البوسنة والهرسك

O.O.Odisej Bratunac

National Network
البوسنة والهرسك
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
organization has three employees. of one hundred and twenty members and has a fixed ten volunteers working in the field in accordance with the needs or personal interests. Year budget is currently approximately 10,000 euros. currently the most active organizations in the field of building peace. Trenutačno main partner is the organization CARE / nwb.
Mission and Objectives

Youth organizations' Odysseus' in Bratunac is an independent organization, registered in 2001. year alone and / or partenrima, implementing programs, development of cultural and sports events, informal education, and organized acts and actively contributes to ravnopravnijem and inclusion of youth in social and decision-making processes and creating opportunities and conditions for employment.
• Providing informal education of young people;
• Help in solving the health problems of youth;
• sports, cultural and creative raising youth;
• Enabling better material and social position of young people;
• Implementation of activities that contribute to the peace process and međuentitetskoj cooperation;
• Development of youth policy.

Main Projects / Activities

''I want to know their rights''
Donor: CARE International
Project Budget: 3900.00 KM
Start-end implementation: March-semtebar 2004.
The second phase of CARE's program''Strengthening Democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina''enabled the organization to implemenrira projects related to the part of the mobilization of communities and implementing projects in areas that are proposed by the donors. We have decided for the area of human rights because it has not processed with the intention to point out to the young people their basic rights shall not be kršena by no one, not even the government and state institutions.
The overall objective of the project is the revival of awareness of youth about their rights, and implemented the following activities:
Lecture on Human Rights
The first activity was the lectures on the theme of human rights and freedoms. The lecture is organized in the premises of the OSCE, and the teacher was Mrs. Milena Savić officer CIPP''''Zvornik, which deals with this problem many years longer. Invited were all representatives of youth organizations, UNDP, OSCE and as a donor and the project. To our satisfaction we have to point out that they are all invited and respond, and that the present representatives of the youth who responded to the leaders in their activism that genuinely contribute to the strengthening of youth initiatives in Bratunac.
After exposure polasatnog somewhere. Savić, developed severely hearing, in which the present was their opinions and observations on the respect for human rights in the municipality and that is the most remarks were sent to police the city of Bratunac because of numerous violations of procedures and rules which are obliged to observe.
Present a representative from the OSCE, Department of Human Rights confirmed that all the failures of the police force iznjeti regular monthly meetings on the Security situation in the city, which is held between SFOR and the police, the municipality and the OSCE.
It also concluded that none nesmije violate human rights, but that individuals nesme hide behind them, and violate the legal regulations and standards.
The meeting ended after more than to 90-minute hearing.
From our side is Rated exceptional, as well as by the speakers, and participants.
Printing brochures and pamphlets
The following activities in the project was the printing of brochures and pamphlets, which had the task to contain all the necessary information about the Declaration of Human Rights, the respect in the world with us. Tract contained only Declaration of Human Rights and the brochure, in addition to the declaration, tumačila general situation in the world of human rights and respect njhovo with some views and examples from life. These materials were djeljeni on the activities of the organization, and the largest amount of the razdjeljena of the following activities.
Rock concert, and sketch''The ratio of youth and the police''
Due to changes that are reflected in shortening the period of the project implementacionog, rock concert and sketch''The ratio of youth and the police''have moved earlier than it was planned and held together 28.05.2004. The concert was held in the old hall, and during the concert and played a skit. Sketch is prepared several days earlier in strict secrecy by enthusiasts from several organizations. The idea was that during the fall concert actors simulating raid and to get greater effect on the audience present at the concert and to show how our organization in the humorous way racije see the police in our community. I have to say that the music side of the point of view was the best concert so far as it is the organization organized, thanks to its rock group''Vulcan''in Pancevo, the Republic of Serbia, which made the older generation of musicians, and thus experienced, better and sadržajnijim repertoire.
Also present were expressed very positive about the sketch and from there, and the fact that the sketch and today prepričava in the community.
Lecture Campaign complaint about the''conscience''
Lecture complaints about the idea of conscience was held 11.06.2004. in the premises of the OSCE in Bratunac. With the present two speakers, and 12 young people interested. The lecture was held by Lord Sanjin Bužo and Pedja Radojevic, leading activists from the campaign office in central Sarajevo.
They held one lecture is serving with the earlier examples of the call to conscience objection in BiH. Compared the methods of chicanery in the RS and the Federation, where it was shown that the process of application for a complaint in the Federation is a lot faster, but the problems appear when upućenju of the service in a civilian instance, while the situation is different in the Republic of Srpska, in fact, reversed. The process of making the civil service is quite slow and long, but much faster in the civil refers to instances in which the RS is a lot faster.
Speakers also responded to a few interesting questions present, because it is just one part of the conscript in the Army of the RS. Postojili them interested in the possibility to apply to the civil service and after recruitment. Are odgovr that is possible because none of them was not informed about the civil service, which are obliged vojinm departments and can be made to neinformisanost.
Two-way street between youth and police
Two-way street between the youth and the police are held 02.07.2004. in the premises of the OSCE in Bratunac, the presence of representatives of youth, OU Sunshine, the OSCE and the CARE International office. Two-way street lasted more than an hour and a half, in the name of Bratunac police station was present mr. Dostanic Dalibor, appointed officer of local police stations to work in the community.
A range of issues between young people and police that are nerješena years are quickly developed a constructive discussion. The first question that is set is not wearing any ID cards by members of the police. Mr. Dostanic said that the telegram arrived from the Ministry of Police to not require police officers to carry the card because of the complete sertifikovanje officers of the IPTF, and the need for them is no more. Also solved the issues like this, the police nepredstavljaju, why move in the civil, I shall punish the flesh arrested. Reply meet the interest of those who have asked for a representative police predočio evident some of the procedures and legal framework within which the police act in which the police have the mandate for all of the above, but in certain limits and conditions.
Two-way street between young people and local authorities
Such activity took place 29.07 at the OSCE, with the 15.00. In the name of the power of the present Deputy Chief of Dragan Nikolic, and appointed a new officer for the Municipality of Bratunac young, Olja Cucić. Deputy Chief of the prenjeo apology that has been hindered due to attend the emergency meeting.
In moderiranju dialogue, we used the survey to the organizations that developed the project and conducted research in the region under the name''The state of youth in the area municipalities Milići, Bratunac and Srebrenica'', conducted last year at this time.
There the young is the most interest cost of funds from the budget namjenjenih youth organizations. The data came to be, but the money used for financing activities and that the Odyssey is 400 KM, OU Sanšajn 1500 KM O.P.O. Key 400 KM and the Council of Secondary pupils KM 2400. Deputy Mayor stressed that his position in connection with the youth organizations that do not need to have a few, but that they should unite. There was quite žučnog''offense'', as if to say, the young, which are a matter of exchange''and why you need us so great a political party, and why no one?''.
Discussed the extension of working time bars in Bratunac to even one hour in the morning, and has to work during the last twelve hours to the farthest. Answer that the young received was that it is better that our children remain until late in Bratunac, but to go to other cities because they were often run youth belonging to the late in the night coming back home cars. Also S.O. is believed to be a stimulus to the local economy because the fact is only right to do catering facilities.
The more a criticism of the rest of doučak in the municipality that is abuse, and workers from the municipality back significantly after the expiration. Deputy Mayor said that It is much earlier, and that is the suppression of such phenomena even though he believes that they now are not so frequent and that the visual problem of a small number of workers because it is a lot of employees dismissed because of the new papers on the number of employees issued by the Government of the Republic
Prodiskutovalo be more certain about the number of questions, and after an hour and ended the set.
Setting the stage for freedom of speech
Setting the stage for freedom of speech is held 05.08.2004. at 7:00 pm. Setting the stage was designed to play and the center of the city and to be a solemn event. Reduction of terms about the project is caused to be setting the stage occurs, instead of in the city center, in high school.
Sorry, Head of the Municipality of Bratunac, had no understanding for our request to the respective stage set in the center of town, and it is after the analysis, this is the educational institution because it is expected a strong educational impact on students of this school.
However, the Organization will continue to exercise pressure to the stage after the set to the center because they come pre-elections and election campaigns zahuhtavaju. This will be the chance to head over discounts and allow us to place in the city center. The main excuse nbačelnika was to be built soon in the big open stage for cultural events.
Setting the stage petnestak was attended by members of the organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cedomir Glavas
Head of the organisation
Cedomir Glavas
Contact (2) Full Name
Miljan Vujevic

One of the ten finalists of this year's "Sea of words" literary contest, young Azra Zahirović brings us her impressions from the award ceremony in Barcelona.

One of the ten winners of this year competition "A sea of words"


I am sending you my impressions from the competition, a couple of pictures, and the story itself with which I succeeded. I know it's a little longer, but I really couldn't sum up all the wonderful emotions in just a few sentences. Thank you for your interest in hearing my opinion.

My name is Azra and I come from Srebrenik. I attend the 4th grade of high school and I am an excellent student. By the way, I'm a big "bookworm" and I consider books one of my greatest friends and interests. I've been writing since I was a child, but of course all those works were mainly works of children's imagination, poetry full of colourfulness and colours, and stories about things that I idealized at the time. As I grew up, there were many attempts and unfinished works, sparks in my eyes and disappointment because "Why can't I be as good as the others?". For the most part, my works did not come out of documents on my laptop or notebooks that have already been lost or thrown away, and even if they did see the light of day, it would be at some local event or school newspaper. All this discouraged me a lot and I thought that I should simply give up my "immature", "childish" desire to dawn somewhere outside the narrow boundaries. However, regardless of all these failures, my stubborn nature had a clear goal - I wanted to succeed as a writer, even if it took forever. I wanted the voice of my ink to be heard.

In July of this year, I came across an ad for the A Sea of Words contest. At first, I was sceptical and thought there was no point in even trying, because if I didn't succeed in my own country, how would I succeed in the entire vast Mediterranean. Of course, my curiosity and ambition went hand in hand and thus were stronger than my scepticism. I am a big feminist and activist, and I really liked the theme of the competition "Youths in the forefront for gender equality" and was the main trigger for me to apply.

When I received the invitation and the notification that I was one of the 10 finalists, I don't think there was a happier person than me. I felt that the child in me who had big dreams was proud that I didn't give up.

The days in Barcelona were definitely one of the most beautiful in my life. I still can't believe that I was a part of something so wonderful, encouraging and necessary for people all over the world. In a tiny 3-4 days, I met wonderful people whose acquaintance I will cherish for the rest of my life, visited one of the world's metropolises and was what I always wanted - the scream of those whose voices are not heard. I am very proud of myself and all the people I met, because I believe that even though we are so small in this huge world, together we can do miracles. I'm grateful that they showed me how much happiness and good energy can be given to us by people we know so little, and we feel like we've known them our whole lives, and of course to the organizers who made it possible for us to come and made sure everything went perfectly. I am grateful that they proved to me that our gender, nationality, age, religion and language do not play any role in how much we weigh in this world. Maybe I didn't break out with some mega popular short story or novel, but in my eyes and soul I achieved more than I could have imagined. This gave me the wind at my back and the confidence to continue doing what makes me happiest, which is creating.

And as for Olivia and Helena... Well, I know for a fact that they are immensely proud to have contributed to something that they tirelessly fight for because, as Olivia said: You are not alone in the world even when you fall. You are the phoenix and the world is your immortal feathers."

ORC & YN in B&H monthly bulletin February 2024.

ORC Tuzla Newsletter 297

Dear friends,


In the attachment, we are sending you the monthly newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for February (number 297).

Read what's new in the world of BH youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:



And all previous editions at the link:


Best regards and enjoy reading!

ORC Tuzla team


ORC & YN in B&H monthly bulletin October 2023.

ORC & Youth Netwirk in B&H monthly bulletin No.293

Dear friends,

Here is a new issue of the newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for October 2023 (number 293).

Read what's new in the world of BH youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter and all previous at the link: 


Best regards and enjoy reading!

ORC Tuzla team

ORC & Youth Network in B&H monthly bulletin 295 - December 2023.

first page

Dear friends,

First of all, we wish you a lot of happiness, health, love and success in this new year, 2024!
We are attaching the newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for December 2023 (number 295).

Read what's new in the world of BH youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:


And you can find all previous numbers at the link:

Best regards and enjoy reading!

ORC Tuzla team

ORC & Youth NEtwork in B&H monthly bulletin August 2023.

ORC & YN in B&H bulletin No. 291

Dear friends,

Here is a new issue of the newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the

Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for August (number 291).

Read what's new in the world of BH youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:


and all previous editions at the link:


Best regards and enjoy reading!

ORC & Youth NEtwork in B&H monthly bulletin January 2024.

Bulletin No. 296

Dear friends,

Here is a new issue of the Newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for January 2024. (number 296).

Read what's new in the world of BH youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:


And all previous editions are available at:


Best regards and enjoy reading!

ORC Tuzla team

ORC & Youth Network in B&H monthly bulletin July 2023.

MOnthly bulletin ORC & YN in B&H

Dear friends,

Here is a new issue  of the newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the

Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for July (number 290).

Read what's new in the world of BH youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:


and all previous editions at the link:


Best regards and enjoy reading!


ORC & YN in B&H monhlty bulletin No. 289

Dear all,

Here is a new issue (June 2023. - 289) of the monthly informative Bulletin of the Youth Resource Centre (ORC) Tuzla and members of the Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Read what's new in the world of B&H youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:


And all previous newsletters at the link:


Best regards and enjoy reading!


ORC Tuzla team