The association "Brenguļu Youth Council"

National Network

"Kaimiņi" Brenguļi, Brenguļu pagasts Beverīnas novas, Latvia, LV-4245
Beverīnas novads (Valmiera),

+371 28653482
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+371 28653482
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Four members of the Board shall be chaired by the Society, one of which is the elected leaders. The association has about 15 members in total. Until this society is organised and chaired the sports and cultural events, various types of activities for children up to 16 years. We have taken part in various seminars, the Youth in Action Programme, as well as have implemented the LEADER project to buy sports equipment for local development and employment. A great deal of support, the county population enhancement provides us with the local government, as well as attached in addition to the money through projects. We have entered into a contract with the local government, which helps us both in financial and material (on the premises and equipment used on the premises of the county we have to pay).
Mission and Objectives

The association aims at:
1. Promote Brenguļu of youth initiatives and participation in decision-making and social life.
2. A multifaceted personality development, education and leisure of county residents.
Tulkošanas virziens:
Biedrībā vada četri valdes locekļi no kuriem viens ir ievēlēts par to vadītāju. Kopā biedrībā ir aptuveni 15 dalībnieki. Biedrības mērķis ir:
1. Veicināt Brenguļu jauniešu iniciatīvas un līdzdalību lēmumu pieņemšanā un sabiedriskajā dzīvē.
2. Daudzpusīgu personību pilnveidošana, izglītības un brīvā laika pavadīšanas iespēju nodrošināšana novada iedzīvotājiem.
Līdz šim biedrība ir organizējusi un vadījusi sporta un kultūras pasākumus, dažāda veida aktivitātes bērniem līdz 16 gadiem. Esam piedalījušies dažāda veida semināros "Jaunatne darbībā" ietvaros, kā arī esam īstenojuši LEADER projektu, lai iegādātos sporta inventāru vietējo iedzīvotāju attīstībai un nodarbinātībai.
Šobrīd vēlamies augt, piesaistīt vairāk jauniešu un iesaistīt tos dažādās aktivitātēs, tai skaitā starpkultūru apmaiņā, brīvprātīgais darbs, utt.
Four members of the Board shall be chaired by the Society, one of which is the elected leaders. The association has about 15 members in total. The association aims at:
1. Promote Brenguļu of youth initiatives and participation in decision-making and social life.
2. A multifaceted personality development, education and leisure of county residents.
Until this society is organised and chaired the sports and cultural events, various types of activities for children up to 16 years. We have taken part in various seminars, the Youth in Action Programme, as well as have implemented the LEADER project to buy sports equipment for local development and employment.
We want to grow, attract more young people and to involve them in various activities, including intercultural exchanges, voluntary work, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to gain experience in project management started with a small, local projects to improve the local inhabitants and the county guest access to the source. Funding for the project came from the Dutch background and local government co-financing. The total project amount 750 EUR. The conclusion of this project received "Best project" prize (EUR 500), which izmantojomām table games for young people. Photos from this project, you can see our blog, which said earlier.
When experience was obtained and implemented immediately jumped LEADER projects above EUR 15000.00 (EUR 21343) and multi-purpose sports complex new equipment involved, from the trainers and gym mats. The project was concluded prior to the month. Further information on the blog.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

When we are in some kind of seminars we can talk with youth leaders in Latvia. We can put a information in different web pages and do everything what is possible to help each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because it is something new for us and it is a possibility to start something new and interesting, it is a great opportunity have to met new youth leaders and together make a big, great ideas have to help each other and change whit cultural issues, ect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lelde Vilka
Head of the organisation
Lelde Vilka