Institute for Social Change - InSoC

National Network
مقدونيا الشمالية

H.T. Karposh no.3
Zivko Brajkovski 3, Gostivar
مقدونيا الشمالية

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

InSoC is governed by a governance board (7 members) and an executive committee (4 members). It is membership-based organization, currently with 2 employees, 3 volunteers, and 13 members. The annual budget in 2023 was 64.000 Euro, funded by different donors, plus services we provided to clients. Primary modality of organizational action is through project implementation, research and capacity building services for CSOs. InSoC partners with CSOs and institutions, currently leading two informal CSO networks on social inclusion and minority rights.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement We actively contribute to social change and an equitable society. InSoC’s initiatives encompass transformative efforts in social structures, behaviors, relationships, groups, and movements, coupled with normative changes to foster core values. The organization’s mission is to facilitate every individual’s realization of their maximum developmental potential, fostering a society harmoniously progressing towards sustainability. InSoC firmly prioritizes democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and investing in human capital. This commitment is further strengthened by employing a human rights-based approach in all its endeavors. The commitment to accountability, empowerment, and equal opportunities, with a specific focus on vulnerable groups, particularly the Roma community, reflects the organization’s dedication to positive change.

Main Projects / Activities

COALITION OF CIVIL ORGANIZATIONS - FORUM OF NON-MAJORITY COMMUNITIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA Project topics • Cooperation of civil organizations that work with smaller communities for their contribution to reducing social polarization. • Increasing their capacity for institutional cooperation, cooperation with relevant institutions of the state and international organizations. • Creating conditions for good governance and social inclusion. • Promotion of the multi-ethnic character of society. • Building trust and coexistence between community members. • Improvement of the environment in which civil society functions and develops, which contributes to democratic management, good governance and social inclusion. ROMA ACTION: CIVIL ENGAGEMENT OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY To contribute towards the creation of proactive and committed local watchdogs who work on mainstreaming Roma issues into local policies while addressing specific problems of the Roma community in Macedonia OUTSIDE THE CIRCLE: INVISIBLE IN SOCIETY The project is in line with the need to strengthen the impact of civil society in public policies and decision-making to influence key reforms for further support of the country in the EU accession processes. ROMA CSO NETWORK: ROMA COMMUNITY’S RESPONSE Roma CSO network, as an active actor in policy-making for Roma in Macedonia had a range of activities across different projects for Roma integration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The following activities would align InSoC's focus on non-majority communities with the Anna Ling Foundation's mission of promoting intercultural and civic dialogue. - Cultural exchange programs: InSoC can organize events that bring together majority and non-majority communities, fostering intercultural dialogue. in addition, we will advance the expertise of the Foundation on Roma social inclusion policies. - Civic education initiatives: Develop workshops and training sessions on democratic processes, emphasizing the importance of civic dialogue across all communities. - Policy research and advocacy: conduct studies on intercultural issues and use the findings to advocate for inclusive policies at local and national levels. - Youth engagement: Create programs targeting young people from diverse backgrounds to promote understanding and collaboration. - Media projects: Develop media campaigns or support local journalists in promoting balanced reporting on intercultural issues. - Capacity building for NGOs: Offer training to other organizations in the region on effective intercultural communication and civic engagement strategies. - Cross-border initiatives: Extend InSoC's work to neighboring countries in the Western Balkans, facilitating regional dialogue and cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The reasons for InSoC wanting to join the Anna Ling Foundation include: 1. Shared values: Both organizations have aligned missions focusing on dialogue and civic engagement. 2. Expanded reach: Joining forces could allow InSoC to extend its influence beyond Macedonia to the wider Western Balkans region. 3. Resource pooling: Collaborating could provide access to learning, the exchange of skills/know how, more funding, expertise, and networks. 4. Enhanced credibility: Associating with an established foundation might boost InSoC's reputation and impact. 5. Knowledge exchange: The partnership could facilitate the sharing of best practices and innovative approaches. 6. Stronger advocacy: A united front might be more effective in promoting democratic culture and the rule of law. 7. Complementary skills: InSoC's focus on non-majority communities could fill a niche within the foundation's broader mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadir Redzepi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Nadir Redzepi
Contact (2) Full Name
Samet Skenderi
Job Title (2)
Program Manager