
ZAVOD MEDGENERACIJSKE VZAJEMNOSTI, zavod za vzpodbujanje medgeneracijskega sodelovanja

National Network

Pleterje 66, 2324 Lovrenc na Dravskem polju
Lovrenc na Dravskem polju

00386 31 686 290
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Institute of Intergenerational Dialgoue (ZMV) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that educates young people about environmental issues, solutions, and the use of green technologies. ZMV is a pioneering organisation in the field of international youth development work and volunteering. We support ethical volunteering. Ethical volunteering can be divided into two categories: volunteering with good intentions without seeking personal gain, and selecting the right volunteer abroad programme and company that does not harm the community in which it operates. However, we also focus on ethical volunteering from the perspective of volunteers, where we use programmes that provide financial compensation to cover the living expenses of youth, particularly those with fewer opportunities. We invest in international programmes that promote long-term and inclusive volunteering opportunities for all young people. We worked with youth organisations in Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Lebanon. We believe in our work with youth to promote environmental and human peace.


Our institute achieves its goals through a series of workshops that include both young and old people.The institute hosts several interactive and themed events. The main focus of its work is collaboration with other related NGOs.


In 2013, our Institute expanded its collaboration from non-governmental organisations to governmental organisations, particularly in the regional area, where it has established itself as a key reference NGO in the field of environmental protection. This year, our institute has focused on the collaboration of environmental experts with entrepreneurs who use green technologies in their business processes. We want to encourage other entrepreneurs to make their work processes more environmentally conscious based on their good practices. The Institute of Intergenerational Dialogue's associates advise them on how to obtain the financial resources provided by the European Union for this purpose.

Mission and Objectives

The institution is organising projects to promote intergenerational solidarity and quality of leisure among elderly with cooperation with young people. Our mission is to to connect two different generations through number of activities which will bring together individuals from different generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Our institution is organising various courses and workshops in the field of culinary arts, fine arts, computer literacy, gardening and projects on many other areas. We were hosting international projects in terms of reading clubs, movie nights, board games, sports events, study circles, cultural lectures, lectures in the field of health and relationships, and more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our colleagues are very well experienced in that field and are willing to share their experiences in purpose to improve voluntary work in the field of intergenerational solidarity and mutual understanding. We will contribute to the Network with organising project with other member of the Network with similar mission and objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want expend our national and international organisation network in the field of intergenerational solidarity and cooperation between elderly and young people for better co-existence in multicultural society. We want to expend our field especially in euro-med region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Tominc
Head of the organisation
Maja Tominc

Zavod Most povezave Evropa-Afrika

National Network

Cvetkov trg 1
2250 Ptuj

+386 27 718 201
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+386 30 252 680
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 31 864 505
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The institute Zavod Most povezave Evropa-Afrika Ptuj was created to facilitate exchange between the two continents in the fields of culture, the economy, the ecology, and human development. On the basis of the various years of experience, we established the Institute with which we can achieve our goals. The institute has two founding member, who constitute the collegial direction. A European and an African. And five members, selected according to their profile. The Institute shall acquire resources for work: By contributions from the founders,the fees, sponsorship,subsidies, gift of citizens and volunteering, grants, through voluntary contributions, from legacies and bequests, from public tenders, their own activities.
Mission and Objectives

The Institute will carry out activities for the area:
The cultural, economic, humanitarian and ecological activity, promotion of culture between Slovenia and Africa, promotion of intercultural dialogue, cooperation on humanitarian and development activities

Main Projects / Activities

organization of shows, meetings and events, cultural performances, cultural workshops promote fair trade and responsible and sustainable tourism, support exchanges in the field of education, economic information, help for sale a variety of goods

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have good relations with NGOs, institutes, associations and public authorities in Slovenia and Africa.
We have good experience in the above mentioned sectors

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network, because we can better achieve our goals if we work with organizations that have the same worldview.

Contact (1) Full Name
Idrissa Wade
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Idrissa Wade
Contact (2) Full Name
Ivica Ličen
Job Title (2)

Zavod O, Zavod škofjeloške mladine

National Network
+386 31 867 910
+3864 512 78 81
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Zavod O, Zavod škofjeloške mladine is non-profit local youth organization of the city of Škofja Loka. Zavod O seeks to create the optimum environment for the overall spiritual, intellectual and physical development of young people between 16 and 30 years old. It is made for the purpose of supporting, organizing and establishing of youth activities in the areas of culture, informatics and informational youth service, youth leisure, sport, tourism, voluntary work, international youth activities and publishing. Zavod O was registered in year 2000 and it is highly connected to the local student club. Both of them together have about 65 persons of active staff, 850 yearly approved members and more than 4000 users of their services in the town with 22.040 inhabitants and 2414 young people between 14 to 28 years old. Škofja Loka is a town close to Ljubljana and usually students studying in Ljubljana come home in the evening.
Mission and Objectives

Info-point with computer and multipurpose classroom: Info-point is daily used as administrative and youth informational service. We provide free internet surfing, computer classes, in-calling internet access point, video and audio recording, designing of the web-pages. Web page: http://www.pulsar.si/
Art studio CLOBB: Provides art studio and equipment for art, graphic and photographic youth activities. We organize all kinds of art workshops. Web page: http://www.ateljeclobb.org/
Youth cultural centre Red Oyster: Has cultural program of concerts, theatre, workshops, multimedia presentations. Centre provides place and technical support for young groups, DJ-s and actors r own and culture production. Web page: http://www.ostriga.org/

Main Projects / Activities

We run a few youth projects, which are held out of our infrastructure places in the other parts of the town. We organize at least fifteen different kinds of youth projects per year, which are not a part of our regular activities. Some of our significant events:
Grajski vitraž – set of concerts held in premises of Škofja Loka castle (2008/2009 - ninth season), Mesto v Barvah – parade of art exhibitions, workshops and sport activities for children, theater, concerts in main square of Škofja Loka. Dijaški živ žav – big parade organized every year in the end of school year for high school students. The program is composed of different sport activities, social program and concerts. Attendance: 700 people. Povečava – presentations of interesting artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matjaž Vouk
Head of the organisation
Matjaž Vouk
Contact (2) Full Name
Jelka Jelovšek Srebot

Zavod Otok

National Network

Zavod Otok; Dobrava pri Kostanjevici 2, 8311 Kostanjevica na Krki
Kostanjevica na Krki

040 377 926
Telephone (other)
040 657 015
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- Non- Governmental Organization - Private institution - municipal funds; own resources; donations - local associations; institutions;community; Interstate cooperation with HR (Samobor; Zaprešič; Krapina; Istra)
Mission and Objectives

Intercultural cooperation
pomen dvojezičnosti in prepoznavnost

Main Projects / Activities

uskoki in čačarščina
zametek slovenščine
medkulturno sodevanje

Contact (1) Full Name
Branka Urek
Head of the organisation
Vesna Hrovat
Contact (2) Full Name
Vesna Hrovat

Zavod Petra Pan Film

National Network

1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
HOME Home is where we are! Petra Pan Film is located in Ljubljana (Slovenia). It was founded in 2003 by the film director Petra Seliškar and the director of photography Brand Ferro. Together, they have produced and coproduced several films for cinema and TV in Slovenia, Macedonia and beyond. In 2008 PPFP Macedonia was established. Both companies produce creative documentaries and art house fiction films for the Balkans and the international market. 
Mission and Objectives

The films that Petra Pan Film produces are not only strongly committed to cinema form and content but also related to well-thought-out topics. Moreover, the films that Petra Pan Film stands behind display an individual vision and authorship. We initiate ideas and collaborate with authors, distributors and co-producers by supporting their objectives and contributing to their success.
Every film we produce has to widen our horizons. It has to change our views and our life as well.
In 2010 Petra Pan has established the MAKEDOX FILM FESTIVAL, a creative documentary film festival in Skopje, Macedonia.
Our production policy is to work internationally. Therefore, we are part of the BALKAN DOCUMENTARY DISTRIBUTION NETWORK that focuses on high-quality films from the region as well as on films that aim to create better world for the next generations.
Our company’s long-term focus on youth and develop creativity trough documentary film education: CREATIVE HOUSE.

Main Projects / Activities

Documentary films edutaction , creativity 
Petra Pan Film Production is a Slovenian film production company founded in 2003. In 2009 the Macedonian branche PPFP was funded.  The company produces creative documentaries and art house fiction films for the international market. Petra Pan is a dynamic and ambitious international group of people focusing on a strong author's signature and a high artistic profile in every field of filmmaking. Aiming to produce a high quality innovative films internationaly. Petra Pan has co-produced over 20 international documentaries and feature films  among them are Mosar United with Stefilm  and Fire and water by Kiro Urdin, 18 Meals by Jorhe Coira , The grandmothers of revolution”, documentary film,( IDFA Joris Evens competition ) Movimenta Italy , Restart Croatia, Golden Girsls Austria, Dribbling pintures Srebia…..“
Petra Pan is fonder of Makedox creative documentari film festival as well as partner in Balakan documentari distribuitone network.
Fonder and Director of Petra Pan Film production is filmmaker, Petra Seliskar a director- producer and Brand Ferro DOP and producer.
The grandmothers of revolution, documentary film,( IDFA Joris Evens competition ) Petra Pan is fonder of Makedox creative documentari film festival as well as partner in Balakan documentari distribuitone network

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My goal is to conect the east and est not just in my country but in general.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think is a priveledge to be in copany of network like ALF and we can benefit from it as much sa the network can from us. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Seliskar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Petra Seliskar and Brand Ferro

Zavod Povod

National Network

Čučkova ulica 3
2250 Ptuj

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Križanič
Job Title
Head of the Organisation

Zavod Radio Študent

National Network

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Structure: 5 employees, 200 authors and students creating radio program and working on specific projects Budget: cca. 400.000 - 500.000 EUR per year Sources of funding: Student organization of University of Ljubljana, local, national and international open calls for proposal, audio production and marketing, donations and sponsorships Modalities of action: - media program in the fields of music, arts, humanities, politics and information, higher education and student questions and minority social groups produced by four specific editorial boards; - musical festivals, music production and publishing; - public events like exhibitions, round tables, conferences, fair of music publishers ... - live broadcasts with audience and cultural events - trainings for media and cultural production, new media and fundraising for young people and specific social minority groups (Roma, migrants and ethnic minorities); - audio & video production and synchronization, visuals and overall graphic design.
Mission and Objectives

RADIO STUDENT is a non-profitable culturally & socially differentiated urban community radio-station and cultural organization whose primary objective is to promote the interests of social and cultural minorities as well as the interests of the student community.
Programme contents of our radio programme include all types of information and author’s contributions, the purpose of which is to inform as well as satisfy educational, scientific, expert, artistic, cultural and other needs of the student and broader population.
We promote freedom of providing information, inviolability and protection of the human person and human dignity, the free flow of information and openness to different opinions, the freedom of artistic expression, independence of the programme contents from the sources of funding, the autonomy of journalists in exercising their work and the respect for journalistic ethics.
The management functions of director and editor-in-chief are incompatible with membership of any political party at home or abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main current and past projects/activities are:
- Student Urban Media and Trainings Platform 2012-2013 – selected production of all 4 editorial boards – Music, Arts&Humanities, Politics&Current Affairs and University
- Trainings for students and other young people for broadcast moderators and audio technicians
- Trainings for students and other young people in diverse fields of radio journalism, web journalism and video production
- Student Information Programme
- Student Culture and Arts Programme
- D.E.P.R.A. Re-eventing the European Parliament – Re-inventing and Developing Ideas on European Parliament, Politics and Citizenship through a series of Cultural Events of Radio Student
- D.E.P.R.A.2 – Events on European Parliament, Radio Actualization – live radio broadcasts, media summer school for teenagers, storytelling events on Sakharov award winners, round tables on media, education, culture and politics
- Radio Nove Fužine - School radio as a space of media engagemant and cultural convergence (training of Elementary School pupils in the fields of basic radio knowledge, journalism, broadcasting, sound-engineering, web and new media, multimedia and video)
- Musical Lighthouse of Radio Student 2010-2013 (music festival and fair, contest and concert tour for young alternative music bands, airing of studio and live concerts of less known bands and DJs)
- RADAR - open radio experimental art platform (promotion and production in the intermedia art field)
- Radio Student Publishing House (promotion alternative music groups by publishing their work)
- EUREPA - development of economic-political alternatives in the European Union (journalistic research and reportages on alternative economic models and practices)
- ROKA - Roma culture and administration (trainings for Roma in the field of media, project coordination and administration)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organization we could provide knowledge and know-how in different fields of our projects and activities. We also have a basis of over 200 co-workers that are mainly students and young intellectuals with wide spectrum of knowledge and expertise in the above mentioned fields of interest.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the ALF Network for the cooperation and networking with organizations of wider European area including the Mediterranean. We think it is important to bond with organizations which have similar views and activities as we do, so we can exchange experiences and good practices trough development of common project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Mohorič
Head of the organisation
Robert Mohorič

Zavod Sploh

National Network

Bezenškova 18

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Zavod Sploh is a private non-for-profit cultural organisation. Sploh Institute has an artistic director and producer and co-operates with several authors: Tao G.Vrhovec Sambolec, Primož Čučnik, Luka Juhart, Ana Pepelnik, Marjan Stanič, Luka Zagoričnik etc. Budgetary resources available in a year 46.000 €. Sources of funding: Ministry of culture RS, City of Ljubljana. Modalities of action: music and performing arts production, publishing and education (workshops) Main partners: En-Knap, Španski borci, L'Innomable, Menza pri Koritu, Radio Slovenija, Radio Študent
Mission and Objectives

The cooperation and collaboration of representatives from various creative backgrounds and fields (from classical to sub-cultural) enables the fusion and surpassing of musical genres. The program of Zavod Sploh is based on sound experimentation.
With the interaction of variation and dissimilitude, the aim is to attain an exchange of experience, to encourage curiosity and investigation, communication and openness to projecting. With continued efforts and genre diversity, we wish to connect a variety of public all together in one place.

Main Projects / Activities

Sploh Institute was established for art production and publishing. It engages in music and performing arts production, publishing and education. Sploh Institute has produced the projects of the music groups TILT, ALZHEIMER3 and CPG IMPRO, and published several CDs (DVOJNIK, TILT,UDARNIK,NEPRETRGANOST... ).
Sploh Institute is organizing concerts in the framework of CON-FINE APERTO, series of music/dance improvisations NEFORMA and music workshops. The workshop series focuses on creating sound textures and musical structures with the help of live digital sound processing and acoustic-traditional instruments. The concept is of an open sound event that is founded on the fundaments of improvisation, interaction among musicians from diverse backgrounds and a structured approach to the organization of sound.
The workshop is supposed to: propagate creativity in the field of sound and sound processing; enable new insight into different tools, techniques and approaches to the expression of music and sound; proffer new chances to experiment in the field of sound; bring the principles of creative processing to greater awareness and encourage the connecting of creators in the field of musical performance.
Performing arts projects: Gross, When I grow up, i'll be a performance, Offcuts, Overheard, Composition for accordion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Špela Trošt
Head of the organisation
Tomaž Grom

Zavod Tri

National Network

Tavčarjeva 18a
4220 Škofja Loka

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Our main goal is ENCOURAGING AND IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY PRACTICES. In Institute Three we have currently three employees. Our office is occasionally used as co-working space and also as social space which means that we are organizing local and regional events. We are aiming to be a part of vibrant international community with variation of projects according to our goal, capacities, potencial and wishes. With participating in international projects we would like to ensure the transfer and sharing of knowledge and skills. Currently we have cca. 80 000 € of yearly budget, main income is from European Social Fund. Biggest project is a Regional support network for NGOs in north-west Slovenia. We are also implementing smaller and more activist-oriented actions for gender equality and intercultural understanding.. Our main partners are NGOs from the region and from Slovenia and we are establishing a network of partners from international environment.
Mission and Objectives

Institute Three is: -implementing REGIONAL SUPPORT NETWORK FOR NGOs IN GORENJSKA (REGION OF NW SLOVENIA). We are providing supportive environment for regional and local NGOs. We are implementing counseling, training, mentoring for NGOs in the way that they can develop their full potential; we are cooperating with local communities to encourage them towards more transparent and supportive measures towards NGOs; we are cooperating with regional development agencies to plan future development of the region; on the national level we are cooperating with other networks; we developing cross-sectoral connections and cooperation; we are researching possibilities of innovative financing for NGOs and connections between NGOs and social entrepreneurship.
Our focus themes for the next four years is: refugees, gender equality, youth, cultural NGOs, tourism and other business with impact and/or social responsibility etc.
- implementing PILOT PROJECT OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP by founding a Knitting Cooperative. Inside the Cooperative we are connecting and networking experts in management, design and artisans to create, produce and market innovative Slovenian wool products; we are trying out new economies and innovative financing; we are connecting local community with events which are focusing on transfering of skills and knowledge

Main Projects / Activities

- Regional support network for NGOs in north-west Slovenia - project Grozd
- Pilot project of social entrepreneurship: Knitting Cooperative Breja preja 
- Within Breja preja we are also implementing weekly knitting meeting with women refugees and locals and building international network of partner NGOs to develop a project together.
- Avenue of prominent women in Škofja Loka - activist action for reaching recognition of women and gender equality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to network with our different approach, fresh ideas and regional involvement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to contribute with some meaningful projects and/or project ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
NIna Arnuš
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Ana Pintar
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Pintar
Job Title (2)

Zavod Voluntariat

National Network

Resljeva 20

+3861 2391623
+3861 2391626
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Zavod Voluntariat is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. Voluntariat is a member of world-wide international organization and peace movement Service Civil International (SCI), including more than 70 partner organizations organizing international voluntary projects and other activities all over the globe. SCI has consultative status with the Council of Europe, operational relations with UNESCO and is a member of: CCIVS: Coordinating Committee of International Voluntary Service Organizations, YFJ: Youth Forum Jeunesse AVSO: Association of Voluntary Service Organizations and UNITED for Intercultural Action. Zavod Voluntariat is self sustainable organization, funds are raised from local, state and EU funds (Municipality of Ljubljana, Ministry for work and social affairs, Youth in Action, Europe for Citizen, Norwegian founds etc.) Our yearly budget is around 100.000 €. Voluntariat employs 2 full time staff, 3 part time staff and more than 15 active volunteers. The work is monitored by Zavod’s council.
Mission and Objectives

Voluntariat organizes training for volunteers and other people in order to spread the understanding of the ideals of voluntary work and multiculturalism; organizes voluntary work together with local groups, which work in the area of nature conservation, peace education, culture, help to disadvantaged etc.; analyses and evaluates all its work, taking into account both the local and global context in which it is carried out; offers and spreads the information about voluntary work in Slovenia and other countries; joins international actions which promote co-operation between people of different nations, religions, cultures and political beliefs, convinced that such understanding of others can lead to non-violent resolutions of conflicts.
Voluntariat aims to promote social justice, sustainable development, international understanding and solidarity, through voluntary service. We consider international voluntary work as a useful tool for personal growth of individuals, promotion of social justice, intercultural learning and education for peace and tolerance.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:
• Organizing and managing international volunteer projects focusing on solidarity, global justice, multiculturalism, human rights, etc.
• Organizing trainings for volunteers and wider public in order to spread understanding of ideas of voluntary work, global education, multiculturalism etc.
• Raising public awareness on human rights, equality, etc. through different campaigns and actions using different tools (seminars, round tables, street actions, media, cultural events etc.)
• joining international actions that promote co-operation among various nations, cultures, political beliefs etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Urska Hartman