
REBELLION IM IRAN | Bruno Kreisky Forum


Gudrun Harrer im Gespräch mit Azadeh Zamirirad

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2023, 19:00 Uhr

Seit Mitte September gehen Iranerinnen und Iraner gegen das Regime auf die Straße. Was als Empörung über den Tod der 22-jährigen Kurdin Mahsa Amini in den Händen der Sittenpolizei begann, ist längst nicht nur ein Aufstand der Frauen gegen die Kleidungsvorschriften in der Islamischen Republik. Die Proteste haben unterschiedliche Sektoren der Gesellschaft und Teile des Landes erfasst, alle eint sie die Ablehnung nach einer Zwangsordnung unter islamischen Deckmantel. Das Regime reagiert mit Repression und dem Versuch, Demonstrationen in den Randgebieten, vor allem in Kurdistan, als „Separatismus“ darzustellen.


For more information on the event please click here!


RedSapata Kunst-, Kultur- und Tanzinitiative

National Network

Grillparzerstr. 53, A-4020 Linz, Austria

0043 650 4822648
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Found in May 2008 as an initiative for freelance artists especially in the field of contemporary dance we try to improve the local infrastructure for artists and dancers. This does not only involve the implementation of regular workshops and classes but as well as a local, national and international network in order to promote contemporary theatre and dance art.
Mission and Objectives

We try to enable the production of contemporary dance pieces by strong communication with local authorities and fundraising. Due to the fact that the local conditions for contemporary dance and theatre art are not satisfying we try to to establish space for these arts representing all local and national freelance actors and dancers.

Main Projects / Activities

Establishment of a cultural centre for contemporary dance and theatre arts.
International Networks
Local dance projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Emmanuelle Vinh
Head of the organisation
Emmanuelle Vinh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilona Roth

Revitalizing Ecosystems through Experimentation


The pandemic crisis, the political polarisation and the deteriorating economic situation have contributed to the worsening psychological, professional and social conditions of many young people across Europe. For that reason, Emotic organised a meeting in Vienna for 30 youth workers from Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia. The meeting will aim to provide youth workers between 20 and 35 years old with tools to approach youth issues in their work. This will be achieved through Experiential Outdoor Education, through which the young participants will learn how to organise outdoor nature-based activities. The project is also supported and fully funded by the European Union and the Erasmus+ programme.  

Click here for more information!

ROTE NASEN Clowndoctors International (RNI)

National Network

A – 1170 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 318 03 13-14
Telephone (other)
+ 43 (0)1 318 03 13-28
+ 43 (0)1 318 03 13-28
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)699 13 18 00 19
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 43 (0)699 11 22 55 87
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Non-profit foundation made up of 6 international partner organisations in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia. 3 staff members, 3 board members. 2. € 350.000,/year 3. Partner organisations, grants, sponsor co-operations, private donations, charity events. 4. Founding and developing ROTE NASEN organisations in other countries, trainings and workshops for international clowndoctors of the ROTE NASEN group in its training centre, the International School of Humour Vienna. Know-how transfer of artistic and management experiences, fundraising and public relations tools. Internal consulting, coaching and supervision. 5. ROTE NASEN Clowndoctors (Austria), ROTE NASEN Deutschland (Germany), Zdravotn? klaun Civic Organization (Czech Republic), Piros Orr Boh?cdoktorok Alap?tv?ny (Hungary), Cerveny Nos Clowndoctors (Slovakia), Rde?i Noski (Slovenia).
Mission and Objectives

RNI is the umbrella organisation of the international ROTE NASEN group.
The foundation’s mission lies in bringing humour, laughter and joie de vivre to the sick and needy by contributing to the international development of leading quality clown programmes in healing and caring facilities (children’s hospitals, geriatric institutions, rehabilitation centres, outreach programmes in disabled homes, women’s refugee houses, asylum centres).
The foundation’s main objective is to serve as a competence centre for establishing new RN organisations by providing start-up support, the exchange of management know-how, monitoring and international artistic training/coaching for clowndoctors through its International School of Humour.

Main Projects / Activities

Monitoring and quality control of partner organisations such as:
• Piros Orr Boh?cdoktorok founded in 1996 (Hungary)
• Zdravotn? klaun founded in 2003 (Czech Republic)
• Cerveny Nos founded in 2003 (Slovakia)
• Rde?i Noski founded in 2003 (Slovenia)
• ROTE NASEN Deutschland founded in 2003 (Germany)
Special outreach projects:
• Clowndoctors in Palestine – On Both Sides of the Border (2005/2006)
• “Clowns on the Road” in Argentina (2005/2006

Contact (1) Full Name
Monica Culen
Head of the organisation
Monica Culen
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamara Seeliger

Scrum for Youth!


The EU Active Network organises educational events throughout Europe for students, young people and beyond to allow participants to immerse themselves in new countries' customs, learn about different traditions and cultures, network internationally and discuss and fight for various social causes.The next meeting will be held this summer in France, in Clermont-Ferrand. The goal of the event is to bring young people from across Europe together to experience the scrum project management methodology for EU youth workers. Thanks to the partnership with the European Union, part of the costs associated with participation will be reimbursed almost in full.

More info can be found here.

Service For Peace Austria

National Network

Rennweg 45/12
1030 Vienna


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0043 664 5316522
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Service for Peace consists of an official board listing 8 members and many dedicated volunteers, no one is employed. Through our newsletter we reach an audience of over 200 contacts. Our partnerships are project-oriented. For every project we invite new sponsors and partners. We have good relationships with diverse local companies, clubs and the municipality in Steyr as well as institutions in Vienna. For our next youth exchange we formed partnerships with organizations from Israel (Youth Forum Israel), Palestine (Ta’awon - Palestinian Conflict Resolution) and Germany (Youth Parliament of the City Plauen). For Peace has consultative status within the UN ECOSOC. Our sources of funding are donations from the partners mentioned above and grants, for example the EU Youth in Action Program, which we have received for two of our projects. Our main activities are service projects, international youth exchanges and trainings for our volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

Service For Peace means establishing peace through service. We provide service and learning opportunities through community projects in order to cross barriers of race, religion, class, creed, or national origin, and address urgent social needs. We believe that peace begins with the inner peace fostered by service to others and that active cooperation provides the foundation and the real hope for peace. Our projects also aim at the eight Millenium Development Goals.
Our focus is breaking prejudices against the Arab communities in Austria. We do this in three ways: 1. By bringing youth from Austria and other European countries to the Middle East, especially Palestine and Israel and 2. by organizing local volunteer projects or camps for Austrian youth, local refugees and visitors from Arab countries and 3. by educating youth in schools through the Middle East Suitcase program.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the first youth exchange in the summer of 2006, "Building Bridges to Bethlehem", SFP Austria has given the possibility to 120 young people from the Middle East and 4 other countries of the world either to come in contact with the Austrian culture or to participate in an exchange in Israel and Palestine. As a result of the youth exchange "Europe Meets Middle East" in February 2008 we created the Middle East Suitcase. This workshop project about the Middle East expands the intercultural and interreligious competences and understanding of the participants and promotes lively ways of education. The target audience is Austrian youth from youth centres, schools and organisations. To bring together the residents from young refugees homes in Steyr and Vienna and youth from Austria we organize various activities like the theater project “Let’s play together”, crafts, cooking, hiking and many more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bogdan Pammer
Head of the organisation
Bogdan Pammer
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnes Gumpelmair

SIETAR Austria

National Network

Kolschitzkygasse 12
1040 Wien

+43 664 430 4037
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
SIETAR  Austria  is  a  non-profit  organization  and  supported  by  a  Board  of  Directors  working  on  a voluntary   basis.   All   board   members   are   experts   in   the   intercultural   field,   or   international management area and have been engaged for several years with the relevant questions of the field. We provide activities and events on current topics and thus interlock various fields. SIETAR  Austria  is  a  networking  platform,  a  scientific  forum  and  a  facilitator  for  the  intercultural community in Austria and beyond. SIETAR  Austria  is  an  active  member  of  SIETAR  Global  and  SIETAR  Europa, the  biggest  association fostering   awareness   for   intercultural   subjects   in   research,   politics,   economy   and education worldwide.
Mission and Objectives

SIETAR  Austria  aims  to  enhance and promote intercultural awareness and understanding. We support the research and development of new training methods and tools for education, business and society
Our  members  work  as  consultants,  trainers,  coaches,  researchers,  of  any  kind  of  topics  or work  in organisations and public or social services.
Our goal is to improve the cooperation and coexistence of people with diverse cultural backgrounds..
Here is how we’re carrying out our mission in practical terms:



Member Benefits

Main Projects / Activities

SIETAR Austria offers  regular  events  like  Culture  Talks,  workshops,  conferences  and  panel  discussions  and  of course  publications.  Our  topics  range  from  intercultural  management,  international  business  to communication and cooperation topics in global business. Our  Workshops  are  held  from  top  national  and  international  speakers,  so  you  get insights  from experienced colleagues from across the globe.

We  also  included  a  new  format  since 2016:    SIETAR  Austria  Culture  Senses:
here  you get  to  know  the culinary aspect of culture, so it’s a first-hand cultural experience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to join the ALF Network in order to fostering exchange in Austria in the intercultural field and look for partners/ projects etc. We want to  enhance and promote intercultural awareness and understanding and help building a network in Austria.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network in order to fostering exchange in Austria in the intercultural field and look for partners/ projects etc. We want to  enhance and promote intercultural awareness and understanding and help building a network in Austria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saskia Lackner
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Barbara Covarrubias
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Covarrubias Venegas
Job Title (2)

Society for Austro-Arab Relations

National Network

Stutterheimstraße 16-18/2/5
A – 1150 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 5267810
+ 43 (0)1 5267795
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)664 1004142
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1. NGO with appr. 450 members (individuals and companies); staff: 3 full-time; flexible number of volunteers in Austria and abroad 2. Total annual turnover: € 550.000,- (2004) 3. Funding: membership-fees, private donations (especially for humanitarian projects in the Middle East) 4. Activities: various projects in Austria and in different Arab countries; lectures, seminars, information and public relations. 5. Different partners (partly governments and public institutions, partly NGOs).
Mission and Objectives

1. Working for more tolerance and better understanding between different cultures
2. Working against racism and prejudices
3. People to People
4. Support for weak and marginalized groups in the Middle East (esp. children, women)

Main Projects / Activities

1. Various public events like lectures, seminars etc.
2. Public relations like regular press/information-activities
3. Publication of various brochures and books
4. Political consulting
5. Humanitarian projects (Iraq, Palestine, Yemen)
6. Various cultural activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Fritz Edlinger (Secretary General)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Karl Blecha (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Evelyn Matl

Stiftung Pro Oriente

National Network

Marschallstiege II, Hofburg, A-1010, Wien - Austria

+43 15338021
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Johann Marte