Initiative of Youth with Disabilities of Boka

National Network

Stari grad br. 454
85330 Kotor
الجبل الأسود

+382 (0) 69 504 974
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The IYDB is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, which unites all children, youth and adults with all types of disablement, as well as other citizens who are concerned with improving the status of these persons in society. The work of the IYDB is based on a human rights approach to disability.The IYDB operates at local, national and international level.
IYDB employs one person with disability (PWD) and engages five associates.
Last year's budget was 5.800,00 € provided by the Municipality of Kotor, the US Embassy in Podgorica and other NGOs.
The activities of IYDB are concerned with human rights of PWDs, especially those multiply discriminated such as: women, children, Roma with disabilities etc.The main activities include: empowering PWDs, various educational activities for different target groups, awareness raising and media campaigns, publishing the educational and promotional materials, providing free legal aid and support services for PWDs and their families etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the NGO is ’’The initiative of Youth with Disabilities of Boka promotes and contributes to equal status of children, youth and adults with disablement in society, through initiatives and activities for establishment of legal, cultural, political, economic and social framework which enables it.’’.
The vision of the IYDB is “The society where persons with disablement live securely, enjoying the independency, equality and dignity.”.
The objectives of the IYDB are:
-To include children, youth and adults with disablement in all segments of social and economic life, especially in the field of education, employment, health, social and child protection, information, political and public activities, culture, sports, leisure activities, etc.;
- To support and empower children, youth and adults with disablement to fully and on an equal basis with others enjoy their rights and freedoms, utilize their potentials and recognize and meet their needs;
- To create conditions for the independent living of children, youth and adults with disablement;
- To achieve a satisfactory level of public awareness of human rights, equality, needs and potentials of children, youth and adults with disablement;
- To enable the full and effective enjoyment of the rights and freedoms of children, women, Roma and other multi-discriminated persons with disablement on an equal basis with others.

Main Projects / Activities

As newly registered NGO, the IYDB has initiated implementation of two projects and expects the approval of a few other projects.
The first approved project ’’Women and girls with disabilities for their equality’’ has started in August 2019. and will last until September 2020. The overall goal of the project is: “To contribute to decrease of multiple discrimination and violence against women and girls with disabilities (W&GWDs) in Montenegro.”. Specific aim of the project is: “To initiate data based action planning by relevant stakeholders and to empower W&GWDs and members of their families to work on the solutions of issues of W&GWDs.”, through following activities: Data collection about multiple discrimination and violence against W&GWDs and support needed by them and their families; The Research report; Education of W&GWDs and their families; Media and advocacy campaign and The event “March 8th in the light of W&GWDs”. The target groups are W&GWDs, their families, NGOs dealing with human rights, relevant state institutions, media, international subjects and entire society.

The second approved project ’’Independent and active persons with disabilities’’ started in May 2020. and will last until October 2020.The overall goal of the project is: ’’To contribute to increase of social inclusion of PWDs and economic growth in Montenegro, through employment of unemployed persons on jobs related to providing personal assistance and other support to PWDs.’’. The specific goal of this project is: ’’To contribute to the independence of at least 15 PWDs and prevention of their social exclusion through employment of 4 unemployed persons from the evidence of the Labour Agency of Montenegro on temporary jobs related to providing personal assistance and other support to PWDs during the period of 4 months.’’.
The main activities of the IYDB are listed in the Article 10 of the Statute, which we have uploaded here.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The IYDB was founded by three young PWDs who have decided to use their experience, knowledge and skills which they have aquired through many years of activism in the disability field in order to improve the status of PWDs through new, fresh and inovative approach. As one of the pioneers of disability movement in Montenegro we contributed to visibility and inclusion of PWDs in mainstream processes. That way we have influenced and still impact our society to accept and honour PWDs as active citizens of it.
Through membership in the ALF Network, we expect that our impact on national level will be stronger and spread to other members of the Network in Montenegro, as we could exchange our experience and inspire each other for future inovative actions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Founders, associates and members of the IYDB have participated in many international projects and activities dedicated to disability rights or human rights in general. This includes the Summer school in Istanbul in September 2013 organized by ALF. That was a great opportunity to get an insight about the Network’s activities and to develop new partnerships in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
We expect to contribute the status of PWDs in our country and other countries of this region through exchange of our experience, knowledge and skills. On the othe side, the various social contexts and field of work which are targetted by members of ALF can provide us with solutions that could be implemented in the disability area.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Miroslava-Mima Ivanović
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Miroslava-Mima Ivanović