (YMO-DCF): YMO-DCF is an annual event that celebrates diversity within the community through cultural exhibitions, music, and food.

Community Needs Forum (YMO-CNF): YMO-CNF conducts forums to identify and address pressing issues within the community through collaborative efforts.

Environmental Stewardship Projects:

Green Youth Initiative (YMO-GYI): YMO-GYI focuses on educating youth about climate change, organizing tree-planting campaigns, and participating in local environmental initiatives.

Eco-Citizen Workshops (YMO-ECW): YMO-ECW conducts workshops to educate youth on sustainable practices and encourage environmentally friendly habits.

Literacy Enhancement Programs:

Comprehensive Literacy Project (YMO-CLP): YMO-CLP includes modules on financial literacy, legal literacy, digital literacy, climate literacy, and media literacy.

Book Buddies Program (YMO-BBP): YMO-BBP pairs older youth with younger counterparts to promote reading and literacy skills through regular book-sharing sessions.

Youth Exchanges and Cultural Immersion:

Global Connections Program (YMO-GCP): YMO-GCP facilitates cultural exchange programs, enabling youth to experience different cultures and perspectives.

International Youth Ambassadors (YMO-IYA): YMO-IYA selects youth ambassadors to represent the organization internationally, fostering global understanding.

Media and Arts Initiatives:

Expression through Art (YMO-ETA): YMO-ETA provides platforms for youth to express themselves through art exhibitions, performances, and creative writing contests.

Media Literacy Workshop (YMO-MLW): YMO-MLW equips youth with critical media analysis skills, empowering them to navigate today's media landscape.

Resilience-Building Workshops:

Youth Resilience Program (YMO-YRP): YMO-YRP conducts workshops and counseling sessions to help youth build resilience and cope with challenges.

Mental Health Awareness Campaign (YMO-MHA): YMO-MHA raises awareness about mental health issues, reducing stigma and encouraging open discussions.

Global Awareness Campaigns:

Youth for Change (YMO-YFC): YMO-YFC runs campaigns addressing global issues, encouraging youth to participate in initiatives that promote positive social change.

Advocacy Network (YMO-AN): YMO-AN engages in advocacy efforts, representing youth concerns at local and international levels.

Technology and Innovation Programs:

Tech Savvy Youth (YMO-TSY): YMO-TSY offers coding and technology workshops to enhance digital literacy and foster innovation.

STEM Exploration (YMO-STEM): YMO-STEM encourages youth participation in STEM fields through initiatives like hackathons and hands-on projects.

These projects and activities collectively reflect the Youthful Mindset Organization's commitment to tangible, realistic, and impactful interventions for the betterment of the youth and the community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As the founder and representative of the Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO), I am enthusiastic about contributing to the Anna Lindh Foundation network in our country. The YMO is uniquely positioned to make meaningful contributions through the following avenues:

Youth Empowerment Programs: YMO specializes in designing and implementing programs that empower young individuals, providing them with essential life skills, educational opportunities, and a positive mindset. These programs align with the foundation's goal of fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding.

Cultural Exchange Initiatives: YMO is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity. We can organize cultural exchange programs, events, and workshops that bring together youth from different backgrounds, encouraging mutual respect and appreciation for cultural differences.

Environmental Sustainability: YMO is actively engaged in environmental stewardship projects and climate literacy programs. We can contribute to the network by organizing initiatives that raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices among the youth.

Literacy Enhancement: YMO's comprehensive literacy programs cover financial literacy, legal literacy, digital literacy, climate literacy, and media literacy. By promoting these initiatives, we can enhance the overall literacy levels of youth, contributing to a more informed and engaged community.

Media and Arts Engagement: Through YMO's media and arts initiatives, we can encourage creative expression, storytelling, and dialogue. This aligns with the foundation's focus on using arts and media as tools for fostering understanding and communication.

Community Outreach: YMO has a strong presence in the local community and can actively engage in community outreach activities. This includes organizing events, seminars, and campaigns that address community needs and encourage active participation.

Global Citizenship Education: YMO's programs aim to instill a sense of global citizenship among youth. We can collaborate with the foundation to develop educational materials, workshops, and projects that promote a global perspective and cross-cultural understanding.

Technology and Innovation: YMO is involved in technology and innovation programs, fostering digital literacy and innovation among youth. This expertise can be shared within the network to enhance the foundation's digital outreach and educational initiatives.

By participating in the Anna Lindh Foundation network, the Youthful Mindset Organization aims to contribute actively to the promotion of dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among diverse communities, aligning with the foundation's overarching goals. We are open to collaboration and look forward to sharing our experiences and learning from others within the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network for several compelling reasons:

Interconnected Objectives: The ALF Network aligns with YMO's core objectives of promoting intercultural dialogue, fostering youth empowerment, and contributing to positive social change. By joining the network, we aim to amplify our impact by collaborating with like-minded organizations and leveraging shared goals.

Global Collaboration: The ALF Network provides a platform for global collaboration and networking. YMO believes in the power of collective action, and by joining the network, we seek opportunities to collaborate with diverse organizations, share best practices, and learn from the experiences of others on an international scale.

Diversity and Inclusivity: YMO places a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusivity. The ALF Network's commitment to promoting dialogue among cultures resonates with our values. By becoming a part of the network, we intend to contribute to and benefit from a rich tapestry of perspectives, ideas, and experiences.

Knowledge Exchange: Joining the ALF Network offers YMO access to a wealth of knowledge and resources. This exchange of information, research, and expertise will enhance our ability to develop effective programs and initiatives, keeping us informed about global trends and innovative approaches in youth development and intercultural dialogue.

Capacity Building: The ALF Network provides opportunities for capacity building through workshops, training sessions, and collaborative projects. YMO is eager to participate in these activities to strengthen our organizational capabilities, ensuring that we can make a more significant and sustainable impact in our community.

Visibility and Recognition: Being a part of the ALF Network provides YMO with increased visibility and recognition on the international stage. This exposure can open doors to potential partnerships, funding opportunities, and collaborations, ultimately benefiting the youth we serve.

Contribution to ALF's Mission: YMO is committed to contributing to the overall mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation, which focuses on promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region. By joining the network, we aim to actively participate in initiatives that advance these shared objectives.

In essence, the Youthful Mindset Organization sees the ALF Network as a valuable platform that will amplify our efforts, foster collaboration, and provide a framework for mutual learning and growth. By becoming a member, we look forward to actively contributing to the foundation's mission and benefiting from the collective strength of the network.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Maisoon Al Amarneh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maisoon Al Amarneh

Manshiet Abu Hammour Charity

National Network

الاردن / الكرك / منشية أبو حمور

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Manshyet Abu Hammour charity Association, was founded in 2008, it includes clinics competence to treat patients from the poor and the needy, and the people of the region. the organization is characterized for its peers of charities providing material assistance to the poor and needy and guarantees for orphans and treated for free. in addition to the development of the local community and provide the Assembly for a number of opportunities work through their projects According to the current situations the organization expanded its activities to include Syrian refugees, providing medical and food according to its available abilities.
Mission and Objectives

The Manshyet Abu Hammour charity Association, was founded in 2008, it includes clinics competence to treat patients from the poor and the needy, and the people of the region. the organization is characterized for its peers of charities providing material assistance to the poor and needy and guarantees for orphans and treated for free. in addition to the development of the local community and provide the Assembly for a number of opportunities work through their projects According to the current situations the organization expanded its activities to include Syrian refugees, providing medical and food according to its available abilities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Manshyet Abu Hammour charity Association, was founded in 2008, it includes clinics competence to treat patients from the poor and the needy, and the people of the region. the organization is characterized for its peers of charities providing material assistance to the poor and needy and guarantees for orphans and treated for free. in addition to the development of the local community and provide the Assembly for a number of opportunities work through their projects According to the current situations the organization expanded its activities to include Syrian refugees, providing medical and food according to its available abilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud ali ahmad albustanji
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Qaed Ahmad Albustanji

Master Class: Piano

The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies, through the Anna Lindh Foundation, is organizing a master class of piano which will be given by the composer Elie Maalouf within the project “Arts, Mobility & Exchange in the Euro-Med”. This project is a ten-day residency for two artists from France & Tunisia that aims to spread a culture of peace, dialogue and non-violence through artistic activities by encouraging artists and talents to come together in a safe & creative space to dialogue and exchange ideas.

The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies, through the Anna Lindh Foundation for dialogue between cultures Program, is organising a master class of piano, on the 30th of March, which will be given by the composer Elie Maalouf within the project “Arts, Mobility & Exchange in the Euro-Med”.

This project is a ten-day residency for two artists from France and Tunisia that aims to spread a culture of peace, dialogue and non-violence through artistic activities by encouraging artists and talents to come together in a safe and creative space to dialogue and exchange ideas.