
Network collaboration

 Network collaboration

Association International Initiatives for Cooperation hosted an event on April 25, 2024, organized by our colleagues from the "Bulgarian Youth Association", Sofia, who are also long-term members of the National Network Anna Lindh Bulgaria. Together we organised a workshop for young people in our office in the city of Razlog. The facilitators of the event were Christian Andreev, who founded the "Bulgarian Youth Association"  (BYA)in 2014 and Maria Stoilova, a pedagogue and a psychologist.  BYA is another model for a working youth organization. It maintains one of the most active social media groups related to youth opportunities for development. The topic of the workshop was discrimination among young people in a school environment and it sparked the interest of the young people who joined the workshop. The young people shared that the activities we had prepared for them were very interesting, different and not burdensome. Apart from the fact that the young people participated with pleasure in the workshop, they also created new contacts. After the workshop, each participant received a certificate of participation, which they can use in the future. It was a pleasure to work together with colleagues with whom we share similar values ​​and approaches for working with youngsters. We are open to such collaborations with all members of the national network Anna Lindh Bulgaria.

The name of the project in which the workshop was implemented:  LET’S TALK!, financed by “Erasmus+” Programme.


" Hristo Botev " Foreign Language High School

National Network

6600, Kardzhali
"Gen. Chernozubov" Str.19


359 361/ 6 28 17
Telephone (other)
359 361/6 28 18
359 361/ 6 28 17
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
359 885/641831
Mobile Phone (other)
359 896/ 878635
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Hristo Botev “ High Foreign Language School is situated in the main region city and is the leading school there. Students come to our school after passing exams in Bulgarian language and literature and mathematics after they finish their seventh grade education. In our high School they intensively study as their first foreign language English, German and French and as their second foreign language – English, German , French and Italian. In the school there are no students endangered to be socially isolated or such with special needs. The school is in a region where different ethnic groups – Bulgarians, Turks and Romanies have lived together for a very long time. Almost 35 % of our students are Turks. Our students grow up and are brought up to be tolerant and put up with the representatives of different ethnic groups very well. “Hristo Botev’’ language High School is a very prestigious school in Kardzhali region. Our students are eager and motivated to study foreign languages and to put their knowledge into practice. There are a lot of them who are interested in programmes that allow them to study abroad. It is very important to communicate in a foreign language and to be in touch with native speakers. That is why our school takes part in a lot of international projects and language competitions. Our school is a UNESCO associated member.
Mission and Objectives

"Hristo Botev" Foreign Language High School is called upon to form the personalities of watching civil and national identity and simultaneously to prepare young people for a successful career in the highly competitive environment of EU and global world.
"Hristo Botev" Foreign Language High School seeks for opportunities to extend language learning through participation in various national and European projects and programs to break the traditional model of interest in English, German, French and Italian languages and to enable students to learn about the culture of other countries. Students will be motivated to acquire European recognized certificates of proficiency in foreign languages.
Projects for non-traditional and diverse extracurricular activities will be developed to make school a desirable area for students. Contacts with businesses, companies and organizations will be established which needs an interpreter and tourist guide service, to allow students to practise foreign languages, taught in the form of summer practice in a real environment.

Main Projects / Activities

" Hristo Botev “ Foreign Language High School has been dealing successfully for years with projects in the sphere of various youth projects. In 2008 the school took an active part in the planning, preparation and realization of the project "Your life - my life - our life: similarities and differences in the life of European youths from 4 countries - Bulgaria, Germany, Lithuania and Poland.
The second big project the school took part in was "Keep the past, share it with a friend, build the future" (2008-2009). The project was funded by the European Social Fund 2007-2113, prpgramm "Human Resources and Skills Development" with the participation of the Municipality of Kardzhali.
The school has also successfully accomplished several social projects as part of the programme "Interethnical Interaction" We are especially proud with the project "Art can unite the different", which was realised Nov 2005 - July 2006.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yordanka Nikolova Chavdarova
Head of the organisation
Yordanka Nikolova Chavdarova
Contact (2) Full Name
Marina Angelova Dimova

"Atanas Chengelev" Vocation School

National Network

54 Sveti Konstanin Str
4550 Peshtera

+359 878681701
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Vocational school in the town of Peshtera, Bulgaria ,experienced in different educational and intercultural project
Mission and Objectives

Educatioan of the students age 14-19 in technologies= Experience in the field ' civic education, inrercultural education, volunteer action. 

Main Projects / Activities

Project activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With nformation, common actions, common projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Importance of intercultural education

Contact (1) Full Name
Slavia Zlatanova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Slaviya Zlatanova
Contact (2) Full Name
Vasvie Mehmedova
Job Title (2)

"Bridge through the times" in action

"Bridge through the times" in action

The new member of the network - association "Magna Silva" already started with the quizzes on the project "Bridge through the times", about which we shared information in the previous newsletter. The quizzes were held during February in the Great Basilica in Plovdiv, which is also a partner in the project. At the moment there are 5 teams that have participated in the competition and that show extremely high knowledge on historical topics. The release of the historical board game, developed especially for the "Battle for Philippopol" project, will be held very soon. The "Magna Silva" team, together with their tour guide colleagues, are preparing a training program for teenagers to train them as voluntary touristic guides for the cultural and historical heritage of Plovdiv. We will be waiting for more information on the development of this activity. Volunteers of the association will select and "adopt" five of the less known historical sites for the city to contribute to their socialization.

We also attach links to the facebook page of the organisation from which you can see the implementation of the described activities:





"Busines Agency" Association (Сдружение "Бизнес Агенция")

National Network

13 Prezviter Kozma Street

+359 52 335885
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
VBA has implemented through 41 regional and international projects its mission is to improve the competitiveness of the local economy by facilitating the public-private interaction and supporting cluster’s initiatives. It provides methodological guides, tailor-made services and innovative solutions in the field of business creation and networking and knowledge transfer to the SMEs in North East Bulgaria services, support and guidance, networking and knowledge transfer to the SMEs in North East Bulgaria. VBA facilitates the participation of SMEs in clusters and offer better support services. Since 2001 VBA is an active member of 4 institutional bodies (3 in the Municipality of Varna and1 in the Regional Administration of Varna district) responsible for the municipal and regional development plans preparation and for the local and regional business development policies deployment, ensuring the interaction between government, stakeholders and actors across industrial sectors in NE Planning Region (NUTS 2) especially in tourism and maritime industry. VBA is the Varna Tourist Cluster's Coordinator since 2007. The objective of Varna Tourist Cluster is to promote and support the establishment and working of the Cluster’s Network in the area of tourism.
Mission and Objectives

To facilitate and encourage the public-private sector dialogue, to initiate and support initiatives for creation and strengthening of regional, trans-regional and transnational clusters, networks and consortiums, to research and promote sustainable development, bio-cultures, implementation of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and promotion of environmental protection systems, to facilitate the inclusion of persons with disabilities and from deprived economic backgrounds, to promote healthy lifestyles and organize sport events among young people, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

VBA has been involved in 41 regional and international projects as a Lead organization and partner funded under PHARE 2002,2003,2004,2005, USAID, Open Society, LEONARDO DA VINCI, the Bulgarian HR Development Operational program funded by the Structural funds and other funding sources mainly related to entrepreneurship’s initiatives and cluster's initiatives. VBA is a lead organization in Varna Tourist Cluster Project under PHARE Programme. The last interregional project that has been closed is "Arts in tourism", a PHARE Cross-Border cooperation project (RO 2005/017-535.01.01.19) with special attention on innovative entrepreneurship

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Silvia Stumpf

"Colours of Europe" workshop

"Colours of Europe" workshop

At the beginning of December, "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" Elementary School, Haskovo, took part in a workshop called "Colors of Europe". Children of all ages created the longest drawing in the city to the sound of music.

The aim of the workshop was to unite and bring the children together the children through artistic activities so that they could more easily understand the principles of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the European Union.

The mayor and deputy mayor of Haskovo Municipality, as well as women from the "Inner Wheel" women's club, also supported the event.

Before the beginning of the Christmas holidays, the school held a big charity concert, in which students from different classes took part. In addition to music and dance performances, the students also presented a satirical play under the title "Santa Claus Goes to a Psychologist". The funds collected from the concert will be donated to a child in need from the city of Haskovo.

"EPharmony" project

EPharmony project

At the end of each of our projects, our team use to say: "Good job, this project was the best!". And we do think that it couldn't have been implemented in a better way.

Well, this time it really was a great experience! EPharmony project, a very different one, has ended, after which we feel calm and extremely satisfied. We chose the village of Banya, Razlog municipality as a location for the project, a combination of rural environment with beautiful nature and modern spa facilities that our participants could use in their free time. We had the right local partners who were very easy to work with, we had extremely clean and well-maintained outdoor spaces available for the outdoor activities, the weather was great and of course we were privileged to have the best participants we could wish for.

We had also put a lot of efforts to make it happen. We have prepared activities providing a lot of new knowledge and at the same time working to build harmony between body and mind. We had external speakers who shared their experience and knowledge with us. Iva Parapunova, a nutritionist, gave us useful tips and a lot of new knowledge about proper nutrition, Aksinia and Martina from Lotus Vibe were with us at Tai-Chi, dance meditation and aerial yoga sessions, Mariyana Stefanova showed us how to be creative, helped us make beautiful coffee and tea cups and gave us a magical reiki session. We could not deprive our participants of a walk among nature since wewere surrounded by three mountains. We had a very special time at the Veterani Hut in Rila mountain and after that we ¨jumped¨ to Pirin mountain to prepare a picnic among nature. We had emotional moments while everyone was making their own collage describing turning points in their lives and while we were looking for answers to problems accompanying our daily lives.

EPharmony project brought together the right people in the right place at the right time! We hope that the activities and experiences during the project will guide participants to achieve emotional and physical harmony between mind, heart and soul!


EPharmony project was implemented during the period 26 - 30 June of “International Initiatives for Cooperation” as lead organization, in the village of Banya, municipality of Razlog, thanks to our Erasmus Accreditation in the Youth Sector and was financed by the "Erasmus +" program of the European Union.

"Light in the crisis: creation of programs for the development of legal culture, communication skills and conflict resolution for children, youth and families"

"Light in the crisis: creation of programs for the development of legal culture, communication skills and conflict resolution for children, youth and families"

Another wonderful news about a project that is implemented in cooperation between two organizations that are members of the National Network Anna Lindh Bulgaria.

Association Center for Dispute Resolution and Municipal Cultural Institute, Scientific and Educational Children's Center Muzeiko launched the project "Light in the crisis: creation of programs for the development of legal culture, communication skills and conflict resolution for children, youth and families" with the support of the Sofia Municipality - Europe 2024 Program

The project "Light in the crisis: creating programs for the development of legal culture, communication skills and conflict resolution for children, youth and families" is an initiative implemented with the financial support of the Municipality of Sofia under the Europe 2024 Program, and aims to develop and implement innovative educational programs to enhance legal literacy, communication skills, and conflict resolution abilities among children, youth, and families. The project is implemented by the Association Center for Dispute Resolution in partnership with the Scientific and Educational Children's Center Muzeiko.

The main goal of the project is to increase the interest and commitment of families and young people to Muzeiko, while at the same time to strengthen the management capacity of the organization by applying good European practices. These practices are aimed at protecting children's rights and reducing aggression.

The project, whose implementation period is from August 21 to November 15 2024, proposes a number of activities, including training of educational specialists, development of an educational program for children and young people, creation of online resources and sections on the Muzeiko website, as well as organizing events and presentations for parents and the public.

Expected results include raising awareness of children's rights, developing communication skills and reducing conflicts among young people, as well as creating lasting partnerships between Muzeiko and the capital's schools. The project is oriented towards creating a better and healthy environment for children's development, as well as promoting the role of Muzeiko as a leader in the field of children's education and culture.

"Old Stanimaka photo studio" (Stanimashka fotografchiĭnitsa)

National Network

ул. Бако Динчо, 13
4230 Асеновград

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

"Old Stanimaka photo studio" (Stanimashka fotografchiĭnitsa) - we are a group of amateur photographers from the Bulgarian town of Assenovgrad. The old name of the town (until 1934) was Stanimaka. We collect old photos depicting the way of living of the people of Assenovgrad before 1950. Our NGO was created with the aim of preserving and popularizing cultural heritage and holding exhibitions, discussions, presentations, memorial signs and conceptual projects and others. The group was created in 2015 in the social network, and in 2019 it was registered as a non-profit association (NPO). Since then, we have held dozens of exhibitions, a retro festival, round tables, maintain a website and actively participate in all city cultural events. We have also opened exhibitions in Plovdiv, Kuklen and Chepelare. We participate with proposals to the city administration for the development of culture and tourism in Asenovgrad and the region. Over 6,300 of our followers on Facebook follow and support our activities, actively participate in our research, share photos and information about the past of the city and the region.

Mission and Objectives

Thus began the search and collection of old photos and documents from the cultural and historical heritage of the city. The accumulated evidence begins to be analyzed and systematized, and a large and useful archive is formed. And the group's mission is to find, preserve and popularize this heritage. Naturally, this activity implies the creation of a non-profit association for public benefit. Which is already the city's most active non-governmental organization in the fields of culture, art and history. The association has not stopped its activity despite the covid-crisis and financial problems and continues to fulfill its mission in 2023 with won national projects. Below are listed by topic and chronologically the main activities of Stanimashka Fotografchinitsa over the years. EXHIBITIONS 1. "Moments from today - memories tomorrow", vinyl / donated to MBAL Asenovgrad. 05.2015 2. "Unforgotten Asenovgrad", vinyl / donated to the Historical Museum. 09.2015 3. "Unforgotten Asenovgrad 2", vinyl/ donated to the Historical Museum. 05.2016. 4. "From Rozhen to Maritsa", vinyl/donated to the City Library. 09.2018 5. "Peter Slavov - Kera. 110 years since birth". 9.2018 6. "Places and faces through the lens of Krum Savov", vinyl. 11.2018. 7. "Nikolay Haitov. The Wildest Tale', vinyl. 09.2019 8.The Spirit of Monopoly, vinyl. 12.2019 9. "Post-card", installation / donated to Konsulato Hotel-Restaurant. 09.2020 10. "Before and now" / donated to the community center "St. Prep. Paisius of Hilendar". 09.2020 11. "Old Asenovgrad in the 20s", vinyl. 09.2020 12. "Photos keep time in images", vinyl / with Emilia Koleva. 09.2020 13. "Traditions and crafts in Stanimashko"/Donated to TA "Vezenitsa". 12.2020 14. "Stanimashki Abstraction"/Charity for restoration of the fountain. 04.2021 15. "The Secret Art in the Church of St. George" / Charity for the restoration of icons 07.2021 16. "Created in Asenovgrad in the 1930s", vinyl. 09.2021 17. "Modern Times", installation. 09.2021 18. "People and streets, a city as a city"/Charity for restoration of the fountain. 03.2022 MOVIES 1. "Inspired by Asenovgrad". 04.2017 2. "Transformations". 04.2018 3. "The Fortress". 11.2018 4. "With love for Damyan Velchev". 09.2019 5. "100 per 100 Coco". 01.2020 6. Series "Lost Asenovgrad" - 15 episodes. 2020-2021 7. "Tobacco". 09.2020 8. "The Forgotten City Maker". 05.2021 SITES 1. https://tobacco-asens-fortress.com/ 2017-2022. 2. Lantern 2018-2022 3. #YouTube Channel 2021-2022 EDITIONS Annual calendar 2020 Annual calendar 2021 RESTORATION AND HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION 1. "The Newspaper". 09.2020 2. "Soldier Valentine". 09.2020 3. "Defile". 09.2020 4. "Retro-review - Fashion of the 20s". 09.2020 5. Newspaper "Illustrated Week - 1928". 09.2020 6. Educational Quiz with prize books. 09.2021 7. "Phenomen Granit" officer wagon. 09.2021 8. Newspaper "Rhodope Echo - 1935". 09.2021 CONCERTS 1. Old city songs with guests from Dimitrovgrad 09.2020 2. Jazz-Standards, "JazzFree" trio. 09. 2021 3. Trio "Abel". 09.2021 PERFORMANCES with Theater Workshop for Dreams" 1. "Are you a photographer?".09 2020 2. "Prokshinitra". 09.2020 3. "Tango by the Tea". 09.2021 PRESERVATION OF THE CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL HERITAGE 1. Initiative for preservation and revival of the building complex "Monopola". 02.2017 2. Initiative to create external exhibition modules. 02.2018 3. Initiative to preserve the painting "First Emotions" by Kosta Forev in the municipal asset. 07.2018 4. Initiative to save the Karaalan school building. 08.2018 5. Unveiling of a memorial plaque to the photographer Krum Savov. 11.2018 6. Initiative to create a City Art Gallery. 12.2018 7. Proposal for the restoration of the 4 vases on the central bridge. 02.2019 8. Participation in exhibition and discussions "Dim. History of Tobacco" in Plovdiv ESC 2019. 01.2020 9. Rescue of the last Assenovgrad phaeton. 2020 10. Creation of a Digital Register of monuments, sculptures... 2021-2022. 11. Annual awards "People of Asenovgrad" 09.2021 12. Meeting - discussion with historians 09.2021 13. Initiative to create a tobacco museum. Collecting Artifacts. 10.2021 14. Initiative to save the mosaics in the building of the former DSK. 04.2022 RESEARCH in the topics: 1. Digitization of over 4000 units in 80 thematic albums with photos, documents and maps related to the past, art and culture of Asenovgrad. 2015-2021 2. Presentation of active contemporaries: Part 1 "Stone". 11.2017 3. Research of photographic and documentary archives on the topic "The Wehrmacht passes through Asenovgrad on the way to the White Sea". 01.2018 4. Investigation into the death of the Russian soldier Georgi Vasilievich Vishnyakov. 03.2108 5. "The stay of world champion Max Schmeling in Narechenski baths", 07.2018 6. "Scientific and bibliographic research on Prof. Shteryu Karaalanov", 08.2018. 7. "Genesis relationships in Upper Arbanasi and Lower Arbanasi". 08.2018 8. "90 years of the railway line Plovdiv - Krumovo - Asenovgrad". 10.2018 9. Research of the German DF archive, systematization, processing and publication of the materials from it related to Asenovgrad. 01.2019 10. Research of the relationship of Ivan Vazov and the hero of his poem "Memories from Batak" with Asenovgrad. 02.2019 11. "Created and bequeathed by municipal officials and managers". 08.2019 12. "The work of architect Boyan Chinkov in Asenovgrad". 01.2020 13. "The Stanimach correspondence of Vangel Primov" 03.2020 14. "The forgotten - architect Matei Yordanov Mateev". 07.2020 FESTIVALS "The 1920s in Stanimaka" - Three-day street retro-festival. 09.2020 "The 1930s in Asenovgrad" - Three-day street retro-festival. 09.2021 Atanas Kendev, one of the founders of the NGO "Stanimasha Fotografchinitsa", presented his book "Lost Asenovgrad", published with the help of the National Culture Fund.

Main Projects / Activities

Search and collection of old photos and documents from the cultural and historical heritage of the city. The group's mission is to find, preserve and promote this heritage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Тhrough promotion - exhibitions, festivals, short films, exchange of information with descendants of Asenovgrad families who currently live outside the country and other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We can be mutually beneficial - by supporting our research work, by promoting youth involvement, the intercultural and interreligious dialogue that we as an NGO try to maintain.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Dimitrova Gramatikova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elena Gramatikova, Atanas Kendev, Stoycho Toskov
Contact (2) Full Name
Atanas Kendev
Job Title (2)
company owner

"People's Roots" Foundation

National Network

11, Knyaz Dondukov bul., fl. 2, P.O.Box 1000

+359 889 777 994
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The foundation's managing bodies are: The Board of Trustees with 3 / three / years’ term mandate, consisting of: PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA – DONOVA, MARIETA KOLEVA NAYDENOVA, PERUZ HAYK EGIKYAN. The chairman of the Board of Trustees: MARIETA KOLEVA NAYDENOVA. The manager of the foundation: PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA - DONOVA. The Foundation is represented by the Manager and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees jointly and separately.
Mission and Objectives

The People’s Roots Foundation was established to work towards achieving the following goals:
• Supporting the mobility of artists and other professionals in the sphere of culture and performing arts;
• Development and diversification of cultural and rural tourism and popularization of cultural heritage, including intangible, through fostering and reviving traditional crafts and practices;
• Building capacity and fostering entrepreneurship in the cultural and artistic industries;
• Encouraging investment in culture and the arts;
• Promoting cooperation and interaction among cultural and educational institutions and organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

The newly established foundation has submit a project under Bulgaria - Macedonia CBC IPA Programme and awaits for assesment at the moment. The project is called "Digital school bridges" and aims at creating conditions for promotion of social cohesion and cross-border cooperation in the cross-border region of Bulgaria and FYRM (Macedonia). The main objective will be contributed by achieving the following goals: elaboration of cross-border relations/bridges between cultural resourses/institutions and people through use of ICT based-solutions and creation of digital libraries with Bulgarian and Macedonian novels, stories,poems etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the field of culture and arts "People's Roots" Foundation can contribute to the achievement of the following goals : Facilitation of joint productions between artists and cultural groups from the two shores of the Mediterranean; Promotion of translation as a key element for improving mutual understanding and in support of partnership-building; Development of regional programmes aimed at supporting the access to literature and story-telling by and for young people; Building of the capacity of trans-cultural leaders to develop their productions with an interculttual approach.
PRF can contribute also to the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Values. PRF members will share personal and organization experience and information. They will provide personal expertise for the benefit of the network activities, when it is needed. The foundation will pay respect and tolerance towards the other and strive to accomplish conscientiously the undertaken commitments and obligations. The foundation will be active and responsible in the processes of decision making and problem solving. In all activities PRF will respect the methods for achievement of significant goals. PRF will support and recognise Anna Lingh Foundation’s values through promoting and implementing its objectives and activities. It will strive to build sustainable partnerships in Bulgaria and in the Euro-Mediterranean region. PRF will propose interpellations and suggestions for the activity of the Network and its management structure and participate in the common initiatives of the Network. Furthermore, PRF will colaborate in order to help achievement of the missions and objectives of the National Network; actively disseminate information for the activity of the Network and to involve potential members in its activities and maintain the trust and tolerance between the Network Members. All engagements will be implemented conscientiously. Through implementaion of projects PRF will strive to contribute to the AFL network and National network objectives by realising specific aims at the fields of training, peace, democracy, transparency and partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

"People's Roots" Foundation (PRF) promotes the values of ALF: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. They are essential for the development of human society. Becoming a member of ALF Network will give an opportunity for PRF to contibute to sustainable development of Euro-Mediterranean Region through mutual respect of the abovementioned values. FTR wants to be a part of the organisation that affects the capacity for individuals and groups to share values and live together in the region. PRF also wants to contribute for maintaining the dialogue between cultures, which is the roadmap of the Anna Lindh Foundation in a long-term strategy to address the true causes - political, ideological
and social - that have deepened and radicalised the human gap between the two shores of the
Mediterranean. Furthermore, PRF wants to join ALF Network, because the Anna Lindh Foundation is addressing the ‘clash of ignorance’ between people living across the Mediterranean. Bacause the ALF's causes are shared and supported by the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Foundation can bring together the civil society of the region for intercultural dialogue and to work for a common future. The PRF can be of use for the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petya Angelova Georgieva - Donova
Head of the organisation
Petya Angelova Georgieva - Donova