
European Institute for Sustainable Development

National Network

Sofia, Bulgaria, 42A Momina salzha Str.

Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
EISD Ltd. is consulting company on European funding programs and investment process at renewable energy to national companies. It is single management company with one employed, but with a lot of partners of public and private sector. The company is successor to Sole Proprietor “Business innovations – Hristina Dimitrova” - investor at photovoltaic electric power plant on roof and consulting company on Programme for Rural Development. In 2012 EISD Ltd. signed Memorandum of Understanding with our Italian partners - Leonardo Business Consulting as a result of two months international exchange.
Mission and Objectives

We work for better business enviroment and for successful utilization of EU funds.

Main Projects / Activities

The company works priority in the private sector on projects that support the competitiveness of SMEs.
In 2011 the owner of EISD signs a contract with State Fund “Agriculture”
for grant on Rural Development Areas Program on project “CONSTRUCTING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC
ELECTRIC POWER PLANT ON ROOF” with total cost of 253 290 EURO.
Currently we perform three approved projects of our clients, funded under the Rural Development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hristina Dimitrova
Head of the organisation
Hristina Dimitrova

European Integration Agency

National Network

Blvd Rakovski 13-A-41

+359 888 814141
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
EIA Headquarters - Haskvo, Bulgaria EIA Branch 1 - Kyustendil, Bulgaria EIA Branch 2 - Vidin, Bulgaria EIA Branch 3 - Burgas, Bulgaria European Integration Agency - registered in 2009 in Bulgaria as a legal entity, registered according to the Law for non-profit legal entities and has more than 40 partner organizations in Bulgaria and abroad. In 2011, EIA registered its own branches in the towns of Kyustendil, Bourgas, Vidin, which covers all cross-border regions of Bulgaria. Funding sources: a) Donations, sponsorships and bequests from Bulgarian and foreign natural and legal persons; b) Income from additional economic activity of the Association within the meaning of Art. 3, paragraph 3 of the Entities Act - if it is connected to the main activity.; c) Transfer of rights and claims; d) Interest on cash and deposits; e) Grants and other projects in which the Association participates; f) Other lawful sources Involved and interested in becoming a partner in any project which involves the betterment of the average person's everyday life.
Mission and Objectives

To aid any person, organization or entity in a disadvantaged situation.
Some of the main goals of EIA are:
1. To assist the learning process of European integration and increasing public awareness of the relevance of political and economic theories of integration processes, methods of policy making in the European Union, the methods of political lobbying, forming common policies and the need for accelerating the integration process to a successful policy of social and economic cohesion within the European Union.
2. To promote social integration and personal realization of citizens by preventing discrimination, protecting human rights and implementation of horizontal principles in human resource development.
3. To support the informal community groups, youth groups, environmental organizations, NGOs, municipal and government bodies and others in the implementation of their initiatives.
4. To generate concrete solutions to major socio-economic problems: improving the quality of human capital, improving basic infrastructure, enhance economic competitiveness, better use of the economic potential of cultural heritage, overcoming intra-regional differences in country, improving the pace of social development.
5. To establish and maintain contacts with Bulgarian and foreign organizations, institutions and their representatives for the joint implementation of programs and projects.

Main Projects / Activities

"Improving skills of producers towards stronger links" 20112007CB16IPO008-2009-1-086
"Improved Agriculture Improved Social Links" 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-081
"Cover history without boundary" 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-049
“Savoring Unique Nature - Bicycle tourism in support of Nature (SUN)” 2007CB16IPO007-2011-2-086
Activities to achieve goals:
The EIA works closely with local administrations and organizations. It consults, coordinates and acts as a liaison between local, neighboring and international organizations. Its key areas of intervention are the introduction and integration of EU mandates, regulations and human rights action into all areas of life and enhance the citizen in the participation of civil society and decision making process.
EIA makes Propositions and defends publicly on draft regulations corresponding to the objectives of the Association Examination and, if necessary submission of proposals to control and regional authorities to amend or repeal regulations support the exercise of legal right in the public interest and promotion of human rights as fundamental values of civil society in Bulgaria;
Over the last year the EIA has actively been involved in bringing to light and prosecute cases of medical negligence resulting in deaths as well as heading a campaign for uniting local consumer protection organizations into a more streamlined cooperation.
Currently, meeting the present needs of people in Bulgaria and thinking of those of the future generations –from the ecologic, economic and social point of view, our Agency implements 3 educational projects which aim to increase knowledge, capacities and capabilities of people in the fields of cultural tourism, milk and forage production as well as wine production and vine cultivation and in other site human rights, social inclusion and the rule of law and improve their capacity to influence policy and decision making processes.
The EIA has also recorded several socio-economic problems in the region and generated concrete solutions to the most pressing issues.
By their actions and projects EIA support sustainable economic development in Bulgaria built on the comparative advantages, improve the overall social development and promote social cohesion among people and communities, improve the quality of life by efficient use of natural resources as well as protection of natural, cultural and historical heritage values.
In the same time in the development and implementation of their projects EIA observe the horizontal themes: Equal opportunities, Sustainable development and Climate change.
The agency brings greater public awareness for basic rights and laws both in country and in the EU, thereby building a more active and responsible society. It is streamlined at bring to light specific EU laws and mandates which defend the interests of ordinary citizens, as well as the unique regional traditions, needs and characteristics.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The EIA boasts a dynamic team of professionals with extensive experience in various fields and from various backgrounds. Through cooperation with other such teams and members in the ALF Network both the EIA, ALF and ALF's other member will be able to better create strategic partnership and empower individuals, organizations and entities to maximize their potential for the betterment of humanity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EIA would like to become an active partner in the ALF network to interact with, aid and cooperate withe the other partner organizations in the network in order to better reach it's and ALF's goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Vassilev
Head of the organisation
Ivanka Gyobeklieva
Contact (2) Full Name
Rozalina Gyobeklieva

European Perspectives

National Network

Sofia 1404

+359 2 962 74 38
+359 2 952 45 18
Mobile Phone
+359 889 722 837
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
" European perspectives " NGO has beeen established by 5 experts working in the areas of European integration, European programmes and project management, youth and education, local and regional development, business incubation, cross border cooperation. The organization has participated in EC horizontal type of projects and programme and provides project management consulting services to SMEs and local authorities. Additional sources of funding is the membership fee. The organization has established and maintains partnership contacts with NGOs from Serbia, Romania and Macedonia.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Association to encourage, support and help the institutional building and capacity development of NGOs, local, regional and national structures to work under European programmes and projects
Main objectives:
1.To cultivate and approbate the European values;
2.To support the socio-economic development of the regions in Bulgaria;
3.To support the development of the educational institutions, the civil society, the science, culture and tourism and actively to participate in the development of the cross border cooperation with the bordering countries;
4.To support the social integration of young people from Bulgaria and the Balkan region as well as their personal and professioanl development.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Provide information about opportunities for financing projects in Bulgaria;
2.Organization and carrying out of conferences, seminars and discussions in the spheres of Structural funds and Cohesion fund regulations and practical implementation as well as in all EU horizontal programmes;
3.Develop and implement projects for better utilization of the local resources;
4.Organize and carry out different trainings, qualifications and pre-qualifications in order to satisfy the current and future needs for economic development;
5.Carry out professional surveys and analysis;
6.Provide consulting services and support for the institutional strengthening and development of the capacity of the governmental structures, NGOs and the business;
7.Prepare, publicize and distribute information materials on problems related to the development of the civil society, the regional development and economic and social cohesion;
8.Provide support and assist the development of business plans, investment projects, economic analysis for bank and other financial institutions;
9.Collect, organize and keep actual economic information in order to provide it to interested bodies;
10.Organize and help in the organization of local public events like seminars, workshops, exhibitions, trade fairs etc. for promotion of the local business;
11.Provide information and support the business contacts in the country and abroad;
12.Participate in all forms of cross border cooperation;
13.Cooperate with organizations, institutions and physical persons in the country and abroad for exchange of information and implementation of partnership projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Zhivka Nikolova
Head of the organisation
Zhivka Nikolova
Contact (2) Full Name
Gergana Nikolova

European Spaces 21 Association

National Network

44B Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd

+359 898 386 351
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

Structure: Private, not-for-profit, registered to work in public benefit. No staff employed, 15 to 20 volunteers, depending of each project. Resources: 50 000 EUR available per year on project base. Sources: national programmes, grant shemes, municipality programmes, private donors. Modalities: implementing concrete projects. Main partners: public institutions, other NGOs, young groups of people, experts, local authorities.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help people to express themselves in the media as a free space for public opinions. We enhance citizens to use the media space for a dialogue leading to Bulgaria’s EU membership of full value. We work in the field of culture, media and arts. We are tempted by rich European landscape's local diversity. We work for heritage protection, popularization and promotion, using contemporary media tools. We are convinced that digitalization of cultural heritage is a necessary step towards preserving the common multicultural values of 21 century. We work with belief how important is preserving the cultural landscapes in synchrony with sustainable development; for preservation of local identities in the context of Bulgaria’s European integration and usage of the culture as resource for local development. We work, enhancing young people to attend our projects, believing that they are the present and the future of the society.

Main Projects / Activities

2010 Becoming Involved in the Danube Strategy. Information project under Europe for Citizens Programme. Organisation of meetings with citizens in Galati (RO), Rousse (BG), Silistra (BG) 2010 Danube Strategy - a chance for better future for Danube minicipalities. Open Society Institute Sofia support. 2001 to 2010 The Bulgarian Europe Media Festival. Annual event to collect broadcasters from Bulgaria, focused on country's European gateway 2008 European sound Delta. Artistic residence on Danube, with the support of EACEA and Culture Programme of EU

Contact (1) Full Name
Tsvetana Nenova
Head of the organisation
Tsvetana Nenova

Fondation Forty two

National Network

JK Suha Reka-208 ent.A floor 10 app 35
1505 Sofia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation 42 was established in 2013 answering the need of institutionalization of the work of 42 training non-formal group of youth trainers. The whole idea behind choosing the number 42 as the name of our Foundation is Douglas Adam’s book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, where 42 is the answer to the question about life, the universe and everything else. So the concept that’s driving us foreward is “bringing people closer to their own answer of the question about their lives“. That's why the main activities we conduct are related to sharing experience, training, stimulating civic initiatives of young people, etc. Our mission is to support people in reflecting on their own lives and role in society by facilitating the process of asking questions and finding their own answers.Our vision is to achieve our goals through conducting trainings, organizing events, presenting good practices and supporting the implementation of innovative approaches in civil society initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

The organization has a structure consisting of Board and Director. Till now only the director is fully employed. Numerous volunteers supported our activities for the last 2 years of existance.
Our budgetary resources come mainly from sponsorship and execution of projects. Till now the projects were related to soft skills development among young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activity is called Forum KLYUCH (The key forum) - motivation speaking events, targeting young people and their active civil involvement, platform for sharing ideas, knowledge and good examples of career development in the non-profit sector in Bulgaria. We are in charge of the www.zafondovete.eu. Its mission is to daily inform all interested experts, NGOs, companies, etc. about opened calls for proposals, funding programmes and granting organizations.More information on our websites: 42-foundation.org, zafondovete.eu, foruk-klyuch.info

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By intigrating main topics, related to the work of the Network, into our activities, involving young people. By raising awareness about them during our events, by being a correct and predictable partner in different projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a almost newly established NGO we need more stable partnerships, related to our core values, we need to have more opportunities to learn and develop our staff and volunteers, new point of view, etc. Joining this network looks like a great opportunity for this!

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandar Kumanov
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aleksandar Kumanov

Foundation "IntelDay Solutions"

National Network

57 "Tsar Simeon" str.,

+359 2 926 20 63
Telephone (other)
+359 2 981 46 25
+359 2 981 56 84
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
* Structure of the organization: The foundation has a managing board of 3 personsand and is represented by the Executive Director * Number of staff employed and/or partners: 12 employees * Budgetary resources available for 2008: 16 000 EUR * Sources of funding: EC, UNDP, UNICEF, CEE Trust * Modalities of action: concrete projects, seminars, information campaigns * Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: NGO organizations, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, media
Mission and Objectives

Foundation "IntelDay Solutions" is a non-governmental organization, which is working for strengthening of the role of media and media involvement in the public activities, as well as for the promotion of the world’s achievements in the field of the electronic media and the media law. The foundation aims at encouragement of the rule of law and the protection of the human rights. Along with this we work for increasing of the well-being of vulnerable social groups, providing assistance and support for the social inclusion and self-realization of the people in unequal position.

Main Projects / Activities

2007-2008 - "Strengthening the Capacity of Patient Organizations to Participate in the Decision-Making Process in the Field of Healthcare in Bulgaria", funded by CEE Trust and Bulgarian Ministry of Justice
2006-2007 - "Ringing the Bell – National Awareness-raising Actions on Social Inclusion", funded by EC
2006 - "Communication Campaign for the Prevention of Avian Influenza”, funded by UNICEF.
2006 - "Prevention of Avian Influenza Among Roma Communities", funded by UNDP.

Contact (1) Full Name
Denitsa Sacheva
Head of the organisation
Denitsa Sacheva, Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Nevena Popova-Minkova

Foundation for Transparent Regulations

National Network

11 Dondukov Blvd., floor 2, Sofia 1000

+359 889 777 994
Telephone (other)
+359 2 987 13 14
+359 2 987 33 05
Mobile Phone
+359 889 777 994
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
The foundation's managing bodies are the Board of Trustees and the Manager. The Board of Trustees is with 3 / three / years’ term mandate, consisting of: PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA – DONOVA, VESELINA STOYKOVA YOSIFOVA, VIOLETTA ATANASOVA DZHUKELOVA. The chairman of the Board of Trustees is VESELINA STOYKOVA YOSIFOVA. The manager of the foundation is PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA - DONOVA. The Foundation is represented by the Manager PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA - DONOVA and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees VESELINA STOYKOVA YOSIFOVA jointly and separately. The sources of funding are mainly EU funds and economic activity. The means of achieving the aims and implementing the activities of the Foundation are: Conducting working meeting, seminars and conferences; Organizing various forms of training; finding and disseminating of information related to the realization of Bulgarian and international programmes in the field of Information Technology; Providing organizational, financial and Legal advice; Creating role models that provide conditions for the realization of the individual; Creation and distribution of printed and electronic publications; Publishing reports and other papers, related to the activities of the foundation; Elaborating of expert opinions and analyzes, organizing debates and proposals for legislative changes; Organizing research and implementation of research projects; Rendering methodological and technical support. Main partners of FTR are television Bulgaria On Air, Association European Movement - Nis, Bulgarian National television, Bulgarian national radio, National association of municipalities in Bulgaria, foundation "Professor John Atanasov", foundation "People's roots foundation", Bulgarian Association of Microenterprises, Institute for programmes and project management, Pension Assurance Company Doverie and others.
Mission and Objectives

Creating opportunities for publicity in the management via introducing management and working upon regulations, showing thorough transparency for decision-making on all levels. Constructing systems for counteracting the corruption practices and creating prerequisites for their elimination. Optimizing the training systems, raising the qualification and knowledge testing. Creating systems for tuition of children, school children, teachers and tuition personnel and specialists for working in anti-corruption environment. Stimulating the civil activity in the conditions and terms of the membership of Bulgaria in the European Union - business and behavior models. Making popular the democratic mechanisms and practices of the states with advanced democracy in the area of the public manifestation - access to media, communications. Stimulating innovation entrepreneurship. Stimulating the dialogue and interaction with the state, the local self-government and the business organizations when it comes to resolving problems of public interest - education, qualification, local self-government and democracy. Consulting state organizations and institutions for creating forms, structures and contacts between people, institutions and organizations with the neighbouring states of Bulgaria - Bulgaria, culture and education exchange. Ensuring transparency in the activity of the organization and stipulating mechanisms ensuring the performance of the will of the founders and donors.

Main Projects / Activities

The following initiatives have been implemented by the foundation:
• On 26 November 2008 FTR jointly with Foundation “Human resources in Bulgaria and the EU integration”, “Funds, programmes, projects” magazine and "National Association of the Municipalities in Bulgaria" delivered round table on the topic “Evaluation procedures – a catalyst for the effective absorption of the EU funds”;
• On 8 June 2009 FTR delivered round table on the topic “The implementation of EU financed projects – an image activity or necessity” with the special participation of Vice Premier Meglena Plugchieva and Boriana Pencheva, Director of the Management of EU Funds Directorate within the Ministry of Finance;
• On the 30th of September 2009 FTR delivered a round table discussion on "Who Elaborates and Whose Interests are Served by the Terms of References of the Public Procurement Tenders Under the Public Procurement Law, Ordinance on Small Public Contracts and 55th Council of Ministers Ordinance;
• In the period 07.2011 - 07.2012 Foundation for tranparent regulations together with European movement - Nis implemented cross-border cooperation project "Publicity, Transparency and Partnership - a Basis for Social and Regional Development" under Bulgaria - Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme with main objective to drawing out of good practices for improvement of the collaboration between the civil sector and local authorities; project under European Projects and Development of Civil Society - "Inquiry, systematization and adaptation of existing practices concerning the functioning of Public Councils in Bulgaria and elaboration of interaction rules between Sofia Municipal Council and Public Councils in Sofia", a project under Operative programme Administative capacity - “Transparency and publicity in the actions of the regional and municipal administrations – a guarantee for honest and worthy local management”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

FTR can contribute to the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Peace and Co-existence; Values.
FTR members will share personal and organization experience and information. They will provide personal expertise for the benefit of the network activities, when it is needed. The foundation will pay respect and tolerance towards the other and strive to accomplish conscientiously the undertaken commitments and obligations. The foundation will be active and responsible in the processes of decision making and problem solving. In all activities FTR will respect the methods for achievement of significant goals. FTR will support and recognise Anna Lingh Foundation’s values through promoting and implementing its objectives and activities. It will strive to build sustainable partnerships in Bulgaria and in the Euro-Mediterranean region. FTR will propose interpellations and suggestions for the activity of the Network and its management structure and participate in the common initiatives of the Network. Furthermore, FTR will colaborate in order to help achievement of the missions and objectives of the National Network; actively disseminate information for the activity of the Network and to involve potential members in its activities and maintain the trust and tolerance between the Network Members. All engagements will be implemented conscientiously. Through implementaion of projects FTR will strive to contribute to the AFL network and National network objectives by realising specific aims at the fields of training, peace, democracy, transparency and partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Foundation for Transparent Regulations accepts and supports the values of ALF: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. They are core for the development of human society. Becoming a member of ALF Network will give an opportunity for FTR to contibute to sustainable development of Euro-Mediterranean Region through mutual respect of the abovementioned values. FTR wants to be a part of the organisation that affects the capacity for individuals and groups to share values and live together in the region. FTR also wants to contribute for maintaining the dialogue between cultures, which is the roadmap of the Anna Lindh Foundation in a long-term strategy to address the true causes - political, ideological
and social - that have deepened and radicalised the human gap between the two shores of the
Mediterranean. Furthermore, FTR wants to join ALF Network, because the Anna Lindh Foundation is addressing the ‘clash of ignorance’ between people living across the Mediterranean. Bacause the ALF's causes are shared and supported by the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Foundation can bring together the civil society of the region for intercultural dialogue and to work for a common future. The FTR can be of use for the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Peace and Co-existence; Values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petya Angelova Georgieva - Donova
Head of the organisation
Petya Angelova Georgieva - Donova

Foundation Madara

National Network

Post Box 50, Sofia 1504

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Members are academics, teachers and students. Foundation Madara is an executive foundation, that is working on projects funded by donnors foundations, governmental or international bodies. We are working under five programs: Peace with oneself (promotion of national culture and educational trends) Peace with Others (promotion of world culture and educational trends) Peace with Nature (environment protection), Youth Activities (Exchanges, exhibitions, seminars etc. for youth). Women in Science (empowering women in science).
Mission and Objectives

We are working for the spreading of the culture of tolerance, peace and mutual appreciation. To achieve these goals, we are focused on the new trends and innovative methods for socialization for children and adults.

Main Projects / Activities

International Conferences: "For a Better School Climate", "Learning to Live Together", "In Search of the Self at the Turn of 21 century","Medicinal Plants - Solution 2000", Youth Exchanges: "Breaking Down Walls,"Swapping Cultures", "Education Through Art", "Artisti Illumilanti"...
Exhibitions: My Best Wish for 21 Century, National folk performances and revival of national traditions, national seminars on environmental protection and for a better school climate...

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Dimitrova
Head of the organisation
Stefania Dimitrova

Foundation The Change (part of the network of Reach for Change)

National Network

41 Christopher Columbus Blvd., fl. 5
56-58 Krum Popov Blvd., Betahaus Sofia, fl. 2
1592 Sofia

+ 359 (0) 899 089 944
Telephone (other)
+ 359 (0) 878 356 340
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Foundation The Change is part of the network of Reach for Change, a global NGO which operates in 18 countries on 3 continents. We have a team of 3 employees. Our main partner in Bulgaria is Nova Broadcasting Group. Our annual budget is around 100 000 Euro. 95% of it comes from the business sector, 5% - from our for-profit activities. We organise annually the contest for social entrepreneurs PROMYANATA (GAME CHANGERS). Together with Nova Broadcasting Group we select and support social entrepreneurs for at least one year with initial funding, business trainings, business mentorship, media support and access to contacts and networks. We organise an Academy for Social Entrepreneurship together with The Business Institute. We are partnering ING Bank Bulgaria in their Fund for Social Innovations. We're part of the networks of the National Network for Children in Bulgaria and The Bulgarian Donors Forum.
Mission and Objectives

We were founded on the belief that many people have innovative ideas on how to improve the lives of children and youth, want to start a social enterprise to achieve their vision, but lack the funds, skills and advisors, and network to really succeed.
Our Mission is to find outstanding social entrepreneurs and help them develop innovations that improve children's lives on a big scale.
Our objectves are:
- to find outsanting social entreprenerus which are capable of solving pressing social problems for children and youth in an effective and sustainable way.
- To help the children in Bulgaria not with one-time charity aid, but with systematic support and acapicty building for social initiatives. 
- To stimulate and develop social innovations in different fields, connceted with the children in Bulgaria.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2014 we've been organising in partnership with Nova Broadcasting Group the contest for social entrepreneurs PROMYANATA (Game Changers). We have an 8 stage selection process, where employees of Nova Broadcasting Groups and Reach for Change Global, independent experts, children and the general public choose between 3 and 5 social entrepreneurs annually. They enter our Incubation program where at least for one year they receive funding, business development, media support, network and access to contacts. As part of the selection process we organise as well an Accelerator for social entrepreneurs - a three months-long free educational program which helps them improve and test their projects. In 2016 the 9 projects in our Incubator supported over 10 000 children in Bulgaria. You can learn more about them at: www.nova.bg/promyanata/

We will organise for the second time The Academy for Social Entrepreneurship together with the Business Institute. The Academy is the first of it's kind educational program in Bulgaria. It offers practical knowledge how to achieve social effect and build a sustainable financial model of your organisation at the same time. We had 58 participants and 44 experts and mentors both from the business and from the social sector in the first edition. All the participants received a scholarship discount with the support of The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and Nova Broadcasting Group, and two of the participants entered with a special scholarship which they received from us at the Sofia Municipality Innovation Hackaton. You can learn more about the Academy at www.se-academy.bg

Since 2016 we've been partnering ING Bank Bulgaria in their Social Innovation Fund. The Fund provides financial grants and business mentorship for social entrepreneurs. Our foundation assists ING with the selection of the project, them management of the funds and with trainings for the employees of the bank who become mentors of the entrepreneurs. 

In 2015 and 2016 we organised a series of public events and conferences, which presented good examples for social entrepreneurship, supported by Reach for Change in Bulgaria and worldwide. 

In 2017 we'll be partnering TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers) Bulgaria - a global movement of communities connecting makers, designers, developers and engineers with people with disabilities (aka - 'Need-Knowers') to develop technological solutions for everyday challenges. We'll be informing the participants about the possibilities of social entrepreneurship and providing a scholarship for a few selected projects for the Academy for Social Entrepreneurship.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Foundation the Change is one of the lead organisations in the field of social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria which combines the passion of the social sector with the smartness of the business sector. It is a new instrument that can give further power and sustainability of ideas coming from the civil society.
As such we have good partnership with both the social and the business sector and public institutions in Bulgaria. We have a varied portfolio and a community of social entrepreneurs - people and organisations who we support, who are developing bottom-up approaches to solving pressing social issues for children. We can serve as a liaison between our contact and partners and the Network. 
We can provide access to international knowledge and methodology for social entrepreneurship as well as contacts to the other 17 organisations worldwide in the network of Reach for Change and the projects they support. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in the power of the right idea in the hands of the right individual. We believe that radical social solutions will come from brave entrepreneurs living close to the challenges that they are trying to solve. We believe that change is possible trough the bottom-up approach and thus we support the development of civil organisations with innovative ideas and dedicated teams. 

We believe in the power of networks and the possibility to share know how and visions for positive social change, and we create a community of shared values and aspirations.

As ALF network is working on bringing together and strengthening civil society working for a common future for the region, we think that our missions and approach match and that we can achieve a bigger social impact together - by joining the ALF network. We wish to search for partners with common vision and apply for  common projects among the network. We wish to make use of the knowledge from the researches and good practices that ALF network promotes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Plamena Dimitrova
Job Title
Communications and Community Manager
Head of the organisation
Yuriy Vulkovsky
Contact (2) Full Name
Yuriy Vulkovsky
Job Title (2)
Country Manager

Foundation “Perspectives”

National Network

Pirin str

00359 899 92 04 18
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
00359 887 722 755
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Supreme body of management is the Board of trustees. The General Assembly consists of all the members of the Board of trustees. The managing body of the organisation is the Board of Directors. The chairperson and the vice-chairperson of the Board of Directors represent the foundation before third parties together and separately. Number of employees: There is 1 full-time employee. The number of part-time employees depends on the foundation’s project activity – average 2-4 employees per month ( Project Manager – 1; Accountant – 1; Project Coordinators – 2; Expert Consultants – 1; Social Workers – 3, as they have different qualification – sociologists, psychologists, doctors etc.). The work place of the employees is the office of the Foundation or another place that depends on the project activities. During the last year the amount of money received by the organisation is 31 000 leva. Our sourses for funding are The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through the Ministry of Healthcare. Modalities of action: “Prevention of risk sexual behaviour and injection practices among prostitute women and men”. Every year the team of the organisation participates in training through exchange of experience organised by the Ministry of Healthcare and seminars for reporting the results of the implementation of the programme. Every year Foundation “Perspectives” participates in the implementation of Epidemiologic control HIV/AIDS among vulnerable groups.

Mission and Objectives

Support for the development of a favorable environment to the healthcare, democratisation and increase of the individual and group participation in the control of the factors that influence healthcare; development and implementation of projects aiming at mobilization of the community resources for resolving problems connected with physical, psychological and social health and disease prevention; cooperation with organisations and communities for the mobilization of resources for social development of the ethnic minorities, women, young people, children and other social unprivileged communities. We also work for the development of practices and policy for human rights, equality and fight against discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects/activities “Prevention of risk sexual behaviour and injection practices among prostitute women and men” - Study of the situation and research of the needs of the prostitute women; - Distribution of condoms; - Distribution of materials for safe injecting; - Design and dissemination of adapted educational materials concerning disadvantaged groups; - Psychological support to prostitute women; - Consulting prostitute women on issues concerning safe sex, usage of material for safe sex and injecting, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases; - Organising meetings for medical, social and police workers; - Directing of the project beneficiaries to appropriate institutions and accompaniment when possible.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rumyana Davidova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rumyana Davidova
Contact (2) Full Name
Nikolai Tudzharov