
National Network
مقدونيا الشمالية

bul. Vidoe Smilevski Bato 35/2-20
1000 Skopje
مقدونيا الشمالية

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

CET platforma Skopje is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental association of citizens with mission to: strengthen civil society on local, national and European level, promote and protect the human rights, perform activities which encourage moral and civic values, strengthen inter-ethnic relations, empower youth in society, advocate for social inclusion of vulnerable groups, promote non-formal education and offer support, education, training and mobility opportunities to young people. CET platforma Skopje is established in January 2016 by young, motivated, competent and experienced youth workers, leaders, activists and experts who are active in the civil sector and youth work from 2008. CET platforma Skopje is the Macedonian branch of CET platform network that has member organisations in Serbia, Croatia, Poland, Montenegro, Slovenia, Kosovo, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Latvia. CET platforma Skopje at the moment has 25 active members and 5 volunteers who belong to different ethnic, religious or gender groups that live in North Macedonia. The members have different backgrounds and experiences, but many of them are active in youth work, non-formal education and grass-roots activism from 2008. Our members have been participants, coordinators or organisers of various local, national and international projects on different topics within different programmes such as: Youth in Action, Europe for Citizens, No Hate Speech Movement and Erasmus+. Most of the members have been volunteers or worked for other non-profit youth organisations in the past and have huge experience in preparing, managing and organising local and international activities. Few members have been EVS volunteers in different countries. Most of the members have a university diploma and have finished or still studying in various departments of different faculties. CET platform Skopje is a full member of the following European networks: 1) Transnational United Network in Europe, 2) Youth ProActive Coalition, and 3) Become Yourself Network and the following national networks: 1) Youth counter violence, 2) Community Investment Platform, and 3) Network of NGOs from Municipality of Aerodrom for career guidance and promotion of youth participation.

Mission and Objectives

The vision of CET platforma is to fulfil a broader social interest, to act and achieve objectives in the areas of civil society, democratic order and institutions, civic values, human rights, media, non-formal education and vulnerable categories of citizens in society. We strive to stimulate and sustain the personal, professional and social development of the local youth and to foster their active and responsible participation in educational, social, cultural, political and economic life in the communities they live in. We aim through our work and activities to provide space for intercultural learning and to give opportunities to youth to personally develop during the activities we prepare for them. To achieve the mission and vision, CET platforma’s main objectives and areas of work are: - Development of civil society, democracy and democratic institutions; - Promotion and protection of human rights, civic values and rights of vulnerable groups of citizens in society; - Strengthening of interethnic and interreligious relations and contributing to equality and solidarity in society; - Promotion and protection of media freedoms, rights and standards; - Promotion of non-formal education among citizens, especially among young people; - Support of marginalized people and contributing to their social inclusion in society; - Affirmation of youth in society and stimulating their participation in decision-making; - Offering assistance to local and state institutions in the creation of responsible public policies; - Promotion and development of creativity, innovation, sustainable development and entrepreneurship; - Promotion of philanthropy, volunteerism and active participation of citizens in the social, political and economic life; - Capacity building of civil society at the local and international level; - Establishing cooperation with local and foreign NGOs, foundations, local governments, state institutions and other organisations who share our goals and values

Main Projects / Activities

On a local level, with grants from governmental institutions, the city and different Municipalities of Skopje we have implemented projects for social inclusion of marginalized and vulnerable groups, active participation of young people, employability, gender equality and capacity building of NGO’s working in these fields. Most recent local projects: 1) In the end of 2023, we have started the project “Informed, united and active for a better society”, granted by the Agency for Youth and Sports, that through different activities and workshops will inform and educate civil organisations and young people about EU funding programmes, process of drafting grant proposals, provided space for networking and promoted volunteerism. In first half of 2023, we run the project “With successful communication, to a better educational process!”, granted by the Municipality of Gazi Baba that aimed to improve the quality of the educational process in the part of primary education by improving the communication between teachers, parents and students. In August 2021, in Popova Shapka, we organised the youth exchange “It is all about love” which explored the cultural universal of marriage and wedding ceremonies in different countries as a way for young people to appreciate and learn more about different cultures, traditions and religions. In April and May 2022, in Krushevo, we organised 2 youth exchanges: 1) „Young Online Entrepreneurs” with a main aim to bring together 36 young people and youth leaders in order to introduce them with the philosophy of entrepreneurship and social media platforms as an asset for starting or managing businesses and tools for initiating social changes, 2) "From Hero to Zero" with a main aim to bring together 36 young people and youth leaders from 6 countries in order to introduce them with the concept of entrepreneurship and sports education as one of the solutions for combating youth unemployment. In July 2022, we have hosted youth exchange “Let’s Map It! Intercultural Dialogue in Countryside Areas” that aimed to empower 31 young people, youth leaders and volunteers to use the methodology of “Image Mapping” as tool to engage youth form rural areas and inspire rural development to the hosting communities. In November 2022, we have hosted youth exchange “Be Happy, Be a Polyglot” that aimed to deconstruct the myth that learning new languages is a difficult thing to do and to raise awareness and promote the importance and benefits of learning new languages to 37 young participants and youth leaders. In October 2023, we have hosted the training course “Comedy as a Tool - Enhancing Youth Engagement through Humor” that aimed to improve the competencies and quality of the youth work of 24 youth workers in the fields of communication, facilitation, and youth engagement by using non-formal educational methods and stand-up comedy techniques. We have also been part of 3 Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnerships projects in the field of youth and adult education. We have also been very active as a reliable partner on youth mobility projects. So far, we have sent over 800 young people and youth workers on more than 170 projects abroad that were organised by our partners with the support of Erasmus+.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bojan Kocevski
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Bojan Kocevski
Name of Organisation
CET platforma Skopje