

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
سازمان جهانی حقوق بشر i-sport سازمان همبستگی با ورزشکاران مهاجر و پناهنده. دارای نمایندگان و اعضای فعال در کشورهای دیگر است
Mission and Objectives

https://instagram.com/immigrant_sport?igshid=177pxnp3m16awسازماندهی ورزشکاران پناهندگان و تیم های ورزشی. ایجاد شادی و خوشبختی در پناهجویان.

Main Projects / Activities

کمک به ورزشکاران و تیم های ورزشی که پناهنده و مهاجر هستند

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Behnam imani
Job Title
Founder of the organization
Head of the organisation
Behnam imani
Contact (2) Full Name
Arezoo magsudloo
Job Title (2)
Vice President of the Organization

Implemented activities for the period October-December 2020 by HoN Turkey

HoN Turkey

HoN Turkey continues carrying out activities by engaging National Members of ALF Turkey to keep the Network active and vivid. Given the restrictions put in place due to the pandemic, these activities have been mostly organized virtually but also some small scale activities have taken place such as field visits by eventually avoiding gatherings of big groups. 

In short, the activities that have been implemented from October to December 2020 by ALF HoN Turkey are as below:

1. Multi-Country Debate #3 

On the 28th of October 2020, ALF HoN Turkey hosted virtually the Multi-Country Debate #3 in the frame of the future of civil society and Intercultural trends, with the joint participation of debaters, observers and judges from Albania, Italy, Georgia, Pakistan, Turkey, Algeria, North Macedonia and Spain.      
The motion of the debate was ‘THBT Human Activity is not primarily responsible for Global Climate Change’. The debaters presented valuable arguments and discussed the motion from different angles. The winners of this debate were the Opposition Team, represented by Hana and Patricia, respectively from Georgia and Spain.

2. Field visit #4, Ankara      

On the 20th of November, 2020, HoN of the Anna Lindh Foundation Turkey organized field visit #4 at the premises of ‘Non-Violent Society Organization’ Şiddetsiz Toplum Derneği), in Ankara, Turkey. The visit offered the opportunity of having a better knowledge of the common interests between the Anna Lindh Foundation and Non-Violent Society Organization. In addition, the participants could discuss the chance to:           
- Partnership building at local, national, and international level;      
- Latest updates of ALF Network;     
- Introducing possible funding opportunities;
The attendees, exchanged the best practices of each organization, emphasizing common goals and planning future projects and activities to strengthen ALF values and keep the strong commitment in the fight against injustices and violence.

3. Multi-country Debate #4

On the 24th of November 2020, ALF HoN Turkey organized virtually the Multi-Country Debate #4 in the frame of the future of civil society and Intercultural trends, with the joint participation of debaters, observers, and judges from Indonesia, Portugal, Albania, Italy, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Algeria, Romania, North Macedonia, and Spain.      

The motion of the debate was THBT ‘We should invest more in nuclear power rather than in green energy’. The debaters made gave interesting overviews and convincing arguments, a fact that made it difficult for the judges while taking the decision. The observers shared their opinion related to the topic and offering the perspectives of the background where they come from. 
The winners of the debate were Muratcan (Turkey) and Oussama (Algeria) representing the Opposition Team.

4. ALF Balkans and southern region HoN Virtual Network Meeting   

On 26th November 2020, ALF HoN Turkey hosted the ‘ALF Balkans and Southern Region HoN Virtual Network Meeting’. The meeting registered the participation of Heads of Networks from the Balkan and Southern Region, following the below agenda:        
- Opening Speech & Welcoming of the participants;
- Mapping the realities regarding the operational aspects of the CSOs during the Covid-19 pandemic;
- Sharing best practices on the National Network Coordination;      
- Partnership development within the National Network Members and how this has affected the internal cohesion and joint mobilization of the National Network;     
- Inter-Network Communication and Consultation;     
- Q&A session;                 
- Closing Speech;              
- End of the ALF Balkans and Southern Mediterranean Region HoN Virtual Network Meeting.
All the participants offered an exhaustive overview of their engagement as HoN at the national level, shared best practices and challenges faced during the year 2020 taking into account mostly the difficulties that arose by the pandemic.
It’s worth to mention that the meeting served as a bridge to further strengthen the ties and cooperation between the HoNs.

5. Field visit #5

On 21st December 2020, HoN Turkey conducted the 5th field visit at the premises of Lykia Scouting and Nature Sports Club Association (LIDOSK) in Antalya, Turkey. This visit endeavored to offer the chance to further promote ALF values and foster the collaboration between the National Members. The participants shared the best practices of this year, challenges, and ongoing projects and activities. It is worth mentioning that this field visit served as a stepping stone for the organizations to initiate joint projects and activities at the national and international scale.

The full list of activities(with further explanations and photos) carried out by the ALF HoN Turkey can be accessed through this link:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jr8thnasL9D5825lYTog2s2dM18pK0kk/view?usp=sharing

Publication Illustration

In search of a Mediterranean creativity

The Mediterranean region has been increasingly receiving attention in recent years. This is due to the heterogeneity of the countries composing it, which raises several problems in business collaborations, but also unfolds several cross-national economic opportunities among Mediterranean countries. The...


National Network

34387 sisle/

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
egyptian filmmaker living in turkey
Mission and Objectives

i believe that arts and cinema are the most effective way to plant the seeds of freedome, love, mututal understandin across the world.
so i am willing to find the way to inspire, get inspired, build trust and tolerance between socities.

Main Projects / Activities

making movies and awarness campaigns to enrich and rebuild trust between socities 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

making movies, awarness campaines and advertisments that allows the network to reach more people in easier and more effective way

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i believe that buildin trust, mutual understandin, better conversation between socities is the way to creat a better world
and i believe that art is an effective way to deliever all these concepts 

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
mohamed salaheldin badr
Job Title
filmmaker - creative
Head of the organisation
mohamed salaheldin badr


National Network

Tekin Sokak 7
Kat 1 Daire 4 Tuvfikby Mahalesi
28393 Istanbul/

0506) 181 01 17
Mobile Phone
0506) 181 01 17
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

I wann serve to humanity

Mission and Objectives

Serve thế humanity

Main Projects / Activities

Giving the world knowledge how we can improve life standards

Contact (1) Full Name
Zafar iqbal
Job Title
Real estate business
Head of the organisation
Zafar iqbal

Individual member: Mehmet Basaran

National Network

Hollanda Yüksek Öğretim Enstitüsü (NIHA)
Koza Sokak, 111, 06700, GOP


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
At NIHA I am organizing the several seminar series in relation with the Turkey's accession to EU and environmental issues. I am also participating MATRA and IPA projects in the organization and process sections.
Mission and Objectives

Raise awareness in issues related with EU and assist regional development.

Main Projects / Activities

Economic Development Projects, Seminars, Corporate Relation Development, Trainings, Business Consultancy

Contact (1) Full Name
Mehmet Basaran

Individual member: Mr. Süleyman Erguner

National Network

Inonu cad Emintas sitesi C Blok A giris N:18 34734 Erenkoy

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Individual member
Mission and Objectives

Artist/Professor/"Ney" Player
Turkish Radio Television(TRT) Director of Music(Retrait now.)

Main Projects / Activities

Concert of Ney Player Mediterranaen
Concert of NEY
Concert of Turkish Music
Concert of Ottoman Music
Concert of Sufi Music
Concert of Mevlana Ensemble
Concert of Whirling Dervisches
Concert of SUFIZEN

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Süleyman Erguner

Individual member: Ms. Sema Odabasi

National Network


(+90 216) 3246251
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+90 532) 4781787
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Association of Anatolian Social Services, Association of International Social Services, MARMARA University, BEYKENT University, İstanbul Municipality, Nevşehir Municipality, Ümraniye Municipality
Mission and Objectives

To help people to increase their life condition not only for gender but also women, children and elder people. And, to develop communication between different cultures by organizing some important congress and managing important both development and social projects. However, to establish both public archives and privite archives to get more knowlegde from history.

Main Projects / Activities

Archivist-project manager

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Sema Odabasi

INFORMO-udruga za poticanje zapošljavanja, stručnog usavršavanja i obrazovanja

National Network

S.Caterina 9
52215 Vodnjan

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

INFORMO is a civil society non-profit organization particularly focusing on education. The main activities are addressed to impact territorial, business, professional and personal development. Informo is managed by its President, Vice President, Management Board and General assembly. The work is distributed between 5 staff members: project developer, two project managers, one project assistant and a financial manager. Our budget in the past years has been approximately 150.000,00 EUR per year. Our funding sources are European Comission (EASME, Erasmus +), National Foundation for Civil Society Development and other bodies of local and national governance (City of Vodnjan, Region of Istria, etc.). Our projects focus on developing skills and knowledge of young people and other vulnerable groups: volunteers, NEET youngsters, students, entrepreneurs, young mothers, people with disabilities, etc. through different educations, placements, internships, scholarships, etc. Our partners are Universities, NGOs, think-tanks, business associations , local action groups from different EU countries.

Mission and Objectives

INFORMO is a civil society non-profit organization particularly focusing on education. The main activities are addressed to impact territorial, business, professional and personal development. Since its establishment, in 2004, Informo gained a valuable experience in organizing and performing trainings and workshops, as well as in contributing to the development and internationalization of local, regional and national projects, through the participation in European and international partnerships.
Informo’s challenge is to produce an effective contribution to the social development through educational programs that produce visible changes. The association is promoting European values and citizenship by encouraging people to undertake a pro-active role in the society, promoting the values of solidarity and tolerance.
Applying innovative learning and working methodologies we are helping people and organizations to do what they love and love what they do. Finding feasible practical solutions to the emerging needs, our team is daily adapting to different issues and learning from own experiences as well as from the top players and best practices. The engagement of young enthusiasts, volunteers, members and supporters is multiplying the effect of the knowledge transfer activities, while the results of the projects developed to satisfy needs, combined to the innovation emerging from spontaneous but realistic desires, are improving the quality of life of our stakeholders.
Informo has 16 years of experience implementing the Professional Improvement Program as the Croatian National Contact Point of the European Projects Association. Informo also acts as one of 3 Local contact points in Croatia for the Programme Erasmus for Young entrepreneurs, active in 4 cycles of the programme. The Association was as well a pioneer in Croatia as Receiving, Sending and Coordinating Organization of the European Voluntary Service. During 14 years of our work, more than 100 foreign young enthusiasts spent periods, from 2 months to up to 2 years, at the Association’s headquarters in the Business Incubator of the City of Vodnjan - Dignano. Following the work of top national and European experts, this multidisciplinary team composed by heterogeneous individuals, developed several projects. Learning from various examples, deepening theory and turning it into practice helped to create and maintain a reputation based on the quality of the approach and solidity of results. The participation in bilateral and multilateral partnerships brought us a chance to exploit local achievements at global level. At national level, Informo's projects were funded by the cities of Buje-Buie and Vodnjan-Dignano, the Region of Istria, the Croatian Ministries of Science and Education, Social Policies and Youth, Tourism, as well as the National Foundation for the Development of the Civil Society. At international level the projects were supported by the World Bank and the European Commission through different programs as the Instrument for Pre-Accession Cross Border Cooperation programs, Interreg IV, Interreg V-B Adrion, Intelligent Energy Europe, Europe for Citizens, COSME and Erasmus+. Through different projects, a variety of educational and training programs for adults and youth are implemented, involving local, regional, national, European and international stakeholders active in different fields. Particularly addressing to marginalized groups as unemployed youth and mothers, cultural and linguistic minorities, disabled people, elders, as well as social workers from public and private sectors, Informo is boosting the social economy and generating development. The different projects are tightly linked in order to provide sustainability and continuity of the initiative.

Main Projects / Activities

Informo is currently involved in the following projects:
YEIM- Young Entrepreneurs in Motion, a project implemented through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme from 2017. The project focuses on facilitating exchange of skills and knowledge between young and experienced entrepreneurs by providing financial support to the young entrepreneurs and support to the experienced ones. The project partners are: UNINOVA (ES), CCI Paris (FR), Vamos Scotland (UK), CCI Badajoz (ES), ICT Cluster (BG), Project Ahead (IT), Logos (IT), Bohemia EU Planners (CZ).
ECOVINEGOALS- a project implemented through the Interreg Adrion Programme, started in April 2020. The ECOVINEGOALS project promotes the sustainability and resilience of the viticulture and wine sector by encouraging the transition from intensive viticultural systems to agri-environmental management systems that operate on the principle of landscape conservation. The project also aims to encourage all stakeholders to participate more intensively in the development of local planning documentation and decision-making at the local level, and to build and strengthen international cooperation. The leading partner of the project is LAG EASTERN VENICE from Italy. Other partners are: Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy), Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry and Research Center of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenia), Agency for Rural Development of Istria and Association for Employment Promotion - INFORMO (Croatia), Development Business Center Kragujevac (Serbia) , Municipality of Bar and Business start up center Bar (Montenegro) and Mediterranean Agronomic Institute from Chania (Crete, Greece).
Universities for EU projects- a project implemented through the Erasmus + Programme from 2017. . Informo is the coordinator of a Consortium of 9 Universities from Croatia- PAR, University of Pula, Zagreb Univeristy of Applied Sciences, The Polytechnic o Šibenik, Polytechnic in Požega, Libertas International University, Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechncic, VERN, School of Economy and Management Zagreb. The project is enabling students to realize professional practice in the field of European projects.
INTERNATURAL- an European Solidarity Corpse project implemented from 2019. The project hosts 6 volunteers from all over Europe in Vodnjan in order to work on sustainable development of this rural community while enhancing the knowledge and skills of the volunteers.
Stop Fake-Start thinking-a project implemented under the Media Literacy Programme, started in March 2020. It's aim is to educate general public on how to recognize fake news and navigate through mainstream media. The project partners are European Projects Association (BE), Res Publica (LT), Centre for international relations (PL).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association INFORMO is already working with young people on a daily basis and giving them not only a voice, but also a set of tools, skills and knowledge to help them manage the education system, internships, labour market and everything that comes with young adulthood. We pay special attention to young people coming from fewer opportunities. We can contribute to the network by continuing and improving our work with young people, but also by helping to create a more positive and inclusive discourse between the civil society organisations, policy makers and other stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network in order to share and develop ideas, projects and programmes with likeminded individuals, institutions and organizations. Our vision is to be generators of sustainable development and to foster positive changes of great impact. We strongly believe that membership in the ALF network will contribute to our organization getting closer to its vision and vice-versa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tamara Gobo
Contact (2) Full Name
Mihaela Jović
Job Title (2)
Project manager

INNOEM Inovasyon Egitim Muhendislik Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.

National Network

Tavukcu Yolu, Turker Caddesi, No:8, Kat:4
Dudullu - Umraniye


0090 555 858 11 04
Telephone (other)
90 541 858 11 04
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
INNOEM is a private consulting company that manages projects in development and research. Previously INNOEM has run projects under the ABIGEM umbrella for development in 6 Turkish cities that are priorities in Turkish development. Also, INNOEM got grants from the Turkish Research Organization, TUBITAK, for her projects on SME promotion. Currently, there are 5 employees that work at INNOEM full-time and 6 master's degree students working part-time. In 2010, the semi - year gross earnings are 120 000 € and INNOEM is capable of running internationally funded projects. Of the 5 people employed by INNOEM, 1 holds a PhD degree, other 2 hold master's degrees and the rest 2 hold BS degrees. INNOEM gives training under the Enterprise Europe Network in all over Turkey and previously helped German Steinbeis run their 3,5 M € project in Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

INNOEM's mission is to help Turkish development through giving support to disadvantageous groups by using innovation as a means. INNOEM believes that innovation is a fundamental component of growth and will end up in creating jobs and increasing living standards. Instead of direct funding, INNOEM is for supporting disadvantageous groups by training them in entrepreneurship, women empowerment, networking and on the job training. For this mission INNOEM has closely worked with uneducated women, workers and SMEs.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are:
- trainings
- NGO support
- on the job training preparation
- networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Fulya Kasap
Head of the organisation
Mr Ahmet Feyzioglu